Пример #1
        private DN(RDNList rdnList, EscapeChars escapeChars)
            this.escapeChars = escapeChars;

            rDNs = rdnList;

Пример #2
        private void ParseDN(string dnString)
            // If the string has nothing in it, that's allowed.  Just return an empty array.
            if (dnString.Length == 0)
                rDNs = new RDNList(new RDN[0]);
                return;  // That was easy...

            // Break the DN down into its component RDNs.
            // Don't check the validity of the RDNs; just find the separators.

            ArrayList rawRDNs = new ArrayList();
            ParserState state = ParserState.LookingForSeparator;
            StringBuilder rawRDN = new StringBuilder();

            for (int position = 0; position < dnString.Length; ++position)
                    # region case ParserState.LookingForSeparator:
                    case ParserState.LookingForSeparator:
                        // If we find a separator character, we've hit the end of an RDN.
                        // We'll store the RDN, and we'll check to see if the RDN is actually
                        // valid later.
                        if (dnString[position] == ',' || dnString[position] == ';')
                            rawRDNs.Add(rawRDN.ToString()); // Add the string to the list of raw RDNs
                            rawRDN.Length = 0;              // Clear the StringBuilder to prepare for the next RDN
                            // Add the character to our temporary RDN string

                            // If we find an escape character, store character that follows it,
                            // but don't consider it as a possible separator character.  If the
                            // string ends with an escape character, that's bad, and we should
                            // throw an exception
                            if (dnString[position] == '\\')
                                catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                                    throw new ArgumentException("Invalid DN: DNs aren't allowed to end with an escape character.", dnString);

                                // If we find a quote, we'll change state so that we look for the closing quote
                                // and ignore any separator characters within.
                            else if (dnString[position] == '"')
                                state = ParserState.InQuotedString;


                    # endregion

                    # region case ParserState.InQuotedString:

                    case ParserState.InQuotedString:
                        // Store the character

                        // You're allowed to escape special characters in a quoted string, but not required
                        // to.  But if there's an escaped quote, we need to take special care to make sure
                        // that we don't mistake that for the end of the quoted string.
                        if (dnString[position] == '\\')
                            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid DN: DNs aren't allowed to end with an escape character.", dnString);
                        else if (dnString[position] == '"')
                            state = ParserState.LookingForSeparator;

                    # endregion

            // Take the last RDN and add it to the list

            // Check parser's end state
            if (state == ParserState.InQuotedString)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid DN: Unterminated quoted string.", dnString);

            RDN[] results = new RDN[rawRDNs.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < results.Length; i++)
                results[i] = new RDN(rawRDNs[i].ToString());

            rDNs = new RDNList(results);