public void ForceShutDown(string Reason) { if (WhatIsRebootAllowed) { System.Diagnostics.Process MyP = new System.Diagnostics.Process(); MyP.StartInfo.FileName = RSGbl_Variable.ApplicationPath + "\\" + RSGbl_Variable.APPName + ".EXE"; try { //MessageBox.Show("Just Before LAUNCH Program:\n\n" + MyP.StartInfo.FileName); MyP.Start(); //MessageBox.Show("Just After LAUNCH Program:\n\n" + MyP.StartInfo.FileName); } catch (Exception e) { RSLib_ODBC.RunLOG("Err-999", "Reboot Failure: " + RSGbl_Variable.ApplicationPath + "\\" + RSGbl_Variable.APPName + ".EXE" + " Msg:" + e.Message + " Stack:" + e.StackTrace); MessageBox.Show("Please start it again", "Reboot failure!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop); } } else { MessageBox.Show("El reinicio de la aplicación no es posible.\n\nFavor de reiniciar la aplicación.", RSGbl_Variable.APPName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } // Start Application ShutDown(Reason); }
//private void ForceODBCConfig() //{ // RS_Config x = new RS_Config(); // x.ShowDialog(); // if (RSGbl_Variable.ApplicationReboot) // ForceShutDown("Configuracion cambiada! Aplication va a reiniciar"); //} public void ShutDown(string AnyCause) { if (ShutDownInProgress) { return; } //GlobalTable.Dispose(); ShutDownInProgress = true; if (AnyCause.Length > 0) { RSLib_ODBC.RunLOG("Err-xxx", AnyCause); } Close(); }
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { setNow(); lblDate.Visible = true; RegistryRead(); WhatIsMyIP = ReadIPAddress(); if (WhatIsMyIP.Length == 0) { this.Close(); return; } //WhatIsMyPublicIP = ReadPublicIPAddress(1); // DB Connection ODBCStringConn[(int)zConnID.RS_DB] = RSLib_ODBC.StrConnect; RSGbl_Variable.CheckedDB = true; if (!RSLib_ODBC.RunLOG("Msg-000", "Start Application -> " + RSGbl_Variable.APPName + " Ver:" + RSGbl_Variable.APPVersion)) { if (RSLib_ODBC.LastODBCError.IndexOf("No se encuentra el nombre del origen de datos y no se especificó ningún controlador predeterminado") != -1) { // There is No ODBC Connector, lets create it. if (RSLib_Registry.SetODBCForMSSQL( RSLib_String.MyStringProvider(RSLib_ODBC.StrConnect, "DSN=", ";"), RSServer, RSLib_String.MyStringProvider(RSLib_ODBC.StrConnect, "UID=", ";"))) { // Chack again if it worked if (!RSLib_ODBC.RunLOG("Msg-000", "Start Application -> " + RSGbl_Variable.APPName + " Ver:" + RSGbl_Variable.APPVersion)) { if (RSLib_ODBC.LastODBCError.IndexOf("No existe el servidor SQL Server o se ha denegado el acceso al mismo.") != -1) { DBDisconnected(); // UPS NO CONNECTION MessageBox.Show("La Conexión con el Servidor SIMBANK no se pudo establecer!\n\nAsegure Conexión VPN y vuelva a intentar esta aplicación\n\n\nNo se puede continuar.", "Error de Conexión VPN", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); this.Close(); return; } DBDisconnected(); //ForceODBCConfig(); return; } // Continue... it is connected MessageBox.Show("Conector ODBC creado con exito y conectado a la base de datos.\n\nLa aplicación se continuara ejecutando normalmente.", "Información"); } else { DBDisconnected(); //ForceODBCConfig(); return; } } if (RSLib_ODBC.LastODBCError.IndexOf("No existe el servidor SQL Server o se ha denegado el acceso al mismo.") != -1) { DBDisconnected(); // UPS NO CONNECTION MessageBox.Show("Conexión con el Servidor SIMBANK no se pudo establecer!\n\nAsegure Conexión VPN y vuelva a intentar esta aplicación\n\n\nNo se puede continuar.", "Error de Conexión VPN", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); this.Close(); return; } } this.Text = RSGbl_Variable.APPName + " Ver: " + RSGbl_Variable.APPVersion; if (!ReadGlobalParameters()) { RSLib_CriticalError.CriticalErrorHandler( "RSFaMFReport_Load", "Err-xxx", "Fatal error, failure to read RSFaMFGlobalParameters", "Thereie is an error reading Global Parameters", "Error", ""); ShutDown("No Global Parameters"); return; } RSGbl_Variable.RootDirectory = RSGbl_Variable.DataPath + @"\Temp"; ShowLastUpdateValue(); timer1.Start(); }
private void UpdateFromDOF() { string xProvider = ""; WebRequest SendReq = HttpWebRequest.Create(xProvider); WebResponse GetRes = SendReq.GetResponse(); System.IO.Stream StreamRes = GetRes.GetResponseStream(); StreamReader ResStrmRdr = new StreamReader(StreamRes, Encoding.UTF8); string xDOFOriginal = ResStrmRdr.ReadToEnd(); StreamRes.Close(); GetRes.Close(); string xDOF = RSLib_String.MyStringProvider(xDOFOriginal, "<title>DOLAR</title>", "</item>"); xDOF = xDOF.Replace("\n", ""); xDOF = xDOF.Replace("\t", ""); xDOF = xDOF.Replace(" ", ""); string xValue = RSLib_String.MyStringProvider(xDOF, "<description>", "</description>"); string xDate = RSLib_String.MyStringProvider(xDOF, "<valueDate>", "</valueDate>"); double fValue = RSLib_String.AToF(xValue); DateTime xLocalClock = DateTime.Now; string xSQL = ""; if (!DateTime.TryParse(xDate, out xLocalClock) || fValue == 0) { xLocalClock = DateTime.Now; xSQL = "select distinct CONVERT(date,FECHA_FESTIVO) Festivo \n" + "from FORTALEZA_PRD.dbo.CF_DIAS_FESTIVOS \n" + "where FECHA_FESTIVO='" + xLocalClock.ToString(WhatIsDateFormat) + "' \n" + "; \n"; if (!RSLib_ODBC.ReadSQL(xSQL, false)) { if (xLocalClock.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday || xLocalClock.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday) { // IT is Saturday or Sunday - Nothing 2 save, then use the latest fValue = dLastUSDValue; xLocalClock = DateTime.Now; } else { // No Es feriado: Ignore RSLib_CriticalError.CriticalErrorHandler("Form UpdateFromDOF on RS DOF ExchangeRate", "Err-xxx", "Failure Getting Update Rate from DOF", "Falla leyendo el WebService", "RS DOF ExhangeRate", xDOFOriginal); return; } } else { // IT is feriado - Nothing 2 save, then use the latest fValue = dLastUSDValue; xLocalClock = DateTime.Now; } } xSQL = "insert into FORTALEZA_PRD.dbo.CF_VALOR_DOLAR (COD_EMPRESA,FECHA,VALOR) VALUES('00030','" + xLocalClock.ToString(WhatIsDateFormat) + "','" + fValue.ToString() + "'); \n"; if (!RSLib_ODBC.RunSQL(xSQL)) { RSLib_CriticalError.CriticalErrorHandler("Form UpdateFromDOF on RS DOF ExchangeRate", "Err-xxx", "Failure Updating Table", "Falla actualizando tabla", "RS DOF ExhangeRate", xSQL); } else { // Show ShowLastUpdateValue(); // Send eMail Notificaciones string xMessage = "Fecha: \t" + xLocalClock.ToString(WhatIsDateFormat) + "\n" + "Valor Tipo de Cambio: \t" + fValue.ToString("#,##0.0000") + "\n"; RSLib_ODBC.RunLOG("PLD-001", "Exchange Rate Updated -> " + xMessage.Replace("\n", " ").Replace("\t", "-")); string xBody = RSFormaTable(xMessage, "Tipo de Cambio - Sistema PLD", true, true, false, true, true); if (!RSLib_SendMail.SendMailMessage(RSLib_SendMail.SMTP_From, "Oficial.Cumplimiento" + WhatIsDomain, "", "Help.Desk" + WhatIsDomain, "[Tipo de Cambio] " + xLocalClock.ToString(WhatIsDateFormat), xBody, true)) { RSLib_CriticalError.CriticalErrorHandler("Form UpdateFromDOF on RS DOF ExchangeRate", "Err-xxx", "Failure sending email Notificacion", "Falla enviando correo de notificacion", "RS DOF ExhangeRate", ""); } } }