Пример #1
        public static void AtStartup(RMUD.RuleEngine GlobalRules)
            Core.StandardMessage("not useable", "I don't know what I would do with that.");

            GlobalRules.DeclareCheckRuleBook<MudObject, MudObject>("can use?", "[Actor, Item] : Can the actor use the item?", "actor", "item");

            GlobalRules.DeclarePerformRuleBook<MudObject, MudObject>("used", "[Actor, Item] : Handle the actor using the item.", "actor", "item");

            GlobalRules.Check<MudObject, MudObject>("can use?")
                .When((actor, item) => !item.GetBooleanProperty("useable?"))
                .Do((a, b) =>
                    MudObject.SendMessage(a, "@not useable");
                    return SharpRuleEngine.CheckResult.Disallow;
                .Name("Can't use the unuseable rule.");

            GlobalRules.Check<MudObject, MudObject>("can use?")
                .Do((a, b) => SharpRuleEngine.CheckResult.Allow)
                .Name("Default go ahead and use it rule.");

            GlobalRules.Perform<MudObject, MudObject>("used").Do((actor, target) =>
                MudObject.SendMessage(actor, "It doesn't do anything.");
                return SharpRuleEngine.PerformResult.Continue;
            }).Name("Default report using rule.");

            GlobalRules.Check<MudObject, MudObject>("can use?").First.Do((actor, item) => MudObject.CheckIsVisibleTo(actor, item)).Name("Item must be visible rule.");
Пример #2
        public static void AtStartup(RMUD.RuleEngine GlobalRules)
            ConversationModule.Settings.ListDiscussedTopics = false;
            ConversationModule.Settings.AllowRepeats = false;

            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("empty handed", "");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("convo topic prompt", "You could ask <l0>.");

            GlobalRules.Perform<Player>("list topics")
                .When(player => SuppressTopics)
                .Do(player => RMUD.PerformResult.Stop);

            GlobalRules.Perform<Player>("singleplayer game started")
                .Do((actor) =>
                    //BlockingConversation = true;

                    //RMUD.MudObject.SendMessage(actor, "Sal? Sal? Can you hear me?");
                    //actor.SetProperty("interlocutor", RMUD.MudObject.GetObject("DanConversation0"));
                    //RMUD.Core.EnqueuActorCommand(actor, "topics");

                    SwitchPlayerCharacter(RMUD.MudObject.GetObject("Areas.Prologue.Player") as RMUD.Player);
                    RMUD.MudObject.Move(Player, RMUD.MudObject.GetObject("Areas.Lighthouse.Base"));
                    RMUD.Core.EnqueuActorCommand(Player, "look");

                    //Player.SetProperty("interlocutor", RMUD.MudObject.GetObject("Areas.Prologue.Henrico"));
                    //RMUD.Core.EnqueuActorCommand(Player, "topics");
                    //BlockingConversation = true;

                    return RMUD.PerformResult.Stop;
Пример #3
 private static int FindSymbol(RMUD.Room Location)
     var spacer = Location.Short.LastIndexOf('-');
     if (spacer > 0 && spacer < Location.Short.Length - 2)
         return Location.Short.ToUpper()[spacer + 2];
         return Location.Short.ToUpper()[0];
Пример #4
 public static void AtStartup(RMUD.RuleEngine GlobalRules)
         .ProceduralRule((match, actor) =>
             SendMessage(actor, "Database defined commands appear to work.");
             return RMUD.PerformResult.Continue;
Пример #5
        public static void AtStartup(RMUD.RuleEngine GlobalRules)
            GlobalRules.Perform<RMUD.PossibleMatch, RMUD.Actor>("before command")
                .When((m, a) => BlockingConversation == true)
                .Do((match, actor) =>
                    var command = match["COMMAND"] as RMUD.CommandEntry;
                    if (command.IsNamed("ASK") || command.IsNamed("HELP") || command.IsNamed("TOPICS"))
                        return RMUD.PerformResult.Continue;
                    RMUD.MudObject.SendMessage(actor, "Sal, I really need to talk about this.");
                    RMUD.Core.EnqueuActorCommand(actor, "TOPICS");
                    return RMUD.PerformResult.Stop;
                .Name("Can only converse during a blocking conversation rule.");

            GlobalRules.Perform<Player, RMUD.MudObject, ConversationModule.Topic>("discuss topic")
                .Do((actor, npc, topic) =>
                    topic.SetProperty("discussed", true);
                    return RMUD.PerformResult.Continue;
                .Name("Mark topic discussed rule.");

            GlobalRules.Perform<Player>("list topics")
                .When(player => SuppressTopics)
                .Do(player => RMUD.PerformResult.Stop);

            GlobalRules.Perform<Player>("list topics")
                .Do(player =>
                    var npc = player.GetProperty<RMUD.NPC>("interlocutor");
                    var availableTopics = npc.GetPropertyOrDefault<List<RMUD.MudObject>>("conversation-topics", new List<RMUD.MudObject>()).Where(topic => GlobalRules.ConsiderValueRule<bool>("topic available?", player, npc, topic));

                    if (availableTopics.Count() == 0)
                        BlockingConversation = false;

                    return RMUD.PerformResult.Continue;
                .Name("Unblock game if no available topics rule.");

            GlobalRules.Perform<Player>("singleplayer game started")
                .Do((actor) =>
                    //BlockingConversation = true;

                    //RMUD.MudObject.SendMessage(actor, "Sal? Sal? Can you hear me?");
                    //actor.SetProperty("interlocutor", RMUD.MudObject.GetObject("DanConversation0"));
                    //RMUD.Core.EnqueuActorCommand(actor, "topics");

                    RMUD.MudObject.Move(actor, RMUD.MudObject.GetObject("Start"));
                    RMUD.Core.EnqueuActorCommand(actor, "look");
                    return RMUD.PerformResult.Stop;
Пример #6
        private static void MapLocation(int[,] MapGrid, Dictionary<int, String> RoomLegend, int X, int Y, RMUD.Room Location, int Symbol)
            if (X < 1 || X >= MapWidth - 1 || Y < 1 || Y >= MapHeight - 1) return;

            if (MapGrid[X, Y] != ' ') return;

            if (Symbol == ' ') Symbol = FindSymbol(Location);

            RoomLegend.Upsert(Symbol, Location.Short);

            PlaceSymbol(MapGrid, X, Y, Symbol);
            PlaceSymbol(MapGrid, X - 2, Y - 1, '+');
            PlaceSymbol(MapGrid, X - 1, Y - 1, '-');
            PlaceSymbol(MapGrid, X - 0, Y - 1, '-');
            PlaceSymbol(MapGrid, X + 1, Y - 1, '-');
            PlaceSymbol(MapGrid, X + 2, Y - 1, '+');

            PlaceSymbol(MapGrid, X + 2, Y, '|');
            PlaceSymbol(MapGrid, X - 2, Y, '|');

            PlaceSymbol(MapGrid, X - 2, Y + 1, '+');
            PlaceSymbol(MapGrid, X - 1, Y + 1, '-');
            PlaceSymbol(MapGrid, X - 0, Y + 1, '-');
            PlaceSymbol(MapGrid, X + 1, Y + 1, '-');
            PlaceSymbol(MapGrid, X + 2, Y + 1, '+');

            foreach (var link in Location.EnumerateObjects().Where(t => t.HasProperty("link direction")))
                var destinationName = link.GetProperty<string>("link destination");
                var destination = MudObject.GetObject(destinationName) as RMUD.Room;
                var direction = link.GetPropertyOrDefault<RMUD.Direction>("link direction", RMUD.Direction.NORTH);

                if (direction == Direction.UP)
                    PlaceSymbol(MapGrid, X + 1, Y - 2, ':');
                    PlaceSymbol(MapGrid, X + 1, Y - 3, FindSymbol(destination));
                else if (direction == Direction.DOWN)
                    PlaceSymbol(MapGrid, X - 1, Y + 2, ':');
                    PlaceSymbol(MapGrid, X - 1, Y + 3, FindSymbol(destination));
                    var directionVector = RMUD.Link.GetAsVector(direction);
                    PlaceEdge(MapGrid, X + directionVector.X * 3, Y + directionVector.Y * 2, direction);

                    //if (destination.RoomType == Location.RoomType)
                    MapLocation(MapGrid, RoomLegend, X + (directionVector.X * 7), Y + (directionVector.Y * 5), destination, ' ');
Пример #7
        public static void AtStartup(RMUD.RuleEngine GlobalRules)
            GlobalRules.Perform<RMUD.MudObject, Room>("describe")
                .Do((viewer, item) =>
                    var auto = RMUD.Core.ExecutingCommand.ValueOrDefault("AUTO", false);

                    if (item.TimesViewed > 0 && auto)
                        RMUD.MudObject.SendMessage(viewer, item.BriefDescription);
                        RMUD.MudObject.SendMessage(viewer, item.Long);

                    item.TimesViewed += 1;
                    return SharpRuleEngine.PerformResult.Stop;
                }).Name("Choose brief or long description rule.");
Пример #8
        public static void AtStartup(RMUD.RuleEngine GlobalRules)

            GlobalRules.Perform<Player>("singleplayer game started")
                .Do((actor) =>
                    // Don't list the things an actor is holding. This gets rid of all the spurious 'is empty handed' messages.
                    GlobalRules.DeleteRule("describe", "list-actor-held-items-rule");


                    return SharpRuleEngine.PerformResult.Stop;
Пример #9
        public static void AtStartup(RMUD.RuleEngine GlobalRules)
                .Do((actor) =>
                    MudObject.SendMessage(actor, "CLIENTS");
                    return PerformResult.Continue;

            GlobalRules.Perform<MudObject, String>("stats")
                .When((actor, type) => type == "CLIENTS")
                .Do((actor, type) =>
                    MudObject.SendMessage(actor, "~~ CLIENTS ~~");
                    foreach (var client in Clients.ConnectedClients)
                        if (client is NetworkClient)
                            MudObject.SendMessage(actor, (client as NetworkClient).ConnectionDescription + (client.Player == null ? "" : (" - " + client.Player.Short)));
                            MudObject.SendMessage(actor, "local " + (client.Player == null ? "" : (" - " + client.Player.Short)));
                    return PerformResult.Stop;
Пример #10
        public static void AtStartup(RMUD.RuleEngine GlobalRules)
            // Heavy things can be picked up, but not carried around.

            Core.StandardMessage("cant carry heavy thing", "^<the0> is too heavy to carry around.");

            GlobalRules.Check<MudObject, MudObject>("can go?")
                .When((actor, link) => HasHeavyThing(actor))
                .Do((actor, link) =>
                    MudObject.SendMessage(actor, "@cant carry heavy thing", FirstHeavyThing(actor));
                    return CheckResult.Disallow;
                .Name("Can't carry around heavy things rule.");

            GlobalRules.Check<MudObject, MudObject, MudObject>("can push direction?")
                .When((actor, subject, link) => HasHeavyThing(actor))
                .Do((actor, subject, link) =>
                    MudObject.SendMessage(actor, "@cant carry heavy thing", FirstHeavyThing(actor));
                    return CheckResult.Disallow;
                .Name("Can't carry around heavy things while pushing rule.");
Пример #11
        public static void StartConversation(RMUD.Actor Actor, RMUD.MudObject NPC)
            if (FirstConversation)
                FirstConversation = false;
                RMUD.MudObject.SendMessage(Actor, "\n[You've entered into a conversation. During a conversation, you will be prompted with a list of possible topics. You can see the list again by entering the command 'topics'. You can enter into a conversation with any character at any time using 'greet &lt;character&gt;']");

            Actor.SetProperty("interlocutor", NPC);
            RMUD.MudObject.SendMessage(Actor, "\n");
            RMUD.Core.EnqueuActorCommand(Actor, "topics");
Пример #12
 public static void SwitchPlayerCharacter(RMUD.Player NewCharacter)
Пример #13
        public static void AtStartup(RMUD.RuleEngine GlobalRules)
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("not here", "I don't think there's anything like that here.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("gone", "That isn't here anymore.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("dont have that", "I don't have that.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("already have that", "I already have that.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("does nothing", "I don't think that did anything.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("nothing happens", "Doesn't look like anything happened.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("unappreciated", "I'd really rather not.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("already open", "It's open already.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("already closed", "It's closed already.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("close it first", "I think I should probably close it first.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("wrong key", "I can't make this key work.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("error locked", "I think it's locked.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("you went", "Okay, I'm going <s0>.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("you close", "It's closed now.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("they close", "^<the0> closes <the1>.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("you drop", "I put <the0> down.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("they drop", "^<the0> drops <a1>.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("is open", "^<the0> is open.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("is closed", "^<the0> is closed.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("describe on", "There's <l1> on <the0>.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("describe in", "Inside <the0> there is <l1>.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("unmatched cardinal", "I don't know what way that is.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("go to null link", "I don't see how I can go that way.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("go to closed door", "Uh, the door is closed.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("they went", "^<the0> went <s1>.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("bad link", "Something is wrong with that direction. I don't know what.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("they arrive", "^<the0> arrives <s1>.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("nude", "You are naked.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("wearing", "You are wearing..");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("empty handed", "I have nothing.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("carrying", "I've got..");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("not lockable", "I don't think that can be locked.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("you lock", "Okay, <the0> is locked.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("they lock", "^<the0> locks <the1> with <the2>.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("nowhere", "You aren't anywhere.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("dark", "It's so dark I can't see anything.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("also here", "I also see <l0>.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("on which", "(on which is <l0>)");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("obvious exits", "I could go");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("through", "through <the0>");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("to", "to <the0>");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("cant look relloc", "I can't figure out how to look <s0> that.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("is closed error", "^<the0> is closed.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("relloc it is", "^<s0> <the1> is..");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("nothing relloc it", "I don't see anything <s0> <the1>.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("not openable", "I don't know how I would open that.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("you open", "Okay, <the0> is open.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("they open", "^<the0> opens <the1>.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("cant put relloc", "I don't think I can put things <s0> that.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("you put", "Okay, I put <the0> <s1> <the2>.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("they put", "^<the0> puts <the1> <s2> <the3>.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("say what", "Say what?");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("emote what", "You exist. Actually this is an error message, but that's what you just told me to say.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("speak", "^<the0> : \" < s1 > \"");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("emote", "^<the0> <s1>");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("you take", "Okay, I've got <the0>.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("they take", "^<the0> takes <the1>.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("cant take people", "How would I take a person?");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("cant take portals", "I think that's a bit impossible.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("cant take scenery", "I don't think I can.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("you unlock", "Okay, I unlocked <the0>.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("they unlock", "^<the0> unlocks <the1> with <a2>.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("help topics", "Available help topics");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("no help topic", "There is no help available for that topic.");

            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("convo topic prompt", "You could <lor0>.");
            RMUD.Core.OverrideMessage("convo no topics", "There's nothing urgent to speak with Dan about.");
Пример #14
 private RMUD.LightingLevel EmittedLight(RMUD.MudObject Item)
     var outside = GetObject(Outside) as RMUD.Room;
     if (outside != null) return outside.AmbientLighting - 1;
     return RMUD.LightingLevel.Dark;
Пример #15
 public void SwitchPlayerCharacter(RMUD.Player NewCharacter)
     NewCharacter.Rank = 500;
     NewCharacter.CommandHandler = RMUD.Core.ParserCommandHandler;
     var client = Player.ConnectedClient;
     RMUD.Core.TiePlayerToClient(client, NewCharacter);
     Player = NewCharacter;
Пример #16
 public override void ForgetInstance(RMUD.MudObject Object)
Пример #17
 public override void PersistInstance(RMUD.MudObject Object)
Пример #18
        private static void PlaceEdge(int[,] MapGrid, int X, int Y, RMUD.Direction Direction)
            if (X < 1 || X >= MapWidth - 1 || Y < 1 || Y >= MapHeight - 1) return;

            switch (Direction)
                case RMUD.Direction.NORTH:
                case RMUD.Direction.SOUTH:
                    MapGrid[X, Y] = '|';
                case RMUD.Direction.EAST:
                case RMUD.Direction.WEST:
                    MapGrid[X, Y] = '-';
                case RMUD.Direction.NORTHEAST:
                case RMUD.Direction.SOUTHWEST:
                    MapGrid[X, Y] = '/';
                case RMUD.Direction.NORTHWEST:
                case RMUD.Direction.SOUTHEAST:
                    MapGrid[X, Y] = '\\';
                    MapGrid[X, Y] = '*';