Пример #1
        private IRoot LoadFromInternal(SyntaxTree tree, string filePath)
            var compilation = CSharpCompilation.Create("MyCompilation",
                                                       options: new CSharpCompilationOptions(OutputKind.DynamicallyLinkedLibrary),
                                                       syntaxTrees: new[] { tree },
                                                       references: new[] { MetadataReference.CreateFromAssembly(typeof(object).Assembly) });
            var model = compilation.GetSemanticModel(tree);
            var root  = corporation.Create(tree.GetCompilationUnitRoot(), null, model).FirstOrDefault() as IRoot;

            //var root = corporation.CreateFrom<IRoot>(tree.GetCompilationUnitRoot(), null, model).FirstOrDefault();
            root.FilePath = filePath;
Пример #2
        //protected override IDom CreateItemFrom(SyntaxNode syntaxNode, IDom parent, SemanticModel model)
        //   var syntax = syntaxNode as CompilationUnitSyntax;
        //   var newItem = new RDomRoot(syntaxNode, parent, model);
        //   // Root does not call StandardInitialize because the info is attched to the first item
        //   // and particularly, whitespace would be doubled.
        //   //CreateFromWorker.InitializePublicAnnotations(newItem,  syntaxNode,  parent,  model);

        //   newItem.Name = "Root";
        //   CreateFromWorker.LoadStemMembers(newItem, syntax.Members, syntax.Usings, model);

        //   return newItem;

        //public override IEnumerable<SyntaxNode> BuildSyntax(IDom item)
        //   var itemAsT = item as IRoot;
        //   var node = SyntaxFactory.CompilationUnit();
        //   var usingsSyntax = itemAsT.UsingDirectives
        //               .SelectMany(x => RDom.CSharp.GetSyntaxGroup(x))
        //               .ToList();
        //   var membersSyntax = itemAsT.StemMembers
        //               .Where(x => !(x is IUsingDirective))
        //               .SelectMany(x => RDom.CSharp.GetSyntaxGroup(x))
        //               .ToList();
        //   node = node.WithUsings(SyntaxFactory.List(usingsSyntax));
        //   node = node.WithMembers(SyntaxFactory.List(membersSyntax));
        //   return node.PrepareForBuildSyntaxOutput(item, OutputContext);

        public IRootGroup CreateFrom(Compilation compilation, bool skipDetail)
            var csharpCompilation = compilation as CSharpCompilation;

            if (csharpCompilation == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();
            var ret = new RDomRootGroup(compilation, _corporation.FactoryAccess);

            foreach (var tree in compilation.SyntaxTrees)
                var model = compilation.GetSemanticModel(tree);
                var root  = _corporation.Create(tree.GetCompilationUnitRoot(), null, model).FirstOrDefault() as IRoot;
Пример #3
        private static void InitializeBaseList(EnumDeclarationSyntax syntax, RDomEnum newItem, SemanticModel model,
                                               ICSharpCreateFromWorker createFromWorker, RDomCorporation corporation)
            var symbol = newItem.Symbol as INamedTypeSymbol;

            if (symbol != null)
                var underlyingNamedTypeSymbol = symbol.EnumUnderlyingType;
                // TODO: underlying type should be set to Int when there is not type specified,there is always an underlying type and the int default might be language specific
                if (syntax.BaseList != null)
                    createFromWorker.StoreWhitespaceForToken(newItem, syntax.BaseList.ColonToken,
                                                             LanguagePart.Current, LanguageElement.BaseListPrefix);
                    var type = corporation
                               .Create(syntax.BaseList.Types.First(), newItem, model)
                               as IReferencedType;
                    newItem.UnderlyingType = type;
                    createFromWorker.StoreWhitespace(type, syntax.BaseList,
                                                     LanguagePart.Current, whitespaceLookup);