Пример #1
        public void ShouldBeAbleToGetLastTimestampOfLatestHeartbeat()
            // The first response should be DateTime.Never
            var requesterId = Guid.NewGuid();
            var response    = _raftNode.Request(requesterId, () => new GetLastUpdatedTimestamp());

            Assert.IsType <DateTime>(response.ResponseMessage);

            var lastUpdated = (DateTime)response.ResponseMessage;


            var currentTime   = DateTime.UtcNow;
            var appendEntries = new Request <AppendEntries>(requesterId,
                                                            new AppendEntries(0, Guid.NewGuid(), 0, 0, new object[0], 0));


            var secondResponse = _raftNode.Request(requesterId, () => new GetLastUpdatedTimestamp());

            Assert.IsType <DateTime>(secondResponse.ResponseMessage);

            // The last updated timestamp should be relatively similar to the current time
            var timestamp      = (DateTime)secondResponse.ResponseMessage;
            var timeDifference = timestamp - currentTime;

            Assert.True(timeDifference.TotalMilliseconds >= 0 && timeDifference <= TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
Пример #2
        public void ShouldBecomeFollowerIfAppendEntriesReceivedFromNewLeader()
            var electionTimeoutInMilliseconds = 1000;

            var initialTerm = 0;
            var outbox      = new ConcurrentBag <object>();
            var eventLog    = new ConcurrentBag <object>();
            var nodeId      = Guid.NewGuid();

            var numberOfOtherActors = 2;

            IEnumerable <Guid> getOtherActors()
                return(Enumerable.Range(0, numberOfOtherActors).Select(_ => Guid.NewGuid()));

            _raftNode = new RaftNode(nodeId, outbox.Add, eventLog.Add, getOtherActors, initialTerm,

            void BlockUntilTrue(Func <bool> condition)
                while (!condition())

            // Start the node and let it timeout to trigger an election
            _raftNode.Tell(new Initialize());
            eventLog.BlockUntilAny(msg => msg is RoleStateChanged rsc && rsc.Term == initialTerm);

            // Look for the change in state to a candidate node
            Assert.True(eventLog.Count(msg => msg is RoleStateChanged rsc &&
                                       rsc.NewState == RoleState.Candidate &&
                                       rsc.Term == initialTerm) == 1);

            // Send a single heartbeat with a higher term so that the node reverts to
            // a follower state
            var leaderId    = Guid.NewGuid();
            var requesterId = Guid.NewGuid();

            _raftNode.Tell(new Request <AppendEntries>(requesterId,
                                                       new AppendEntries(42, leaderId, 0, 0, new object[0], 0)));

            // Wait for a response
            outbox.BlockUntilAny(msg =>
                                 msg is Response <AppendEntries> response && response.ResponseMessage is AppendEntriesResult ae &&
                                 ae.Term == 42);

            var result = outbox.CastAs <Response <AppendEntries> >().First();

            Assert.IsType <AppendEntriesResult>(result.ResponseMessage);

            var responseMessage = (AppendEntriesResult)result.ResponseMessage;


            // There should also be a state change that shows
            // that the candidate node reverted back to a follower state
            eventLog.ShouldHaveAtLeastOne(msg => msg is RoleStateChanged rsc && rsc.NewState == RoleState.Follower && rsc.Term > 42);
Пример #3
        public void ShouldAcceptAppendEntriesOnFirstRequest()
            var numberOfOtherActors = 3;
            var otherActors         = Enumerable.Range(0, numberOfOtherActors).Select(_ => Guid.NewGuid());
            var outbox       = new ConcurrentBag <object>();
            var eventLog     = new ConcurrentBag <object>();
            var startingTerm = 0;

            var leaderId = Guid.NewGuid();
            var nodeId   = Guid.NewGuid();

            _raftNode = new RaftNode(nodeId, outbox.Add, eventLog.Add, () => otherActors, startingTerm);
            _raftNode.Tell(new Initialize());

            var term     = 42;
            var response = _raftNode.Request(nodeId,
                                             () => new AppendEntries(term, leaderId, 0, 0, new object[] { "Hello, World" }, 1));

            // The response must be valid
            Assert.NotEqual(Response <AppendEntries> .Empty, response);
            Assert.IsType <AppendEntriesResult>(response.ResponseMessage);

            // The first entry must be successful since there are no prior entries
            var firstResult = (AppendEntriesResult)response.ResponseMessage;

            Assert.Equal(term, firstResult.Term);
Пример #4
        public void ShouldSendRequestVoteToOtherActorsInTheClusterIfElectionTimerExpires()
            var minMilliseconds = 150;
            var maxMilliseconds = 300;

            var nodeId = Guid.NewGuid();
            var term   = 42;

            var numberOfActorsInCluster = 5;
            var actorIds = Enumerable.Range(0, numberOfActorsInCluster)
                           .Select(_ => Guid.NewGuid()).ToArray();

            var outbox   = new ConcurrentBag <object>();
            var eventLog = new ConcurrentBag <object>();

            _raftNode = new RaftNode(nodeId, outbox.Add, eventLog.Add, () => actorIds, term);

            // Set the request timeout to be from 150-300ms
            var requesterId = Guid.NewGuid();

            _raftNode.Request(requesterId, () => new SetElectionTimeoutRange(minMilliseconds, maxMilliseconds));

            // Start the node
            _raftNode.Tell(new Initialize());

            // Let the timer expire

            var voteRequests = outbox.Where(msg => msg is Request <RequestVote> rv && rv.RequestMessage is RequestVote)
                               .Cast <Request <RequestVote> >().ToArray();

            Assert.True(voteRequests.Count() == numberOfActorsInCluster);

            for (var i = 0; i < numberOfActorsInCluster; i++)
                var request     = voteRequests[i];
                var voteRequest = request.RequestMessage;
                Assert.Equal(nodeId, voteRequest.CandidateId);

                // Note: The new candidate must increment the current vote by one
                Assert.Equal(term + 1, voteRequest.Term);
Пример #5
        public void ShouldResetElectionTimerWhenVoteIsGrantedToCandidate()
            // Route all the network output to the collection object
            var nodeId   = Guid.NewGuid();
            var outbox   = new ConcurrentBag <object>();
            var eventLog = new ConcurrentBag <object>();

            _raftNode = new RaftNode(nodeId, outbox.Add, eventLog.Add, () => new Guid[0]);

            // The first response should be DateTime.Never
            var requesterId = Guid.NewGuid();
            var response    = _raftNode.Request(requesterId, () => new GetLastUpdatedTimestamp());

            Assert.IsType <DateTime>(response.ResponseMessage);

            var lastUpdated = (DateTime)response.ResponseMessage;


            var currentTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
            var candidateId = Guid.NewGuid();

            var requestVote = new Request <RequestVote>(requesterId, new RequestVote(42, candidateId, 0, 0));


            var secondResponse = _raftNode.Request(requesterId, () => new GetLastUpdatedTimestamp());

            Assert.IsType <DateTime>(secondResponse.ResponseMessage);

            // The last updated timestamp should be relatively similar to the current time
            var timestamp      = (DateTime)secondResponse.ResponseMessage;
            var timeDifference = timestamp - currentTime;

            Assert.True(timeDifference.TotalMilliseconds >= 0 && timeDifference <= TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
Пример #6
        public void ShouldRejectAppendEntriesIfFollowerCannotFindAMatchForAnEntryInItsOwnLog()
            /* When sending an AppendEntries RPC,
             * the leader includes the term number and index of the entry
             * that immediately precedes the new entry.
             * If the follower cannot find a match for this entry in its own log,
             * it rejects the request to append the new entry.
            var nodeId = Guid.NewGuid();

            var numberOfOtherActors = 3;
            var otherActors         = Enumerable.Range(0, numberOfOtherActors).Select(_ => Guid.NewGuid());
            var outbox       = new ConcurrentBag <object>();
            var eventLog     = new ConcurrentBag <object>();
            var startingTerm = 0;

            _raftNode = new RaftNode(nodeId, outbox.Add, eventLog.Add, () => otherActors, startingTerm);
            _raftNode.Tell(new Initialize());

            var term          = 42;
            var leaderId      = Guid.NewGuid();
            var appendEntries = new AppendEntries(term, leaderId, 1, 41, new object[0], 0);

            var requesterId = Guid.NewGuid();
            var response    = _raftNode.Request(requesterId, () => appendEntries);

            Assert.Equal(requesterId, response.RequesterId);
            Assert.Equal(nodeId, response.ResponderId);

            // Reply false if log doesn’t contain an entry at prevLogIndex whose term matches prevLogTerm (§5.3)
            Assert.IsType <AppendEntriesResult>(response.ResponseMessage);

            var result = (AppendEntriesResult)response.ResponseMessage;

Пример #7
        public void ShouldEmitChangeEventsWhenChangingRoles()
            var nodeId   = Guid.NewGuid();
            var outbox   = new ConcurrentBag <object>();
            var eventLog = new ConcurrentBag <object>();

            _raftNode = new RaftNode(nodeId, outbox.Add, eventLog.Add, () => new Guid[0]);

            // Start the node and let it time out
            _raftNode.Tell(new Initialize());

            bool ShouldContainChangeEvent(object msg)
                return(msg is RoleStateChanged rsc &&
                       rsc.ActorId == nodeId &&
                       rsc.OldState == RoleState.Follower &&
                       rsc.NewState == RoleState.Candidate);

            Assert.True(eventLog.Count(ShouldContainChangeEvent) > 0);
Пример #8
        public void ShouldStartNewElectionIfElectionTimeoutOccurs()
            var numberOfOtherActors = 3;
            var actorIds            = Enumerable.Range(0, numberOfOtherActors)
                                      .Select(_ => Guid.NewGuid()).ToArray();

            Func <IEnumerable <Guid> > getOtherActors = () => actorIds;

            var electionTimeoutInMilliseconds = 1000;

            var initialTerm = 0;
            var outbox      = new ConcurrentBag <object>();
            var eventLog    = new ConcurrentBag <object>();
            var nodeId      = Guid.NewGuid();

            _raftNode = new RaftNode(nodeId, outbox.Add, eventLog.Add, getOtherActors, initialTerm,

            // Start the node and let it timeout to trigger an election
            _raftNode.Tell(new Initialize());

            // Verify that the vote requests have been sent
                outbox.Count(msg => msg is Request <RequestVote> rv && rv.RequestMessage.Term == initialTerm + 1) ==

            // Avoid sending any votes so that the election has to restart

            // If another round of Request<RequestVote> messages goes out, it means
            // that the node has restarted the election
                outbox.Count(msg => msg is Request <RequestVote> rv && rv.RequestMessage.Term == initialTerm + 2) ==
Пример #9
        public void ShouldWinElectionIfMajorityOfVotesReceived()
            var numberOfOtherActors = 9;
            var actorIds            = Enumerable.Range(0, numberOfOtherActors)
                                      .Select(_ => Guid.NewGuid()).ToArray();

            Func <IEnumerable <Guid> > getOtherActors = () => actorIds;

            var outbox   = new ConcurrentBag <object>();
            var eventLog = new ConcurrentBag <object>();
            var nodeId   = Guid.NewGuid();

            _raftNode = new RaftNode(nodeId, outbox.Add, eventLog.Add, getOtherActors);

            var numberOfSuccessfulVotes = 5;
            var numberOfFailedVotes     = 4;

            IEnumerable <Response <RequestVote> > CreateVotes(int term, bool result, int numberOfVotes) =>
            Enumerable.Range(0, numberOfVotes).Select(index => new Response <RequestVote>(nodeId,
                                                                                          actorIds[index], new RequestVoteResult(term, result, actorIds[index], nodeId)));

            // Create an election where 5 out of 9 votes are in favor of the
            // candidate node
            var newTerm         = 1;
            var successfulVotes = CreateVotes(newTerm, true, numberOfSuccessfulVotes);
            var failedVotes     = CreateVotes(newTerm, false, numberOfFailedVotes);
            var combinedVotes   = successfulVotes

            // Start the node and let the election timeout expire
            // in order to trigger a new election
            _raftNode.Tell(new Initialize());

            foreach (var actorId in getOtherActors())
                // Verify the contents of every vote request sent out
                // by the node
                bool ShouldContainVoteRequest(object msg)
                    if (msg is Request <RequestVote> rrv &&
                        rrv.RequestMessage is RequestVote requestVote)
                        return(rrv.RequesterId == actorId &&
                               requestVote.CandidateId == nodeId &&
                               requestVote.Term == newTerm);


                Assert.True(outbox.Count(ShouldContainVoteRequest) > 0);

            // Send the vote responses back to the node
            var source = new CancellationTokenSource();
            var token  = source.Token;
            var tasks  = combinedVotes.Select(vote => _raftNode.TellAsync(new Context(vote, outbox.Add, token)))

            // Wait until all vote responses have been sent back to the node

            // The node should post an election outcome message

            var outcome = eventLog.Where(msg => msg != null && msg is ElectionOutcome)
                          .Cast <ElectionOutcome>()

            Assert.Equal(nodeId, outcome.WinningActorId);
            Assert.Equal(newTerm, outcome.Term);
            Assert.Subset(actorIds.ToHashSet(), outcome.KnownActors.ToHashSet());

            // Verify the votes
            var quorumCount   = actorIds.Length * .51;
            var matchingVotes = 0;

            foreach (var vote in combinedVotes)
                Assert.IsType <RequestVoteResult>(vote.ResponseMessage);

                var currentVote = (RequestVoteResult)vote.ResponseMessage;

                bool HasMatchingVote(RequestVoteResult result)
                    return(currentVote.VoteGranted == result.VoteGranted &&
                           currentVote.CandidateId == result.CandidateId &&
                           currentVote.Term == result.Term &&
                           currentVote.VoterId == result.VoterId);

                matchingVotes += outcome.Votes.Count(HasMatchingVote);

            // There should be a majority vote in favor of the candidate
            Assert.True(matchingVotes >= quorumCount);