public void AddButton(float percentX, float percentY, string text, RNSEB.OnClick callbackfunc, string spriteNormal = "ButtonNormal", string spriteHighlight = "ButtonHighlight", string spritePress = "ButtonClick", float scale = 0.6f)
            int x = (int)(percentX * RNSEB.RESOLUTION.X);
            int y = (int)(percentY * RNSEB.RESOLUTION.Y);
            HenryButton b = new HenryButton(x, y, text, callbackfunc,, spriteNormal, spriteHighlight, spritePress);
            b.Scale = scale;

            Buttons.Add(text, b);
        public HenryButton(int x, int y, string text,  RNSEB.OnClick onClick, ContentManager cm, string spriteNormal, string spriteHighlight, string spritePress)
            : base(cm)
            buttonNormal = spriteNormal;
            buttonHighlight = spriteHighlight;
            buttonClick = spritePress;
            base.LoadContent(buttonNormal, true); //load the button background
            this.Position = new Vector2(x, y); //set the button position where specified
            this.CenterOrigin(); //draw button measuring from center of texture

            buttonText = new HenryText(this.Position, RNSEB.ButtonFont, text);
            buttonText.Color = Color.Red; //set the text color
   = cm; //store the content manager reference so we can use it later to swap button textures

            this.onClick = onClick; //store the lambda function to call when clicked

            //RNSEB.Win.ClientSizeChanged += new EventHandler<EventArgs>(ResolutionChange); //subscribe to window change event