//Client example static void Main(string[] args) { //Create a list to store callbacks. List <RSN_Client_CallbackConfig> callbacks = new List <RSN_Client_CallbackConfig>(); //Add the callback Test with ID 1 to the list. callbacks.Add(new RSN_Client_CallbackConfig(1, typeof(RSN_Example_SimpleClass))); //Create the client and log in with password "hello". //If there is an error, ErrorHandle will be called client = RSN_Client.Connect(callbacks.ToArray(), "hello", "", 13000, new RSN_Error(ErrorHandle)); //Await enter press Console.ReadLine(); //Create some data to send RSN_Example_SimpleClass example = new RSN_Example_SimpleClass(); example.name = "Bob"; //Send the data client.SendData(new RSN_ClientResponse(Test), example); //Await ENTER Console.ReadLine(); }
public ArkIOInterface(string ip, Int32 port, string password) { List <RSN_Client_CallbackConfig> callbacks = new List <RSN_Client_CallbackConfig>(); //Add the callback Test with ID 1 to the list. callbacks.Add(new RSN_Client_CallbackConfig(1, typeof(ArkIOInterfaceRequestData))); client = RSN_Client.Connect(callbacks.ToArray(), password, ip, port); }