Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Forces the system to refresh the device information.
        /// </summary>
        /// -
        /// <remarks>
        /// See <see cref="P:InTheHand.Net.Sockets.BluetoothDeviceInfo.DeviceName"/>
        /// for one reason why this method is necessary.
        /// </remarks>
        public void Refresh()
#if WinXP
            valid = false;
            deviceInfo.ulClassofDevice = 0;
            deviceInfo.szName = "";
            _remoteVersionsInfo = null;
Пример #2
        private void ReadVersionsInfo()
            if (_remoteVersionsInfo != null)
#if WinXP
            bool success;
            BTH_RADIO_INFO buf;
            IntPtr radioHandle = BluetoothRadio.PrimaryRadio.Handle;
             * http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff536685(v=VS.85).aspx
             * The IOCTL_BTH_GET_RADIO_INFO request obtains information about the specified remote radio.
             * struct _BTH_RADIO_INFO {  ULONGLONG lmpSupportedFeatures;  USHORT    mfg;  USHORT    lmpSubversion;  UCHAR     lmpVersion;
             * e.g. BTH_RADIO_INFO v1_2, 777, Broadcom, 00000808380DFEFF.
             * When no connection: INFO: IOCTL_BTH_GET_RADIO_INFO failure: 1167 = 0x48F.
             * 1167 = ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED
            //var h = this.
            // Windows 7 IOCTL
            long bthaddr = this.DeviceAddress.ToInt64();//endian?
            buf = new BTH_RADIO_INFO();
            var len = Marshal.SizeOf(buf);
            int bytesReturned;
            success = NativeMethods.DeviceIoControl(radioHandle,
                ref bthaddr, Marshal.SizeOf(bthaddr),
                ref buf, len, out bytesReturned, IntPtr.Zero);
            if (!success) {
                var gle = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                var ex = new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception();
                    "INFO: IOCTL_BTH_GET_RADIO_INFO failure: {0} = 0x{1:X}.",
                    (InTheHand.Win32.Win32Error)gle, gle));
                Debug.Assert(gle == ex.NativeErrorCode);
                throw ex;
            } else {
                _remoteVersionsInfo = buf.ConvertToRadioVersions();
            LmpVersion lmpVersion; UInt16 lmpSubversion; Manufacturer mfg; LmpFeatures lmpSupportedFeatures;
            int ret = NativeMethods.BthReadRemoteVersion(
              out lmpVersion, out lmpSubversion, out mfg, out lmpSupportedFeatures);
            const int ERROR_SUCCESS = 0;
            if (ret == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
                _remoteVersionsInfo = new RadioVersions(lmpVersion, lmpSubversion, lmpSupportedFeatures, mfg);
            } else {
                var gle = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                var ex = new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception(ret);
                Debug.WriteLine("BthReadRemoteVersion fail: " + ret + ", gle: " + gle);
                Debug.Assert(ret == gle, "WAS using gle but docs say use ret. Check that are the same."); 
                throw ex;
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Try to get the version information from the current device.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="versions">The returned version information.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Whether this operation was successful.
        /// </returns>
        public bool TryGetVersions(out RadioVersions versions)
            versions = null;

            if (!this.Connected)

            versions = this.GetVersions();
            return(versions != null);
        private BTRadioInfo BuildRadioDataModel(BluetoothDeviceInfo device)
            try {
                BTDeviceInfo info = new BTDeviceInfo()
                    Name    = device.DeviceName,
                    Address = device.DeviceAddress.ToString(),

                // Need to connect to each device to get radio info
                RadioVersions devRadio = null;
                if (this.Connect(info))
                    devRadio = device.GetVersions();
                    this.log.Error(9991, "NOT CONNECTED TO READ RADIO INFO");

                if (devRadio == null)
                    this.log.Info("", "NULL Radio info");
                    return(new BTRadioInfo());

                string        tmp      = devRadio.LmpSupportedFeatures.ToString();
                string[]      pieces   = tmp.Split(',');
                List <string> features = new List <string>(pieces.Length);
                for (int i = 0; i < pieces.Length; i++)
                    features.Add(pieces[i].Replace("_", "").CamelCaseToSpaces());

                return(new BTRadioInfo()
                    Manufacturer = devRadio.Manufacturer.ToString().CamelCaseToSpaces(),
                    LinkManagerProtocol = string.Format("{0} ({1})", devRadio.LmpVersion.LmpVerToString(), devRadio.LmpSubversion),
                    Features = features,
            catch (Exception e) {
                this.log.Exception(9999, "", e);
                return(new BTRadioInfo());
            finally {
                // TODO - move this to the getInfo function as it takes a 1/2 second per device disconnect
Пример #5
        void GetInfo(ref BluetoothAddress addr)
            BtSdkError ret;
            var        props = new Structs.BtSdkRemoteDevicePropertyStru();

            ret = _factory.Api.Btsdk_GetRemoteDeviceProperty(_hDev, out props);
            BluesoleilUtils.CheckAndThrow(ret, "Btsdk_GetRemoteDeviceProperty");
            if ((props.mask & Structs.BtSdkRemoteDevicePropertyStru.Mask.Handle) != 0)
                Debug.Assert(_hDev == props.dev_hdl, "hDev");
                Debug.Fail("Handle unknown?!?");
            if ((props.mask & Structs.BtSdkRemoteDevicePropertyStru.Mask.Address) != 0)
                addr = BluesoleilUtils.ToBluetoothAddress(props.bd_addr);
            if ((props.mask & Structs.BtSdkRemoteDevicePropertyStru.Mask.Class) != 0)
                _cod = new ClassOfDevice(props.dev_class);
            if ((props.mask & Structs.BtSdkRemoteDevicePropertyStru.Mask.Name) != 0)
                Debug.Assert(props.name.Length == StackConsts.BTSDK_DEVNAME_LEN,
                             "props.name.Length: " + props.name.Length + ", BTSDK_DEVNAME_LEN: " + StackConsts.BTSDK_DEVNAME_LEN);
                string name = BluesoleilUtils.FromNameString(props.name);
                _cachedName = name;
            if ((props.mask & Structs.BtSdkRemoteDevicePropertyStru.Mask.LmpInfo) != 0)
                var fs = (LmpFeatures)BitConverter.ToInt64(props.lmp_info.lmp_feature, 0);
                var v  = new RadioVersions(props.lmp_info.lmp_version, props.lmp_info.lmp_subversion,
                                           fs, props.lmp_info.manuf_name);
                _versions = v;