Пример #1
        public List <RBACItemInfo> GetAllRoles()
            List <RBACItemInfo>         result    = new List <RBACItemInfo>();
            Dictionary <string, object> sqlParams = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            sqlParams.Add("@ApplicationId", this.ApplicationID);
            sqlParams.Add("@ItemType", Convert.ToInt32(0 /*ItemType.Role*/));
            DataSet dsResults = _DAL_RBAC.GetDatasetFromSQL(
                "select ItemId, Name, Description, ItemType" +
                " from  netsqlazman_ItemsTable" +
                " where ApplicationId = @ApplicationId" +
                " and ItemType = @ItemType" +
                " order by Name", sqlParams, false);

            if ((dsResults != null) && (dsResults.Tables.Count > 0) && (dsResults.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0))
                DataTable resultTable = dsResults.Tables[0];
                foreach (DataRow nextRow in resultTable.Rows)
                    RBACItemInfo itemInfo = new RBACItemInfo();
                    itemInfo.ItemID      = Convert.ToInt32(nextRow["ItemId"]);
                    itemInfo.ItemName    = Convert.ToString(nextRow["Name"]);
                    itemInfo.Description = Convert.ToString(nextRow["Description"]);
                    itemInfo.ItemType    = RBACItemType.Role;
Пример #2
        public List <RBACItemInfo> GetGrantedItemsForUser(RBACUserInfo user, bool onlyExplicitGrants)
            List <RBACItemInfo> result = new List <RBACItemInfo>();

            Dictionary <string, object> sqlParams = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            sqlParams.Add("@DBUserSid", user.DBUserCustomSID);
            sqlParams.Add("@ApplicationID", _ApplicationID);

            DataSet dsUserRights = _DAL_RBAC.GetDatasetFromSQL(
                "select t1.ItemId, t1.Name, t1.ItemType, t1.Description, t2.AuthorizationType, 'Direct' as Grantor " +
                "from netsqlazman_ItemsTable as t1, netsqlazman_Authorizationstable t2 " +
                "where t1.ApplicationID = @ApplicationID " +
                " and t2.objectSid =  @DBUserSid " +
                " and t1.ItemId = t2.ItemId and t2.AuthorizationType in (1, 3) " +
                "union all  " +
                "select t4.ItemId, t4.Name, t4.ItemType, t4.Description, t5.AuthorizationType, 'Role' as Grantor " +
                "from  netsqlazman_ItemsHierarchyTable  t3, netsqlazman_ItemsTable t4, netsqlazman_AuthorizationsTable t5 " +
                "where t3.ItemId = t4.ItemId " +
                "and t5.AuthorizationType in (1, 3) " +
                "and t5.ItemId = t3.MemberOfItemId " +
                "and t3.MemberOfItemId in " +
                "( " +
                "select t1.ItemId " +
                "from netsqlazman_ItemsTable as t1, netsqlazman_Authorizationstable t2 " +
                "where t1.ApplicationID = @ApplicationID and t2.objectSid = @DBUserSid " +
                "and t1.ItemId = t2.ItemId and t2.AuthorizationType in (1, 3) " +
                ") " +
                "order by 3 asc, 4 asc, 2 asc", sqlParams, true);

            //"select t1.ItemId, t1.Name, t1.ItemType, t1.Description, t2.AuthorizationType, 'Direct' as Grantor " +
            //"from netsqlazman_ItemsTable as t1, netsqlazman_Authorizationstable t2 " +
            //"where t1.ApplicationID = @ApplicationID " +
            //" and t2.OwnerSid =  CONVERT(varchar(max),ownerSid,2) " + /*" and t2.objectSid = @DBUserSid " +*/
            //" and t1.ItemId = t2.ItemId and t2.AuthorizationType in (1, 3) " +
            //"union all  " +
            //"select t4.ItemId, t4.Name, t4.ItemType, t4.Description, t5.AuthorizationType, 'Role' as Grantor " +
            //"from  netsqlazman_ItemsHierarchyTable  t3, netsqlazman_ItemsTable t4, netsqlazman_AuthorizationsTable t5 " +
            //"where t3.ItemId = t4.ItemId " +
            //"and t5.AuthorizationType in (1, 3) " +
            //"and t5.ItemId = t3.MemberOfItemId " +
            //"and t3.MemberOfItemId in " +
            //"( " +
            //"select t1.ItemId " +
            //"from netsqlazman_ItemsTable as t1, netsqlazman_Authorizationstable t2 " +
            //"where t1.ApplicationID = 73 and t2.OwnerSid = CONVERT(varchar(max),ownerSid,2) " + /*"where t1.ApplicationID = @ApplicationID and t2.objectSid = @DBUserSid " +*/
            //"and t1.ItemId = t2.ItemId and t2.AuthorizationType in (1, 3) " +
            //") " +
            //"order by 3 asc, 4 asc, 2 asc", sqlParams, true);

            //DataSet dsUserRights = _DAL_RBAC.GetDatasetFromSQL(
            //         "select t1.ItemId, t1.Name, t1.ItemType, t1.Description, t2.AuthorizationType, 'Direct' as Grantor " +
            //         "from netsqlazman_ItemsTable as t1, netsqlazman_Authorizationstable t2 " +
            //         "where t1.ApplicationID = @ApplicationID " +
            //         " and t2.OwnerSid = @DBUserSid " + /*" and t2.objectSid = @DBUserSid " +*/
            //         " and t1.ItemId = t2.ItemId and t2.AuthorizationType in (1, 3) " +
            //         "union all  " +
            //         "select t4.ItemId, t4.Name, t4.ItemType, t4.Description, t5.AuthorizationType, 'Role' as Grantor " +
            //         "from  netsqlazman_ItemsHierarchyTable  t3, netsqlazman_ItemsTable t4, netsqlazman_AuthorizationsTable t5 " +
            //         "where t3.ItemId = t4.ItemId " +
            //         "and t5.AuthorizationType in (1, 3) " +
            //         "and t5.ItemId = t3.MemberOfItemId " +
            //         "and t3.MemberOfItemId in " +
            //         "( " +
            //         "select t1.ItemId " +
            //         "from netsqlazman_ItemsTable as t1, netsqlazman_Authorizationstable t2 " +
            //         "where t1.ApplicationID = @ApplicationID and t2.OwnerSid = @DBUserSid " + /*"where t1.ApplicationID = @ApplicationID and t2.objectSid = @DBUserSid " +*/
            //         "and t1.ItemId = t2.ItemId and t2.AuthorizationType in (1, 3) " +
            //         ") " +
            //         "order by 3 asc, 4 asc, 2 asc", sqlParams, true);

            foreach (DataRow dr in dsUserRights.Tables[0].Rows)
                if ((onlyExplicitGrants == false) || (dr["Grantor"].ToString() == "Direct"))
                    RBACItemInfo item = new RBACItemInfo();
                    item.ItemID      = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ItemId"]);
                    item.ItemName    = dr["Name"].ToString();
                    item.Description = Convert.ToString(dr["Description"]);
                    item.ItemType    = (RBACItemType)Enum.Parse(typeof(RBACItemType), dr["ItemType"].ToString());

                    bool alreadyExists = false;
                    foreach (RBACItemInfo nextItem in result)
                        if (nextItem.ItemID == item.ItemID)
                            alreadyExists = true;
                    if (alreadyExists == false)