public void TestExplicitOperator() { var rad = new Radian(1.0f); Assert.AreEqual((Radian)1.0f, rad); Assert.AreEqual(1.0f, (float)rad); }
/** * @param margin Collision margin * @param switchingMode Determine the state of the camera when switching to this camera mode from another */ public FreeCameraMode(CameraControlSystem cam , Vector3 initialPosition , Degree initialRotationX , Degree initialRotationY , SwitchingMode switchingMode = SwitchingMode.CurrentState , float margin = 0.1f) : base(cam) { CameraCS = cam; Margin = margin; _fixedAxis = Vector3.UNIT_Y; _moveFactor = 1; _rotationFactor = 0.13f; _rotX = initialRotationX; _rotY = initialRotationY; _initialPosition = initialPosition; _initialRotationX = initialRotationX; _initialRotationY = initialRotationY; _lastRotationX = initialRotationX; _lastRotationY = initialRotationY; _lastPosition = initialPosition; _switchingMode = switchingMode; CameraPosition = initialPosition; this.CollisionFunc = this.DefaultCollisionDetectionFunction; }
/** * @param relativePositionToCameraTarget Default camera position with respecto to camera target * @param autoResetTime If greater than zero the camera will be resetted to its initial position after the amount of seconds specified. * @param resetDistance true for correcting the camera distance to the target when resetting. If false, the camera will maintaing the current distance to target. * @param resetRotationFactor Speed factor for correcting the camera rotation when resetting. * @param offset Offset applied to the center of the sphere. */ public SphericCameraMode(CameraControlSystem cam , Vector3 relativePositionToCameraTarget , float outerSphereRadius , Vector3 offset , Vector3 fixedAxis, float innerSphereRadius = 0.0f , float autoResetTime = 3.0f , bool resetDistance = true , float resetRotationFactor = 1.0f) : base(cam) { _relativePositionToCameraTarget = relativePositionToCameraTarget; _outerSphereRadius = outerSphereRadius; _innerSphereRadius = innerSphereRadius; _autoResetTime = autoResetTime; _resetDistance = resetDistance; _resetRotationFactor = resetRotationFactor; _offset = offset; _fixedAxis = fixedAxis; _resseting = false; _LastRessetingDiff = new Radian(2.0f * Mogre.Math.PI); if (innerSphereRadius > outerSphereRadius) { throw new Exception("Inner radious greater than outer radious"); } if (innerSphereRadius > relativePositionToCameraTarget.Length || outerSphereRadius < relativePositionToCameraTarget.Length) { throw new Exception("relativePositionToCameraTarget param value not valid."); } }
public virtual void SetCameraOrientation(Radian roll, Radian yaw, Radian pitch) { _lastOrientation = new Quaternion(roll, Vector3.UNIT_Z) * new Quaternion(yaw, Vector3.UNIT_Y) * new Quaternion(pitch, Vector3.UNIT_X); CameraOrientation = _lastOrientation; }
public override void MakeOrthoMatrix(Radian fov, Real aspectRatio, Real near, Real far, out Matrix4 dest, bool forGpuPrograms) { float thetaY = Utility.DegreesToRadians(fov / 2.0f); float tanThetaY = Utility.Tan(thetaY); float tanThetaX = tanThetaY * aspectRatio; float halfW = tanThetaX * near; float halfH = tanThetaY * near; var w = 1.0f / (halfW); var h = 1.0f / (halfH); var q = 0.0f; if (far != 0) { q = 1.0f / (far - near); } dest = Matrix4.Zero; dest.m00 = w; dest.m11 = h; dest.m22 = q; dest.m23 = -near / (far - near); dest.m33 = 1; if (forGpuPrograms) { dest.m22 = -dest.m22; } }
public override void MakeOrthoMatrix( Radian fovy, Real aspectRatio, Real near, Real far, out Matrix4 dest, bool forGpuPrograms ) { var thetaY = fovy/2.0f; var tanThetaY = Utility.Tan( thetaY ); var tanThetaX = tanThetaY*aspectRatio; var half_w = tanThetaX*near; var half_h = tanThetaY*near; var iw = 1.0f/( half_w ); var ih = 1.0f/( half_h ); Real q = 0.0f; if ( far != 0 ) { q = 1.0/( far - near ); } dest = Matrix4.Zero; dest.m00 = iw; dest.m11 = ih; dest.m22 = q; dest.m23 = -near/( far - near ); dest.m33 = 1; if ( forGpuPrograms ) { dest.m22 = -dest.m22; } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a Rotater. This removes any existing nlerpers and rotaters attached to the lthing. /// </summary> /// <param name="owner">What lthing are we affecting?</param> /// <param name="duration">How long as we going to rotate?</param> /// <param name="angle">Rotation angle</param> /// <param name="mode">Rotation axis mode</param> /// <returns>The new rotater</returns> public Rotater CreateRotater(LThing owner, float duration, Radian angle, RotaterAxisMode mode) { RemoveRotater(owner); Rotater newRotater = new Rotater(owner, duration, angle, mode); Rotaters.TryAdd(owner, newRotater); return newRotater; }
/// <summary> /// Constructor to create a new Euler Angle struct from angle values. /// The rotation will be applied in the order Yaw-Pitch- Roll, which are related to the axis order Y-X-Z. /// </summary> public Euler(Radian yaw, Radian pitch, Radian roll) { mYaw = yaw; mPitch = pitch; mRoll = roll; mChanged = true; mCachedQuaternion = Quaternion.IDENTITY; }
public OrbitalWithMouseCameraMode(CameraControlSystem cam , MOIS.MouseButtonID activateButton , Radian initialHorizontalRotation , Radian initialVerticalRotation, float initialZoom = 1) : base(cam, initialHorizontalRotation, initialVerticalRotation, initialZoom) { _activateButton = activateButton; }
public Sprite(Texture texture) { Texture = texture; Color = Color.White; Position = Vector2.Zero; Scale = new Vector2(1.0f, 1.0f); Rotation = new Radian(0.0f); SourceRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, Texture.Width, Texture.Height); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a Rotater. This removes any existing nlerpers and rotaters attached to the lthing. /// </summary> /// <param name="owner">What lthing are we affecting?</param> /// <param name="duration">How long as we going to rotate?</param> /// <param name="angle">Rotation angle</param> /// <param name="axis">Axis of rotation</param> /// <param name="mode">Rotation axis mode</param> /// <returns>The new rotater</returns> public Rotater CreateRotater(LThing owner, float duration, Radian angle, Vector3 axis, RotaterAxisMode mode = RotaterAxisMode.Explicit) { RemoveRotater(owner); RemoveNlerper(owner); Rotater newRotater = new Rotater(owner, duration, angle, axis, mode); Rotaters.TryAdd(owner, newRotater); return newRotater; }
public void TestEquatable() { var rad = new Radian(1.0f); var f = 1.0f; Assert.IsTrue(rad.Equals(rad)); Assert.IsTrue(rad.Equals(f)); Assert.IsFalse(rad.Equals(null)); }
public override void SetDesiredVelocity( Radian velocity, float maxTorque ) { if( joint.jointID == dJointID.Zero ) return; Ode.dJointSetHingeParam( joint.jointID, Ode.dJointParams.dParamVel, joint.Body1.Static ? velocity : -velocity ); Ode.dJointSetHingeParam( joint.jointID, Ode.dJointParams.dParamFMax, maxTorque ); }
public override void Update(int elapsed) { float rotateFactor = elapsed * 0.125f / 1000.0f; var yawAmount = new Radian((0.4f + 0.25f * MathUtils.Sin(new Radian( / 15040))) * rotateFactor); Yaw(yawAmount); var pitchAmount = new Radian((0.35f + 0.212f * MathUtils.Cos(new Radian( / 38040))) * rotateFactor); float moveFactor = elapsed * 27.5f / 1000.0f; MoveRelative(Vector3.UnitZ * moveFactor); }
public virtual void SetCameraRelativePosition(Vector3 posRelativeToCameraTarget , Radian roll, Radian yaw, Radian pitch) { RelativePosToTarget = posRelativeToCameraTarget; _rotationOffset = new Quaternion(roll, Vector3.UNIT_Z) * new Quaternion(yaw, Vector3.UNIT_Y) * new Quaternion(pitch, Vector3.UNIT_X); InstantUpdate(); }
protected override void Rotate(Radian yawAngle, Radian pitchAngle) { base.Rotate(yawAngle,pitchAngle); var debugOverlay = OverlayManager.Singleton.GetByName("Core/DebugOverlay"); debugOverlay.Show(); var myCurr = OverlayManager.Singleton.GetOverlayElement("Core/CurrFps"); myCurr.Caption = State.CameraManager.RenderWindow.LastFPS.ToString(); }
public void Radian_Wrap_Test() { var radian = new Radian(MathUtils.PI); var wrapAngle = new Radian(MathUtils.PI); Assert.AreEqual(new Radian(0.0f), radian.Wrap(wrapAngle)); radian = new Radian(MathUtils.PI / 4); Assert.AreEqual(new Radian(MathUtils.PI / 4), radian.Wrap(wrapAngle)); radian = new Radian(-MathUtils.PI / 4); Assert.AreEqual(new Radian(MathUtils.PI * 3 / 4), radian.Wrap(wrapAngle)); }
/// <summary> /// USE THE LThingHelperManager FOR THIS! /// </summary> public Rotater(LThing thingToRotate, float duration, Radian angle, Vector3 axis, RotaterAxisMode mode = RotaterAxisMode.Explicit) { this.thing = thingToRotate; this.duration = duration; this.angle = angle; this.axis = axis; this.mode = mode; orient = new Quaternion(); PhysicsMain.PreSimulate += PreSimulate; }
protected void initLampPost(SceneNode parent, Vector3 position, Radian direction) { Entity lamp; SceneNode lampNode; int id = LevelView.PropCounter; lamp = sceneMgr.CreateEntity("Lamp" + id, "LampPost.mesh"); lamp.CastShadows = EngineConfig.ShadowsQuality > 0; lampNode = parent.CreateChildSceneNode("LampNode" + LevelView.PropCounter, position); lampNode.Yaw(direction); lampNode.AttachObject(lamp); }
public void ToStringTest() { Radian angle = new Radian(1.23); Assert.AreEqual(angle.ToString(), 1.23.ToString()); Assert.AreEqual(angle.ToString("N3"), 1.23.ToString("N3")); System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("de-DE"); Assert.AreEqual(angle.ToString(culture), 1.23.ToString(culture)); Assert.AreEqual(angle.ToString("N3", culture), 1.23.ToString("N3", culture)); }
public void DivisionTest() { Radian angle1 = new Radian(6.0); Radian result = angle1 / 3.0; double delta = result - 2.0; if (delta < 0.0) { delta *= -1; } Assert.IsTrue(delta <= double.Epsilon); }
/// <summary> /// Causes a walking animation to occur. /// </summary> public void Walking() { radius = 0.1f; direction = Vector3.ZERO; angle = 0f; time = new Timer(); ///PrintAnimationName(); animationChanged = false; animationName = "Walk"; LoadAnimation(); Console.WriteLine("Walking Animation!"); }
public override void Rotate(Radian yawAngle, Radian pitchAngle) { var xAxis = new Vector3(); var yAxis = new Vector3(); var zAxis = new Vector3(); Body.Orientation.ToAxes(out xAxis, out yAxis, out zAxis); // var yaw = new Quaternion(yawAngle, Vector3.UNIT_Y); // var pitch = new Quaternion(pitchAngle, xAxis); var data = Body.UserData as PhysicsControlData; data.Torque += (yAxis * yawAngle.ValueRadians + xAxis * pitchAngle.ValueRadians)/5.0f; }
public void Shooting(FrameEvent evt) { radius = 0.01f; direction = Vector3.ZERO; angle = 0f; time = new Timer(); animationChanged = false; animationName = "Shoot"; LoadAnimation(); AnimationMesh(evt); }
/// <summary> /// This method set up all the field needed for animation /// </summary> private void AnimationSetup() { radius = 0.01f; //f = floating point number direction = Vector3.ZERO; // 0 0 0 angle = 0f; time = new Timer(); PrintAnimationNames(); animationChanged = false; animationName = "Walk"; //animation name in the skeleton file LoadAnimation(); }
private static void DrawSphericalJoint(SphericalJoint joint) { Vector3 target = GetAnchor(joint, JointBody.Target); Vector3 anchor = GetAnchor(joint, JointBody.Anchor); Vector3 center = target; Rigidbody rigidbody = joint.GetBody(JointBody.Target); if (rigidbody != null) { center = rigidbody.SceneObject.Position; } Gizmos.Color = Color.White; Gizmos.DrawSphere(center, 0.05f); Gizmos.Color = Color.Yellow; Gizmos.DrawSphere(target, 0.05f); Gizmos.DrawSphere(anchor, 0.05f); Gizmos.Color = Color.Green; Gizmos.DrawLine(target, center); Gizmos.Color = Color.Green; if (joint.HasFlag(SphericalJointFlag.Limit)) { LimitConeRange limit = joint.Limit; Radian zAngle = MathEx.Min(new Degree(360), limit.zLimitAngle * 2.0f); Radian yAngle = MathEx.Min(new Degree(360), limit.yLimitAngle * 2.0f); Gizmos.Transform = joint.SceneObject.WorldTransform; Gizmos.DrawWireArc(Vector3.Zero, Vector3.ZAxis, 0.25f, zAngle * -0.5f + new Degree(90), zAngle); Gizmos.DrawWireArc(Vector3.Zero, Vector3.YAxis, 0.25f, yAngle * -0.5f + new Degree(90), yAngle); Gizmos.Color = Color.Red; Radian remainingZAngle = new Degree(360) - zAngle; Radian remainingYAngle = new Degree(360) - yAngle; Gizmos.DrawWireArc(Vector3.Zero, Vector3.ZAxis, 0.25f, zAngle * 0.5f + new Degree(90), remainingZAngle); Gizmos.DrawWireArc(Vector3.Zero, Vector3.YAxis, 0.25f, yAngle * 0.5f + new Degree(90), remainingYAngle); } else { Gizmos.Color = Color.Green; Gizmos.Transform = joint.SceneObject.WorldTransform; Gizmos.DrawWireDisc(Vector3.Zero, Vector3.ZAxis, 0.25f); Gizmos.DrawWireDisc(Vector3.Zero, Vector3.YAxis, 0.25f); } }
/// Builds the shape public Shape realizeShape() { Radian alpha = Math.ACos((mLengthB * mLengthB + mLengthC * mLengthC - mLengthA * mLengthA) / (2 * mLengthB * mLengthC)); Shape s = new Shape(); s.addPoint(0.0f, 0.0f); s.addPoint(Math.Cos(alpha) * mLengthB, Math.Sin(alpha) * mLengthB); s.addPoint(mLengthC, 0.0f); s.close(); s.translate((Math.Cos(alpha) * mLengthB + mLengthC) / -3.0f, mLengthB / -3.0f); return(s); }
private void AnimationSetup() { radius = 0.01f; direction = Vector3.ZERO; angle = 0f; #region Part2: Uncomment for Part 3 of Lab 2 time = new Timer(); PrintAnimationNames(); animationChanged = false; animationName = "Walk"; LoadAnimation(); #endregion }
// NH & KEEN - reworked the homing function for better accuracy private void MomentaryTurnToPositionUpdate(Vec3 turnToPosition) { if (targetBody != null) { turnToPosition = targetBody.Position; if (targetShape != null) { turnToPosition += (targetShape.Position * targetBody.Rotation); } if (Type.HomingPrediction > 0.0f) { float flyTime = (turnToPosition - Position).Length() / Type.Velocity; turnToPosition += targetBody.LinearVelocity * flyTime * Type.HomingPrediction; } } Vec3 diff = (turnToPosition - Position); Degree horizontalAngle = new Radian(-MathFunctions.ATan(diff.Y, diff.X)).InDegrees(); Degree verticalAngle = new Radian(MathFunctions.ATan(diff.Z, diff.ToVec2().Length())).InDegrees(); Quat collisionRotation = new Angles(0, 0, horizontalAngle).ToQuat(); collisionRotation *= new Angles(0, verticalAngle, 0).ToQuat(); Radian targetAngle = Quat.GetAngle(Rotation, collisionRotation); float PI = (float)Math.PI; if (targetAngle > PI) { targetAngle = (2 * PI) - targetAngle; } Radian maxTurnAbility = Type.HomingCorrection.InRadians() * TickDelta; if (targetAngle > maxTurnAbility) { float relativeCorrection = maxTurnAbility / targetAngle; Rotation = Quat.Slerp(Rotation, collisionRotation, relativeCorrection); } else { Rotation = collisionRotation; } }
static Quaternion GlobalEulerToQuat(Radian rotX, Radian rotY, Radian rotZ) { Quaternion q1 = new Quaternion(), q2 = new Quaternion(), q3 = new Quaternion(), q = new Quaternion(); q1.FromAngleAxis(rotX, Vector3.UNIT_X); q2.FromAngleAxis(rotY, Vector3.UNIT_Y); q3.FromAngleAxis(rotZ, Vector3.UNIT_Z); // global axes q = q3 * q2 * q1; return q; }
public void Radian_Constructor_Test() { var r = new Radian(); Assert.AreEqual(0.0f, r.Value); r = new Radian(3.14f); Assert.AreEqual(3.14f, r.Value); var r2 = new Radian(r); Assert.AreEqual(r.Value, r2.Value); var r3 = r; Assert.AreEqual(r.Value, r3.Value); }
public override void Rotate(Radian yawAngle, Radian pitchAngle) { var xAxis = new Vector3(); var yAxis = new Vector3(); var zAxis = new Vector3(); Body.Orientation.ToAxes(out xAxis, out yAxis, out zAxis); // var yaw = new Quaternion(yawAngle, Vector3.UNIT_Y); // var pitch = new Quaternion(pitchAngle, xAxis); var data = Body.UserData as PhysicsControlData; data.Torque += (yAxis * yawAngle.ValueRadians + xAxis * pitchAngle.ValueRadians) / 5.0f; }
public void PlaneAngleUnits() { Cycles cycles = (Cycles)1.0; Radian radians = (Radian)cycles; Degree degrees = (Degree)radians; Grad grads = (Grad)degrees; cycles = (Cycles)grads; Assert.AreEqual((Radian)(2.0 * Math.PI), radians, "Cycles-to-Radian conversion failed"); Assert.AreEqual((Degree)360.0, degrees, "Radian-to-Degree conversion failed"); Assert.AreEqual((Grad)400.0, grads, "Degree-to-Grad conversion failed"); Assert.AreEqual((Cycles)1.0, cycles, "Grad-to-Cycles conversion failed"); }
void Server_TickSendWeaponVerticalAngleToClients() { Vec3 diff = TurnToPosition - Position; float angle = -MathFunctions.ATan(diff.Z, diff.ToVec2().Length()); MathFunctions.Clamp(ref angle, -MathFunctions.PI / 2, MathFunctions.PI / 2); if (Math.Abs(server_sentWeaponVerticalAngle - angle) > .01f) { Server_SendWeaponVerticalAngleToClients(EntitySystemWorld.Instance.RemoteEntityWorlds, angle); server_sentWeaponVerticalAngle = angle; } }
public void PanGestureDetectorClearAngles() { tlog.Debug(tag, $"PanGestureDetectorClearAngles START"); PanGestureDetector a1 = new PanGestureDetector(); Radian angle = new Radian(4); a1.AddAngle(angle); a1.ClearAngles(); tlog.Debug(tag, $"PanGestureDetectorClearAngles END (OK)"); Assert.Pass("PanGestureDetectorClearAngles"); }
void SnapAngle(ref Radian angle) { //snapping Degree snapDegree = Owner.GetSnapRotate(); if (snapDegree != 0) { Radian snap = snapDegree.InRadians(); angle += snap / 2; angle /= snap; angle = (int)angle; angle *= snap; } }
public void PanGestureDetectorRemoveDirection() { tlog.Debug(tag, $"PanGestureDetectorRemoveDirection START"); PanGestureDetector a1 = new PanGestureDetector(); Radian angle = new Radian(4); a1.AddDirection(angle); a1.RemoveDirection(angle); tlog.Debug(tag, $"PanGestureDetectorRemoveDirection END (OK)"); Assert.Pass("PanGestureDetectorClearAngles"); }
public NodeAnimation(List <SceneNode> nodes, float animationDuration, string name, Radian cycleLength) { if (animationDuration <= 0) { animationDuration = 1; } this.nodes = nodes; duration = animationDuration; = name; this.cycleLength = cycleLength; amplitudeAtEnd = animationFunction((float)cycleLength.ValueRadians); amplitudeAtStart = animationFunction(0); }
public static PointF2D[] RotateAroundPoint(Radian angle, PointF2D center, PointF2D[] points) { double num1 = System.Math.Sin(angle.Value); double num2 = System.Math.Cos(angle.Value); PointF2D[] pointF2DArray = new PointF2D[points.Length]; for (int index = 0; index < points.Length; ++index) { double x = center[0] + (num2 * (points[index][0] - center[0]) + num1 * (points[index][1] - center[1])); double y = center[1] + (-num1 * (points[index][0] - center[0]) + num2 * (points[index][1] - center[1])); pointF2DArray[index] = new PointF2D(x, y); } return(pointF2DArray); }
/// <summary> /// Converts euler angles to quaternion /// </summary> /// <param name="YAngle">Yaw-Angle</param> /// <param name="XAngle">Pitch-Angle</param> /// <param name="ZAngle">Roll-Angle</param> /// <returns>orientation</returns> private Quaternion EulerAnglesToQuaternion(Degree YAngle, Degree XAngle, Degree ZAngle) { Radian radToYaw = new Radian(YAngle); Radian radToPitch = new Radian(XAngle); Radian radToRoll = new Radian(ZAngle); Quaternion orientation = Quaternion.IDENTITY; orientation *= new Quaternion(radToYaw, Vector3.UNIT_Y); orientation *= new Quaternion(radToPitch, Vector3.UNIT_X); orientation *= new Quaternion(radToRoll, Vector3.UNIT_Z); return(orientation); }
public void PanGestureDetectorGetAngleCount() { tlog.Debug(tag, $"PanGestureDetectorGetAngleCount START"); PanGestureDetector a1 = new PanGestureDetector(); Radian angle = new Radian(4); a1.AddAngle(angle); a1.GetAngleCount(); tlog.Debug(tag, $"PanGestureDetectorGetAngleCount END (OK)"); Assert.Pass("PanGestureDetectorAddDirection"); }
public override object ConvertFromInvariantString(string value) { // public Rotation(Radian radian(float), Vector3 vector3) // Default: <View Orientation="45.0,12,13,0" /> // Oritation="D:23, 0, 0, 1" // Oritation="R:23, 0, 0, 1" if (value != null) { string[] parts = value.Split(','); if (parts.Length == 4) { bool useDefault = true; Radian radian = null; string[] head = parts[0].Trim().Split(':'); if (head.Length == 2) { useDefault = false; string radianOrDegree = head[0].Trim().ToUpperInvariant(); if (radianOrDegree == "D" || radianOrDegree == "DEGREE") { // Oritation="D:23, 0, 0, 1" radian = new Radian(new Degree(Single.Parse(head[1].Trim(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))); } else if (radianOrDegree == "R" || radianOrDegree == "RADIAN") { // Oritation="R:23, 0, 0, 1" radian = new Radian(Single.Parse(head[1].Trim(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } else { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot convert the first parameter \"{value}\" into Radian of {typeof(Rotation)}"); } } if (useDefault) { // Default: <View Orientation="45.0,12,13,0" /> radian = new Radian(Single.Parse(parts[0].Trim(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } Vector3 vector3 = new Vector3(Single.Parse(parts[1].Trim(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), Single.Parse(parts[2].Trim(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), Single.Parse(parts[3].Trim(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); return(new Rotation(radian, vector3)); } } throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot convert \"{value}\" into {typeof(Rotation)}"); }
public override Radian GetAngle() { if (joint.jointID == IntPtr.Zero) { return(0); } Radian value = Ode.dJointGetAMotorAngle(joint.aMotorID, index - 1); if (joint.Body1.Static) { value = -value; } return(value); }
public Kart(ThingBlock block, ThingDefinition def) : base(block, def) { DefaultMaxSpeed = MaxSpeed = def.GetFloatProperty("maxspeed", 180f); MaxReverseSpeed = def.GetFloatProperty("maxreversespeed", 4f); MaxSpeedSquared = MaxSpeed * MaxSpeed; MaxReverseSpeedSquared = MaxReverseSpeed * MaxReverseSpeed; IsInAir = false; FrontDriftAngle = new Degree(def.GetFloatProperty("FrontDriftAngle", 46)).ValueRadians; BackDriftAngle = new Degree(def.GetFloatProperty("BackDriftAngle", 55)).ValueRadians; DriftTransitionAngle = new Degree(def.GetFloatProperty("DriftTransitionAngle", 40)); }
/// <summary> /// Rotates a set of points around another around point with a given angle clockwise. /// </summary> /// <returns>The around point.</returns> /// <param name="angle">Angle.</param> /// <param name="center">Center.</param> /// <param name="points">Points.</param> public static PointF2D[] RotateAroundPoint(Radian angle, PointF2D center, PointF2D[] points) { double sin = System.Math.Sin(angle.Value); double cos = System.Math.Cos(angle.Value); PointF2D[] rotated = new PointF2D[points.Length]; for (int idx = 0; idx < points.Length; idx++) { double newX = center [0] + (cos * (points[idx] [0] - center[0]) + sin * (points[idx] [1] - center [1])); double newY = center [1] + (-sin * (points[idx] [0] - center[0]) + cos * (points[idx] [1] - center [1])); rotated[idx] = new PointF2D(newX, newY); } return(rotated); }
public void DegreeConstructorWithRadian() { tlog.Debug(tag, $"DegreeConstructorWithRadian START"); using (Radian radian = new Radian(1.0f)) { var testingTarget = new Degree(radian); Assert.IsNotNull(testingTarget, "null handle"); Assert.IsInstanceOf <Degree>(testingTarget, "Should return Degree instance."); testingTarget.Dispose(); } tlog.Debug(tag, $"DegreeConstructorWithRadian END (OK)"); }
public void RadianValue() { tlog.Debug(tag, $"RadianValue START"); var testingTarget = new Radian(10.0f); Assert.IsNotNull(testingTarget, "null handle"); Assert.IsInstanceOf <Radian>(testingTarget, "Should return Radian instance."); testingTarget.Value = 30.0f; Assert.AreEqual(30.0f, testingTarget.Value, "radian function does not work, return error value"); testingTarget.Dispose(); tlog.Debug(tag, $"RadianValue END (OK)"); }
public Meter DistanceReal(GeoCoordinate point) { Meter meter = (Meter)6371000.0; Radian radian1 = (Radian) new Degree(this.Latitude); Radian radian2 = (Radian) new Degree(this.Longitude); Radian radian3 = (Radian) new Degree(point.Latitude); Radian radian4 = (Radian) new Degree(point.Longitude); double num1 = (radian3 - radian1).Value; Radian radian5 = radian2; double num2 = (radian4 - radian5).Value; double d = System.Math.Pow(System.Math.Sin(num1 / 2.0), 2.0) + System.Math.Cos(radian1.Value) * System.Math.Cos(radian3.Value) * System.Math.Pow(System.Math.Sin(num2 / 2.0), 2.0); double num3 = 2.0 * System.Math.Atan2(System.Math.Sqrt(d), System.Math.Sqrt(1.0 - d)); return((Meter)(meter.Value * num3)); }
public void RadianConstructorWithDegree() { tlog.Debug(tag, $"RadianConstructorWithDegree START"); using (Degree degree = new Degree()) { var testingTarget = new Radian(degree); Assert.IsNotNull(testingTarget, "null handle"); Assert.IsInstanceOf <Radian>(testingTarget, "Should return Radian instance."); testingTarget.Dispose(); } tlog.Debug(tag, $"RadianConstructorWithDegree END (OK)"); }
public void SetLookDirection(Vec3 pos) { Vec2 diff = pos.ToVec2() - Position.ToVec2(); if (diff == Vec2.Zero) { return; } Radian dir = MathFunctions.ATan16(diff.Y, diff.X); float halfAngle = dir * 0.5f; Quat rot = new Quat(new Vec3(0, 0, MathFunctions.Sin16(halfAngle)), MathFunctions.Cos16(halfAngle)); Rotation = rot; }
public PolarPoint <TRadius, TAngle> ToPolar <TRadius, TAngle>(AngleRange range) where TRadius : LinearUnit, new() where TAngle : AngularUnit, new() { TRadius radius = new TRadius(); double tempX = this.X.ChangeTo <TRadius>().Value; double tempY = this.Y.ChangeTo <TRadius>().Value; radius.Value = Math.Sqrt(tempX * tempX + tempY * tempY); Radian angle = new Radian(Math.Atan2(tempY, tempX), range); //use tempX and tempY return(new PolarPoint <TRadius, TAngle>(radius, angle.ChangeTo <TAngle>())); //do not need to cast! }
public void PanGestureDetectorAddDirection() { tlog.Debug(tag, $"PanGestureDetectorAddDirection START"); PanGestureDetector a1 = new PanGestureDetector(); Radian angle = new Radian(4); Radian threshold = new Radian(15); a1.AddDirection(angle); a1.AddDirection(angle, threshold); tlog.Debug(tag, $"PanGestureDetectorAddDirection END (OK)"); Assert.Pass("PanGestureDetectorAddDirection"); }
public void Radian_Operators_Test() { Assert.AreEqual(new Radian(1.0f), +new Radian(1.0f)); Assert.AreEqual(new Radian(3.0f), new Radian(1.0f) + new Radian(2.0f)); Assert.AreEqual(new Radian(-1.0f), -new Radian(1.0f)); Assert.AreEqual(new Radian(-1.0f), new Radian(1.0f) - new Radian(2.0f)); Assert.AreEqual(new Radian(3.0f), new Radian(1.0f) * 3); Assert.AreEqual(new Radian(3.0f), 3 * new Radian(1.0f)); Assert.AreEqual(new Radian(3.0f), new Radian(1.0f) * new Radian(3.0f)); Assert.AreEqual(new Radian(1.5f), new Radian(3.0f) / 2); Radian r1 = new Radian(1.0f); Assert.AreEqual(new Radian(3.0f), r1 += new Radian(2.0f)); Assert.AreEqual(new Radian(2.0f), r1 -= new Radian(1.0f)); Assert.AreEqual(new Radian(4.0f), r1 *= 2); Assert.AreEqual(new Radian(2.0f), r1 /= 2); }
public OrbitalCameraMode(CameraControlSystem cam, Radian initialHorizontalRotation, Radian initialVerticalRotation, float initialZoom = 1 , bool resetToInitialPosition = true, float collisionmargin = 0.1f) : base(cam, Vector3.ZERO, new Radian(0), new Radian(0), new Radian(0), collisionmargin) { _zoomFactor = 1; _rotationFactor = 0.13f; _initialRotHorizontal = initialHorizontalRotation; _initialRotVertical = initialVerticalRotation; _initialZoom = initialZoom; _zoom = initialZoom; _rotHorizontal = 0; _rotVertical = 0; _zoomDisplacement = 0; _resetToInitialPosition = resetToInitialPosition; this.CameraTightness = 1; }
public RTSCameraMode(CameraControlSystem cam, Vector3 initialPosition, Vector3 upAxis, Vector3 leftAxis, Radian cameraPitch, float minZoom = 0, float maxZoom = 0) : base(cam) { _upAxis = upAxis.NormalisedCopy; _leftAxis = leftAxis.NormalisedCopy; _moveFactor = 1; _cameraPitch = cameraPitch; _minZoom = minZoom; _maxZoom = maxZoom; _zoom = 0; _rotation = new Quaternion(cameraPitch, leftAxis); _heightAxis = -upAxis.CrossProduct(leftAxis).NormalisedCopy; CameraPosition = initialPosition; _heightDisplacement = 0; _lateralDisplacement = 0; _verticalDisplacement = 0; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="vc"></param> /// <param name="height"></param> /// <param name="radius"></param> /// <param name="alpha"></param> /// <param name="beta"></param> /// <param name="numberOfBlocks"></param> /// <param name="na"></param> /// <param name="nb"></param> /// <param name="nc"></param> public GeometryManager(VClouds vc, Vector2 height, float radius, Radian alpha, Radian beta, int numberOfBlocks, int na, int nb, int nc) { _vclouds = vc; this.IsCreated = false; _height = height; _radius = radius; _alpha = alpha; _beta = beta; _phie = Utility.TWO_PI / (float)numberOfBlocks; _numberOfBlocks = numberOfBlocks; _na = na; _nb = nb; _nc = nc; _worldOffset = new Vector2(0, 0); _lastCameraPosition = Vector3.ZERO; }
public void Sprite_Transform_Test() { var sprite = CreateSprite(); Assert.AreEqual(Vector2.Zero, sprite.Position); var newPos = new Vector2(1.0f, 2.0f); sprite.Position = newPos; Assert.AreEqual(newPos, sprite.Position); Assert.AreEqual(new Vector2(1.0f, 1.0f), sprite.Scale); var newScale = new Vector2(0.5f, 2.0f); sprite.Scale = newScale; Assert.AreEqual(newScale, sprite.Scale); Assert.AreEqual(new Radian(0.0f), sprite.Rotation); var newRotation = new Radian(MathUtils.PI); sprite.Rotation = newRotation; Assert.AreEqual(newRotation, sprite.Rotation); }
public void Matrix3_CreateFromYawPitchRoll_Test() { Radian yaw = new Radian(MathUtils.PI / 6), pitch = new Radian(MathUtils.PI / 5), roll = new Radian(MathUtils.PI / 4); var actual = Matrix3.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(yaw, pitch, roll); float cos = MathUtils.Cos(new Radian(yaw)); float sin = MathUtils.Sin(new Radian(yaw)); var yMat = new Matrix3(cos, 0, -sin, 0, 1, 0, sin, 0, cos); cos = MathUtils.Cos(new Radian(pitch)); sin = MathUtils.Sin(new Radian(pitch)); var xMat = new Matrix3(1, 0, 0, 0, cos, sin, 0, -sin, cos); cos = MathUtils.Cos(new Radian(roll)); sin = MathUtils.Sin(new Radian(roll)); var zMat = new Matrix3(cos, sin, 0, -sin, cos, 0, 0, 0, 1); Assert.AreEqual(zMat * xMat * yMat, actual); }
//indexers //explicit and implicit conversion //just for the sake of programming //Degree to Radian is implicit //Radian to Degree is explicit public void execute() { ClassA X = new ClassA(); X[3] = 10; Debug.Log(X); Radian x = new Radian(); x.value = Math.PI * 2; Degree degree = (Degree)x; Debug.Log(degree.value); Degree degree360 = new Degree(); degree360.value = 360; Radian radian360 = degree360;//implicit Debug.Log(radian360.value);//2 Pi }
public override void MakeProjectionMatrix(Radian fov, Real aspectRatio, Real near, Real far, out Matrix4 dest, bool forGpuProgram) { float theta = Utility.DegreesToRadians((float)fov * 0.5f); float h = 1.0f / Utility.Tan(theta); float w = h / aspectRatio; float q, qn; if (far == 0) { q = 1 - Frustum.InfiniteFarPlaneAdjust; qn = near * (Frustum.InfiniteFarPlaneAdjust - 1); } else { q = far / (far - near); qn = -q * near; } dest = Matrix4.Zero; dest.m00 = w; dest.m11 = h; if (forGpuProgram) { dest.m22 = -q; dest.m32 = -1.0f; } else { dest.m22 = q; dest.m32 = 1.0f; } dest.m23 = qn; }