public void Populate() { rest = new RESTapi(""); // Get About information string jsonAbout = rest.getRESTData("/about/"); Console.WriteLine(jsonAbout); // Convert the JSON to an About C# object // use // enter About about = JToken.Parse(jsonAbout).ToObject <About>(); lbl_aboutTitle.Text = about.title; richTextBox1.Text = about.description; lbl_about_quoteAuthor.Text = about.quoteAuthor; textBox1.Text = about.quote; // Get /resources/ string jsonRes = rest.getRESTData("/resources/"); // Create Resources object to load the parsed JSON Resources resources = JToken.Parse(jsonRes).ToObject <Resources>(); // Add the link text to the display lnkLbl_http.Text = resources.tutorsAndLabInformation.tutoringLabHoursLink; } // Populate()
private void Research() { baseRestURL = new RESTapi(""); string jsonResearch = baseRestURL.getRESTData("/research/"); research = JToken.Parse(jsonResearch).ToObject <Research>(); // Console.WriteLine(jsonResearch); try { for (int i = 0; i < research.byInterestArea.Count(); i++) { listboxResearchByInterestArea.Items.Add(research.byInterestArea[i].areaName); } } catch (Exception) { } try { for (int i = 0; i < research.byFaculty.Count(); i++) { listboxResearchByFaculty.Items.Add(research.byFaculty[i].facultyName + " (" + research.byFaculty[i].username + ")"); } } catch (Exception) { } }
private void Minors() { baseRestURL = new RESTapi(""); string jsonMinors = baseRestURL.getRESTData("/minors/"); minors = JToken.Parse(jsonMinors).ToObject <Minors>(); // Console.WriteLine(jsonMinors); listBoxUgMinorsName.Items.Clear(); try { for (int i = 0; i < minors.UgMinors.Count(); i++) { listBoxUgMinorsName.Items.Add(minors.UgMinors[i].name); } } catch (Exception) { } lblUgMinorsTitle.Text = ""; txtboxUgMinorsTitle.Text = ""; txtBoxUgNote.Text = ""; }
public Minors_Box(Main m) { InitializeComponent(); f = m; // Get the /minors/ information from the API string jsonMinor = rest.getRESTData("/minors/"); minor minor = JToken.Parse(jsonMinor).ToObject <minor>(); string[] minorCourses = new string[8]; // 8 is the longest courses number rtb_minors.AppendText(minor.UgMinors.Find(x => x.title.Equals(f.selected_name)).title + Environment.NewLine); rtb_minors.AppendText(minor.UgMinors.Find(x => x.title.Equals(f.selected_name)).description + Environment.NewLine); rtb_minors.AppendText(Environment.NewLine + "Courses:" + Environment.NewLine); int count = 0; foreach (String course in minor.UgMinors.Find(x => x.title.Equals(f.selected_name)).courses) { minorCourses[count] = minor.UgMinors.Find(x => x.title.Equals(f.selected_name)).courses[count]; count++; } count = 0; while (count < minorCourses.Length) { rtb_minors.AppendText(minorCourses[count] + Environment.NewLine); count++; } }
private void Btn_people_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Load the People information string jsonPeople = rest.getRESTData("/people/"); // cast to a people object People people = JToken.Parse(jsonPeople).ToObject <People>(); // loop through JSON array of faculty foreach (Faculty thisfac in people.faculty) { Console.WriteLine(; pictureBox_People.Load(thisfac.imagePath); comboBoxFaculty.Items.Add(; facultyNames.Add(thisfac.username); } GetSingleInstance("mjfics", people); }
private void Degrees() { baseRestURL = new RESTapi(""); string jsonDegrees = baseRestURL.getRESTData("/degrees/"); degrees = JToken.Parse(jsonDegrees).ToObject <Degrees>(); // Console.WriteLine(jsonDegrees); lblDegreesTitle.Text = ""; txtboxDegreesDesc.Text = ""; }
//---------------------About Page---------------------------------// public void Populate() { // Get the /about/ information from the API string jsonAbout = rest.getRESTData("/about/"); // need to get the data out of the JSON string // into an object form that we can use About about = JToken.Parse(jsonAbout).ToObject <About>(); // About title lbl_aboutTitle.Text = about.title; rtb_desc.Text = about.description; lbl_about_quoteAuthor.Text = about.quoteAuthor; tb_quote.Text = about.quote; // get resources, a link to click on string jsonRes = rest.getRESTData("/resources/"); // Get information out of the resources object Resources resources = JToken.Parse(jsonRes).ToObject <Resources>(); lblLink_istLabs.Text = resources.tutorsAndLabInformation.tutoringLabHoursLink; }
// AboutUs Section #region AboutUs // About Us Tab private void AboutUs() { baseRestURL = new RESTapi(""); string jsonAbout = baseRestURL.getRESTData("/about/"); // Console.WriteLine(jsonAbout); AboutUs about = JToken.Parse(jsonAbout).ToObject <AboutUs>(); lblAboutUsTitle.Text = about.title; txtboxAboutUs.Text = '"' + about.quote + '"'; txtboxAboutUs.Text += " - " + about.quoteAuthor; txtboxAboutUsDesc.Text = about.description; }
public void Populate() { rest = new RESTapi(""); // Get About information string jsonAbout = rest.getRESTData("/about/"); // Convert the JSON to an About C# object // use // enter About about = JToken.Parse(jsonAbout).ToObject <About>(); lbl_aboutTitle.Text = about.title; richTextBox1.Text = about.description; richTextBox1.SelectionAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; lbl_about_quoteAuthor.Text = about.quoteAuthor; lbl_about_quoteAuthor.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; textBox1.Text = about.quote; textBox1.TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Center; } // Populate()
public void News() { Random ran = new Random(); RESTapi baseRestUrls = new RESTapi(""); string jsonNews = baseRestUrls.getRESTData("/news/"); Console.WriteLine(jsonNews); news = JToken.Parse(jsonNews).ToObject <News>(); int minBreakingNews = ran.Next(news.older.Count()); String desc = news.older[minBreakingNews].description; String title = news.older[minBreakingNews].title; dlgBreakingNews dlg = new dlgBreakingNews(title, desc); dlg.Show(); }
private void comboBoxCoursesDegree_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { baseRestURL = new RESTapi(""); string jsonCourses = baseRestURL.getRESTData("/courses/"); courseses = JToken.Parse(jsonCourses).ToObject <Courses[]>(); int index = comboBoxCoursesDegree.SelectedIndex; dataGridViewDegreeCourses.Rows.Clear(); try { for (int i = 0; i < courseses.Count(); i++) { dataGridViewDegreeCourses.Rows.Add(courseses[index].courses[i]); } } catch (Exception) { } }
public People_Box(string peoType, string uName) { InitializeComponent(); Main f = new Main(); string jsonPeople = rest.getRESTData("/people/"); People people = JToken.Parse(jsonPeople).ToObject <People>(); // to separate the peoType into faculty and staff if (peoType == "faculty") { // get the /faculty/ data from api // get the data for rtb_peo rtb_peo.Text = " "; rtb_peo.AppendText(people.faculty.Find(x => + Environment.NewLine); rtb_peo.AppendText(people.faculty.Find(x => + Environment.NewLine); rtb_peo.AppendText(people.faculty.Find(x => + Environment.NewLine); rtb_peo.AppendText(people.faculty.Find(x => + Environment.NewLine); rtb_peo.AppendText(people.faculty.Find(x => + Environment.NewLine); // get the image for each people pictureBox_peo.Load(people.faculty.Find(x =>; } else { // get the data for rtb_peo rtb_peo.Text = " "; rtb_peo.AppendText(people.staff.Find(x => + Environment.NewLine); rtb_peo.AppendText(people.staff.Find(x => + Environment.NewLine); rtb_peo.AppendText(people.staff.Find(x => + Environment.NewLine); // get the image for each staff pictureBox_peo.Load(people.staff.Find(x =>; } }
private void People() { baseRestURL = new RESTapi(""); string jsonPeople = baseRestURL.getRESTData("/people/"); people = JToken.Parse(jsonPeople).ToObject <People>(); lblPeopleFacultyMainTitle.Text = people.title; lblPeopleStaffMainTitle.Text = people.title; lblPeopleFacultySubtitle.Text = people.subTitle; lblPeopleStaffSubtitle.Text = people.subTitle; try { for (int i = 0; i < people.faculty.Count(); i++) { cbPeopleFacultyNames.Items.Add(people.faculty[i].name); } } catch (Exception) { } try { for (int i = 0; i < people.staff.Count(); i++) { cbPeopleStaff.Items.Add(people.staff[i].name); } } catch (Exception) { } // sets first choice to 0 so it is not automatically empty at first cbPeopleFacultyNames.SelectedIndex = 0; cbPeopleStaff.SelectedIndex = 0; }
private void Course() { baseRestURL = new RESTapi(""); string jsonCourses = baseRestURL.getRESTData("/courses/"); courseses = JToken.Parse(jsonCourses).ToObject <Courses[]>(); // Console.WriteLine(jsonCourses); try { for (int i = 0; i < courseses.Length; i++) { comboBoxCoursesDegree.Items.Add(courseses[i].degreeName); comboBoxCoursesDegree.SelectedIndex = 0; // Console.WriteLine(courseses[i].degreeName); } } catch (Exception) { } }
} // Populate() private void Btn_people_Enter(object sender, EventArgs e) { string jsonPeople = rest.getRESTData("/people/"); // cast to a people object People people = JToken.Parse(jsonPeople).ToObject <People>(); // loop through JSON array of faculty foreach (Faculty thisfac in people.faculty) { comboBoxFaculty.Items.Add(; facultyNames.Add(thisfac.username); } foreach (Staff thisStaff in people.staff) { comboBoxStaff.Items.Add(; staffNames.Add(thisStaff.username); } }
private void Employment() { baseRestURL = new RESTapi(""); string jsonEmployment = baseRestURL.getRESTData("/employment/"); employment = JToken.Parse(jsonEmployment).ToObject <Employment>(); lblEmpIntroTitle.Text = employment.introduction.title; txtBoxContentTitleAndDesc.Text = ""; lblEmploymentTitleDesc.Text = employment.employers.title + ": "; // Console.WriteLine(employment.employers.employerNames.Count()); try { for (int i = 0; i < employment.employers.employerNames.Count(); i++) { // Console.WriteLine(i+1); if (employment.employers.employerNames.Count() == (i + 1)) { // Console.WriteLine("Stopping at: " + i + " " + employment.employers.employerNames[i] + " "); lblEmploymentTitleDesc.Text += employment.employers.employerNames[i]; } else { lblEmploymentTitleDesc.Text += employment.employers.employerNames[i] + ", "; } } } catch (Exception) { } // Introduction Title and Desc try { for (int i = 0; i < employment.introduction.content.Count(); i++) { txtBoxContentTitleAndDesc.Text += employment.introduction.content[i].title + "\n"; txtBoxContentTitleAndDesc.Text += employment.introduction.content[i].description + "\n\n"; } } catch (Exception) { } // CoopTable try { for (int i = 0; i < employment.coopTable.coopInformation.Count(); i++) { dataGridViewCoopTable.Rows.Add( employment.coopTable.coopInformation[i].employer, // employer employment.coopTable.coopInformation[i].degree, // degree employment.coopTable.coopInformation[i].city, // city employment.coopTable.coopInformation[i].term // term ); } } catch (Exception) { } // sorting CoopTable A-Z dataGridViewCoopTable.Sort(dataGridViewCoopTable.Columns["Employer"], ListSortDirection.Ascending); }
public void Populate() { // Get the /about/ information from the API string jsonAbout = rest.getRESTData("/about/"); // Console.WriteLine(jsonAbout); // need to get the data out of the JSON string // into an object form that we can use About about = JToken.Parse(jsonAbout).ToObject <About>(); // About title lbl_aboutTitle.Text = about.title; lbl_aboutTitle.Font = new Font("Trebuchet MS", 12, FontStyle.Regular); rtb_desc.Text = about.description; lbl_about_quoteAuthor.Text = about.quoteAuthor; tb_quote.Text = about.quote; lbl_quote.Font = new Font("Trebuchet MS", 12, FontStyle.Regular); }
private void Resources() { baseRestURL = new RESTapi(""); string jsonResources = baseRestURL.getRESTData("/resources/"); resources = JToken.Parse(jsonResources).ToObject <Resources>(); // Console.WriteLine(jsonResources); lblStudentResourcesTitle.Text = resources.title; lblStudentResourcesSubtitle.Text = resources.subTitle; lblResourcesStudyAbroad.Text = resources.studyAbroad.title; richTextBoxResourcesStudyAbroadDesc.Text = resources.studyAbroad.description; try { for (int i = 0; i < resources.studyAbroad.places.Count(); i++) { richTextBoxResourcesStudyAbroadDesc.Text += "\n\n- " + resources.studyAbroad.places[i].nameOfPlace + "\n\t" + resources.studyAbroad.places[i].description; } } catch (Exception) { } lblResourcesTutorTitle.Text = resources.tutorsAndLabInformation.title; richTextBoxResourcesTutorDesc.Text = resources.tutorsAndLabInformation.description; lblResourcesAdvisingAcademicTitle.Text = resources.studentServices.academicAdvisors.title; richtextboxAcademicAdvisorDesc.Text = resources.studentServices.academicAdvisors.description; linkLblAcademicAdvisor.Text = resources.studentServices.academicAdvisors.faq.title; lblResourcesAdvisingFacultyTitle.Text = resources.studentServices.facultyAdvisors.title; richtextboxFacultyAdvisorDesc.Text = resources.studentServices.facultyAdvisors.description; // Academic Advisors try { for (int i = 0; i < resources.studentServices.professonalAdvisors.advisorInformation.Count(); i++) { datagridviewResourcesAcademicAdvisor.Rows.Add( resources.studentServices.professonalAdvisors.advisorInformation[i].name, // name resources.studentServices.professonalAdvisors.advisorInformation[i].department, // department resources.studentServices.professonalAdvisors.advisorInformation[i].email // email ); } } catch (Exception) { } try { for (int i = 0; i < resources.studentServices.istMinorAdvising.minorAdvisorInformation.Count(); i++) { datagridviewResourcesISTAdvisor.Rows.Add( resources.studentServices.istMinorAdvising.minorAdvisorInformation[i].advisor, // name of advisor resources.studentServices.istMinorAdvising.minorAdvisorInformation[i].title, // title (department) resources.studentServices.istMinorAdvising.minorAdvisorInformation[i].email // email ); } } catch (Exception) { } lblResourcesAmbassadorsTitle.Text = resources.studentAmbassadors.title; pictureBoxResourcesAmbassadorsPic.ImageLocation = resources.studentAmbassadors.ambassadorsImageSource; try { for (int i = 0; i < (resources.studentAmbassadors.subSectionContent.Count() - 1); i++) { richTextBoxAmbassadorsContent.Text += resources.studentAmbassadors.subSectionContent[i].title + "\n"; richTextBoxAmbassadorsContent.Text += "- " + resources.studentAmbassadors.subSectionContent[i].description + "\n\n"; } } catch (Exception) { } lblResourcesAmbassadorsApplyDesc.Text = resources.studentAmbassadors.subSectionContent[6].description; linkLabelAmbassadorsUrl.Text = resources.studentAmbassadors.subSectionContent[6].title.ToUpper(); lblResourcesAmbassadorNote.Text = resources.studentAmbassadors.note; lblResourcesAcademicCoopInfoTitle.Text = resources.coopEnrollment.title; try { for (int i = 0; i < resources.coopEnrollment.enrollmentInformationContent.Count(); i++) { richTextBoxResourcesAcademicCoopInfoDesc.Text += resources.coopEnrollment.enrollmentInformationContent[i].title + "\n"; richTextBoxResourcesAcademicCoopInfoDesc.Text += resources.coopEnrollment.enrollmentInformationContent[i].description + "\n\n"; } } catch (Exception) { } linkLblResourcesGradOne.Text = resources.forms.graduateForms[0].formName; linkLblResourcesGradTwo.Text = resources.forms.graduateForms[1].formName; linkLblResourcesGradThree.Text = resources.forms.graduateForms[2].formName; linkLblResourcesGradFour.Text = resources.forms.graduateForms[3].formName; linkLblResourcesGradFive.Text = resources.forms.graduateForms[4].formName; linkLblResourcesGradSix.Text = resources.forms.graduateForms[5].formName; linkLblResourcesGradSeven.Text = resources.forms.graduateForms[6].formName; linkLblResourcesUnderOne.Text = resources.forms.undergraduateForms[0].formName; }