public Grass1(TeamType team, string region, Vector2 location, ContentManager content, GraphicsDevice graphics) : base(team, content, graphics) { nHitsToDestory = 2; msRespawn = GameOptions.GameDayLengthMs / 2; string objKey = "grass1"; List <Tuple <string, int> > itemDrops = RandomEvents.RandomNPDrops(objKey, 2); drops = ItemUtility.CreateNPInventory(itemDrops, team, region, location, content, graphics); Texture2D textureGrass1 = content.Load <Texture2D>("RevisedGrass1"); Texture2D textureGrass1BB = null; if (Gusto.GameOptions.ShowBoundingBox) { textureGrass1BB = new Texture2D(graphics, textureGrass1.Width, textureGrass1.Height); } Asset Grass1Asset = new Asset(textureGrass1, textureGrass1BB, 2, 1, 0.6f, objKey, region); SetSpriteAsset(Grass1Asset, location); }
IEnumerator PlayRoundCoroutine() { GameState state = GameManager.instance.state; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(.5f)); m_feedControl.Pay(); UpdateFoodCount(); UpdateHappinessCount(); Alert("Feeding the empire..."); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(ALERT_TIME)); m_investControl.Pay(); UpdateMoneyCount(); UpdateHappinessCount(); Alert("Managing investments..."); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(ALERT_TIME)); int taxes = m_MapManager.CollectTaxes(); state.m_Money += taxes; UpdateMoneyCount(); Alert("Collecting taxes..."); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(ALERT_TIME)); int harvest = m_MapManager.HarvestFarms(); if (harvest > 0) { state.m_Food += harvest; UpdateFoodCount(); Alert("Harvesting farms..."); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(ALERT_TIME)); } int mined = m_MapManager.Mine(); if (mined > 0) { state.m_Money += mined; UpdateMoneyCount(); Alert("Carving jade..."); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(ALERT_TIME)); } yield return(StartCoroutine(TileController.ExpandTiles())); if (state.enemyFactions.Count > 0) { foreach (Faction faction in state.enemyFactions) { int count = Random.Range(1, 3); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (faction != Faction.None) { faction.AddSoldier(); } } } Alert("The enemies have expanded their forces!"); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(ALERT_TIME)); foreach (Faction faction in state.enemyFactions) { bool expand = Random.value < Constants.CHANCE_TO_EXPAND; if (expand) { // -1 = unable to siege, 0 = basic expansion, 1 = successful siege to player, 2 = successful siege to nonplayer, 3 = failed siege int result = faction.MaybeSiege(); switch (result) { case 0: Alert("The enemy has expanded their territory!", SIEGE_ALERT_TIME); break; case 1: Alert("The enemy has taken some of your land!", SIEGE_ALERT_TIME); state.m_Happiness += Constants.FAILED_INVADE_HAPPINESS; state.m_Happiness = Mathf.Min(state.m_Happiness, 100); UpdateHappinessCount(); break; case 2: Alert("The enemies fought each other!", SIEGE_ALERT_TIME); break; case 3: Alert("The enemies failed to expand their land...", SIEGE_ALERT_TIME); break; } if (result != -1) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(SIEGE_ALERT_TIME)); } } } } //Random Events if (Random.value < Constants.CHANCE_RANDOM_EVENT) { RandomEvents.RandomEvent randomEvent = RandomEvents.GetEvent(); yield return(StartCoroutine(EventPopup(randomEvent.message))); randomEvent.eventFunc(); Alert(randomEvent.alert); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(ALERT_TIME)); } if (Faction.GetPlayer().TerritoryCount() == 0) { GameManager.instance.LoadLose(); } else if (GameManager.instance.state.m_Happiness <= 0) { StartRebellion(); } else if (GameManager.instance.state.m_Happiness == 100) { GameManager.instance.LoadWin(); } NextRound(); }
private bool willKillHost() { return(RandomEvents.virusWillKillHostByAgeAndHealthIdx(,; }
private void defineWhenImmunityWillSettle() { this.whenImmunityWillSettleInSecs = God.secondsSinceEpoch + RandomEvents.howManySecsSpreadingWillLastByAgeAndHealthIdx(,; }
public BaseShip(TeamType team, string region, Vector2 location, ContentManager content, GraphicsDevice graphics) : base(team, content, graphics) { timeSinceLastTurn = 0; millisecondsPerTurn = 500; // turn speed timeSinceStartAnchor = 0; millisecondsToAnchor = 1000; msToRepair = 5000; millisecondsNewShot = 2000; movementSpeed = 0.2f; timeSinceStartSinking = 0; millisecondToSink = 10000; nSails = 1; fullHealth = 40; health = fullHealth; stopRange = 260f; maxInventorySlots = 5; string objKey = "baseShip"; //MapModelMovementVectorValues(); Texture2D textureBaseShip = content.Load <Texture2D>("BaseShip"); Texture2D textureBaseShipBB = null; if (Gusto.GameOptions.ShowBoundingBox) { textureBaseShipBB = new Texture2D(graphics, textureBaseShip.Width, textureBaseShip.Height); } Asset baseShipAsset = new Asset(textureBaseShip, textureBaseShipBB, 1, 8, 0.6f, objKey, region); // inventory List <Sprite> interiorObjs = null; if (team != TeamType.Player) { List <Tuple <string, int> > itemDrops = RandomEvents.RandomNPDrops(objKey, 5); interiorObjs = ItemUtility.CreateInteriorItems(itemDrops, team, region, location, content, graphics); mountedOnShip = new BaseCannon(teamType, regionKey, GetBoundingBox().Center.ToVector2(), content, graphics); } actionInventory = Enumerable.Repeat <InventoryItem>(null, maxInventorySlots).ToList(); // TEMPORARY -- hardcode basesail to baseship (later on we want base ship to start without a sail) shipSail = new BaseSail(team, region, location, content, graphics); shipSail.millisecondsPerFrame = 500; // match turn speed for sail shipInterior = new Interior("baseShip", this, content, graphics); // set the random drops as interior objects if (interiorObjs != null) { foreach (var obj in interiorObjs) { shipInterior.interiorObjects.Add(obj); // need to do this for containers so they drop items within ship if (obj is IContainer) { Container c = (Container)obj; c.inInteriorId = shipInterior.interiorId; } } } // set wake wake.MaxParticle = 5; wake.WakeDisplacement = 13; SetSpriteAsset(baseShipAsset, location); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { randomEventsList = new RandomEvents(); events = randomEventsList.Events; }
void Start() { //Erdem's manager assignment myBlinkScript = myManager.GetComponent<blinkScript>(); //Cursor.visible = false; SunCenter = GameObject.Find("Center"); Sun = GameObject.Find("Sun"); myCombatClass = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent<Combat>(); resource = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent<Resource>(); randomEvents = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent<RandomEvents>(); BlinkScript = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent<blinkScript>(); HelpUILeft = GameObject.Find("HelpUILeft").GetComponent<Text>(); HelpUIRight = GameObject.Find("HelpUIRight").GetComponent<Text>(); Tips = GameObject.Find("Tips"); MainCamera = GameObject.Find("Main Camera"); UnfocusPos = MainCamera.transform.position; UnfocusRot = MainCamera.transform.rotation; FocusPos = GameObject.Find("FocusPoint").transform.position; FocusRot = GameObject.Find("FocusPoint").transform.rotation; currentUI = UIChoice.MainMenu; MainMenu = GameObject.Find("MainMenu"); MenuPosition = GameObject.Find("MenuPlaceHolder").transform.position; MenuRotation = GameObject.Find("MenuPlaceHolder").transform.rotation; MulitaryUI = GameObject.Find("MulitaryUI"); MulitaryPos = MulitaryUI.transform.position; MulitaryRot = MulitaryUI.transform.rotation; StockUI = GameObject.Find("StockUI"); StockPos = StockUI.transform.position; StockRot = StockUI.transform.rotation; AssignUI = GameObject.Find("AssignUI"); AssignPos = AssignUI.transform.position; AssignRot = AssignUI.transform.rotation; TurnReport = GameObject.Find("TurnReport"); ReportPosition = TurnReport.transform.position; ReportRotation = TurnReport.transform.rotation; FocusLocationPos = GameObject.Find("FocusLocation").transform.position; FocusLocationRot = GameObject.Find("FocusLocation").transform.rotation; CurrentUI = MainMenu; LeftPage = GameObject.Find("MainMenuLeftPage"); RightPage = GameObject.Find("MainMenuRightPage"); SoldierNum = resource.popSoldier; //MulitaryStatusChoice(0); }
//saves a game public static void SaveGame(string name) { //Pause the game so we can save without the clock running :) GameObjectWorker.GetInstance().pause(); string fileName = AppSettings.getCommonApplicationDataPath() + "\\saves\\" + name + ".sav"; Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); SaveObject so = new SaveObject(); Parallel.Invoke(() => { so.airportsList = new List <Airport>(); so.airportsList.AddRange(Airports.GetAllAirports()); }, () => { so.airlinesList = new List <Airline>(); so.airlinesList.AddRange(Airlines.GetAllAirlines()); }, () => { so.airlinersList = new List <Airliner>(); so.airlinersList.AddRange(Airliners.GetAllAirliners()); }, () => { so.calendaritemsList = new List <CalendarItem>(); so.calendaritemsList.AddRange(CalendarItems.GetCalendarItems()); }, () => { so.configurationList = new List <Configuration>(); so.configurationList.AddRange(Configurations.GetConfigurations()); }, () => { so.eventsList = new List <RandomEvent>(); so.eventsList.AddRange(RandomEvents.GetEvents()); }, () => { so.allianceList = new List <Alliance>(); so.allianceList.AddRange(Alliances.GetAlliances()); }, () => { so.Airportfacilitieslist = new List <AirportFacility>(); so.Airportfacilitieslist.AddRange(AirportFacilities.GetFacilities()); }, () => { so.instance = GameObject.GetInstance(); }); DataContractSerializer serializer = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(SaveObject), null, Int32.MaxValue, false, true, null); using (Stream stream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Create)) { using (DeflateStream compress = new DeflateStream(stream, CompressionMode.Compress)) { serializer.WriteObject(compress, so); } } sw.Stop(); }
//loads a game public static void LoadGame(string file) { string fileName = AppSettings.getCommonApplicationDataPath() + "\\saves\\" + file + ".sav"; DataContractSerializer serializer = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(SaveObject)); SaveObject deserializedSaveObject; using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open)) { using (DeflateStream decompress = new DeflateStream(stream, CompressionMode.Decompress)) { deserializedSaveObject = (SaveObject)serializer.ReadObject(decompress); } } //Parrarel for loading the game Parallel.Invoke(() => { Airlines.Clear(); foreach (Airline airline in deserializedSaveObject.airlinesList) { Airlines.AddAirline(airline); } }, () => { Airports.Clear(); foreach (Airport airport in deserializedSaveObject.airportsList) { airport.Statics = new AirportStatics(airport); Airports.AddAirport(airport); } }, () => { Airliners.Clear(); foreach (Airliner airliner in deserializedSaveObject.airlinersList) { Airliners.AddAirliner(airliner); } }, () => { CalendarItems.Clear(); foreach (CalendarItem item in deserializedSaveObject.calendaritemsList) { CalendarItems.AddCalendarItem(item); } Configurations.Clear(); foreach (Configuration configuration in deserializedSaveObject.configurationList) { Configurations.AddConfiguration(configuration); } }, () => { RandomEvents.Clear(); foreach (RandomEvent e in deserializedSaveObject.eventsList) { RandomEvents.AddEvent(e); } }, () => { Alliances.Clear(); foreach (Alliance alliance in deserializedSaveObject.allianceList) { Alliances.AddAlliance(alliance); } }, () => { AirportFacilities.Clear(); foreach (AirportFacility facility in deserializedSaveObject.Airportfacilitieslist) { AirportFacilities.AddFacility(facility); } }, () => { GameObject.SetInstance(deserializedSaveObject.instance); }); //close parallel.invoke //Maybe this helps? But i doubt this is the best way Action action = () => { Stopwatch swPax = new Stopwatch(); swPax.Start(); PassengerHelpers.CreateDestinationDemand(); //Console.WriteLine("Demand have been created in {0} ms.", swPax.ElapsedMilliseconds); swPax.Stop(); }; //Create some pilots for the game int pilotsPool = 100 * Airlines.GetAllAirlines().Count; GeneralHelpers.CreatePilots(pilotsPool); int instructorsPool = 75 * Airlines.GetAllAirlines().Count; GeneralHelpers.CreateInstructors(instructorsPool); //Start the game paused GameObjectWorker.GetInstance().startPaused(); //Task is needed this unlocks the game agian. Task.Factory.StartNew(action); }
//saves a game public static void SaveGame(string name) { Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); SaveObject so = new SaveObject(); Parallel.Invoke(() => { so.airportsList = new List <Airport>(); so.airportsfromstringList = new List <string>(); var airportsInUse = Airports.GetAllAirports().Where(a => Airlines.GetAllAirlines().Exists(al => al.Airports.Contains(a)) || a.hasAirlineFacility()); so.airportsList.AddRange(airportsInUse); foreach (Airport airport in Airports.GetAirports(a => !airportsInUse.Contains(a))) { so.airportsfromstringList.Add(airport.Profile.IATACode); } }, () => { so.airlinesList = new List <Airline>(); so.airlinesList.AddRange(Airlines.GetAllAirlines()); }, () => { so.airlinersList = new List <Airliner>(); so.airlinersList.AddRange(Airliners.GetAllAirliners().Where(a => a.Airline != null)); }, () => { so.calendaritemsList = new List <CalendarItem>(); so.calendaritemsList.AddRange(CalendarItems.GetCalendarItems()); }, () => { so.configurationList = new List <Configuration>(); so.configurationList.AddRange(Configurations.GetConfigurations()); }, () => { so.eventsList = new List <RandomEvent>(); so.eventsList.AddRange(RandomEvents.GetEvents()); }, () => { so.allianceList = new List <Alliance>(); so.allianceList.AddRange(Alliances.GetAlliances()); }, () => { so.Airportfacilitieslist = new List <AirportFacility>(); so.Airportfacilitieslist.AddRange(AirportFacilities.GetFacilities()); }, () => { so.feeTypeslist = new List <FeeType>(); so.feeTypeslist.AddRange(FeeTypes.GetTypes()); }, () => { so.advertisementTypeslist = new List <AdvertisementType>(); so.advertisementTypeslist.AddRange(AdvertisementTypes.GetTypes()); }, () => { so.airlinerfacilitieslist = new List <AirlinerFacility>(); so.airlinerfacilitieslist.AddRange(AirlinerFacilities.GetAllFacilities()); }, () => { so.routefacilitieslist = new List <RouteFacility>(); so.routefacilitieslist.AddRange(RouteFacilities.GetAllFacilities()); }, () => { so.instance = GameObject.GetInstance(); so.settings = Settings.GetInstance(); }, () => { so.airlinefacilitieslist = new List <AirlineFacility>(); so.airlinefacilitieslist.AddRange(AirlineFacilities.GetFacilities()); }); string fileName = AppSettings.getCommonApplicationDataPath() + "\\saves\\" + name + ".sav"; FileSerializer.Serialize(fileName, so); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Saving: {0} ms", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); //Clearing stats because there is no need for saving those. if (name != "autosave") { Airports.GetAllAirports().ForEach(a => a.clearDestinationPassengerStatistics()); Airports.GetAllAirports().ForEach(a => a.clearDestinationCargoStatistics()); AirlineHelpers.ClearRoutesStatistics(); AirlineHelpers.ClearAirlinesStatistics(); AirportHelpers.ClearAirportStatistics(); } /* * SaveObject so = new SaveObject(); * Parallel.Invoke(() => * { * so.airportsList = new List<Airport>(); * so.airportsList.AddRange(Airports.GetAllAirports()); * }, () => * { * so.airlinesList = new List<Airline>(); * so.airlinesList.AddRange(Airlines.GetAllAirlines()); * }, () => * { * so.airlinersList = new List<Airliner>(); * so.airlinersList.AddRange(Airliners.GetAllAirliners()); * }, () => * { * so.calendaritemsList = new List<CalendarItem>(); * so.calendaritemsList.AddRange(CalendarItems.GetCalendarItems()); * }, () => * { * so.configurationList = new List<Configuration>(); * so.configurationList.AddRange(Configurations.GetConfigurations()); * }, () => * { * so.eventsList = new List<RandomEvent>(); * so.eventsList.AddRange(RandomEvents.GetEvents()); * }, () => * { * so.allianceList = new List<Alliance>(); * so.allianceList.AddRange(Alliances.GetAlliances()); * }, () => * { * so.Airportfacilitieslist = new List<AirportFacility>(); * so.Airportfacilitieslist.AddRange(AirportFacilities.GetFacilities()); * }, () => * { * so.feeTypeslist = new List<FeeType>(); * so.feeTypeslist.AddRange(FeeTypes.GetTypes()); * }, () => * { * so.advertisementTypeslist = new List<AdvertisementType>(); * so.advertisementTypeslist.AddRange(AdvertisementTypes.GetTypes()); * }, () => * { * so.airlinerfacilitieslist = new List<AirlinerFacility>(); * so.airlinerfacilitieslist.AddRange(AirlinerFacilities.GetAllFacilities()); * }, () => * { * so.routefacilitieslist = new List<RouteFacility>(); * so.routefacilitieslist.AddRange(RouteFacilities.GetAllFacilities()); * }, () => * { * so.instance = GameObject.GetInstance(); * so.settings = Settings.GetInstance(); * so.savetype = "039"; * so.saveversionnumber = 1; * }); */ /* * DataContractSerializer serializer = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(SaveObject), null, Int32.MaxValue, false, true, null); * * using (Stream stream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Create)) * { * using (DeflateStream compress = new DeflateStream(stream, CompressionLevel.Fastest)) * { * serializer.WriteObject(compress, so); * } * } */ }
//loads a game public static void LoadGame(string file) { string fileName = AppSettings.getCommonApplicationDataPath() + "\\saves\\" + file + ".sav"; SaveObject deserializedSaveObject = FileSerializer.Deserialize <SaveObject>(fileName); /* * * DataContractSerializer serializer = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(SaveObject)); * SaveObject deserializedSaveObject; * string loading; * int version; * * using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open)) * { * using (DeflateStream decompress = new DeflateStream(stream, CompressionMode.Decompress)) * { * deserializedSaveObject = (SaveObject)serializer.ReadObject(decompress); * } * } * * loading = deserializedSaveObject.savetype; * version = deserializedSaveObject.saveversionnumber; */ //Parrarel for loading the game Parallel.Invoke(() => { Airlines.Clear(); foreach (Airline airline in deserializedSaveObject.airlinesList) { Airlines.AddAirline(airline); } }, () => { Setup.LoadAirports(); var airports = Airports.GetAllAirports(); Airports.Clear(); foreach (Airport airport in deserializedSaveObject.airportsList) { airport.Statics = new AirportStatics(airport); Airports.AddAirport(airport); } foreach (string iata in deserializedSaveObject.airportsfromstringList) { Airport airport = airports.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Profile.IATACode == iata); if (airport != null) { Airports.AddAirport(airport); } } }, () => { Airliners.Clear(); foreach (Airliner airliner in deserializedSaveObject.airlinersList) { Airliners.AddAirliner(airliner); } }, () => { CalendarItems.Clear(); foreach (CalendarItem item in deserializedSaveObject.calendaritemsList) { CalendarItems.AddCalendarItem(item); } }, () => { Configurations.Clear(); foreach (Configuration configuration in deserializedSaveObject.configurationList) { Configurations.AddConfiguration(configuration); } }, () => { RandomEvents.Clear(); foreach (RandomEvent e in deserializedSaveObject.eventsList) { RandomEvents.AddEvent(e); } }, () => { Alliances.Clear(); foreach (Alliance alliance in deserializedSaveObject.allianceList) { Alliances.AddAlliance(alliance); } }, () => { AirportFacilities.Clear(); foreach (AirportFacility facility in deserializedSaveObject.Airportfacilitieslist) { AirportFacilities.AddFacility(facility); } }, () => { FeeTypes.Clear(); foreach (FeeType type in deserializedSaveObject.feeTypeslist) { FeeTypes.AddType(type); } }, () => { AdvertisementTypes.Clear(); foreach (AdvertisementType addtype in deserializedSaveObject.advertisementTypeslist) { AdvertisementTypes.AddAdvertisementType(addtype); } }, () => { AirlinerFacilities.Clear(); foreach (AirlinerFacility airlinerfas in deserializedSaveObject.airlinerfacilitieslist) { AirlinerFacilities.AddFacility(airlinerfas); } }, () => { RouteFacilities.Clear(); foreach (RouteFacility routefas in deserializedSaveObject.routefacilitieslist) { RouteFacilities.AddFacility(routefas); } }, () => { GameObject.SetInstance(deserializedSaveObject.instance); Settings.SetInstance(deserializedSaveObject.settings); }, () => { if (deserializedSaveObject.airlinefacilitieslist != null) { AirlineFacilities.Clear(); foreach (AirlineFacility airlinefac in deserializedSaveObject.airlinefacilitieslist) { AirlineFacilities.AddFacility(airlinefac); } } }); //close parallel.invoke //for and the issue with no saved facilities on a route classes var emptyRouteClassesFacilities = Configurations.GetConfigurations(Configuration.ConfigurationType.Routeclasses).SelectMany(c => ((RouteClassesConfiguration)c).Classes.Where(cl => cl.Facilities == null)); foreach (RouteClassConfiguration rClassConfiguration in emptyRouteClassesFacilities) { rClassConfiguration.Facilities = new List <RouteFacility>(); } Setup.SetupLoadedGame(); //Maybe this helps? But i doubt this is the best way Action action = () => { Stopwatch swPax = new Stopwatch(); swPax.Start(); PassengerHelpers.CreateDestinationDemand(); //Console.WriteLine("Demand have been created in {0} ms.", swPax.ElapsedMilliseconds); swPax.Stop(); }; //create some pilots for the game int pilotsPool = 100 * Airlines.GetAllAirlines().Count; GeneralHelpers.CreatePilots(pilotsPool); int instructorsPool = 75 * Airlines.GetAllAirlines().Count; GeneralHelpers.CreateInstructors(instructorsPool); //creates some airliners for the game AirlinerHelpers.CreateStartUpAirliners(); //Start the game paused GameObjectWorker.GetInstance().startPaused(); //Task is needed this unlocks the game agian. Task.Factory.StartNew(action); }
IEnumerator FinishDay() { Debug.Log("Finishing day!"); GameStatics.Loading = true; // Play sound MajorClick.Play(); Player.Navigate(new List <Vector3> { new Vector3(6, 2, 1) }, playSelectSound: false); // Return to spawn loc // Show black screen NextDayScreen.gameObject.SetActive(true); StartCoroutine(NextDayScreen.ShowScreen(++Days)); yield return(new WaitUntil(() => NextDayScreen.time >= 1)); DiscordRichPresenceManager.UpdateActivity("Playing", Days); // Discord Rich Presence // Manage Debt if (Player.Money < 0) { if (InDebt) { Debug.Log("You are in debt"); // Try to sell flowerbeds first to cover debt var shopItems = Shop.ShopItems.FindAll(shopItem => shopItem.IsDowngradable && shopItem.Level > 0); shopItems.Sort((shopItem1, shopItem2) => shopItem1.Price.CompareTo(shopItem2.Price)); if (shopItems.Count == 0) { // Display message PopupManager.ShowWindowPopup("You've lost everything...", "Sadly, you've ended up with less money than you've started with. Luckily for you, your parents were nice enough to pay for your debts and give you a fresh start.", goodAlert: false); // Reset values Player.Money = 100; } else { int shopItemIndex = 0; while (shopItems[shopItemIndex].Price + Player.Money < 0 && shopItemIndex < shopItems.Count) { shopItemIndex++; } // Display message PopupManager.ShowWindowPopup($"You sold your {shopItems[shopItemIndex].Name}", $"Since you were still in debt, you were forced to sell some things to help you get back on your feet.", goodAlert: false); Player.Money += shopItems[shopItemIndex].Price; // Return money int newLevel = --shopItems[shopItemIndex].Level; if (shopItems[shopItemIndex].Name == "Flower Beds") // flower bed edge case { FlowerBedManager.SendMessage("RemoveFlowerBed", newLevel); // Sell flowerbed } Shop.UpdateBuyButtonVisual(shopItems[shopItemIndex]); // Update visuals } } else { InDebt = true; PopupManager.ShowWindowPopup("You're in debt!", "You are in debt! Get out of debt or you'll soon need to start selling your things!", goodAlert: false); } } else { InDebt = false; Player.Money -= FamilyPayment; // Pay family Player.Money -= BorrowMoney.TotalDailyPayment; // Pay loans BorrowMoney.UpdateDailyPayments(); } // Game won? if (!finishedGame && Player.Money > 5000 && Shop.IsMaxedOut) { Debug.Log($"You've made a lot of money, your family is proud of you. The end! :) ({Days} days to complete game)"); StorylineManager.ShowStoryline("The End"); finishedGame = true; } // PLAYER Player.InHand = Player.Items.Nothing; // Empty hands // STORYLINE StorylineManager.CheckForNewStoryline(Days); // FLOWER BEDS // Get Flower Beds States var FlowerBedScripts = FlowerBeds.GetComponentsInChildren <FlowerBed>(); // WEATHER Debug.Log(weather); // Apply logic to flower beds // Get chances for weather if (!WeatherLogicData.TryGetValue(weather, out var flowerbedStateChances)) { WeatherLogicData.TryGetValue(Weather.Sunny, out flowerbedStateChances); } // Go through flowerbeds foreach (FlowerBed flowerBed in FlowerBedScripts) { if (!flowerbedStateChances.TryGetValue(flowerBed.state, out var chances)) { continue; } float randomChance = Random.value; foreach (var possibleChance in chances) { if (possibleChance.Value > randomChance) { flowerBed.UpdateFlowerbedState(possibleChance.Key); break; } randomChance -= possibleChance.Value; } } RandomEvents.Run(); // Random events // Create new weather for tomorrow GenerateWeather(); GameFunctions.SaveGame(true, "finish_day_backup").Wait(); // Save data everyday while making backup copies just in case GameStatics.Loading = false; }
/* RandEvent(string titl, string tex, string o1, string o2, string o3){ title = titl; text = tex; option1 = o1; option2 = o2; option3 = o3; } */ public RandEvent(GameObject obj) { myResourceClass = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent<Resource>(); myEventClass = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent<RandomEvents>(); }