Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a random connected graph and displayes a (non-unique) spanning tree using Prim's algorithm.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="diagram">The diagram.</param>
        /// <param name="specs">The specs.</param>
        private void Prims(RadDiagram diagram, GraphGenerationSpecifications specs)
            Dictionary <Node, RadDiagramShape>      nodeMap;
            Dictionary <Edge, RadDiagramConnection> edgeMap;
            var randomConnectedGraph = GraphExtensions.CreateRandomConnectedGraph(10);
            var root = randomConnectedGraph.FindTreeRoot();
            var g    = diagram.CreateDiagram(randomConnectedGraph, out nodeMap, out edgeMap, GraphExtensions.CreateShape, specs.RandomShapeSize);

            // making it undirected will reach all the nodes since the random graph is connected
            g.IsDirected = false;
            var tree = g.PrimsSpanningTree(root);

            if (tree != null)
                this.Highlight(tree, nodeMap, edgeMap, this.HighlighBrush);
            var settings = new TreeLayoutSettings
                TreeLayoutType       = TreeLayoutType.TreeDown,
                VerticalSeparation   = 50d,
                HorizontalSeparation = 80d,

            diagram.Layout(LayoutType.Tree, settings);
        private RadDiagramShape CreateCardLabel(RadDiagram diagram, ReplayerCardViewModel card)
            var label = new RadDiagramShape()
                Height           = CARD_HEIGHT,
                Width            = CARD_WIDTH,
                MaxHeight        = CARD_HEIGHT,
                MaxWidth         = CARD_WIDTH,
                StrokeThickness  = 0,
                BorderThickness  = new Thickness(0),
                IsEnabled        = false,
                IsHitTestVisible = false,
                DataContext      = card

                BindingOperations.ClearBinding(label, UIElement.VisibilityProperty);
                BindingOperations.ClearBinding(label, Control.BackgroundProperty);

                Binding cardBinding = new Binding(nameof(ReplayerCardViewModel.CardId))
                    Source = card, Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay, Converter = new IntToCardConverter(), ConverterParameter = label
                label.SetBinding(Control.BackgroundProperty, cardBinding);
            catch (Exception ex)

Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a specific graph to show the shortest path between two nodes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">The diagram.</param>
        /// <param name="specs">The specs.</param>
        private void ShortestPath(RadDiagram obj, GraphGenerationSpecifications specs)
            Dictionary <Node, RadDiagramShape>      nodeMap;
            Dictionary <Edge, RadDiagramConnection> edgeMap;
            var g = this.diagram.CreateDiagram(new List <string> {
                "1,2", "2,3", "1,4", "4,5", "5,3", "1,6", "6,7", "7,8", "8,3", "3,9", "9,10", "10,11"
            }, out nodeMap, out edgeMap, GraphExtensions.CreateShape, this.RandomSizeCheck.IsChecked.HasValue && this.RandomSizeCheck.IsChecked.Value);

            // Dijkstra's algorithm will give you the shortest path
            var path = g.DijkstraShortestPath(1, 11);

            if (path != null)
                this.Highlight(path, nodeMap, edgeMap, this.HighlighBrush);

            // the node map gives us the shape from a node and we want to have the "1" node at the root of the tree
            var nodeOne  = g.FindNode(1);
            var shapeOne = nodeMap[nodeOne];
            var settings = new TreeLayoutSettings
                TreeLayoutType       = TreeLayoutType.TreeDown,
                VerticalSeparation   = 50d,
                HorizontalSeparation = 80d,

            // specifying the root (or roots if we have a forest) can be done using the Roots property like so
            diagram.Layout(LayoutType.Tree, settings);
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a forest of unbalanced trees and applies a radial layout.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="diagram">The diagram.</param>
        /// <param name="specs">The specs.</param>
        private void RandomRadialForest(RadDiagram diagram, GraphGenerationSpecifications specs)
            Dictionary <Node, RadDiagramShape>      nodeMap;
            Dictionary <Edge, RadDiagramConnection> edgeMap;
            var g        = this.diagram.CreateDiagram(GraphExtensions.CreateRandomGraph(250, 4, true), out nodeMap, out edgeMap, GraphExtensions.CreateShape, this.RandomSizeCheck.IsChecked.HasValue && this.RandomSizeCheck.IsChecked.Value);
            var settings = new TreeLayoutSettings
                TreeLayoutType                  = TreeLayoutType.RadialTree,
                HorizontalSeparation            = this.HorizontalSeparationSlider.Value,
                VerticalSeparation              = this.VerticalSeparationSlider.Value,
                UnderneathHorizontalOffset      = this.UnderneathHorizontalOffsetSlider.Value,
                UnderneathVerticalSeparation    = this.UnderneathVerticalOffsetSlider.Value,
                KeepComponentsInOneRadialLayout = true,
                RadialSeparation                = 45d
            var center = g.FindNode(0);

            var layout = new TreeLayout();

            layout.Layout(this.diagram, settings);
            //Colorize(g, nodeMap, center);
        private void CreatePlayersLayout(RadDiagram diagram, HudDragCanvas dgCanvas, ReplayerViewModel viewModel)
            var seats = (int)CurrentCapacity;

            var positionProvider = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance <IPositionProvider>(ReplayerPokerSite.ToString());

            var labelPositions = positionProvider.Positions[seats];
            var hasHoleCards   = viewModel.CurrentGame.Players.Any(x => x.hasHoleCards);
            var cardsCount     = hasHoleCards ? viewModel.CurrentGame.Players.Where(x => x.hasHoleCards).Max(x => x.HoleCards.Count) : 2;

            for (var i = 0; i < seats; i++)
                var player = viewModel.PlayersCollection[i];
                var label  = CreatePlayerLabel(player);

                label.X = labelPositions[i, 0];
                label.Y = labelPositions[i, 1];

                PlaceCardLabels(diagram, label, cardsCount);

                player.ChipsContainer.ChipsShape.X = predefinedChipsPositions[seats][i, 0];
                player.ChipsContainer.ChipsShape.Y = predefinedChipsPositions[seats][i, 1];

                AddPotPlayerLabel(diagram, viewModel.PlayersCollection[i], predefinedChipsPositions[seats][i, 0], predefinedChipsPositions[seats][i, 1]);

Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a tree which grows symmetrically.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="diagram">The diagram.</param>
        /// <param name="specs">The specs.</param>
        private void BalancedRadialTree(RadDiagram diagram, GraphGenerationSpecifications specs)
            Dictionary <Node, RadDiagramShape>      nodeMap;
            Dictionary <Edge, RadDiagramConnection> edgeMap;

            // the algorithm to create a balanced tree is quite straighforward
            var g = this.diagram.CreateDiagram(GraphExtensions.CreateBalancedTree(), out nodeMap, out edgeMap, GraphExtensions.CreateShape, this.RandomSizeCheck.IsChecked.HasValue && this.RandomSizeCheck.IsChecked.Value);

            // the result is best displayed with the radial tree layout
            var settings = new TreeLayoutSettings
                TreeLayoutType               = TreeLayoutType.RadialTree,
                HorizontalSeparation         = this.HorizontalSeparationSlider.Value,
                VerticalSeparation           = this.VerticalSeparationSlider.Value,
                UnderneathHorizontalOffset   = this.UnderneathHorizontalOffsetSlider.Value,
                UnderneathVerticalSeparation = this.UnderneathVerticalOffsetSlider.Value,
                StartRadialAngle             = Math.PI,
                // use a specific angle rather than the full 360° to show one of the layout's (hidden) gem
                EndRadialAngle = 3.47 * Math.PI / 2
            var center = g.FindNode(-1);

            var layout = new TreeLayout();

            layout.Layout(this.diagram, settings);

            // center and size autimagically

            // you can colorize the shapes, if you wish
            // this.Colorize(g, nodeMap, center);
Пример #7
        public Form1()
            StyleManager.ApplicationTheme = new Office_SilverTheme();

            diagram = new RadDiagram()
                Background = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.White, IsBackgroundSurfaceVisible = false
            elementHost1.Child = diagram;
            var s1 = diagram.AddShape(new RadDiagramShape {
                Position = new System.Windows.Point(120, 50)
            var s2 = diagram.AddShape(new RadDiagramShape {
                Position = new System.Windows.Point(320, 50)
            var con = diagram.AddConnection(s1, s2) as RadDiagramConnection;

            con.Content = "Connected";
            con.Stroke  = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.OrangeRed;

            var info = diagram.AddShape(
                "This is not a XAML form, but a Windows Form hosting RadDiagram.",
                new System.Windows.Point(280, 150)) as RadDiagramShape;

            info.Background = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Transparent;
            info.Stroke     = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Silver;
        private static ScrollingDirection GetScrollingDirection(RadDiagram diagram, Point currentPosition)
            var diagramPosition = diagram.GetTransformedPoint(currentPosition);

            if (diagramPosition.Y <= diagram.Viewport.Top)
            else if (diagramPosition.Y >= diagram.Viewport.Bottom)
            else if (diagramPosition.X <= diagram.Viewport.Left)
            else if (diagramPosition.X >= diagram.Viewport.Right)
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a specific graph which has some obvious cycles and lets the graph analysis highlight them, thus confirming the cycles
        /// which can be easily found manually. The analysis goes of course beyond what the human eye can see and would find cycles in an arbitrary graph.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="diagram">The diagram.</param>
        /// <param name="specs">The specs.</param>
        private void Cycles(RadDiagram diagram, GraphGenerationSpecifications specs)
            Dictionary <Node, RadDiagramShape>      nodeMap;
            Dictionary <Edge, RadDiagramConnection> edgeMap;
            var g = diagram.CreateDiagram(new List <string> {
                "1,2", "3,1", "2,4", "4,3", "4,5", "10,11", "11,12", "12,10"
            }, out nodeMap,
                                          out edgeMap, specs.CreateShape, specs.RandomShapeSize);
            var cycles = g.FindCycles();

            if (cycles.Count > 0)
                foreach (var cycle in cycles)
                    var path = new GraphPath <Node, Edge>();
                    this.Highlight(path, nodeMap, edgeMap, specs.HighlightBrush);
            diagram.Layout(LayoutType.Tree, new TreeLayoutSettings
                TreeLayoutType       = TreeLayoutType.TreeRight,
                VerticalSeparation   = 50d,
                HorizontalSeparation = 80d
Пример #10
        public static IContainerShape CreateContainerShape(this RadDiagram diagram, string title = null, string name = null)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(title))
                title = "Container";
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                name = "Container_" + Rand.Next(665686356);
            var shape = new RadDiagramContainerShape
                Width   = 250,
                Height  = 150,
                Name    = name,
                Content = title,
                //Stroke = Brushes.DimGray,
                IsCollapsible   = true,
                StrokeThickness = 1,

                CollapsedContent = null,

 private static void AddAssosiation(RadDiagram diagram)
     if (!diagramInfos.ContainsKey(diagram))
         diagramInfos[diagram] = CreateDiagramInfo(diagram);
Пример #12
        public static RadDiagramShape CreateShape(this RadDiagram diagram, string title = null, string name = null)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(title))
                title = "Shape";
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                name = "Shape_" + Rand.Next(665686356);
            var shape = new RadDiagramShape
                Width           = 80,
                Height          = 50,
                Name            = name,
                Geometry        = ShapeFactory.GetShapeGeometry(CommonShapeType.RectangleShape),
                Background      = new SolidColorBrush(Windows8Palette.Palette.AccentColor),
                Content         = title,
                Stroke          = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.DarkGray),
                StrokeThickness = 0,
                Position        = new Point(50 + Rand.Next(800), 50 + Rand.Next(600))

		public PageManager(RadDiagram diagram)
			this.diagram = diagram;
			this.fileManager = new FileManager(diagram);
			this.Pages = new ObservableCollection<Page>();
			this.HyperLinks = new ObservableCollection<LogicalLink>();
Пример #14
        public static List <RadDiagramShape> CreateDivisionBranch(this RadDiagram diagram, string name)
            var shapes   = new List <RadDiagramShape>();
            var director = diagram.CreateShape(name + " director");

            var manCount = Rand.Next(2, 4);

            for (var j = 0; j < manCount; j++)
                var man = diagram.CreateShape(name + " manager");
                man.Geometry   = ShapeFactory.GetShapeGeometry(CommonShapeType.EllipseShape);
                man.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Brown);
                var devCount = Rand.Next(3, 6);
                diagram.AddConnection(director, man, ConnectorPosition.Bottom, ConnectorPosition.Top);
                for (var k = 0; k < devCount; k++)
                    var dev = diagram.CreateShape("Dev " + k);
                    dev.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.LightGray);
                    diagram.Connect(man, dev);
Пример #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a specific diagram and highlight the longest path found through the graph analysis.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="diagram">The diagram.</param>
        /// <param name="specs">The specs.</param>
        private void LongestPath(RadDiagram diagram, GraphGenerationSpecifications specs)
            Dictionary <Node, RadDiagramShape>      nodeMap;
            Dictionary <Edge, RadDiagramConnection> edgeMap;

            // this creates the specific graph
            var g = this.diagram.CreateDiagram(new List <string> {
                "1,2", "2,3", "2,4", "3,5", "4,5", "5,6", "2,7", "7,8", "8,9", "9,10", "10,6", "20,21", "21,22", "20,25"
            }, out nodeMap, out edgeMap, GraphExtensions.CreateShape, this.RandomSizeCheck.IsChecked.HasValue && this.RandomSizeCheck.IsChecked.Value);

            // note that this works on disconnected graphs as well as on connected ones
            var path = g.FindLongestPath();

            // highlight the longest path if one is found
            if (path != null)
                this.Highlight(path, nodeMap, edgeMap, this.HighlighBrush);

            // use a layout which displays the result best
            diagram.Layout(LayoutType.Tree, new TreeLayoutSettings
                TreeLayoutType       = TreeLayoutType.TreeUp,
                VerticalSeparation   = 80d,
                HorizontalSeparation = 50d
Пример #16
 public void InitializeComponent() {
     if (_contentLoaded) {
     _contentLoaded = true;
     System.Windows.Application.LoadComponent(this, new System.Uri("/Procbel.Apps.Silverlight.Modules.Inicio;component/Views/InicioView.xaml", System.UriKind.Relative));
     this.diagram = ((RadDiagram)(this.FindName("diagram")));
 private static void DetachHandlers(RadDiagram diagram)
     if (diagramInfos.Keys.Contains(diagram) && (diagramInfos[diagram].ScrollingTimer != null))
         diagramInfos[diagram].ScrollingTimer.Tick -= ScrollingTimer_Tick;
     diagram.PreviewMouseMove -= diagram_PreviewMouseMove;
Пример #18
 public MyDragging(RadDiagram graph)
     : base(graph as IGraphInternal)
     this.DragAllowedArea   = Rect.Empty;
     this.diagram           = graph;
     this.IsOn              = true;
     this.UseRotaitonBounds = true;
Пример #19
        protected void ConnectDiagramShapes(string startShapeID, string endShapeID, RadDiagram diagram)
            var connection = new DiagramConnection();

            connection.FromSettings.ShapeId = startShapeID;
            connection.ToSettings.ShapeId   = endShapeID;
Пример #20
		public MyDragging(RadDiagram graph)
			: base(graph as IGraphInternal)
			this.DragAllowedArea = Rect.Empty;
			this.diagram = graph;
			this.IsOn = true;
			this.UseRotaitonBounds = true;
		private void Initialize(RadDiagram diagram, ItemInformationAdorner informationAdorner, Popup rootPopup)
			this.diagram = diagram;
			this.informationAdorner = informationAdorner;
			this.informationAdorner.IsAdditionalContentVisibleChanged += this.InformationAdorner_IsAdditionalContentVisibleChanged;
			this.rootPopup = rootPopup;

			this.dataProvider = new SettingsPaneDataProvider(this.diagram);
			this.dataProvider.BoundsChanged += (_, __) => this.PlacePopup();
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="FileManager"/> class.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="diagram">The diagram.</param>
		public FileManager(RadDiagram diagram)
			this.CurrentFile = string.Empty;
			if (diagram == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("diagram");

			this.diagram = diagram;
Пример #23
        public static IConnection Connect(this RadDiagram diagram, IShape a, IShape b, string name = null)
            var c = diagram.AddConnection(a, b);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                c.Name = name;
 public static IEnumerable<SampleItem> GetSamples(RadDiagram diagram = null)
     return new[] 
         new SampleItem
             Title = "Sample: Simple Diagram",
             Description = "A basic diagram of geometric shapes.",
             Icon = FeatureUtilities.GetBitmap(new Uri("/Images/flow.jpg", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute), "Telerik.Windows.Diagrams.Features"),
             Run = SimpleDiagramSample,
             RunCommand = new DelegateCommand((x) => SimpleDiagramSample(diagram))
         new SampleItem
             Title = "Sample: Cycle Diagram",
             Description = "Example of a cycle process aka methodology.",
             Icon = FeatureUtilities.GetBitmap(new Uri("/Images/circle.jpg", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute), "Telerik.Windows.Diagrams.Features"),
             Run = CycleSample,
             RunCommand = new DelegateCommand((x) => CycleSample(diagram))
         new SampleItem
             Title = "Sample: Stakeholders Diagram",
             Description = "Sample demonstrating a stakeholder diagram.",
             Icon = FeatureUtilities.GetBitmap(new Uri("/Images/stakeholder.jpg", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute), "Telerik.Windows.Diagrams.Features"),
             Run = StakeholderSample,
             RunCommand = new DelegateCommand((x) => StakeholderSample(diagram))
         new SampleItem
             Title = "Sample: Linear Process Diagram",
             Description = "Linear sequence of dependence.",
             Icon = FeatureUtilities.GetBitmap(new Uri("/Images/rolls.jpg", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute), "Telerik.Windows.Diagrams.Features"),
             Run = SequenceSample,
             RunCommand = new DelegateCommand((x) => SequenceSample(diagram))
         new SampleItem
             Title = "Sample: Floor plan",
             Description = "Sample which demonstrates the possibility to use RadDiagram to create floor plans.",
             Icon = FeatureUtilities.GetBitmap(new Uri("/Images/floorplan.jpg", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute), "Telerik.Windows.Diagrams.Features"),
             Run = FloorPlanSample,
             RunCommand = new DelegateCommand((x) => FloorPlanSample(diagram))
         new SampleItem
             Title = "Sample: Decision Flowchart",
             Description = "A typical flowchart using RadDiagram.",
             Icon = FeatureUtilities.GetBitmap(new Uri("/Images/simpleflow.jpg", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute), "Telerik.Windows.Diagrams.Features"),
             Run = DecisionSample,
             RunCommand = new DelegateCommand((x) => DecisionSample(diagram))
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="FileManager"/> class.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="diagram">The diagram.</param>
		public FileManager(RadDiagram diagram)
			this.CurrentFile = string.Empty;
			if (diagram == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("diagram");

			this.diagram = diagram;
#if WPF
			tempPath = Path.GetTempPath();
Пример #26
        private void Save(RadDiagram diagram, string Path)
            var xml = diagram.Save();

            using (var stream = System.IO.File.OpenWrite(Path))
                using (var Writer = new System.IO.StreamWriter(stream))
        private void CreatePlayerLabels(RadDiagram diagram, FilterStandardViewModel viewModel)
            var positions = predefinedPlayerPositions[seats];

            IList <TableRingItem> collection;

            switch ((EnumTableType)seats)
            case EnumTableType.Six:
                collection = viewModel.FilterModel.ActiveTable6MaxCollection;

                collection = viewModel.FilterModel.ActiveTableFullRingCollection;

            for (int i = 0; i < seats && i < collection.Count; i++)
                var tableItem = collection[i];

                RadDiagramShape player = new RadDiagramShape()
                    DataContext                  = tableItem,
                    Background                   = new ImageBrush(new BitmapImage(new Uri(BaseUriHelper.GetBaseUri(diagram), BackgroundPlayerImage))),
                    Height                       = PLAYER_HEIGHT,
                    Width                        = PLAYER_WIDTH,
                    StrokeThickness              = 0,
                    BorderThickness              = new Thickness(0),
                    IsResizingEnabled            = false,
                    IsRotationEnabled            = false,
                    IsDraggingEnabled            = false,
                    IsManipulationEnabled        = false,
                    IsManipulationAdornerVisible = false,
                    IsHitTestVisible             = true,
                    FontSize                     = 13,

                player.X = positions[tableItem.Seat - 1, 0];
                player.Y = positions[tableItem.Seat - 1, 1];

                var indicator = AddActiveIndicator(player, tableItem);

                player.MouseLeftButtonUp    += PlayerControl_MouseLeftButtonUp;
                indicator.MouseLeftButtonUp += PlayerControl_MouseLeftButtonUp;

        private void PlaceCardLabels(RadDiagram diagram, RadDiagramShape playerLabel, int cardsCount = 2)
            var player = playerLabel.DataContext as ReplayerPlayerViewModel;

            if (player == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("playerLabel", "Cannot place card labels for player because player is null");

            Binding myBinding = new Binding(nameof(ReplayerPlayerViewModel.IsFinished))
                Source = player, Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay, Converter = new BoolToVisibilityConverter(), ConverterParameter = "Inverse"

            for (int i = 0; i < cardsCount; i++)
                var card = CreateCardLabel(diagram, player.Cards[i]);
                card.SetBinding(UIElement.VisibilityProperty, myBinding);

                if (cardsCount == 4)
                    double offset = card.Width / 4;
                    var    start  = playerLabel.X - offset + 2;
                    var    width  = playerLabel.Width + offset;
                    card.X = start + i * width / 5;
                else if (cardsCount == 2)
                    card.X = playerLabel.X + 5 + i * (playerLabel.Width - 10 - card.Width);
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("cardsCount", "Supported cardsCount values are 2 and 4");

                card.Y = playerLabel.Y - 60;


            if (player.IsDealer)
                var button = CreateDealerLabel(diagram, player);
                button.X = playerLabel.X - BUTTON_WIDTH - 5;
                button.Y = playerLabel.Y + playerLabel.Height / 2 - BUTTON_HEIGHT / 2;

Пример #29
        private static BitmapSource CreateDiagramImage(RadDiagram diagram, Rect enclosingBounds, Size returnImageSize, Brush backgroundBrush, Thickness margin, double dpi)
            var virtualizationService = diagram.ServiceLocator.GetService <IVirtualizationService>() as VirtualizationService;


            var          itemsHost = diagram.FindChildByType <DiagramSurface>();
            BitmapSource image     = CreateWriteableBitmap(itemsHost, enclosingBounds, returnImageSize, backgroundBrush, margin, dpi);


Пример #30
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the samples.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="diagram">The diagram.</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public static IEnumerable<SampleItem> GetSamples(RadDiagram diagram = null)
			return new[] 
				new SampleItem
					Title = "Simple Diagram",
					Description = "A basic diagram of geometric shapes.",
					Icon = "../Images/flow.jpg",
					Run = SimpleDiagramSample
				new SampleItem
					Title = "Cycle Diagram",
					Description = "Example of a cycle process aka methodology.",
					Icon = "../Images/circle.jpg",
					Run = CycleSample
				new SampleItem
					Title = "Bezier Diagram",
					Description = "Sample demonstrating a stakeholder diagram.",
					Icon = "../Images/bezier.jpg",
					Run = BezierSample
				new SampleItem
					Title = "Linear Process Diagram",
					Description = "Linear sequence of dependence.",
					Icon = "../Images/rolls.jpg",
					Run = SequenceSample
				new SampleItem
					Title = "Floor plan",
					Description = "Sample which demonstrates the possibility to use RadDiagram to create floor plans.",
					Icon = "../Images/floorplan.jpg",
					Run = FloorPlanSample
				new SampleItem
					Title = "Decision Flowchart",
					Description = "A typical flowchart using RadDiagram.",
					Icon = "../Images/simpleflow.jpg",
					Run = SimpleFlowSample
Пример #31
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the samples.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="diagram">The diagram.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static IEnumerable <SampleItem> GetSamples(RadDiagram diagram = null)
         new SampleItem
             Title = "Simple Diagram",
             Description = "A basic diagram of geometric shapes.",
             Icon = "Images/flow.jpg",
             Run = SimpleDiagramSample
         new SampleItem
             Title = "Cycle Diagram",
             Description = "Example of a cycle process aka methodology.",
             Icon = "Images/circle.jpg",
             Run = CycleSample
         new SampleItem
             Title = "Bezier Diagram",
             Description = "Sample demonstrating a stakeholder diagram.",
             Icon = "Images/bezier.jpg",
             Run = BezierSample
         new SampleItem
             Title = "Linear Process Diagram",
             Description = "Linear sequence of dependence.",
             Icon = "Images/rolls.jpg",
             Run = SequenceSample
         new SampleItem
             Title = "Floor plan",
             Description = "Sample which demonstrates the possibility to use RadDiagram to create floor plans.",
             Icon = "Images/floorplan.jpg",
             Run = FloorPlanSample
         new SampleItem
             Title = "Decision Flowchart",
             Description = "A typical flowchart using RadDiagram.",
             Icon = "Images/simpleflow.jpg",
             Run = SimpleFlowSample
		/// <summary>
		/// Layouts all the shapes of a diagram in organizational manner.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="diagram">The diagram.</param>
		public void Layout(RadDiagram diagram)
			if (diagram == null)

			var root = diagram.Shapes.FirstOrDefault(shape => !(shape as RadDiagramShape).HasParents()) as RadDiagramShape;

			if (root != null)
				this.LayoutShape(root, new Point(0, 0));
        private static DiagramScrollingInfo CreateDiagramInfo(RadDiagram diagram)
            var toolService = diagram.ServiceLocator.GetService <IToolService>() as ToolService;
            var diagramInfo = new DiagramScrollingInfo()
                ConnectionTool             = (ConnectionTool)toolService.FindTool(ConnectionTool.ToolName),
                ConnectionManipulationTool = (ConnectionManipulationTool)toolService.FindTool(ConnectionManipulationTool.ToolName),
                ScrollingTimer             = new DispatcherTimer()
                    Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1)
                DraggingService = (DraggingService)diagram.ServiceLocator.GetService <IDraggingService>(),

Пример #34
 private static void LoadSample(RadDiagram diagram, string name)
     using (var stream = ExtensionUtilities.GetStream(string.Format("/Common/SampleDiagrams/{0}.xml", name)))
         using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream))
             var xml = reader.ReadToEnd();
             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(xml))
     diagram.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => diagram.AutoFit()), System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Loaded);
        private void CreateCurrentPotValueLabel(RadDiagram diagram, ReplayerViewModel viewModel)
            System.Windows.Controls.Label lbl = new System.Windows.Controls.Label();
            Binding myBinding = new Binding(nameof(ReplayerViewModel.CurrentPotValue))
                Source = viewModel, Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay, Converter = new DecimalToPotConverter(), ConverterParameter = "Pot {0:C2}"

            lbl.SetBinding(ContentControl.ContentProperty, myBinding);
            lbl.Background      = Brushes.LightGray;
            lbl.Foreground      = Brushes.Black;
            lbl.BorderBrush     = Brushes.Black;
            lbl.BorderThickness = new Thickness(1);
            lbl.Padding         = new Thickness(3, 3, 3, 3);
            lbl.Margin          = new Thickness(480, 315, 100, 100);
Пример #36
 public static void CreateGraph(this RadDiagram diagram, GraphGenerationSpecifications specs, CreateShapeDelegate createShape)
     if (specs.Connections)
         var g = specs.Connected ? GraphExtensions.CreateRandomConnectedGraph(specs.NodeCount, 4, specs.TreeGraph) : GraphExtensions.CreateRandomGraph(specs.NodeCount, 4, specs.TreeGraph);
         diagram.CreateDiagram(g, GraphExtensions.CreateShape, specs.RandomShapeSize);
         for (var i = 0; i < specs.NodeCount; i++)
             var shape = createShape(new Node(i, false), specs.RandomShapeSize);
Пример #37
        public static RadFixedPage ExportDiagram(RadDiagram diagram, Rect pageSize)
            RadFixedPage page = new RadFixedPage();

            page.Size = pageSize.ToSize();

            var orderedContainers = diagram.Items.Select(i => diagram.ContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem(i)).OrderBy(c => c.ZIndex);

            foreach (var container in orderedContainers)
                if (container.Visibility != Visibility.Visible)

                var shape = container as RadDiagramShape;
                if (shape != null)
                    ExportShape(shape, pageSize, page);

                var textShape = container as RadDiagramTextShape;
                if (textShape != null)
                    ExportTextShape(textShape, pageSize, page);

                var containerShape = container as RadDiagramContainerShape;
                if (containerShape != null)
                    ExportContainerShape(containerShape, pageSize, page);

                var connection = container as RadDiagramConnection;
                if (connection != null)
                    ExportConnection(connection, pageSize, page);

Пример #38
 private void Open(RadDiagram diagram, string Path)
     if (diagram.GraphSource == null)
     using (var stream = System.IO.File.OpenRead(Path))
         using (var reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(stream))
             var xml = reader.ReadToEnd();
             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(xml))
        private void CreateTotalPotValueLabel(RadDiagram diagram, ReplayerViewModel viewModel)
            System.Windows.Controls.Label lbl = new System.Windows.Controls.Label();
            Binding myBinding = new Binding(nameof(ReplayerViewModel.TotalPotValue))
                Source = viewModel, Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay, Converter = new DecimalToPotConverter(), ConverterParameter = "{0:C2}"

            lbl.SetBinding(ContentControl.ContentProperty, myBinding);
            lbl.Foreground = Brushes.White;
            lbl.Margin     = new Thickness(480, 100, 100, 100);

            viewModel.TotalPotChipsContainer.ChipsShape.X = TotalPotChipsPosition.X;
            viewModel.TotalPotChipsContainer.ChipsShape.Y = TotalPotChipsPosition.Y;

Пример #40
        public Form1()
            StyleManager.ApplicationTheme = new Office_SilverTheme();

            diagram = new RadDiagram() { Background = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.White, IsBackgroundSurfaceVisible = false };
            elementHost1.Child = diagram;
            var s1 = diagram.AddShape(new RadDiagramShape { Position = new System.Windows.Point(120, 50) });
            var s2 = diagram.AddShape(new RadDiagramShape { Position = new System.Windows.Point(320, 50) });
            var con = diagram.AddConnection(s1, s2) as RadDiagramConnection;
            con.Content = "Connected";
            con.Stroke = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.OrangeRed;

            var info = diagram.AddShape(
                "This is not a XAML form, but a Windows Form hosting RadDiagram.",
                new System.Windows.Point(280, 150)) as RadDiagramShape;
            info.Background = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Transparent;
            info.Stroke = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Silver;
Пример #41
        public static RadFixedPage ExportDiagram(RadDiagram diagram, Rect pageSize)
            RadFixedPage page = new RadFixedPage();
            page.Size = pageSize.ToSize();

            var orderedContainers = diagram.Items.Select(i => diagram.ContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem(i)).OrderBy(c => c.ZIndex);
            foreach (var container in orderedContainers)
                if (container.Visibility != Visibility.Visible) continue;

                var shape = container as RadDiagramShape;
                if (shape != null)
                    ExportShape(shape, pageSize, page);

                var textShape = container as RadDiagramTextShape;
                if (textShape != null)
                    ExportTextShape(textShape, pageSize, page);

                var containerShape = container as RadDiagramContainerShape;
                if (containerShape != null)
                    ExportContainerShape(containerShape, pageSize, page);

                var connection = container as RadDiagramConnection;
                if (connection != null)
                    ExportConnection(connection, pageSize, page);

            return page;
Пример #42
        public static void LoadDiagram(RadDiagram diagram, string name)


            using (var stream = ExtensionUtilities.GetStream(string.Format("{0}.xml", name), "Procbel.Apps.Silverlight.Modules.Inicio"))
                using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream))
                    var xml = reader.ReadToEnd();
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(xml))
#if WPF
            diagram.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => diagram.AutoFit()), System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Loaded);
            diagram.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => diagram.AutoFit()));
Пример #43
		/// <summary>
		/// Loads the cycle sample.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="diagram">The diagram.</param>
		public static void CycleSample(RadDiagram diagram)
			LoadSample(diagram, "Cycle3");
Пример #44
		/// <summary>
		/// Loads the decision sample.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="diagram">The diagram.</param>
		public static void SimpleFlowSample(RadDiagram diagram)
			LoadSample(diagram, "SimpleFlow");
Пример #45
		/// <summary>
		/// Loads the floor plan sample.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="diagram">The diagram.</param>
		public static void FloorPlanSample(RadDiagram diagram)
			LoadSample(diagram, "FloorPlan");
Пример #46
 public MyResizing(RadDiagram owner)
     : base(owner as IGraphInternal)
     this.CanResizeWidth = true;
     this.CanResizeHeight = true;
Пример #47
		/// <summary>
		/// Loads the stakeholders sample.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="diagram">The diagram.</param>
		public static void StakeholderSample(RadDiagram diagram)
			LoadSample(diagram, "Stakeholder");
 private static void DetachHandlers(RadDiagram diagram)
     if (diagramInfos.Keys.Contains(diagram) && (diagramInfos[diagram].ScrollingTimer != null))
         diagramInfos[diagram].ScrollingTimer.Tick -= ScrollingTimer_Tick;
     diagram.PreviewMouseMove -= diagram_PreviewMouseMove;
Пример #49
		private static void LoadSample(RadDiagram diagram, string name)
			using (var stream = ExtensionUtilities.GetStream(string.Format("/Common/SampleDiagrams/{0}.xml", name)))
				using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream))
					var xml = reader.ReadToEnd();
					if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(xml))
			diagram.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => diagram.AutoFit()));
Пример #50
		/// <summary>
		/// Loads the cycle sample.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="diagram">The diagram.</param>
		public static void BezierSample(RadDiagram diagram)
			LoadSample(diagram, "Supply");
Пример #51
		/// <summary>
		/// Loads the sequence sample.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="diagram">The diagram.</param>
		public static void SequenceSample(RadDiagram diagram)
			LoadSample(diagram, "Rolls");
		public SamplesViewModel(RadDiagram diagram)
			this.diagram = diagram;
			this.Samples = SamplesFactory.GetSamples(diagram);
			this.SelectedSample = this.Samples.Last();
 private static void ScrollDiagram(DiagramScrollingInfo diagramInfo, RadDiagram diagram)
     switch (diagramInfo.AutoScrollingDirection)
         case ScrollingDirection.Up:
             diagram.Scroll(0, ConnectionManipulationAutoScrollBehavior.ScrollingStep);
         case ScrollingDirection.Down:
             diagram.Scroll(0, -ConnectionManipulationAutoScrollBehavior.ScrollingStep);
         case ScrollingDirection.Right:
             diagram.Scroll(-ConnectionManipulationAutoScrollBehavior.ScrollingStep, 0);
         case ScrollingDirection.Left:
             diagram.Scroll(ConnectionManipulationAutoScrollBehavior.ScrollingStep, 0);
Пример #54
        public static void CreateHTMLFile(RadDiagram diagram, string jsRadSVGFilePath = RadSVGFilePath, string jsRadDiagramFilePath = RadDiagramFilePath)
            string htmlContent = string.Empty;

            htmlContent += HTMLExportHelper.DocumentStart;

            htmlContent += HTMLExportHelper.HeadStart;

            htmlContent += LoadStringFromFile(jsRadSVGFilePath);
            htmlContent += LoadStringFromFile(jsRadDiagramFilePath);

            var serialization = diagram.Serialize();
            htmlContent += "var diagramXML = '" + serialization.ToString().Replace(System.Environment.NewLine, " ") + "'; \n";

            htmlContent += LoadStringFromFile(JSInteractionsFilePath);

            htmlContent += HTMLExportHelper.ScriptEnd;

            htmlContent += LoadStringFromFile(ExportStyleFilePath);

            htmlContent += HTMLExportHelper.HeadEnd;

            htmlContent += HTMLExportHelper.Body;

            htmlContent += HTMLExportHelper.DocumentEnd;

                var saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog() { Filter = "HTML (.html;*.htm)|*.html;*.htm|All Files (*.*)|*.*" };

                var result = saveFileDialog.ShowDialog();
                if (result == true)
                    using (var fileStream = saveFileDialog.OpenFile())
                        using (var writer = new StreamWriter(fileStream))

#if WPF
            catch (Exception exc)
#if WPF
                if (exc is Win32Exception)
                    // error finding the file
                    if (exc is ObjectDisposedException || exc is FileNotFoundException)
                        //failed to start the default browser or HTML viewer					
                    else throw;
 private static void RemoveAssosiation(RadDiagram diagram)
 private static void AddAssosiation(RadDiagram diagram)
     if (!diagramInfos.ContainsKey(diagram))
         diagramInfos[diagram] = CreateDiagramInfo(diagram);
        //private bool isFirstResize;

        public CustomResizingService(RadDiagram diagram)
            : base(diagram)
        { }
Пример #58
		/// <summary>
		/// Loads the simple diagram sample.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="diagram">The diagram.</param>
		public static void SimpleDiagramSample(RadDiagram diagram)
			LoadSample(diagram, "Flow2");
        private static ScrollingDirection GetScrollingDirection(RadDiagram diagram, Point currentPosition)
            var diagramPosition = diagram.GetTransformedPoint(currentPosition);

            if (diagramPosition.Y <= diagram.Viewport.Top)
                return ScrollingDirection.Up;
            else if (diagramPosition.Y >= diagram.Viewport.Bottom)
                return ScrollingDirection.Down;
            else if (diagramPosition.X <= diagram.Viewport.Left)
                return ScrollingDirection.Left;
            else if (diagramPosition.X >= diagram.Viewport.Right)
                return ScrollingDirection.Right;
                return ScrollingDirection.None;
 private static DiagramScrollingInfo CreateDiagramInfo(RadDiagram diagram)
     var toolService = diagram.ServiceLocator.GetService<IToolService>() as ToolService;
     var diagramInfo = new DiagramScrollingInfo()
         ConnectionTool = (ConnectionTool)toolService.FindTool(ConnectionTool.ToolName),
         ConnectionManipulationTool = (ConnectionManipulationTool)toolService.FindTool(ConnectionManipulationTool.ToolName),
         ScrollingTimer = new DispatcherTimer() { Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1) },
         DraggingService = (DraggingService)diagram.ServiceLocator.GetService<IDraggingService>(),
     return diagramInfo;