public void UpdateScoreboard(Racecar winner) { int idx = Array.IndexOf(cars, winner); carDisplays[idx].text = winner.carName + ": " + winner.numRacesWon; replay.SetActive(true); }
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { Racecar player = other.attachedRigidbody.GetComponent <Racecar>(); if (player != null) { player.HandleFinish(level); } }
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { Racecar car = other.GetComponentInParent <Racecar>(); if (car != null) { cars.Add(car); } }
private void OnTriggerExit(Collider other) { Racecar car = other.GetComponentInParent <Racecar>(); if (car != null) { cars.Remove(car); } }
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { Racecar racecar = other.GetComponentInParent <Racecar>(); if (racecar != null) { LevelManager.ResetCar(racecar.Index); } }
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider winner) { Racecar car = winner.transform.parent.GetComponent <Racecar>(); print(car.carName); raceInProgress = false; car.numRacesWon++; scoreboard.UpdateScoreboard(car); }
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { Racecar player = other.attachedRigidbody.GetComponent <Racecar>(); if (player != null) { VariableManager.SetKeyTime(index, Time.time); } }
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { Racecar racecar = other.GetComponentInParent <Racecar>(); if (racecar != null) { AutograderManager.CompleteTask(this); } }
private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision) { // If the collider is a player, cause the player to fail Racecar player = collision.collider.GetComponentInParent <Racecar>(); if (player != null) { player.Hud.ShowFailureMessage(FailOnCollide.failureMessage); } }
private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision) { // If the collider is a player, cause the player to fail Racecar player = collision.collider.GetComponentInParent <Racecar>(); if (player != null) { LevelManager.HandleFailure(player.Index, FailOnCollide.failureMessage); } }
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { // If the collider is a player, cause the player to fail Racecar player = other.GetComponentInParent <Racecar>(); if (player != null) { player.Hud.ShowFailureMessage(isRed ? SlalomCone.redMessage : SlalomCone.blueMessage); } }
private void Awake() { // Find components this.texts = GetComponentsInChildren <Text>(); this.images = this.GetComponentsInChildren <RawImage>(); this.images[Images.LidarMap.GetHashCode()].texture = new Texture2D(CameraModule.ColorWidth / Hud.lidarMapScale, CameraModule.ColorHeight / Hud.lidarMapScale); this.images[Images.DepthFeed.GetHashCode()].texture = new Texture2D(CameraModule.DepthWidth, CameraModule.DepthHeight); this.racecar = this.transform.parent.GetComponentInChildren <Racecar>(); }
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { Racecar player = other.attachedRigidbody.GetComponent <Racecar>(); if (player != null) { player.HandleFinish(level); VariableManager.SetKeyTime(VariableManager.KeyTime.Finish, Time.time); } }
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { Racecar player = other.attachedRigidbody.GetComponent <Racecar>(); if (player != null) { GameObject raceManager = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("RaceManager"); if (raceManager != null) { raceManager.GetComponent <VariableManager>().SetKeyTime(index, Time.time); } } }
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { Racecar car = other.attachedRigidbody.GetComponent <Racecar>(); if (car != null) { switch (this.Type) { case KeyPointType.Finish: LevelManager.HandleFinish(car.Index); break; case KeyPointType.Checkpoint: LevelManager.HandleCheckpoint(car.Index, this.checkpointIndex); break; } } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a Python Interface for a player. /// </summary> /// <param name="racecar">The car which the python interface will control.</param> public PythonInterface(Racecar racecar) { this.wasExitHandled = false; this.isSyncConnected = false; this.racecar = racecar; // Establish and configure a UDP port this.udpClient = new UdpClient(new IPEndPoint(PythonInterface.ipAddress, PythonInterface.unityPort)); this.udpClient.Client.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.ReuseAddress, true); this.udpClient.Client.ReceiveTimeout = PythonInterface.timeoutTime; // Initialize client to handle async calls this.asyncClientThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.ProcessAsyncCalls)) { IsBackground = true }; this.asyncClientThread.Start(); }
static public ICarType getCarTypeObj(string carType) { ICarType objCarType = null; if (carType.ToLower() == "sedan") { objCarType = new Sedan(); } else if (carType.ToLower() == "racecar") { objCarType = new Racecar(); } else { objCarType = new InvalidCarType(); } return(objCarType); }
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { // If the collider is a player, cause the player to fail Racecar player = other.GetComponentInParent <Racecar>(); if (player != null) { if (this.isTimePenalty) { VariableManager.AddPenalty(SlalomCone.timePenalty); Destroy(this.gameObject); } else { player.Hud.ShowFailureMessage(isRed ? SlalomCone.redMessage : SlalomCone.blueMessage); } } }
private void OnTriggerStay(Collider other) { Racecar racecar = other.GetComponentInParent <Racecar>(); if (racecar != null) { if (racecar.Physics.LinearVelocity.magnitude < this.maxStopSpeed) { this.startTime = Mathf.Min(this.startTime, Time.time); if (Time.time - this.startTime >= DestinationStop.stopDuration) { AutograderManager.CompleteTask(this); } } else { this.startTime = float.MaxValue; } this.material.color = new Color(this.material.color.r, this.material.color.g, this.material.color.b, this.Alapha); } }
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { // If the collider is a player, cause the player to fail Racecar player = other.GetComponentInParent <Racecar>(); if (player != null) { switch (this.penalty) { case SlalomConePenalty.Disqualify: LevelManager.HandleFailure(player.Index, isRed ? SlalomCone.redMessage : SlalomCone.blueMessage); break; case SlalomConePenalty.Reset: LevelManager.ResetCar(player.Index); break; case SlalomConePenalty.TimePenalty: LevelManager.AddTimePenalty(this.timePenalty); Destroy(this.gameObject); break; } } }
/// <summary> /// Set the pointer to the parent Racecar object. /// </summary> protected virtual void FindParent() { this.racecar = this.GetComponent <Racecar>(); }
public void DriveRacecar() { Racecar raceCar = new Racecar(); Assert.True(raceCar.Drive()); }
private void Awake() { this.player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent <Racecar>(); }
/// <summary> /// Calls a Python function on all connected scripts. /// </summary> /// <param name="function">The Python function to call (start or update)</param> private void PythonCall(Header function) { for (int i = 0; i < this.pythonEndPoints.Count; i++) { if (this.pythonEndPoints[i] == null) { continue; } Racecar racecar = LevelManager.GetCar(i); IPEndPoint endPoint = this.pythonEndPoints[i]; // Tell Python what function to call this.udpClient.Send(new byte[] { (byte)function }, 1, endPoint); // Respond to API calls from Python until we receive a python_finished message bool pythonFinished = false; while (!pythonFinished) { // Receive a response from Python byte[] data = this.SafeRecieve(endPoint); if (data == null) { break; } Header header = (Header)data[0]; bool shouldSendController = LevelManager.LevelManagerMode != LevelManagerMode.Race || Settings.CheatMode; // Send the appropriate response if it was an API call, or break if it was a python_finished message byte[] sendData; switch (header) { case Header.error: Error errorCode = (Error)data[1]; HandleError($"Error code [{errorCode}] sent from the Python script controlling car {i}.", errorCode); pythonFinished = true; break; case Header.python_finished: pythonFinished = true; break; case Header.python_exit: this.RemoveSyncClient(endPoint.Port); pythonFinished = true; break; case Header.racecar_get_delta_time: sendData = BitConverter.GetBytes(Time.deltaTime); this.udpClient.Send(sendData, sendData.Length, endPoint); break; case Header.camera_get_color_image: pythonFinished = !this.SendFragmented(racecar.Camera.ColorImageRaw, 32, endPoint); break; case Header.camera_get_depth_image: sendData = racecar.Camera.DepthImageRaw; this.udpClient.Send(sendData, sendData.Length, endPoint); break; case Header.camera_get_width: sendData = BitConverter.GetBytes(CameraModule.ColorWidth); this.udpClient.Send(sendData, sendData.Length, endPoint); break; case Header.camera_get_height: sendData = BitConverter.GetBytes(CameraModule.ColorHeight); this.udpClient.Send(sendData, sendData.Length, endPoint); break; // Always return null controller data when in race mode (except in cheat mode) case Header.controller_is_down: Controller.Button buttonDown = (Controller.Button)data[1]; sendData = BitConverter.GetBytes(Controller.IsDown(buttonDown) && shouldSendController); this.udpClient.Send(sendData, sendData.Length, endPoint); break; case Header.controller_was_pressed: Controller.Button buttonPressed = (Controller.Button)data[1]; sendData = BitConverter.GetBytes(Controller.WasPressed(buttonPressed) && shouldSendController); this.udpClient.Send(sendData, sendData.Length, endPoint); break; case Header.controller_was_released: Controller.Button buttonReleased = (Controller.Button)data[1]; sendData = BitConverter.GetBytes(Controller.WasReleased(buttonReleased) && shouldSendController); this.udpClient.Send(sendData, sendData.Length, endPoint); break; case Header.controller_get_trigger: Controller.Trigger trigger = (Controller.Trigger)data[1]; float triggerValue = shouldSendController ? Controller.GetTrigger(trigger) : 0; sendData = BitConverter.GetBytes(triggerValue); this.udpClient.Send(sendData, sendData.Length, endPoint); break; case Header.controller_get_joystick: Controller.Joystick joystick = (Controller.Joystick)data[1]; Vector2 joystickValues = shouldSendController ? Controller.GetJoystick(joystick) :; sendData = new byte[sizeof(float) * 2]; Buffer.BlockCopy(new float[] { joystickValues.x, joystickValues.y }, 0, sendData, 0, sendData.Length); this.udpClient.Send(sendData, sendData.Length, endPoint); break; case Header.drive_set_speed_angle: racecar.Drive.Speed = BitConverter.ToSingle(data, 4); racecar.Drive.Angle = BitConverter.ToSingle(data, 8); break; case Header.drive_stop: racecar.Drive.Stop(); break; case Header.drive_set_max_speed: racecar.Drive.MaxSpeed = BitConverter.ToSingle(data, 4); break; case Header.lidar_get_num_samples: sendData = BitConverter.GetBytes(Lidar.NumSamples); this.udpClient.Send(sendData, sendData.Length, endPoint); break; case Header.lidar_get_samples: sendData = new byte[sizeof(float) * Lidar.NumSamples]; Buffer.BlockCopy(racecar.Lidar.Samples, 0, sendData, 0, sendData.Length); this.udpClient.Send(sendData, sendData.Length, endPoint); break; case Header.physics_get_linear_acceleration: Vector3 linearAcceleration = racecar.Physics.LinearAccceleration; sendData = new byte[sizeof(float) * 3]; Buffer.BlockCopy(new float[] { linearAcceleration.x, linearAcceleration.y, linearAcceleration.z }, 0, sendData, 0, sendData.Length); this.udpClient.Send(sendData, sendData.Length, endPoint); break; case Header.physics_get_angular_velocity: Vector3 angularVelocity = racecar.Physics.AngularVelocity; sendData = new byte[sizeof(float) * 3]; Buffer.BlockCopy(new float[] { angularVelocity.x, angularVelocity.y, angularVelocity.z }, 0, sendData, 0, sendData.Length); this.udpClient.Send(sendData, sendData.Length, endPoint); break; default: Debug.LogError($">> Error: The function {header} is not supported by RacecarSim."); pythonFinished = true; break; } } } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a UDP client to process asynchronous API calls from Python (for use by Jupyter). /// </summary> private void ProcessAsyncCalls() { this.udpClientAsync = new UdpClient(new IPEndPoint(PythonInterface.ipAddress, PythonInterface.unityPortAsync)); this.udpClient.Client.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.ReuseAddress, true); while (true) { IPEndPoint receiveEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(PythonInterface.ipAddress, 0); byte[] data = this.udpClientAsync.Receive(ref receiveEndPoint); Header header = (Header)data[0]; Racecar racecar = LevelManager.GetCar(); byte[] sendData; switch (header) { case Header.connect: int pythonVersion = data.Length > 1 ? data[1] : 0; if (PythonInterface.version == pythonVersion) { int?index = this.ConnectSyncClient(receiveEndPoint.Port); if (index.HasValue) { sendData = new byte[] { (byte)Header.connect, (byte)index }; } else { // TODO: display this message to the screen? Debug.LogError($"Attempted to connect a Python script from port [{receiveEndPoint.Port}], but every racecar already has a connected Python script."); sendData = new byte[] { (byte)Header.error, (byte)Error.no_free_car }; } } else if (PythonInterface.version > pythonVersion) { // TODO: display this message to the screen? Debug.LogError("The Python script is using an outdated and incompatible version of racecar_core. Please update you Python racecar libraries to the newest version."); sendData = new byte[] { (byte)Header.error, (byte)Error.python_outdated }; } else { // TODO: display this message to the screen? Debug.LogError("The Python script is using a newer and incompatible version of racecar_core. Please download the newest version of RacecarSim."); sendData = new byte[] { (byte)Header.error, (byte)Error.racecarsim_outdated }; } this.udpClientAsync.Send(sendData, sendData.Length, receiveEndPoint); break; case Header.python_exit: this.RemoveSyncClient(receiveEndPoint.Port); break; case Header.camera_get_color_image: this.SendFragmentedAsync(racecar.Camera.GetColorImageRawAsync(), 32, receiveEndPoint); break; case Header.camera_get_depth_image: sendData = racecar.Camera.GetDepthImageRawAsync(); this.udpClientAsync.Send(sendData, sendData.Length, receiveEndPoint); break; case Header.lidar_get_samples: sendData = new byte[sizeof(float) * Lidar.NumSamples]; Buffer.BlockCopy(racecar.Lidar.Samples, 0, sendData, 0, sendData.Length); this.udpClientAsync.Send(sendData, sendData.Length, receiveEndPoint); break; default: Debug.LogError($">> Error: The function {header} is not supported by RacecarSim for async calls."); break; } } }
public void GoFastRacecar() { Racecar raceCar = new Racecar(); Assert.True(raceCar.GoFast()); }
public void HonkRacecar() { Racecar raceCar = new Racecar(); Assert.True(raceCar.Honk()); }
private void Awake() { this.racecar = this.GetComponentInParent <Racecar>(); }
public void DraftRacecar() { Racecar raceCar = new Racecar(); Assert.True(raceCar.Draft()); }
public RacecarBuilder() { Car = new Racecar(); RandomCarName(); }