Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Collects the coordinates of the cells of the target-set.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target">The target of the changeset.</param>
        /// <returns>The collected coordinates.</returns>
        protected virtual RCSet <RCIntVector> CollectTargetSet(ICellDataChangeSetTarget target)
            RCSet <RCIntVector> targetset = new RCSet <RCIntVector>();

            for (int x = 0; x < target.CellSize.X; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < target.CellSize.Y; y++)
                    RCIntVector index = new RCIntVector(x, y);
                    if (target.GetCell(index) != null)
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Invalidates the absolute pixel scaling of this UIObject and all of it's children.
        /// </summary>
        private void InvalidateAbsPixelScaling()
            /// Invalidate the cache and raise the appropriate event if necessary.
            RCIntVector prevAbsPixelScaling = this.absPixelScalingCache.Value;

            if (this.AbsolutePixelScalingChanged != null && prevAbsPixelScaling != this.absPixelScalingCache.Value)
                this.AbsolutePixelScalingChanged(this, prevAbsPixelScaling, this.absPixelScalingCache.Value);

            /// Call this method recursively on all children.
            foreach (UIObject child in this.children)
Пример #3
        /// <see cref="CellDataChangeSetBase.CollectTargetSet"/>
        protected override RCSet <RCIntVector> CollectTargetSet(ICellDataChangeSetTarget target)
            RCSet <RCIntVector> targetset = new RCSet <RCIntVector>();

            for (int x = this.targetRect.X; x < this.targetRect.Right; x++)
                for (int y = this.targetRect.Y; y < this.targetRect.Bottom; y++)
                    RCIntVector index = new RCIntVector(x, y);
                    if (target.GetCell(index) != null)
Пример #4
        /// <see cref="IMapTerrainView.GetWalkableCells"/>
        public List <RCIntRectangle> GetWalkableCells()
            List <RCIntRectangle> retList = new List <RCIntRectangle>();

            for (int row = this.MapWindowBC.AttachedWindow.CellWindow.Top; row < this.MapWindowBC.AttachedWindow.CellWindow.Bottom; row++)
                for (int col = this.MapWindowBC.AttachedWindow.CellWindow.Left; col < this.MapWindowBC.AttachedWindow.CellWindow.Right; col++)
                    RCIntVector cellCoords = new RCIntVector(col, row);
                    if (this.Map.GetCell(cellCoords).IsBuildable)
                        retList.Add(this.MapWindowBC.AttachedWindow.CellToWindowRect(new RCIntRectangle(cellCoords, new RCIntVector(1, 1))));
Пример #5
        /// <see cref="RCMapDisplayExtension.GetMousePointer_i"/>
        protected override UIPointer GetMousePointer_i(RCIntVector localPosition)
            if (this.MouseHandler != null)
                if (this.MouseHandler.SelectionBox != RCIntRectangle.Undefined)
                else if (this.MouseHandler.DisplayCrosshairs)
                /// TODO: display scrolling pointers if scroll is in progress!

Пример #6
        /// <see cref="IIsoTile.GetCellMapCoords"/>
        public RCIntVector GetCellMapCoords(RCIntVector index)
            if (this.referenceCell == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Reference cell doesn't exist!");
            if (index == RCIntVector.Undefined)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("index");
            if (index.X < 0 || index.Y < 0 || index.X >= MapStructure.QUAD_PER_ISO_VERT * MapStructure.NAVCELL_PER_QUAD || index.Y >= MapStructure.QUAD_PER_ISO_HORZ * MapStructure.NAVCELL_PER_QUAD)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index");

            return(this.referenceCell.MapCoords + index - this.referenceCell.IsoIndices);
Пример #7
        /// <see cref="IMapEditorService.PlaceTerrainObject"/>
        public bool PlaceTerrainObject(RCIntVector position, string terrainObject)
            if (this.scenarioManager.ActiveScenario == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("No active scenario!");
            if (position == RCIntVector.Undefined)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("position");
            if (terrainObject == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("terrainObject");

            ITerrainObjectType terrainObjType    = this.scenarioManager.ActiveScenario.Map.Tileset.GetTerrainObjectType(terrainObject);
            RCIntVector        navCellCoords     = this.mapWindowBC.AttachedWindow.WindowToMapCoords(position).Round();
            IQuadTile          quadTileAtPos     = this.scenarioManager.ActiveScenario.Map.GetCell(navCellCoords).ParentQuadTile;
            RCIntVector        topLeftQuadCoords = quadTileAtPos.MapCoords - terrainObjType.QuadraticSize / 2;

            ITerrainObject placedTerrainObject = null;

            if (topLeftQuadCoords.X >= 0 && topLeftQuadCoords.Y >= 0 &&
                topLeftQuadCoords.X < this.scenarioManager.ActiveScenario.Map.Size.X && topLeftQuadCoords.Y < this.scenarioManager.ActiveScenario.Map.Size.Y)
                IQuadTile targetQuadTile = this.scenarioManager.ActiveScenario.Map.GetQuadTile(topLeftQuadCoords);
                placedTerrainObject = this.mapEditor.PlaceTerrainObject(this.scenarioManager.ActiveScenario.Map, targetQuadTile, terrainObjType);

            if (placedTerrainObject != null)
                RCNumRectangle terrObjRect = new RCNumRectangle(this.scenarioManager.ActiveScenario.Map.GetQuadTile(placedTerrainObject.MapCoords).GetCell(new RCIntVector(0, 0)).MapCoords, placedTerrainObject.CellSize)
                                             - new RCNumVector(1, 1) / 2;
                foreach (Entity affectedEntity in this.scenarioManager.ActiveScenario.GetElementsOnMap <Entity>(terrObjRect, MapObjectLayerEnum.AirObjects, MapObjectLayerEnum.GroundObjects))
                    if (affectedEntity.CheckPlacementConstraints(affectedEntity.MapObject.QuadraticPosition.Location, new RCSet <Entity>()).Count != 0)
            return(placedTerrainObject != null);
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a TerrainObjectType instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The name of the TerrainObjectType.</param>
        /// <param name="imageData">The byte sequence that contains the image data of the TerrainObjectType.</param>
        /// <param name="quadraticSize">The size of the TerrainObjectType in quadratic tiles.</param>
        /// <param name="transparentColor">The transparent color of this TerrainObjectType.</param>
        /// <param name="tileset">Reference to the tileset that this TerrainObjectType belongs to.</param>
        public TerrainObjectType(string name, byte[] imageData, RCIntVector quadraticSize, RCColor transparentColor, TileSet tileset)
            if (name == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
            if (imageData == null || imageData.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("imageData");
            if (quadraticSize == RCIntVector.Undefined)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("quadraticSize");
            if (transparentColor == RCColor.Undefined)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("transparentColor");
            if (tileset == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("tileset");
            if (quadraticSize.X <= 0 || quadraticSize.Y <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("quadraticSize", "Quadratic size cannot be 0 in any direction!");

            this.name               = name;
            this.imageData          = imageData;
            this.quadraticSize      = quadraticSize;
            this.transparentColor   = transparentColor;
            this.tileset            = tileset;
            this.areaCanBeExcluded  = true;
            this.constraints        = new List <ITerrainObjectConstraint>();
            this.cellDataChangesets = new List <ICellDataChangeSet>();

            this.includedQuadCoords = new RCSet <RCIntVector>();
            for (int x = 0; x < quadraticSize.X; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < quadraticSize.Y; y++)
                    this.includedQuadCoords.Add(new RCIntVector(x, y));
Пример #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Get the list of the UISensitiveObjects that are visible at the given position. The position has to be given
 /// in the local coordinate-system of the SensitiveRoot.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sensitivePosition">The position to check.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// The list of the visible UISensitiveObjects starting from SensitiveRoot down into the sensitive-tree.
 /// </returns>
 /// <remarks>You can call this method on any UISensitiveObject in the sensitive-tree.</remarks>
 public List <UISensitiveObject> GetObjectsVisibleAt(RCIntVector sensitivePosition)
     if (this.sensitiveParent == null)
         /// If this is the root of the sensitive-tree, start the algorythm.
         List <UISensitiveObject> visibleObjects = new List <UISensitiveObject>();
         if (this.AbsoluteSensitiveRange.Contains(sensitivePosition))
             this.GetObjectsVisibleAt(sensitivePosition, ref visibleObjects);
         /// Otherwise call the same method for the root object.
Пример #10
 /// <summary>
 /// This recursive method collects the UISensitiveObjects that are visible at a given point in
 /// the coordinate-system of the sensitive-root.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sensitivePosition">The position to check the visibility from.</param>
 /// <param name="collectedObjects">The collected objects.</param>
 private void GetObjectsVisibleAt(RCIntVector sensitivePosition, ref List <UISensitiveObject> collectedObjects)
     if (this.AbsoluteSensitiveClip != RCIntRectangle.Undefined ?
         this.AbsoluteSensitiveClip.Contains(sensitivePosition) :
         /// Continue the recursion with the first visible sensitive child.
         foreach (UISensitiveObject child in this.sensitiveChildren)
             if (child.AbsoluteSensitiveRange.Contains(sensitivePosition))
                 child.GetObjectsVisibleAt(sensitivePosition, ref collectedObjects);
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks whether placing an entity of this type to the given scenario at the given quadratic position remains inside the boundaries of
        /// the map and collects all the quadratic coordinates relative to the given position that violates this condition.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scenario">Reference to the given scenario.</param>
        /// <param name="position">The position to be checked.</param>
        /// <param name="violatingQuadCoords">The target list in which to collect the violating quadratic coordinates.</param>
        private void CheckMapBorderIntersections(Scenario scenario, RCIntVector position, ref RCSet <RCIntVector> violatingQuadCoords)
            RCIntVector quadSize = scenario.Map.CellToQuadSize(this.Area.Read().Size);

            for (int quadX = 0; quadX < quadSize.X; quadX++)
                for (int quadY = 0; quadY < quadSize.Y; quadY++)
                    RCIntVector relQuadCoords = new RCIntVector(quadX, quadY);
                    RCIntVector absQuadCoords = position + relQuadCoords;
                    if (absQuadCoords.X < 0 || absQuadCoords.X >= scenario.Map.Size.X ||
                        absQuadCoords.Y < 0 || absQuadCoords.Y >= scenario.Map.Size.Y)
Пример #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Calculates the current selection box in the coordinate-system of the map control.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>
 /// The calculated selection box or RCIntRectangle.Undefined if there is no active selection box.
 /// </returns>
 private RCIntRectangle CalculateSelectionBox()
     if (this.selectionBoxStartPosition != RCIntVector.Undefined && this.selectionBoxCurrPosition != RCIntVector.Undefined)
         RCIntVector topLeftCorner = new RCIntVector(Math.Min(this.selectionBoxStartPosition.X, this.selectionBoxCurrPosition.X),
                                                     Math.Min(this.selectionBoxStartPosition.Y, this.selectionBoxCurrPosition.Y));
         RCIntVector bottomRightCorner = new RCIntVector(Math.Max(this.selectionBoxStartPosition.X, this.selectionBoxCurrPosition.X),
                                                         Math.Max(this.selectionBoxStartPosition.Y, this.selectionBoxCurrPosition.Y));
         return(new RCIntRectangle(topLeftCorner.X,
                                   bottomRightCorner.X - topLeftCorner.X + 1,
                                   bottomRightCorner.Y - topLeftCorner.Y + 1));
Пример #13
        /// <see cref="IMapWindowBC.AttachWindow"/>
        public void AttachWindow(RCIntVector windowPixelSize)
            if (windowPixelSize == RCIntVector.Undefined)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("windowPixelSize");
            if (this.ActiveScenario == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("There is no active scenario!");
            if (this.attachedWindow != null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Window already attached!");

            this.attachedWindow = new PartialMapWindow(this.ActiveScenario, this.desiredCenterPositionOfAttachedWindow, windowPixelSize);
            this.desiredCenterPositionOfAttachedWindow = RCNumVector.Undefined;
Пример #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a construction progress display control at the given position with the given size.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="position">The position of the construction progress display control.</param>
        /// <param name="size">The size of the construction progress display control.</param>
        public RCConstructionProgressDisplay(RCIntVector position, RCIntVector size)
            : base(position, size)
            IViewService viewService = ComponentManager.GetInterface <IViewService>();

            this.productionDetailsView = viewService.CreateView <IProductionDetailsView>();

            this.progressBarSprite = UIResourceManager.GetResource <UISprite>("RC.App.Sprites.ProductionProgressBar");
            this.progressBarBrush  = UIRoot.Instance.GraphicsPlatform.SpriteManager.CreateSprite(RCColor.Green, new RCIntVector(1, 1), UIWorkspace.Instance.PixelScaling);

            UIFont textFont = UIResourceManager.GetResource <UIFont>("RC.App.Fonts.Font5");

            this.underConstructionText = new UIString("Under Construction", textFont, UIWorkspace.Instance.PixelScaling, RCColor.White);
            this.textPosition          = new RCIntVector(
                (PROGRESSBAR_INNER_RECT.Left + PROGRESSBAR_INNER_RECT.Right - this.underConstructionText.Width) / 2,
                PROGRESSBAR_SPRITE_POS.Y - this.underConstructionText.Font.CharBottomMaximum - 1);
Пример #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a rectangle of cells to a rectangle of quadratic tiles.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cellRect">The cell rectangle to convert.</param>
        /// <returns>The quadratic rectangle.</returns>
        public RCIntRectangle CellToQuadRect(RCIntRectangle cellRect)
            if (cellRect == RCIntRectangle.Undefined)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("cellRect");

            RCIntVector    topLeftNavCellCoords     = new RCIntVector(Math.Min(this.CellSize.X - 1, Math.Max(0, cellRect.Left)), Math.Min(this.CellSize.Y - 1, Math.Max(0, cellRect.Top)));
            RCIntVector    bottomRightNavCellCoords = new RCIntVector(Math.Min(this.CellSize.X - 1, Math.Max(0, cellRect.Right - 1)), Math.Min(this.CellSize.Y - 1, Math.Max(0, cellRect.Bottom - 1)));
            IQuadTile      topLeftQuadTile          = this.GetCell(topLeftNavCellCoords).ParentQuadTile;
            IQuadTile      bottomRightQuadTile      = this.GetCell(bottomRightNavCellCoords).ParentQuadTile;
            RCIntRectangle quadTileWindow           = new RCIntRectangle(
                bottomRightQuadTile.MapCoords.X - topLeftQuadTile.MapCoords.X + 1,
                bottomRightQuadTile.MapCoords.Y - topLeftQuadTile.MapCoords.Y + 1);

Пример #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a vertical or horizontal scrollbar with custom settings.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="position">The position of the upper-left corner of the scrollbar.</param>
 /// <param name="length">The length of the scrollbar.</param>
 /// <param name="settings">The settings of the scrollbar.</param>
 public RCScrollBar(RCIntVector position, int length, Settings settings)
     : base(position,
            settings.Alignment == Alignment.Horizontal ? new RCIntVector(length, RCScrollBar.WIDTH) : new RCIntVector(RCScrollBar.WIDTH, length),
            new UIScrollBar.Settings()
     Alignment            = settings.Alignment == Alignment.Horizontal ? UIScrollBar.Alignment.Horizontal : UIScrollBar.Alignment.Vertical,
     ButtonExtension      = RCScrollBar.BUTTON_SIZE,
     IntervalLength       = settings.IntervalLength,
     SliderButtonRadius   = RCScrollBar.WIDTH / 2,
     StepValueChange      = settings.StepValueChange,
     TimeBetweenSteps     = settings.TimeBetweenSteps,
     TrackingValueChange  = settings.TrackingValueChange,
     TimeBetweenTrackings = settings.TimeBetweenTrackings
     this.controlSprite     = UIResourceManager.GetResource <UISprite>(settings.Alignment == Alignment.Horizontal ? "RC.App.Sprites.ScrollbarHorz" : "RC.App.Sprites.ScrollbarVert");
     this.alignment         = settings.Alignment;
     this.sliderTrackLength = length - 2 * RCScrollBar.BUTTON_SIZE;
Пример #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Reduces this flood with the amount of the last enlargement.
        /// </summary>
        public void Reduce()
            if (this.enlargements.Count == 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("FloodArea area has reached its minimum size!");

            /// Remove the last enlargement.
            int amount = this.enlargements[this.enlargements.Count - 1];

            this.enlargements.RemoveAt(this.enlargements.Count - 1);
            this.currentRadius -= amount;
            this.tmpFloodItems  = null;

            /// Calculate the corners.
            RCIntVector northCorner = new RCIntVector(-(this.enlargements.Count + 2), -(this.enlargements.Count + 2));
            RCIntVector eastCorner  = new RCIntVector((this.enlargements.Count + 2), -(this.enlargements.Count + 2));
            RCIntVector westCorner  = new RCIntVector(-(this.enlargements.Count + 2), (this.enlargements.Count + 2));
            RCIntVector southCorner = new RCIntVector((this.enlargements.Count + 2), (this.enlargements.Count + 2));

            /// Remove the old vertical borders.
            this.RemoveVertical(-(this.currentRadius + amount), northCorner.Y, northCorner.X);
            this.RemoveVertical(-(this.currentRadius + amount), eastCorner.Y, eastCorner.X);
            this.RemoveVertical(westCorner.Y, this.currentRadius + amount, westCorner.X);
            this.RemoveVertical(southCorner.Y, this.currentRadius + amount, southCorner.X);

            /// Remove the old horizontal borders.
            this.RemoveHorizontal(-(this.currentRadius + amount), northCorner.X, northCorner.Y);
            this.RemoveHorizontal(-(this.currentRadius + amount), westCorner.X, westCorner.Y);
            this.RemoveHorizontal(eastCorner.X, this.currentRadius + amount, eastCorner.Y);
            this.RemoveHorizontal(southCorner.X, this.currentRadius + amount, southCorner.Y);

            /// Remove the old internal areas.
            this.RemoveArea(new RCIntRectangle(northCorner.X + 1, -(this.currentRadius + amount), eastCorner.X - northCorner.X - 1, amount));
            this.RemoveArea(new RCIntRectangle(westCorner.X + 1, this.currentRadius + 1, southCorner.X - westCorner.X - 1, amount));
            this.RemoveArea(new RCIntRectangle(-(this.currentRadius + amount), northCorner.Y + 1, amount, westCorner.Y - northCorner.Y - 1));
            this.RemoveArea(new RCIntRectangle(this.currentRadius + 1, eastCorner.Y + 1, amount, southCorner.Y - eastCorner.Y - 1));

            this.northCorner = new RCIntVector(-(this.enlargements.Count + 1), -(this.enlargements.Count + 1));
            this.eastCorner  = new RCIntVector((this.enlargements.Count + 1), -(this.enlargements.Count + 1));
            this.westCorner  = new RCIntVector(-(this.enlargements.Count + 1), (this.enlargements.Count + 1));
            this.southCorner = new RCIntVector((this.enlargements.Count + 1), (this.enlargements.Count + 1));
Пример #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the minimum size of a quadratic rectangle that can cover an area on the map with the given size.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cellSize">The size of the area in cells.</param>
        /// <returns>The minimum size of a covering quadratic rectangle.</returns>
        public RCIntVector CellToQuadSize(RCNumVector cellSize)
            if (cellSize == RCNumVector.Undefined)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("cellSize");
            if (cellSize.X <= 0 || cellSize.Y <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("cellSize", "Both component of cellSize must be positive!");

            RCIntVector cellSizeInt = (RCIntVector)cellSize;

            if (cellSizeInt.X != cellSize.X && cellSizeInt.Y != cellSize.Y)
                cellSizeInt += new RCIntVector(1, 1);
            else if (cellSizeInt.X != cellSize.X && cellSizeInt.Y == cellSize.Y)
                cellSizeInt += new RCIntVector(1, 0);
            else if (cellSizeInt.X == cellSize.X && cellSizeInt.Y != cellSize.Y)
                cellSizeInt += new RCIntVector(0, 1);

            RCIntVector quadSize = cellSizeInt / MapStructure.NAVCELL_PER_QUAD;

            if (cellSizeInt.X % MapStructure.NAVCELL_PER_QUAD != 0 && cellSizeInt.Y % MapStructure.NAVCELL_PER_QUAD != 0)
                quadSize += new RCIntVector(1, 1);
            else if (cellSizeInt.X % MapStructure.NAVCELL_PER_QUAD != 0 && cellSizeInt.Y % MapStructure.NAVCELL_PER_QUAD == 0)
                quadSize += new RCIntVector(1, 0);
            else if (cellSizeInt.X % MapStructure.NAVCELL_PER_QUAD == 0 && cellSizeInt.Y % MapStructure.NAVCELL_PER_QUAD != 0)
                quadSize += new RCIntVector(0, 1);

Пример #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the scenario elements of the given type that are attached to at least one of the given layers of the map inside the search area
        /// around the given position.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">The type of the scenario elements to get.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="position">The given position.</param>
        /// <param name="searchRadius">The radius of the search area given in quadratic tiles.</param>
        /// <param name="firstLayer">The first layer to search in.</param>
        /// <param name="furtherLayers">List of the further layers to search in.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A list that contains the scenario elements of the given type that are attached to at least one of the given layers of the map inside
        /// the search area.
        /// </returns>
        public RCSet <T> GetElementsOnMap <T>(RCNumVector position, int searchRadius, MapObjectLayerEnum firstLayer, params MapObjectLayerEnum[] furtherLayers) where T : ScenarioElement
            if (position == RCNumVector.Undefined)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("position");
            if (searchRadius <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("searchRadius", "The radius of the search area shall be greater than 0!");
            if (furtherLayers == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("furtherLayers");

            RCIntVector    quadCoordAtPosition  = this.Map.GetCell(position.Round()).ParentQuadTile.MapCoords;
            RCIntVector    topLeftQuadCoord     = quadCoordAtPosition - new RCIntVector(searchRadius - 1, searchRadius - 1);
            RCIntVector    bottomRightQuadCoord = quadCoordAtPosition + new RCIntVector(searchRadius - 1, searchRadius - 1);
            RCIntRectangle quadRect             = new RCIntRectangle(topLeftQuadCoord, bottomRightQuadCoord - topLeftQuadCoord + new RCIntVector(1, 1));

            RCSet <T> retList = new RCSet <T>();

            foreach (MapObject mapObj in this.mapObjects[firstLayer].GetContents((RCNumRectangle)this.Map.QuadToCellRect(quadRect) - new RCNumVector(1, 1) / 2))
                T elementAsT = mapObj.Owner as T;
                if (elementAsT != null)
            foreach (MapObjectLayerEnum furtherLayer in furtherLayers)
                foreach (MapObject mapObj in this.mapObjects[furtherLayer].GetContents((RCNumRectangle)this.Map.QuadToCellRect(quadRect) - new RCNumVector(1, 1) / 2))
                    T elementAsT = mapObj.Owner as T;
                    if (elementAsT != null)
        /// <see cref="ITargetPositionListener.SelectTargetPosition"/>
        public void SelectTargetPosition(RCNumVector targetPosition)
            if (this.placeSelectedBuilding)
                /// A position for the current selection is being selected.
                int[] currentSelection = this.selectionManagerBC.CurrentSelection.ToArray();
                if (currentSelection.Length != 1)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("The number of the currently selected entities must be 1!");

                Building selectedBuilding = this.scenarioManagerBC.ActiveScenario.GetElement <Building>(currentSelection[0]);
                if (selectedBuilding == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("The currently selected entity doesn't exist or is not a building!");

                IQuadTile   quadTileAtPos     = this.scenarioManagerBC.ActiveScenario.Map.GetCell(targetPosition.Round()).ParentQuadTile;
                RCIntVector objQuadSize       = this.scenarioManagerBC.ActiveScenario.Map.CellToQuadSize(selectedBuilding.ElementType.Area.Read().Size);
                RCIntVector topLeftQuadCoords = quadTileAtPos.MapCoords - objQuadSize / 2;
                this.CommandBuilder.TargetPosition = topLeftQuadCoords;
            else if (this.buildingTypeName != null)
                /// A position for a building type is being selected.
                IBuildingType buildingType = this.scenarioManagerBC.Metadata.GetBuildingType(this.buildingTypeName);
                if (buildingType == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Building type '{0}' is not defined in the metadata!", this.buildingTypeName));

                IQuadTile   quadTileAtPos     = this.scenarioManagerBC.ActiveScenario.Map.GetCell(targetPosition.Round()).ParentQuadTile;
                RCIntVector objQuadSize       = this.scenarioManagerBC.ActiveScenario.Map.CellToQuadSize(buildingType.Area.Read().Size);
                RCIntVector topLeftQuadCoords = quadTileAtPos.MapCoords - objQuadSize / 2;
                this.CommandBuilder.TargetPosition = topLeftQuadCoords;
                /// A point on the map is being selected.
                this.CommandBuilder.TargetPosition = targetPosition;
Пример #21
        /// <see cref="CellDataChangeSetBase.CollectTargetSet"/>
        protected override RCSet<RCIntVector> CollectTargetSet(ICellDataChangeSetTarget target)
            RCSet<RCIntVector> targetset = new RCSet<RCIntVector>();
            for (int x = 0; x < target.CellSize.X; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < target.CellSize.Y; y++)
                    RCNumVector cellIsoCoordsDbl = MapStructure.NavCellIsoTransform.TransformAB(new RCNumVector(x, y)) * 2;
                    bool isCellInQuarter = false;
                    if (this.targetQuarter == MapDirection.North)
                        isCellInQuarter = cellIsoCoordsDbl.X >= -1 && cellIsoCoordsDbl.X < 0 && cellIsoCoordsDbl.Y >= -1 && cellIsoCoordsDbl.Y < 0;
                    else if (this.targetQuarter == MapDirection.East)
                        isCellInQuarter = cellIsoCoordsDbl.X >= 0 && cellIsoCoordsDbl.X < 1 && cellIsoCoordsDbl.Y >= -1 && cellIsoCoordsDbl.Y < 0;
                    else if (this.targetQuarter == MapDirection.South)
                        isCellInQuarter = cellIsoCoordsDbl.X >= 0 && cellIsoCoordsDbl.X < 1 && cellIsoCoordsDbl.Y >= 0 && cellIsoCoordsDbl.Y < 1;
                    else if (this.targetQuarter == MapDirection.West)
                        isCellInQuarter = cellIsoCoordsDbl.X >= -1 && cellIsoCoordsDbl.X < 0 && cellIsoCoordsDbl.Y >= 0 && cellIsoCoordsDbl.Y < 1;
                        throw new MapException("Unexpected quarter!");

                    if (isCellInQuarter)
                        RCIntVector index = new RCIntVector(x, y);
                        if (target.GetCell(index) != null)
            return targetset;
Пример #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a command button at the given rectangular area inside the command panel.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="slotCoords">The coordinates of the slot of this button on the command panel (row; col).</param>
        /// <param name="commandButtonSprites">
        /// List of the command button sprite groups mapped by the appropriate button state.
        /// </param>
        public RCCommandButton(RCIntVector slotCoords, Dictionary <CommandButtonStateEnum, ISpriteGroup> cmdButtonSprites)
            : base(BUTTON_POSITIONS[slotCoords.X, slotCoords.Y].Location, BUTTON_POSITIONS[slotCoords.X, slotCoords.Y].Size)
            if (slotCoords == RCIntVector.Undefined)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("slotCoords");
            if (cmdButtonSprites == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("cmdButtonSprites");

            this.slotCoords           = slotCoords;
            this.commandButtonSprites = cmdButtonSprites;
            IViewService viewService = ComponentManager.GetInterface <IViewService>();

            this.commandPanelView = viewService.CreateView <ICommandView>();
            this.commandService   = ComponentManager.GetInterface <ICommandService>();
            this.Pressed         += this.OnButtonPressed;
Пример #23
        /// <see cref="IAgent.MoveTo"/>
        public void MoveTo(RCIntVector targetPosition)
            if (targetPosition == RCIntVector.Undefined)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("targetPosition");
            if (this.movingSize == -1)
                throw new NotSupportedException("This agent is not supported to move!");

            this.stepBuffer        = 0;
            this.stoppedStateTimer = -1;
            this.deadlockTimer     = -1;
            this.MovingStatus      = AgentMovingStatusEnum.Moving;
            targetPosition         = new RCIntVector(Math.Max(targetPosition.X, 0), Math.Max(targetPosition.Y, 0));
            this.currentPath       = new Path(this.grid[this.agentArea.Location.X, this.agentArea.Location.Y], this.grid[targetPosition.X, targetPosition.Y], this);
            this.currentStepIndex  = 0;
Пример #24
        /// <see cref="IBuildingTypeInternal.GetRelativeAddonPosition"/>
        public RCIntVector GetRelativeAddonPosition(IMapAccess map, IAddonTypeInternal addonType)
            if (map == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("map");
            if (addonType == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("addonType");
            if (!this.HasAddonType(addonType.Name))
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Building type '{0}' is not defined as the main building for addon type '{1}'!", this.Name, addonType.Name));

            RCIntVector buildingQuadSize = map.CellToQuadSize(this.Area.Read().Size);
            int         addonQuadHeight  = map.CellToQuadSize(addonType.Area.Read().Size).Y;

            return(new RCIntVector(buildingQuadSize.X, buildingQuadSize.Y - addonQuadHeight));
Пример #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Raises the mouse button events on the appropriate sensor.
        /// </summary>
        private void RaiseMouseButtonEvents(RCSet <UIMouseButton> buttons,
                                            RCIntVector newPointerPos,
                                            UIMouseSensor targetSensor)
            foreach (UIMouseButton btn in this.pressedButtons)
                if (!buttons.Contains(btn))
                    targetSensor.OnButtonUp(newPointerPos, btn);

            foreach (UIMouseButton btn in buttons)
                if (!this.pressedButtons.Contains(btn))
                    targetSensor.OnButtonDown(newPointerPos, btn);
Пример #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the quadratic coordinates currently visible by the owner entity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The quadratic coordinates currently visible by the owner entity.</returns>
        private RCSet <RCIntVector> CalculateVisibleQuadCoords()
            IQuadTile           currentQuadTile = this.owner.Read().Scenario.Map.GetCell(this.owner.Read().MotionControl.PositionVector.Read().Round()).ParentQuadTile;
            RCSet <RCIntVector> retList         = new RCSet <RCIntVector>();

            foreach (RCIntVector relativeQuadCoord in this.owner.Read().ElementType.RelativeQuadCoordsInSight)
                RCIntVector otherQuadCoords = currentQuadTile.MapCoords + relativeQuadCoord;
                if (otherQuadCoords.X >= 0 && otherQuadCoords.X < this.owner.Read().Scenario.Map.Size.X&&
                    otherQuadCoords.Y >= 0 && otherQuadCoords.Y < this.owner.Read().Scenario.Map.Size.Y)
                    IQuadTile otherQuadTile = this.owner.Read().Scenario.Map.GetQuadTile(otherQuadCoords);
                    if (this.owner.Read().MotionControl.IsFlying || currentQuadTile.GroundLevel >= otherQuadTile.GroundLevel)
Пример #27
        /// <see cref="ICommandManagerBC.PressCommandButton"/>
        public void PressCommandButton(RCIntVector panelPosition)
            if (panelPosition == RCIntVector.Undefined)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("panelPosition");

            CommandPanelSlot slot = this.commandPanelSlots[panelPosition.X, panelPosition.Y];

            if (slot == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("There is no command button on the command panel at {0}!", panelPosition));
            if (slot.ButtonState == CommandButtonStateEnum.Disabled)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("The command button at {0} is disabled!", panelPosition));

Пример #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a RCResourceAmountDisplay control at the given position with the given size.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="position">The position of the control.</param>
        /// <param name="size">The size of the control.</param>
        public RCResourceAmountDisplay(RCIntVector position, RCIntVector size)
            : base(position, size)
            IViewService viewService = ComponentManager.GetInterface <IViewService>();

            this.mapObjectDetailsView = viewService.CreateView <IMapObjectDetailsView>();
            this.selectionDetailsView = viewService.CreateView <ISelectionDetailsView>();

            UIFont textFont = UIResourceManager.GetResource <UIFont>("RC.App.Fonts.Font5");

            this.mineralsText = new List <UIString> {
                new UIString("Minerals: {0}", textFont, UIWorkspace.Instance.PixelScaling, RCColor.White)
            this.vespeneGasText = new List <UIString> {
                new UIString("Vespene Gas: {0}", textFont, UIWorkspace.Instance.PixelScaling, RCColor.White)
            this.depletedText = new List <UIString> {
                new UIString("Depleted", textFont, UIWorkspace.Instance.PixelScaling, RCColor.White)
Пример #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the actual Fog Of War at the given quadratic tile.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="quadCoords">The coordinates of the quadratic tile.</param>
        /// <returns>The type of the Fog Of War at the given quadratic tile.</returns>
        public FOWTypeEnum GetFogOfWar(RCIntVector quadCoords)
            if (quadCoords == RCIntVector.Undefined)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("quadCoords");
            if (quadCoords.X < 0 || quadCoords.X >= this.owner.Scenario.Map.Size.X ||
                quadCoords.Y < 0 || quadCoords.Y >= this.owner.Scenario.Map.Size.Y)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("quadCoords");

            if (this.fowExpirationTimes[quadCoords.X, quadCoords.Y] == -1)
            return(this.owner.Scenario.CurrentFrameIndex > this.fowExpirationTimes[quadCoords.X, quadCoords.Y] ?
                   FOWTypeEnum.Partial :
Пример #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Enlarges this flood with the given amount.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="amount">The amount to enlarge with.</param>
        public void Enlarge(int amount)
            if (amount <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("amount", "Amount of flood area enlargement must be greater than 0!");

            /// Calculate the corners.
            RCIntVector northCorner = new RCIntVector(-(this.enlargements.Count + 2), -(this.enlargements.Count + 2));
            RCIntVector eastCorner  = new RCIntVector((this.enlargements.Count + 2), -(this.enlargements.Count + 2));
            RCIntVector westCorner  = new RCIntVector(-(this.enlargements.Count + 2), (this.enlargements.Count + 2));
            RCIntVector southCorner = new RCIntVector((this.enlargements.Count + 2), (this.enlargements.Count + 2));

            /// Add the new vertical borders.
            this.AddVertical(-(this.currentRadius + amount), northCorner.Y, northCorner.X);
            this.AddVertical(-(this.currentRadius + amount), eastCorner.Y, eastCorner.X);
            this.AddVertical(westCorner.Y, this.currentRadius + amount, westCorner.X);
            this.AddVertical(southCorner.Y, this.currentRadius + amount, southCorner.X);

            /// Add the new horizontal borders.
            this.AddHorizontal(-(this.currentRadius + amount), northCorner.X, northCorner.Y);
            this.AddHorizontal(-(this.currentRadius + amount), westCorner.X, westCorner.Y);
            this.AddHorizontal(eastCorner.X, this.currentRadius + amount, eastCorner.Y);
            this.AddHorizontal(southCorner.X, this.currentRadius + amount, southCorner.Y);

            /// Add the new internal areas.
            this.AddArea(new RCIntRectangle(northCorner.X + 1, -(this.currentRadius + amount), eastCorner.X - northCorner.X - 1, amount));
            this.AddArea(new RCIntRectangle(westCorner.X + 1, this.currentRadius + 1, southCorner.X - westCorner.X - 1, amount));
            this.AddArea(new RCIntRectangle(-(this.currentRadius + amount), northCorner.Y + 1, amount, westCorner.Y - northCorner.Y - 1));
            this.AddArea(new RCIntRectangle(this.currentRadius + 1, eastCorner.Y + 1, amount, southCorner.Y - eastCorner.Y - 1));

            /// Save this enlargement and the corners.
            this.currentRadius += amount;
            this.tmpFloodItems  = null;

            this.northCorner = northCorner;
            this.eastCorner  = eastCorner;
            this.westCorner  = westCorner;
            this.southCorner = southCorner;