Пример #1
            public Expr Parse(ParserContext pcon, object frm)
                ISeq form = (ISeq)frm;

                // (if test then) or (if test then else)

                if (form.count() > 4)
                    throw new ParseException("Too many arguments to if");

                if (form.count() < 3)
                    throw new ParseException("Too few arguments to if");

                Expr testExpr = Compiler.Analyze(pcon.EvalOrExpr().SetAssign(false), RT.second(form));
                Expr thenExpr = Compiler.Analyze(pcon.SetAssign(false), RT.third(form));
                Expr elseExpr = Compiler.Analyze(pcon.SetAssign(false), RT.fourth(form));

                return(new IfExpr((IPersistentMap)Compiler.SourceSpanVar.deref(), testExpr, thenExpr, elseExpr));
Пример #2
            public Expr Parse(object frm)
                ISeq form = (ISeq)frm;

                // (if test then) or (if test then else)

                if (form.count() > 4)
                    throw new Exception("Too many arguments to if");

                if (form.count() < 3)
                    throw new Exception("Too few arguments to if");

                Expr testExpr = Compiler.GenerateAST(RT.second(form));
                Expr thenExpr = Compiler.GenerateAST(RT.third(form));
                Expr elseExpr = form.count() == 4 ? Compiler.GenerateAST(RT.fourth(form)) : null;

                return(new IfExpr(testExpr, thenExpr, elseExpr));
Пример #3
            public Expr Parse(ParserContext pcon, object form)
                ISeq sform = (ISeq)form;

                // form is one of:
                //  (. x fieldname-sym)
                //  (. x 0-ary-method)
                //  (. x propertyname-sym)
                //  (. x methodname-sym args)+
                //  (. x (methodname-sym args?))
                //  (. x (generic-m

                if (RT.Length(sform) < 3)
                    throw new ParseException("Malformed member expression, expecting (. target member ... )");

                string         source  = (string)Compiler.SourceVar.deref();
                IPersistentMap spanMap = (IPersistentMap)Compiler.SourceSpanVar.deref();  // Compiler.GetSourceSpanMap(form);

                Symbol tag = Compiler.TagOf(sform);

                // determine static or instance
                // static target must be symbol, either fully.qualified.Typename or Typename that has been imported

                Type t = HostExpr.MaybeType(RT.second(sform), false);
                // at this point, t will be non-null if static

                Expr instance = null;

                if (t == null)
                    instance = Compiler.Analyze(pcon.EvalOrExpr(), RT.second(sform));

                bool isZeroArityCall = RT.Length(sform) == 3 && RT.third(sform) is Symbol;

                if (isZeroArityCall)
                    PropertyInfo pinfo = null;
                    FieldInfo    finfo = null;

                    // TODO: Figure out if we want to handle the -propname otherwise.

                    bool   isPropName = false;
                    Symbol sym        = (Symbol)RT.third(sform);
                    if (sym.Name[0] == '-')
                        isPropName = true;
                        sym        = Symbol.intern(sym.Name.Substring(1));

                    string fieldName = Compiler.munge(sym.Name);
                    // The JVM version does not have to worry about Properties.  It captures 0-arity methods under fields.
                    // We have to put in special checks here for this.
                    // Also, when reflection is required, we have to capture 0-arity methods under the calls that
                    //   are generated by StaticFieldExpr and InstanceFieldExpr.
                    if (t != null)
                        if ((finfo = Reflector.GetField(t, fieldName, true)) != null)
                            return(new StaticFieldExpr(source, spanMap, tag, t, fieldName, finfo));
                        if ((pinfo = Reflector.GetProperty(t, fieldName, true)) != null)
                            return(new StaticPropertyExpr(source, spanMap, tag, t, fieldName, pinfo));
                        if (!isPropName && Reflector.GetArityZeroMethod(t, fieldName, true) != null)
                            return(new StaticMethodExpr(source, spanMap, tag, t, fieldName, null, new List <HostArg>()));
                        throw new MissingMemberException(t.Name, fieldName);
                    else if (instance != null && instance.HasClrType && instance.ClrType != null)
                        Type instanceType = instance.ClrType;
                        if ((finfo = Reflector.GetField(instanceType, fieldName, false)) != null)
                            return(new InstanceFieldExpr(source, spanMap, tag, instance, fieldName, finfo));
                        if ((pinfo = Reflector.GetProperty(instanceType, fieldName, false)) != null)
                            return(new InstancePropertyExpr(source, spanMap, tag, instance, fieldName, pinfo));
                        if (!isPropName && Reflector.GetArityZeroMethod(instanceType, fieldName, false) != null)
                            return(new InstanceMethodExpr(source, spanMap, tag, instance, fieldName, null, new List <HostArg>()));
                        if (pcon.IsAssignContext)
                            return(new InstanceFieldExpr(source, spanMap, tag, instance, fieldName, null)); // same as InstancePropertyExpr when last arg is null
                            return(new InstanceZeroArityCallExpr(source, spanMap, tag, instance, fieldName));
                        //  t is null, so we know this is not a static call
                        //  If instance is null, we are screwed anyway.
                        //  If instance is not null, then we don't have a type.
                        //  So we must be in an instance call to a property, field, or 0-arity method.
                        //  The code generated by InstanceFieldExpr/InstancePropertyExpr with a null FieldInfo/PropertyInfo
                        //     will generate code to do a runtime call to a Reflector method that will check all three.
                        //return new InstanceFieldExpr(source, spanMap, tag, instance, fieldName, null); // same as InstancePropertyExpr when last arg is null
                        //return new InstanceZeroArityCallExpr(source, spanMap, tag, instance, fieldName);
                        if (pcon.IsAssignContext)
                            return(new InstanceFieldExpr(source, spanMap, tag, instance, fieldName, null)); // same as InstancePropertyExpr when last arg is null
                            return(new InstanceZeroArityCallExpr(source, spanMap, tag, instance, fieldName));

                //ISeq call = RT.third(form) is ISeq ? (ISeq)RT.third(form) : RT.next(RT.next(form));

                ISeq        call;
                List <Type> typeArgs = null;

                object fourth = RT.fourth(sform);

                if (fourth is ISeq && RT.first(fourth) is Symbol && ((Symbol)RT.first(fourth)).Equals(TypeArgsSym))
                    // We have a type args supplied for a generic method call
                    // (. thing methodname (type-args type1 ... ) args ...)
                    typeArgs = ParseGenericMethodTypeArgs(RT.next(fourth));
                    call     = RT.listStar(RT.third(sform), RT.next(RT.next(RT.next(RT.next(sform)))));
                    call = RT.third(sform) is ISeq ? (ISeq)RT.third(sform) : RT.next(RT.next(sform));

                if (!(RT.first(call) is Symbol))
                    throw new ParseException("Malformed member exception");

                string methodName = Compiler.munge(((Symbol)RT.first(call)).Name);

                List <HostArg> args = ParseArgs(pcon, RT.next(call));

                return(t != null
                    ? (MethodExpr)(new StaticMethodExpr(source, spanMap, tag, t, methodName, typeArgs, args))
                    : (MethodExpr)(new InstanceMethodExpr(source, spanMap, tag, instance, methodName, typeArgs, args)));
Пример #4
            public Expr Parse(ParserContext pcon, object form)
                // (def x) or (def x initexpr) or (def x "docstring" initexpr)
                string docstring = null;

                if (RT.count(form) == 4 && (RT.third(form) is String))
                    docstring = (String)RT.third(form);
                    form      = RT.list(RT.first(form), RT.second(form), RT.fourth(form));

                if (RT.count(form) > 3)
                    throw new ParseException("Too many arguments to def");

                if (RT.count(form) < 2)
                    throw new ParseException("Too few arguments to def");

                Symbol sym = RT.second(form) as Symbol;

                if (sym == null)
                    throw new ParseException("First argument to def must be a Symbol.");

                //Console.WriteLine("Def {0}", sym.Name);

                Var v = Compiler.LookupVar(sym, true);

                if (v == null)
                    throw new ParseException("Can't refer to qualified var that doesn't exist");

                if (!v.Namespace.Equals(Compiler.CurrentNamespace))
                    if (sym.Namespace == null)
                        v = Compiler.CurrentNamespace.intern(sym);

                    //throw new Exception(string.Format("Name conflict, can't def {0} because namespace: {1} refers to: {2}",
                    //            sym, Compiler.CurrentNamespace.Name, v));
                        throw new ParseException("Can't create defs outside of current namespace");

                IPersistentMap mm        = sym.meta();
                bool           isDynamic = RT.booleanCast(RT.get(mm, Compiler.DynamicKeyword));

                if (isDynamic)
                if (!isDynamic && sym.Name.StartsWith("*") && sym.Name.EndsWith("*") && sym.Name.Length > 2)
                    RT.errPrintWriter().WriteLine("Warning: {0} not declared dynamic and thus is not dynamically rebindable, "
                                                  + "but its name suggests otherwise. Please either indicate ^:dynamic {0} or change the name. ({1}:{2}\n",
                                                  sym, Compiler.SourcePathVar.get(), Compiler.LineVar.get());

                if (RT.booleanCast(RT.get(mm, Compiler.ArglistsKeyword)))
                    IPersistentMap vm = v.meta();
                    //vm = (IPersistentMap)RT.assoc(vm, Compiler.STATIC_KEY, true);
                    // drop quote
                    vm = (IPersistentMap)RT.assoc(vm, Compiler.ArglistsKeyword, RT.second(mm.valAt(Compiler.ArglistsKeyword)));

                Object source_path = Compiler.SourcePathVar.get();

                source_path = source_path ?? "NO_SOURCE_FILE";
                mm          = (IPersistentMap)RT.assoc(mm, RT.LineKey, Compiler.LineVar.get())
                              .assoc(RT.ColumnKey, Compiler.ColumnVar.get())
                              .assoc(RT.FileKey, source_path);
                if (docstring != null)
                    mm = (IPersistentMap)RT.assoc(mm, RT.DocKey, docstring);

                //  Following comment in JVM version
                //mm = mm.without(RT.DOC_KEY)
                //            .without(Keyword.intern(null, "arglists"))
                //            .without(RT.FILE_KEY)
                //            .without(RT.LINE_KEY)
                //            .without(RT.COLUMN_KEY)
                //            .without(Keyword.intern(null, "ns"))
                //            .without(Keyword.intern(null, "name"))
                //            .without(Keyword.intern(null, "added"))
                //            .without(Keyword.intern(null, "static"));

                mm = (IPersistentMap)Compiler.ElideMeta(mm);

                Expr meta         = mm == null || mm.count() == 0 ? null : Compiler.Analyze(pcon.EvalOrExpr(), mm);
                Expr init         = Compiler.Analyze(pcon.EvalOrExpr(), RT.third(form), v.Symbol.Name);
                bool initProvided = RT.count(form) == 3;

                return(new DefExpr(
                           v, init, meta, initProvided, isDynamic));