public void Rdpei_TouchInputTest_Negative_InvalidScReadyPduLength()
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Establishing RDP connection ...");

            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Creating dynamic virtual channels for MS-RDPEI ...");
            bool bProtocolSupported = this.rdpeiServer.CreateRdpeiDvc(waitTime);

            TestSite.Assert.IsTrue(bProtocolSupported, "Client should support this protocol.");

            // RDPEI initializing phase
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Sending a RDPINPUT_SC_READY_PDU with PduLength set to 6.");
            RDPINPUT_SC_READY_PDU scReadyPdu = this.rdpeiServer.CreateRdpInputScReadyPdu(EventId_Values.EVENTID_SC_READY, 6);


            // Expect the client to ignore the RDPINPUT_SC_READY_PDU with invalid pduLength.
            RDPINPUT_CS_READY_PDU csReadyPdu = this.rdpeiServer.ExpectRdpInputCsReadyPdu(shortWaitTime);

            Site.Assert.IsNull(csReadyPdu, "The client should ignore the RDPINPUT_SC_READY_PDU message when the pduLength field is inconsistent with the amount of data read from DVC.");
        public void Rdpei_TouchInputTest_Positive_TouchReadiness()
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Establishing RDP connection ...");

            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Creating dynamic virtual channels for MS-RDPEI ...");
            bool bProtocolSupported = this.rdpeiServer.CreateRdpeiDvc(waitTime);

            TestSite.Assert.IsTrue(bProtocolSupported, "Client should support this protocol.");

            // RDPEI initializing phase
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Sending a RDPINPUT_SC_READY_PDU.");
            RDPINPUT_SC_READY_PDU scReadyPdu = this.rdpeiServer.CreateRdpInputScReadyPdu();


            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Expecting RDPINPUT_CS_READY_PDU ...");
            RDPINPUT_CS_READY_PDU csReadyPdu = this.rdpeiServer.ExpectRdpInputCsReadyPdu(waitTime);

Пример #3
        public void Rdpei_TouchControlTest_Negative_InvalidEventIdInRunningPhase()
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Establishing RDP connection ...");

            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Creating dynamic virtual channels for MS-RDPEI ...");
            bool bProtocolSupported = this.rdpeiServer.CreateRdpeiDvc(waitTime);

            TestSite.Assert.IsTrue(bProtocolSupported, "Client should support this protocol.");

            // RDPEI initializing phase
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Sending a RDPINPUT_SC_READY_PDU.");
            RDPINPUT_SC_READY_PDU scReadyPdu = this.rdpeiServer.CreateRdpInputScReadyPdu();


            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Expecting RDPINPUT_CS_READY_PDU ...");
            RDPINPUT_CS_READY_PDU csReadyPdu = this.rdpeiServer.ExpectRdpInputCsReadyPdu(waitTime);

            TestSite.Assert.IsNotNull(csReadyPdu, "Client is expected to send RDPINPUT_CS_READY_PDU to the server.");

            // RDPEI running phase
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Sending an invalid PDU.");
            RDPINPUT_INVALID_PDU invalidPdu = CreateRdpInputInvalidPdu(0xFFFF, 6, null);



            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Expecting RDPINPUT_TOUCH_EVENT_PDU ...");
            RDPINPUT_TOUCH_EVENT_PDU touchEventPdu = this.rdpeiServer.ExpectRdpInputTouchEventPdu(waitTime);

            VerifyRdpInputTouchEventPdu(touchEventPdu, true);

            if (isManagedAdapter)
Пример #4
 /// <summary>
 /// The callback method to receive data from transport layer.
 /// </summary>
 private void OnDataReceived(byte[] data, uint channelId)
     lock (receivedList)
         RDPINPUT_PDU pdu     = new RDPINPUT_PDU();
         bool         fResult = PduMarshaler.Unmarshal(data, pdu);
         if (fResult)
             byte[] pduData = new byte[pdu.header.pduLength];
             Array.Copy(data, pduData, pduData.Length);
             RDPINPUT_PDU msg = pdu;
             if (pdu.header.eventId == EventId_Values.EVENTID_CS_READY)
                 RDPINPUT_CS_READY_PDU request = new RDPINPUT_CS_READY_PDU();
                 if (PduMarshaler.Unmarshal(pduData, request))
                     msg = request;
             else if (pdu.header.eventId == EventId_Values.EVENTID_DISMISS_HOVERING_CONTACT)
                 if (PduMarshaler.Unmarshal(pduData, request))
                     msg = request;
             else if (pdu.header.eventId == EventId_Values.EVENTID_TOUCH)
                 if (PduMarshaler.Unmarshal(pduData, request))
                     msg = request;
Пример #5
        public void Rdpei_TouchControlTest_Negative_DuplicatedSuspend()
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Establishing RDP connection ...");

            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Creating dynamic virtual channels for MS-RDPEI ...");
            bool bProtocolSupported = this.rdpeiServer.CreateRdpeiDvc(waitTime);

            TestSite.Assert.IsTrue(bProtocolSupported, "Client should support this protocol.");

            // RDPEI initializing phase
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Sending a RDPINPUT_SC_READY_PDU.");
            RDPINPUT_SC_READY_PDU scReadyPdu = this.rdpeiServer.CreateRdpInputScReadyPdu();


            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Expecting RDPINPUT_CS_READY_PDU ...");
            RDPINPUT_CS_READY_PDU csReadyPdu = this.rdpeiServer.ExpectRdpInputCsReadyPdu(waitTime);

            TestSite.Assert.IsTrue(csReadyPdu != null, "Client is expected to send RDPINPUT_CS_READY_PDU to the server.");

            // RDPEI running phase
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Sending a RDPINPUT_SUSPEND_TOUCH_PDU.");
            RDPINPUT_SUSPEND_TOUCH_PDU suspendPdu = this.rdpeiServer.CreateRdpInputSuspendTouchPdu();


            // Send a duplicated suspend message to test the client will ignore it, since the Touch Remoting Suspended ADM element is already set to TRUE.
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Sending a RDPINPUT_SUSPEND_TOUCH_PDU.");


            // Expect to reveice nothing after sending the RDPINPUT_SUSPEND_TOUCH_PDU message.
            RDPINPUT_PDU pdu = this.rdpeiServer.ExpectRdpInputPdu(waitTime);

            TestSite.Assert.IsNull(pdu, "Client must suspend the transmission of touch frames after receiving a RDPINPUT_SUSPEND_TOUCH_PDU message.");
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Expect a RDPINPUT_CS_READY_PDU.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="timeout">TimeOut</param>
        /// <returns>A RDPINPUT_CS_READY_PDU instance.</returns>
        public RDPINPUT_CS_READY_PDU ExpectRdpInputCsReadyPdu(TimeSpan timeout)
            RDPINPUT_CS_READY_PDU pdu = ExpectRdpeiPdu <RDPINPUT_CS_READY_PDU>(timeout);

        public void Rdpei_TouchInputTest_Positive_DismissHoveringContact()
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Establishing RDP connection ...");

            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Creating dynamic virtual channels for MS-RDPEI ...");
            bool bProtocolSupported = this.rdpeiServer.CreateRdpeiDvc(waitTime);

            TestSite.Assert.IsTrue(bProtocolSupported, "Client should support this protocol.");

            // RDPEI initializing phase
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Sending a RDPINPUT_SC_READY_PDU.");
            RDPINPUT_SC_READY_PDU scReadyPdu = this.rdpeiServer.CreateRdpInputScReadyPdu();


            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Expecting RDPINPUT_CS_READY_PDU ...");
            RDPINPUT_CS_READY_PDU csReadyPdu = this.rdpeiServer.ExpectRdpInputCsReadyPdu(waitTime);

            TestSite.Assert.IsTrue(csReadyPdu != null, "Client is expected to send RDPINPUT_CS_READY_PDU to the server.");

            // Trigger the user to determin whether the client device supports proximity. If not, negative value will be returned when using interactive adapter.
            if (this.rdpeiSUTControlAdapter.TriggerDismissHoveringContactPduOnClient(this.TestContext.TestName) < 0)
                TestSite.Assume.Inconclusive("The client device does not support proximity.");
            // RDPEI running phase
            RDPINPUT_TOUCH_EVENT_PDU touchEventPdu = this.rdpeiServer.ExpectRdpInputTouchEventPdu(waitTime);

            this.stateMachine = new TouchContactStateMachine();
            VerifyAndUpdateContactState(touchEventPdu, true);
            // Verify the user input.
            ushort left   = (ushort)(rdpbcgrAdapter.CapabilitySetting.DesktopWidth - 160);
            ushort top    = (ushort)(rdpbcgrAdapter.CapabilitySetting.DesktopHeight - 120);
            ushort width  = 100;
            ushort height = 60;

            if (touchEventPdu != null && touchEventPdu.frames != null)
                foreach (RDPINPUT_TOUCH_FRAME f in touchEventPdu.frames)
                    foreach (RDPINPUT_CONTACT_DATA d in f.contacts)
                        int x = d.x.ToInt();
                        int y = d.y.ToInt();
                        if (x >= left && x <= (left + width) && y >= top && y <= (top + height))
                            TestSite.Assume.Inconclusive("The client device does not support proximity.");
            // The client supports proximity, waiting for RDPINPUT_DISMISS_HOVERING_CONTACT_PDU.
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Expecting RDPINPUT_DISMISS_HOVERING_CONTACT_PDU ...");
            DateTime endTime = DateTime.Now + waitTime;
            bool     isExpectedFrameReceived = false;

            while (DateTime.Now < endTime && !isExpectedFrameReceived)
                RDPINPUT_PDU pdu = this.rdpeiServer.ExpectRdpInputPdu(waitTime);
                // Intent to check whether the state transition of received RDPINPUT_DISMISS_HOVERING_CONTACT_PDU is valid.
                VerifyAndUpdateContactState(pdu, false);
                if (pdu != null && pdu is RDPINPUT_DISMISS_HOVERING_CONTACT_PDU)
                    isExpectedFrameReceived = true;
            TestSite.Assert.IsTrue(isExpectedFrameReceived, "Client is expected to send RDPINPUT_DISMISS_HOVERING_CONTACT_PDU to the server.");
            if (isManagedAdapter)
        public void Rdpei_TouchInputTest_Positive_SingleTouchContactPosition()
            if (isInteractiveAdapter)
                Site.Assume.Inconclusive("This case will not be bun when using interactive client control adapter.");

            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Establishing RDP connection ...");

            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Creating dynamic virtual channels for MS-RDPEI ...");
            bool bProtocolSupported = this.rdpeiServer.CreateRdpeiDvc(waitTime);

            TestSite.Assert.IsTrue(bProtocolSupported, "Client should support this protocol.");

            // RDPEI initializing phase
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Sending a RDPINPUT_SC_READY_PDU.");
            RDPINPUT_SC_READY_PDU scReadyPdu = this.rdpeiServer.CreateRdpInputScReadyPdu();


            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Expecting RDPINPUT_CS_READY_PDU ...");
            RDPINPUT_CS_READY_PDU csReadyPdu = this.rdpeiServer.ExpectRdpInputCsReadyPdu(waitTime);

            TestSite.Assert.IsTrue(csReadyPdu != null, "Client is expected to send RDPINPUT_CS_READY_PDU to the server.");

            // RDPEI running phase
            ushort width  = this.rdpbcgrAdapter.CapabilitySetting.DesktopWidth;
            ushort height = this.rdpbcgrAdapter.CapabilitySetting.DesktopHeight;
            // The diameter of the circle to be sent to the client.
            ushort diam   = 64;
            Random random = new Random();

            // The left and top position of the circles to be sent to the client.
            //ushort[] arr = { 0, 0, 0, (ushort)(height - diam), (ushort)(width - diam), 0, (ushort)(width - diam), (ushort)(height - diam), (ushort)(random.Next(width - diam * 2) + diam), (ushort)(random.Next(height - diam * 2) + diam) };
            ushort[] arr          = { 0, 0, 0, (ushort)(height - diam), (ushort)(width - diam), 0, (ushort)(width - diam), (ushort)(height - diam), (ushort)(width / 2 - diam / 2), (ushort)(height / 2 - diam / 2) };
            bool     isFirstFrame = true;

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                ushort left = arr[i * 2];
                ushort top  = arr[i * 2 + 1];

                if (isManagedAdapter)
                    RdpeiUtility.SendCircle(diam, Color.Red, left, top);
                Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Expecting RDPINPUT_TOUCH_EVENT_PDU ...");

                ushort preLeft = (i == 0) ? (ushort)(width + 1) : arr[(i - 1) * 2];
                ushort preTop  = (i == 0) ? (ushort)(height + 1) : arr[2 * i - 1];
                bool   isExpectedFrameReceived = false;
                while (!isExpectedFrameReceived)
                    RDPINPUT_TOUCH_EVENT_PDU touchEventPdu = this.rdpeiServer.ExpectRdpInputTouchEventPdu(waitTime);
                    VerifyRdpInputTouchEventPdu(touchEventPdu, isFirstFrame);
                    if (isFirstFrame)
                        isFirstFrame = false;
                    foreach (RDPINPUT_TOUCH_FRAME f in touchEventPdu.frames)
                        foreach (RDPINPUT_CONTACT_DATA d in f.contacts)
                            int contactX = d.x.ToInt();
                            int contactY = d.y.ToInt();
                            // Consume the RDPINPUT_TOUCH_EVENT_PDU received from last touch action.
                            if (contactX >= preLeft && contactX <= preLeft + diam && contactY >= preTop && contactY <= preTop + diam)
                            // Touch out of the valid range, send the unexpected position instruction to the client, and fail the case.
                            if (contactX < left || contactX > left + diam || contactY < top || contactY > top + diam)
                                if (isManagedAdapter)
                                    ushort l = (contactX < diam / 2) ? (ushort)0 : (contactX > (ushort)(rdpbcgrAdapter.CapabilitySetting.DesktopWidth - diam / 2) ? (ushort)(rdpbcgrAdapter.CapabilitySetting.DesktopWidth - diam) : (ushort)(contactX - diam / 2));
                                    ushort t = (contactY < diam / 2) ? (ushort)0 : (contactY > (ushort)(rdpbcgrAdapter.CapabilitySetting.DesktopHeight - diam / 2) ? (ushort)(rdpbcgrAdapter.CapabilitySetting.DesktopHeight - diam) : (ushort)(contactY - diam / 2));
                                    RdpeiUtility.SendCircle(diam, Color.Green, l, t);

                                Site.Assert.IsTrue(false, "Client is expected to send a RDPINPUT_TOUCH_EVENT_PDU whose contact position near ({0}, {1}), not ({2}, {3}).", left + diam / 2, top + diam / 2, contactX, contactY);
                                isExpectedFrameReceived = true;
                // Update on the client screen.
                if (isManagedAdapter)
                    RdpeiUtility.SendCircle(diam, Color.Black, left, top);
            if (isManagedAdapter)