public ActionResult RemoveRule(int ID, int Num, string systemName, string prefix) { var rules = DiscountService.GetRules(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(systemName) || !rules.ContainsKey(systemName)) { return(Content(RP.T("Admin.Discount.RuleNotFound").ToString())); } var rule = rules[systemName]; var saved = rule.GetConfigItem(); MapModel(saved); System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer js = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); var discount = _db.Discounts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == ID); if (discount != null) { for (var i = 1; i <= discount.RuleList.Count; i++) { if (i == Num) { discount.RuleList.RemoveAt(i - 1); break; } } } //js.Serialize(); discount.RulesData = js.Serialize(discount.RuleList); _db.SaveChanges(); return(Json(new { result = "ok" })); }
public ActionResult OrderAjax([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request) { if (!LS.isHaveID()) { return(Json(new { })); } //kendo reset manual sort to default =( if (request.Sorts == null) { request.Sorts = new List <SortDescriptor>(); } if (request.Sorts.Count == 0) { request.Sorts.Add(new SortDescriptor("OrderStatus", System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection.Ascending)); request.Sorts.Add(new SortDescriptor("ID", System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection.Descending)); } var items = _db.Orders.Where(x => x.UserID == LS.CurrentUser.ID && !x.RegularOrder); DataSourceResult result = items.ToDataSourceResult(request); foreach (var item in (IEnumerable <Order>)result.Data) { item.TotalStr = ShoppingService.FormatPrice(item.Total); item.RegularIntervalStr = RP.T("Enums." + item.RegularInterval.ToString()).ToString(); item.OrderStatusStr = RP.T("Enums." + item.OrderStatus.ToString()).ToString(); } return(Json(result)); }
public ActionResult SaveNewRule(int ID, string systemName, string prefix) { var rules = DiscountService.GetRules(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(systemName) || !rules.ContainsKey(systemName)) { return(Content(RP.T("Admin.Discount.RuleNotFound").ToString())); } var rule = rules[systemName]; var saved = rule.GetConfigItem(); MapModel(saved, prefix); System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer js = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); var discount = _db.Discounts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == ID); if (discount != null) { discount.RuleList.Add(new JsonKeyValue() { Name = systemName, Value = js.Serialize(saved) }); } //js.Serialize(); discount.RulesData = js.Serialize(discount.RuleList); _db.SaveChanges(); return(Json(new { result = "ok" })); }
public ActionResult DiscountRuleList(int ID) { var discount = _db.Discounts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == ID); if (discount != null) { var list = new List <JsonKeyObject>(); var rules = DiscountService.GetRules(); System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer js = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); foreach (var r in discount.RuleList) { if (rules.ContainsKey(r.Name)) { var ruleprovider = rules[r.Name]; var confitem = ruleprovider.GetConfigItem(); var o = js.Deserialize(r.Value, confitem.GetType()); list.Add(new JsonKeyObject() { Name = r.Name, Object = o }); } } return(PartialView(list)); } return(Content(RP.T("Admin.Discount.NotFound").ToString())); }
public ActionResult Contact(int?ID) { if (ID.HasValue) { if (TempData["ViewData"] != null) { ViewData = (ViewDataDictionary)TempData["ViewData"]; } Contact contact = new Contact(); var shop = LS.GetFirst <Shop>(x => x.ID == ID); if (shop != null) { contact.DropDownItems = new List <string> { RP.T("Views.Shared.Contact.DropDownOneText").ToString(), RP.T("Views.Shared.Contact.DropDownTwoText").ToString(), RP.T("Views.Shared.Contact.DropDownThreeText").ToString(), }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(shop.Theme)) { this.HttpContext.Items["ShopTheme"] = shop.Theme; } contact.Shop = shop; return(View(contact)); } } return(Redirect("~/Landing/Main/Index.html")); }
public ActionResult LogOnAjx(LogOnModel model, string returnUrl) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { if (Membership.ValidateUser(model.UserName, model.Password)) { var u = _db.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UserName == model.UserName); LS.Authorize(u); bool haveOld = false; if (LS.CurrentHttpContext.Request.Cookies["SALcart"] != null) { haveOld = true; } if (Url.IsLocalUrl(returnUrl) && returnUrl.Length > 1 && returnUrl.StartsWith("/") && !returnUrl.StartsWith("//") && !returnUrl.StartsWith("/\\")) { return(Json(new { result = "ok", url = returnUrl, haveOld = haveOld })); } else { return(Json(new { result = "ok", haveOld = haveOld, url = Url.Action("DomainPage", "Page", new { name = "root" }) })); // eturn RedirectToAction("DomainPage", "Page", new { name = "root" }); } } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", RP.T("Account.Logon.PasswordOrUserIncorrect").ToString()); } } return(Json(new { result = "error", message = ModelState.Values.Select(x => new { Value = x.Value != null ? x.Value.AttemptedValue : "", errors = x.Errors.Select(y => y.ErrorMessage) }) })); // return View(model); }
public ActionResult CSVExport([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request) { Expression <Func <Order, bool> > predicate = x => true // && x.OrderStatus != OrderStatus.New // && x.OrderStatus != OrderStatus.Canceled // && x.OrderStatus != OrderStatus.Rejected ; if (request.Filters != null) { predicate = GetPredicate(predicate, request.Filters); } var items = _db.Orders.Where(predicate).Select(x => new PaymentReportItemModel() { ID = x.ID, ShopID = x.ShopID, IsPaidUp = x.IsPaidUp, OrderID = x.ID, Date = x.CreateOn, PaymentMethod = x.PaymentMethod, Total = x.Total }).ToList(); foreach (var item in items) { item.Total = item.Cash + item.Card; item.TotalStr = ShoppingService.FormatPrice(item.Total); item.PayedTo = item.Card > 0 ? PayedToType.ToAdmin : PayedToType.ToShop; item.PayedToStr = RP.T("Enums." + item.PayedTo.ToString()).ToString(); item.PaymentMethodStr = RP.T("Enums." + item.PaymentMethod.ToString()).ToString(); item.DateStr = item.Date.HasValue ? item.Date.Value.ToString("dd/MM HH:mm") : ""; } // var items = _db.AbstractPages.Where(r => r.Visible == true).OrderBy(r => r.Title).ToList(); MemoryStream output = new MemoryStream(); StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(output, Encoding.UTF8); writer.Write(RP.M("PaymentReportItemModel", "OrderID") + ","); writer.Write(RP.M("PaymentReportItemModel", "Date") + ","); writer.Write(RP.M("PaymentReportItemModel", "Total") + ","); writer.Write(RP.M("PaymentReportItemModel", "PaymentMethod") + ","); writer.Write(RP.M("PaymentReportItemModel", "PayedTo")); writer.WriteLine(); var csvQuote = "\""; foreach (var item in items) { writer.Write(item.OrderID); writer.Write(",\""); writer.Write(item.DateStr.Replace(csvQuote, csvQuote + csvQuote)); writer.Write("\",\""); writer.Write(item.TotalStr.Replace(csvQuote, csvQuote + csvQuote)); writer.Write("\",\""); writer.Write(item.PaymentMethodStr.Replace(csvQuote, csvQuote + csvQuote)); writer.Write("\",\""); writer.Write(item.PayedToStr.Replace(csvQuote, csvQuote + csvQuote)); writer.Write("\""); writer.WriteLine(); } writer.Flush(); output.Position = 0; Encoding heb = Encoding.GetEncoding("windows-1255"); return(File(heb.GetBytes(new StreamReader(output).ReadToEnd()), "text/csv", "PaymentReport_" + (DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM HH:mm")) + ".csv")); }
public ActionResult _AjaxPaymentMarkAsPaid(List <int> IDs) { if (IDs != null) { var orders = _db.Orders.Where(x => IDs.Contains(x.ID)).ToList(); foreach (var o in orders) { o.IsPaidUp = true; } _db.SaveChanges(); } return(Json(new { result = "ok", message = RP.T("Admin.Main._AjaxPaymentMarkAsPaid.MarkedSuccess").ToString() })); }
public ActionResult NewRule(string RuleName) { var rules = DiscountService.GetRules(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(RuleName) || !rules.ContainsKey(RuleName)) { return(Content(RP.T("Admin.Discount.RuleNotFound").ToString())); } var rule = rules[RuleName]; var model = rule.GetConfigItem(); return(PartialView(model)); }
public ActionResult ShopProfile(Shop shop) { if (CurrentShop == null) { return(Content("Shop not found. Please register")); } if (shop.ID == CurrentShop.ID) { CurrentShop.Address = shop.Address; CurrentShop.AddressMap = shop.AddressMap; CurrentShop.RadiusLatitude = shop.RadiusLatitude; CurrentShop.RadiusLongitude = shop.RadiusLongitude; CurrentShop.DisplayOrder = shop.DisplayOrder; CurrentShop.Email = shop.Email; CurrentShop.FullDescription = shop.FullDescription; CurrentShop.Image = shop.Image; CurrentShop.Kosher = shop.Kosher; CurrentShop.Latitude = shop.Latitude; CurrentShop.Longitude = shop.Longitude; CurrentShop.Name = shop.Name; CurrentShop.Phone = shop.Phone; CurrentShop.ShipCost = shop.ShipCost; CurrentShop.FreeShipFrom = shop.FreeShipFrom; //CurrentShop.ShipHourFrom = shop.ShipHourFrom; //CurrentShop.ShipHourTo = shop.ShipHourTo; CurrentShop.ShipRadius = shop.ShipRadius; //CurrentShop.ShopTypeID = shop.ShopTypeID; CurrentShop.ShopTypeIDs = shop.ShopTypeIDs; CurrentShop.ShortDescription = shop.ShortDescription; //CurrentShop.TraidingDayFrom = shop.TraidingDayFrom; //CurrentShop.TraidingDayTo = shop.TraidingDayTo; //CurrentShop.TraidingHourFrom = shop.TraidingHourFrom; //CurrentShop.TraidingHourTo = shop.TraidingHourTo; CurrentShop.Youtube = shop.Youtube; CurrentShop.Active = shop.Active; CurrentShop.DeliveryManualDescription = shop.DeliveryManualDescription; CurrentShop.DeliveryTime = shop.DeliveryTime; CurrentShop.InStorePickUpEnabled = shop.InStorePickUpEnabled; CurrentShop.IsShipEnabled = shop.IsShipEnabled; CurrentShop.Theme = shop.Theme; CurrentShop.FavIcon = shop.FavIcon; _db.SaveChanges(); ViewBag.MessageGreen = RP.T("Member.Controlers.MainController.Saved").ToString(); } return(View(CurrentShop)); }
public ActionResult _AddContactData(int shopID, Contact model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { UserActivityService.InsertShopContact(LS.CurrentUser.ID, shopID , model.ContactData, model.ContactEmail, model.ContactName , model.ContactPhone , model.DropDownItems , Request.RawUrl, Request.UrlReferrer != null ? Request.UrlReferrer.OriginalString : null , LS.GetUser_IP(Request) ); model.ContactData = RP.T("Views.Shared.Contact.DropDownChooseText").ToString().ToLower() + ": " + model.ContactData; if (model.DropDownItems.Count > 0) { model.ContactData = model.ContactData + "<br />" + RP.T("Views.Shared.Contact.TextAreaPlaceholder").ToString().ToLower() + ": " + model.DropDownItems.FirstOrDefault(); } model.ContactDate = DateTime.Now; model.ContactReferal = SF.GetCookie("Referal"); model.ContactUrl = "<a target='_blank' href='" + Request.UrlReferrer.ToString() + "'>" + Request.UrlReferrer.ToString() + "</a>"; model.RoleDefault = "Member"; ShoppingService.AddContact(model); return(Redirect("/c/contact-sent")); } catch (Exception exc) { SF.LogError(exc); } } TempData["ViewData"] = ViewData; return(RedirectToAction("Contact", new { ID = shopID })); }
public IHtmlString T(string text) { return(RP.T(text)); }
public ActionResult _AjaxPaymentReport([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request) { if (CurrentShop == null) { return(Json(new {})); } //kendo reset manual sort to default =( if (request.Sorts.Count == 0) { request.Sorts.Add(new SortDescriptor("ID", System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection.Descending)); } Expression <Func <Order, bool> > predicate = x => x.ShopID == CurrentShop.ID // && x.OrderStatus != OrderStatus.New // && x.OrderStatus != OrderStatus.Canceled // && x.OrderStatus != OrderStatus.Rejected ; var items = _db.Orders.Where(predicate) .Select(x => new PaymentReportItemModel() { ID = x.ID, ShopID = x.ShopID, IsPaidUp = x.IsPaidUp, OrderID = x.ID, Date = x.CreateOn, PaymentMethod = x.PaymentMethod, Total = x.Total, }); DataSourceResult result = items.ToDataSourceResult(request); foreach (var item in (IEnumerable <PaymentReportItemModel>)result.Data) { item.Total = item.Cash + item.Card; item.TotalStr = ShoppingService.FormatPrice(item.Total); item.PayedTo = item.PaymentMethod == PaymentMethod.Credit ? PayedToType.ToAdmin : PayedToType.ToShop; item.PayedToStr = RP.T("Enums." + item.PayedTo.ToString()).ToString(); item.PaymentMethodStr = RP.T("Enums." + item.PaymentMethod.ToString()).ToString(); item.DateStr = item.Date.HasValue ? item.Date.Value.ToString("dd/MM HH:mm") : ""; } //prepare report model var model = new PaymentReportModel(); //prepare filters, get from kendo grid filter if (request.Filters != null) { predicate = GetPredicate(predicate, request.Filters); } model.TotalShop = _db.Orders.Where(predicate).Where(x => x.PaymentMethod == PaymentMethod.CreditShopOwner && !x.LessFee) .Select(x => x.Total).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Sum(); model.TotalShop += _db.Orders.Where(predicate).Where(x => !x.LessFee).Select(x => x.Total).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Sum(); var totalSpecial = _db.Orders.Where(predicate).Where(x => x.PaymentMethod == PaymentMethod.CreditShopOwner && x.LessFee) .Select(x => x.Total).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Sum(); totalSpecial += _db.Orders.Where(predicate).Where(x => x.LessFee).Select(x => x.Total).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Sum(); model.TotalAdmin = _db.Orders.Where(predicate).Where(x => x.PaymentMethod == PaymentMethod.Credit) .Select(x => x.Total).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Sum(); var date1 = items.Where(x => x.Date.HasValue).Select(x => x.Date.Value).DefaultIfEmpty(DateTime.Now).Max(); var date2 = items.Where(x => x.Date.HasValue).Select(x => x.Date.Value).DefaultIfEmpty(DateTime.Now).Min(); int mouthes = ((date1.Year - date2.Year) * 12) + date1.Month - date2.Month; decimal mounthFee = CurrentShop.MounthlyFee * mouthes; model.TotalFee = (model.TotalShop * CurrentShop.PercentFee / 100) - model.TotalAdmin + mounthFee; model.TotalFee += (totalSpecial * CurrentShop.SpecialPercentFee / 100); model.TotalShop += totalSpecial; // if (model.TotalFee < 0) { model.TotalFee = 0; } model.TotalAdminStr = ShoppingService.FormatPrice(model.TotalAdmin); model.TotalShopStr = ShoppingService.FormatPrice(model.TotalShop); model.TotalFeeStr = ShoppingService.FormatPrice(model.TotalFee); return(Json(new { result.Data, result.AggregateResults, result.Errors, result.Total, model })); }
public ActionResult _GetProductByCategoryAndFilters(int shopID, int?categoryID, int[] filters, string viewIn = "gallery", int skip = 0, int take = 20, string keywords = null, bool showFirstCategory = false, bool isBestSelling = false, string productName = "", bool refreshFilters = true, bool isForSpider = false) { List <SpecificationOptionModel> specifications = null; IEnumerable <ProductOverviewModel> data; var profiler = MiniProfiler.Current; using (profiler.Step("Step Controller _ByCategoryAndFilters")) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(productName)) { if (showFirstCategory) { //var sc = LS.Get<ShopCategory>().OrderBy(x => x.DisplayOrder).Where(x => x.Published).FirstOrDefault(); //var category1 = LS.Get<Category>().ToList(); var sc = LS.Get <ShopCategoryMenu>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.ShopID == shopID && x.Published == true && x.Level == 0); if (sc != null) { categoryID = sc.CategoryID; } else { var shopCatMap = LS.Get <ShopCategory>().Where(x => x.Published); var shc = shopCatMap.OrderBy(x => x.DisplayOrder).FirstOrDefault(); if (shc != null) { categoryID = shc.CategoryID; } } } bool FeautureTop = false; if (!categoryID.HasValue && (filters == null || filters.Length == 0) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(keywords) && !isBestSelling ) { FeautureTop = true; } data = LS.SearchProducts( shopID: shopID, options: out specifications, page: isForSpider ? 1 : (skip / take) + 1, limit: isForSpider ? -1 : take, categoryID: categoryID, filters: filters, loadSpecifications: skip == 0, keywords: keywords, isBestSelling: isBestSelling, featuredTop: FeautureTop, showDiscounts: true); foreach (var d in data) { //d.ProductNoteText = ShoppingService.GetUserNoteForProduct(d.ProductID, LS.CurrentUser.ID); } } else { data = LS.SearchProducts(shopID, out specifications, (skip / take) + 1, take // , categoryID: categoryID // , filters: filters //, loadSpecifications: skip == 0, , productName: productName //, isBestSelling: isBestSelling // , featuredTop: FeautureTop , showDiscounts: true ); } ViewBag.LastProductNum = skip + take; //data.Count(); ViewBag.Specifications = specifications; ViewBag.RefreshFilters = refreshFilters; ViewBag.CategoryID = categoryID; if (categoryID.HasValue) { var cat = LS.Get <Category>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == categoryID.Value); if (cat != null) { ViewBag.Category = cat; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(productName) && data.Count() == 0 || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(keywords) && data.Count() == 0) { return(Json(new { status = "productNotFound", localizationMessage = RP.T("ShopController.SearchMessage.ProductNotFound").ToString(), localizationTextComponent = RP.Text("ShopController.SearchMessage.ProductNotFoundComponent").ToString() }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } } if (data.Count() == 0) { return(Content(string.Empty)); } var shop = LS.Get <Shop>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == shopID); if (shop != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(shop.Theme)) { this.HttpContext.Items["ShopTheme"] = shop.Theme; } ViewBag.Shop = shop; } switch (viewIn) { case "gallery": return(PartialView("_ProductsGallery", data)); case "table": return(PartialView("_ProductsTable", data)); case "tableItemPartial": return(PartialView("_ProductTableItem", data)); } return(Content(string.Empty)); }
public string GetLocalizeRuleName(string systemName) { return(RP.T("Discount.Name." + systemName).ToString()); }
public ActionResult FacebookAjx(string token) { try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(token)) { WebClient client = new WebClient(); string JsonResult = client.DownloadString(string.Concat( "", token)); JObject jsonUserInfo = JObject.Parse(JsonResult); FacebookProfile fp = new FacebookProfile(); fp.FacebookUsername = jsonUserInfo.Value <string>("username"); fp.FacebookEmail = jsonUserInfo.Value <string>("email"); fp.FacebookLocale = jsonUserInfo.Value <string>("locale"); fp.FacebookID = jsonUserInfo.Value <long>("id"); fp.FacebookToken = token; fp.FacebookName = jsonUserInfo.Value <string>("name"); fp.FacebookFirstName = jsonUserInfo.Value <string>("first_name"); fp.FacebookLastName = jsonUserInfo.Value <string>("last_name"); fp.FacebookLink = jsonUserInfo.Value <string>("link"); fp.FacebookGender = jsonUserInfo.Value <string>("gender"); fp.FacebookTimezone = jsonUserInfo.Value <int>("timezone"); fp.FacebookVerified = jsonUserInfo.Value <bool>("verified"); fp.FacebookUpdatedTime = jsonUserInfo.Value <DateTime>("updated_time"); User uLogin = _db.Users.FirstOrDefault(r => r.FacebookID == fp.FacebookID); if (uLogin != null) { //login LS.Authorize(uLogin); // var messService = new MessageService(_db); // messService.SendUserRegisterEmailToUser(u); return(Json(new { result = "ok", url = "" })); } else { //register string email = fp.FacebookEmail; //generate code var chars = "0123456789abcdefghjklmnopqrstuwvxyzQAZWSXEDCRFVTGBYHNUJMIKLOP@$&%"; var random = new Random(); var password = new string( Enumerable.Repeat(chars, 8) .Select(s => s[random.Next(s.Length)]) .ToArray()); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(email)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fp.FacebookUsername)) { email = fp.FacebookUsername + ""; } else { email = fp.FacebookID.ToString() + ""; } } User uExist = _db.Users.FirstOrDefault(r => r.UserName == email); if (uExist != null) { uExist.FacebookID = fp.FacebookID; _db.SaveChanges();//update facebook ID //login LS.Authorize(uExist); return(Json(new { result = "ok", url = "" })); } MembershipCreateStatus createStatus; MembershipUser newUser = Membership.CreateUser(email, password, email, "-", "-", true, out createStatus); if (createStatus != MembershipCreateStatus.Success) { ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, RP.T("Account.Register.Error." + createStatus.ToString()).ToString()); } else { User u = _db.Users.FirstOrDefault(r => r.UserName == email); u.Roles = SF.RolesStringAdd(u.Roles, "Register"); u.FirstName = fp.FacebookFirstName; u.LastName = fp.FacebookLastName; u.RoleDefault = "Register"; u.FacebookID = fp.FacebookID; u.IsApproved = true; _db.Entry(u).State = EntityState.Modified; _db.SaveChanges(); Newsletter n = new Newsletter() { NewsletterAccept = true, NewsletterDate = DateTime.UtcNow, NewsletterEmail = u.Email, NewsletterName = u.FirstName + " " + u.LastName, RoleDefault = "Register" }; _db.Newsletters.Add(n); _db.SaveChanges(); SF.AddToNewsletter(n); if (Membership.ValidateUser(u.UserName, u.Password)) { LS.Authorize(u); var messService = new MessageService(_db); messService.SendUserRegisterEmailToUser(u); return(Json(new { result = "ok", url = "" })); } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", RP.T("Account.Logon.PasswordOrUserIncorrect").ToString()); } } } return(Json(new { result = "error", json = JsonResult, facebook = fp, message = ModelState.Values.Select(x => new { Value = x.Value != null ? x.Value.AttemptedValue : "", errors = x.Errors.Select(y => y.ErrorMessage) }) })); } return(Json(new { result = "error", message = ModelState.Values.Select(x => new { Value = x.Value != null ? x.Value.AttemptedValue : "", errors = x.Errors.Select(y => y.ErrorMessage) }) })); } catch (Exception error) { SF.LogError(error); return(Json(new { result = "error", message = error.Message })); } }
//private static UiResources ui = new UiResources(); // database class protected override ModelMetadata CreateMetadata( IEnumerable <Attribute> attributes, Type containerType, Func <object> modelAccessor, Type modelType, string propertyName) { ModelMetadata baseres = null; try { baseres = base.CreateMetadata (attributes, containerType, modelAccessor, modelType, propertyName); } catch (Exception e) { baseres = base.CreateMetadata (new List <Attribute>(), containerType, modelAccessor, modelType, propertyName); } string sKey = string.Empty; // ощощ мчбмъ дтшк щм displayname string tab = string.Empty; string sLocalizedText = string.Empty; // ощъощ мчбм тшк оъешвн HttpContext.Current.Application.Lock(); string keyType = ""; if (containerType != null) { keyType = containerType.Name; if (containerType.BaseType != null && containerType.BaseType == typeof(AbstractPage)) { keyType = containerType.BaseType.Name; } } bool? hideTab = null; string currole = null; if (HttpContext.Current != null) { var controller = HttpContext.Current.Items["controllerInstance"] as BaseController; if (controller != null) { currole = controller.ViewBag.CurrentRole; } } if (containerType != null && propertyName != null) { var modelAttr = containerType.GetProperty(propertyName).GetCustomAttributes <ModelAttribute>() .Where(x => x.Role == currole || x.Role == null).OrderByDescending(x => x.Role).ToList().FirstOrDefault(); if (modelAttr != null) { if (!hideTab.HasValue && !modelAttr.ShowInEdit && !modelAttr.Edit) { hideTab = true; } } } foreach (var attr in attributes) { if (attr != null) { string typeName = attr.GetType().Name; // ощйв аъ сев дтшк мгевоа DisplayAttribute string attrAppKey = string.Empty; if (typeName.Equals("DisplayAttribute")) { sKey = ((DisplayAttribute)attr).Name; var tabKey = ((DisplayAttribute)attr).Prompt; //if (tabKey != null && tabKey.StartsWith("Tab")) //{ // tabKey = tabKey.Substring("Tab".Length); //} if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tabKey)) { // attrAppKey = string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}", containerType.Name, propertyName, typeName); if (RP.Mbool(out tabKey, keyType, ((DisplayAttribute)attr).Prompt, "Prompt")) { // rewriteTab = true; baseres.Watermark = tabKey; //((DisplayAttribute)attr).ResourceType = null; } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tabKey) && tabKey != baseres.Watermark) { RP.Madd(keyType, tabKey, "Prompt", baseres.Watermark); } } } } //else if (attr is ValidationAttribute) //{ // sKey = ((ValidationAttribute)attr).ErrorMessage; // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sKey)) // { // attrAppKey = string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}", containerType.Name, propertyName, typeName); // ((ValidationAttribute)attr).ErrorMessage = sKey; // } //} else if (attr is ValidationAttribute) { sKey = ((ValidationAttribute)attr).ErrorMessage; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sKey)) { attrAppKey = string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}", keyType, propertyName, typeName); if (HttpContext.Current.Application[attrAppKey] == null) { HttpContext.Current.Application[attrAppKey] = sKey; } else { sKey = HttpContext.Current.Application[attrAppKey].ToString(); } sLocalizedText = RP.T(sKey).ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sLocalizedText)) { sLocalizedText = sKey; } ((ValidationAttribute)attr).ErrorMessage = sLocalizedText; } } } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sKey)) { // attrAppKey = string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}", containerType.Name, propertyName, typeName); if (RP.Mbool(out sKey, keyType, propertyName)) { // rewriteName = true; baseres.DisplayName = sKey; //((DisplayAttribute)attr).ResourceType = null; } // else // { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sKey) && sKey != baseres.DisplayName //&& ((DisplayAttribute)attr).Name != baseres.DisplayName //update if different && sKey.Contains(".")) // update if it auto generated { RP.Madd(keyType, propertyName, "", baseres.DisplayName); } // } } else if (containerType != null && keyType != null && propertyName != null) { baseres.DisplayName = RP.M(keyType, propertyName); } if (hideTab.HasValue && hideTab.Value && baseres.Watermark != null) { baseres.Watermark = null; } return(baseres); }
public ActionResult RegAjx(RegisterAjxModel model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { MembershipCreateStatus createStatus; MembershipUser newUser = Membership.CreateUser(model.Email, model.Password, model.Email, "-", "-", true, out createStatus); if (createStatus != MembershipCreateStatus.Success) { ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, RP.T("Account.Register.Error." + createStatus.ToString()).ToString()); } else { User u = _db.Users.FirstOrDefault(r => r.UserName == model.Email); u.Roles = SF.RolesStringAdd(u.Roles, "Register"); u.FirstName = model.FirstName.Trim(); u.LastName = model.LastName.Trim(); u.RoleDefault = "Register"; if (Session["address"] != null) { u.AddressMap = (string)Session["address"]; } if (Session["longitude"] != null) { u.Longitude = (decimal)Session["longitude"]; } if (Session["latitude"] != null) { u.Latitude = (decimal)Session["latitude"]; } u.IsApproved = true; _db.Entry(u).State = EntityState.Modified; _db.SaveChanges(); if (model.NewsLetter) { Newsletter n = new Newsletter() { NewsletterAccept = true, NewsletterDate = DateTime.UtcNow, NewsletterEmail = u.Email, NewsletterName = u.FirstName + " " + u.LastName, RoleDefault = "Register" }; _db.Newsletters.Add(n); _db.SaveChanges(); SF.AddToNewsletter(n); } if (Membership.ValidateUser(u.UserName, u.Password)) { LS.Authorize(u); var messService = new MessageService(_db); messService.SendUserRegisterEmailToUser(u); return(Json(new { result = "ok", url = "" })); } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", RP.T("Account.Logon.PasswordOrUserIncorrect").ToString()); } } } return(Json(new { result = "error", message = ModelState.Values.Select(x => new { Value = x.Value != null ? x.Value.AttemptedValue : "", errors = x.Errors.Select(y => y.ErrorMessage) }) })); //for future needed // return Json(new { result = "error", message = new Dictionary<string,List<string>>().Select(x=> new { Value = x.Key,errors=x.Value }) }); }
//private static UiResources ui = new UiResources(); protected override ModelMetadata CreateMetadata( IEnumerable <Attribute> attributes, Type containerType, Func <object> modelAccessor, Type modelType, string propertyName) { string sKey = string.Empty; string sLocalizedText = string.Empty; HttpContext.Current.Application.Lock(); foreach (var attr in attributes) { if (attr != null) { string typeName = attr.GetType().Name; string attrAppKey = string.Empty; if (typeName.Equals("DisplayAttribute")) { sKey = ((DisplayAttribute)attr).Name; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sKey)) { attrAppKey = string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}", containerType.Name, propertyName, typeName); if (HttpContext.Current.Application[attrAppKey] == null) { HttpContext.Current.Application[attrAppKey] = sKey; } else { sKey = HttpContext.Current.Application[attrAppKey].ToString(); } sLocalizedText = RP.T(sKey).ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sLocalizedText)) { sLocalizedText = sKey; } ((DisplayAttribute)attr).Name = sLocalizedText; } } else if (attr is ValidationAttribute) { sKey = ((ValidationAttribute)attr).ErrorMessage; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sKey)) { attrAppKey = string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}", containerType.Name, propertyName, typeName); if (HttpContext.Current.Application[attrAppKey] == null) { HttpContext.Current.Application[attrAppKey] = sKey; } else { sKey = HttpContext.Current.Application[attrAppKey].ToString(); } sLocalizedText = RP.T(sKey).ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sLocalizedText)) { sLocalizedText = sKey; } ((ValidationAttribute)attr).ErrorMessage = sLocalizedText; } } } } HttpContext.Current.Application.UnLock(); return(base.CreateMetadata (attributes, containerType, modelAccessor, modelType, propertyName)); }
public ActionResult GoogleAjx(string ID, string Name, string Image, string Email) { // google 111929910329405075066 // long 9223372036854775807 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ID) && ID != "0") { string email = Email; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(email)) { email = ID + ""; } User uLogin = _db.Users.FirstOrDefault(r => r.GoogleID == ID); if (uLogin != null) { //login LS.Authorize(uLogin); // var messService = new MessageService(_db); // messService.SendUserRegisterEmailToUser(u); return(Json(new { result = "ok", url = "" })); } else { //register //generate code var chars = "0123456789abcdefghjklmnopqrstuwvxyzQAZWSXEDCRFVTGBYHNUJMIKLOP@$&%"; var random = new Random(); var password = new string( Enumerable.Repeat(chars, 8) .Select(s => s[random.Next(s.Length)]) .ToArray()); User uExist = _db.Users.FirstOrDefault(r => r.UserName == email || r.Email == email); if (uExist != null) { uExist.GoogleID = ID; _db.SaveChanges();//update facebook ID //login LS.Authorize(uExist); return(Json(new { result = "ok", url = "" })); } MembershipCreateStatus createStatus; MembershipUser newUser = Membership.CreateUser(email, password, email, "-", "-", true, out createStatus); if (createStatus != MembershipCreateStatus.Success) { ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, RP.T("Account.Register.Error." + createStatus.ToString()).ToString()); } else { User u = _db.Users.FirstOrDefault(r => r.UserName == email); u.Roles = SF.RolesStringAdd(u.Roles, "Register"); u.FirstName = ""; u.LastName = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name)) { string[] firstLast = Name.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, 2, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (firstLast.Length > 0) { u.FirstName = firstLast[0]; } if (firstLast.Length > 1) { u.LastName = firstLast[1]; } } u.RoleDefault = "Register"; u.GoogleID = ID; u.IsApproved = true; _db.Entry(u).State = EntityState.Modified; _db.SaveChanges(); Newsletter n = new Newsletter() { NewsletterAccept = true, NewsletterDate = DateTime.UtcNow, NewsletterEmail = u.Email, NewsletterName = u.FirstName + " " + u.LastName, RoleDefault = "Register" }; _db.Newsletters.Add(n); _db.SaveChanges(); SF.AddToNewsletter(n); if (Membership.ValidateUser(u.UserName, u.Password)) { LS.Authorize(u); var messService = new MessageService(_db); messService.SendUserRegisterEmailToUser(u); return(Json(new { result = "ok", url = "" })); } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", RP.T("Account.Logon.PasswordOrUserIncorrect").ToString()); } } } return(Json(new { result = "error", message = ModelState.Values.Select(x => new { Value = x.Value != null ? x.Value.AttemptedValue : "", errors = x.Errors.Select(y => y.ErrorMessage) }) })); } return(Json(new { result = "error", message = ModelState.Values.Select(x => new { Value = x.Value != null ? x.Value.AttemptedValue : "", errors = x.Errors.Select(y => y.ErrorMessage) }) })); }