public static TileMapSettings PreprocessMap(TileMapSettings mapSettings, RandomRoomPlacementSettings settings)
        if (settings.roomsMinWidth < 3)
            settings.roomsMinWidth = 3;
        if (settings.roomsMinHeight < 3)
            settings.roomsMinHeight = 3;
        if (settings.roomsMaxWidth < settings.roomsMinWidth)
            settings.roomsMaxWidth = settings.roomsMinWidth;
        if (settings.roomsMaxHeight < settings.roomsMinHeight)
            settings.roomsMaxHeight = settings.roomsMinHeight;
        if (mapSettings.mapWidth < settings.roomsMaxWidth)
            mapSettings.mapWidth = settings.roomsMaxWidth;
        if (mapSettings.mapHeight < settings.roomsMaxHeight)
            mapSettings.mapHeight = settings.roomsMaxHeight;

    public static EmptyGrid ProcessMap(EmptyGrid map, RandomRoomPlacementSettings settings)
        // Random Generator
        Random.State initialState = Random.state;
        if (settings.useFixedSeed)
        //! Added
        if (settings.isRoomsConnected)

        // Generate random rooms
        List <Room> roomList = GenerateRandomRooms(ref map.width, ref map.height, ref settings);

        // Random room placement on map
        foreach (Room room in roomList)
            //Debug.Log("I'm inside " + room.boundsInt.xMin + " " + room.boundsInt.xMax + " " + room.boundsInt.zMin + " " + room.boundsInt.zMax);
            DrawRectangularRoom(ref map.values, room);

        //! Added
        if (settings.isRoomsConnected)
            List <Line> lines = new List <Line>();
            /// MST
            for (int i = 0; i < roomList.Count - 1; i++)
                int   minIndex    = -1;
                float minDistance = float.MaxValue;
                for (int j = i + 1; j < roomList.Count; j++)
                    //if (j == i)
                    //    continue;
                    float distance = UnityUtilities.Distances.GetManhattanDistance(roomList[i].Midpoint, roomList[j].Midpoint);
                    if (distance < minDistance)
                        minIndex    = j;
                        minDistance = distance;
                Line line = new Line(roomList[i].Midpoint, roomList[minIndex].Midpoint);

            NodeGrid    nodeGrid    = new NodeGrid(ref map);
            Pathfinding pathfinding = new Pathfinding();

            foreach (var item in lines)
                List <Node> path = pathfinding.FindPath(nodeGrid.values[item.start.x, item.start.y], nodeGrid.values[item.end.x, item.end.y], ref nodeGrid, false, true, false);
                foreach (var node in path)
                    map.values[node.x, node.z] = Cell.CreateCell(CellType.Floor);
                    for (int z = node.z - 1; z <= node.z + 1; z++)
                        for (int x = node.x - 1; x <= node.x + 1; x++)
                            if (!nodeGrid.IsOutside(x, z) || (x != z && x != node.x))
                                if (map.values[x, z].cellType == CellType.Empty)
                                    map.values[x, z] = Cell.CreateCell(CellType.Wall);
        ////////List<Corridor> corridors = new List<Corridor>();
        ////////foreach (var room in roomList)
        ////////    map.values[room.CenterX, room.CenterZ] = Cell.CreateCell(CellType.OuterWall);
        ////////// Connect rooms
        ////////while (roomList.Count > 1)
        ////////    Room room = roomList[Random.Range(0, roomList.Count)];
        ////////    roomList.Remove(room);
        ////////    Room room2 = roomList[Random.Range(0, roomList.Count)];
        ////////    roomList.Remove(room2);
        ////////    Corridor corridor = new Corridor(room.GetCenter(), room2.GetCenter(), Direction.Nowhere);
        ////////    //if (Random.value < 0.2f)
        ////////    //{
        ////////        if (Random.value < 0.5f)
        ////////        {
        ////////            roomList.Add(room);
        ////////        }
        ////////        else
        ////////        {
        ////////            roomList.Add(room2);
        ////////        }
        ////////    //}
        ////////    corridors.Add(corridor);
        ////////for (int i = 0; i < corridors.Count; i++)
        ////////    //DrawVerticalCorridor(ref map.values, corridors[i], CellType.Wall, CellType.OuterWall);
        ////////    //DrawHorizontalCorridor(ref map.values, corridors[i], CellType.Wall, CellType.OuterWall);

        // Connect floor tiles that are between single wall
        if (settings.hasCleanup)
            CleanUpRoomPlacement(ref map.values, ref map.width, ref map.height);

        Random.state = initialState;

    private static List <Room> GenerateRandomRooms(ref int mapWidth, ref int mapHeight, ref RandomRoomPlacementSettings settings)
        List <Room> roomList       = new List <Room>();
        int         roomsMinWidth  = settings.roomsMinWidth - 1;
        int         roomsMinHeight = settings.roomsMinHeight - 1;

        //int roomWidth = Random.Range(settings.roomsMinWidth - 1, settings.roomsMaxWidth); // - 1 = because width 3 == 4 tiles
        //int roomHeight = Random.Range(settings.roomsMinHeight - 1, settings.roomsMaxHeight); // not sub 1 from max 'cause Random.Range exclude max (generate range [min;max-1] or [min;max))

        int  roomWidth  = Random.Range(roomsMinWidth, settings.roomsMaxWidth);
        int  roomHeight = Random.Range(roomsMinHeight, settings.roomsMaxHeight);
        int  x          = Random.Range(0, mapWidth - roomWidth);   // 20 - 2 => 18, but tiles will be: 18, 19, 20. That's why we need to sub 1
        int  z          = Random.Range(0, mapHeight - roomHeight); //but - because Random.Range exclude max, we do not need to sub 1
        Room newRoom    = new Room(x, z, roomWidth, roomHeight);

        int roomsCreated          = 0;
        int placementTriesCounter = 0;
        int spawnRestartsCounter  = 0;

        bool canContinuePlacement = true;

        while (canContinuePlacement)
            if (settings.tryToGenerateSpecificAmountOfRooms && (roomsCreated == settings.amountOfRoomsToGenerate))
                canContinuePlacement = false;

            if (placementTriesCounter >= settings.roomPlacementTriesCount)
                if (settings.tryToGenerateSpecificAmountOfRooms && (spawnRestartsCounter < settings.timesToRestartSpawn))
                    roomsCreated          = 0;
                    placementTriesCounter = 0;
                    canContinuePlacement = false;

            roomWidth  = Random.Range(roomsMinWidth, settings.roomsMaxWidth);
            roomHeight = Random.Range(roomsMinHeight, settings.roomsMaxHeight);
            x          = Random.Range(0, mapWidth - roomWidth);
            z          = Random.Range(0, mapHeight - roomHeight);

            bool isOverlapping = false;

            //newRoom.Respawn(x, z, roomWidth, roomHeight);
            newRoom = new Room(x, z, roomWidth, roomHeight);

            foreach (Room room in roomList)
                if (settings.canShareSingleWall ? room.IsOverlappingExclusive(newRoom) : room.IsOverlapping(newRoom))
                    isOverlapping = true;

            if (isOverlapping)
