public void ImportFile(FileInfo file, Main db) { using (StreamReader sr = file.OpenText()) { string s; var count = 0; QuizQuestion question = null; while ((s = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { s = s.Trim(); ++count; // Skip Header if (count < 4) { continue; } if (count % 3 == 1) { question = new QuizQuestion(); db.QuizQuestions.InsertOnSubmit(question); // Line 1: Question question.Question = s; if (Language != null) { question.Language = Language; } if (Author != null) { question.Author = Author; } } if (count % 3 == 2 && question != null) { // Line 2: Answer (manual work needed) question.Answer = s; db.SubmitChanges(); } if (count % 3 == 0 && question != null && question.ID.HasValue && !s.IsNullOrEmpty()) { // Line 3: A Hint var hint = new Hint(); db.Hints.InsertOnSubmit(hint); hint.Message = s; hint.QuizQuestionID = question.ID.Value; db.SubmitChanges(); } } db.SubmitChanges(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { QuizQuestion<int> questionA = new QuizQuestion<int>("How many teeth do sharks use in a lifetime?", 30000); questionA.ShowType(); questionA.ShowQandA(); QuizQuestion<string> questionB = new QuizQuestion<string>("What type of shark swims fastest?", "The short fin mako shark"); questionB.ShowType(); questionB.ShowQandA(); Console.ReadLine(); QuizQuestion2<int, string, string> question2 = new QuizQuestion2<int, string,string>("Approximately how many shark species exist?", 350, "None of the above", "Cow MIlk"); question2.ShowTypes(); question2.ShowQandA(); Console.ReadLine(); }
void Start() { mCurQuestion = QuizQuestion.GenerateQuestion(); }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnGetAsync(string BibleId, int BookNumber, int Chapter, int?VerseNum, bool?BuildQuestion) { IdentityUser user = await _userManager.GetUserAsync(User); PBEUser = await QuizUser.GetOrAddPBEUserAsync(_context, user.Email); // Static method not requiring an instance if (!PBEUser.IsValidPBEQuestionBuilder()) { return(RedirectToPage("/error", new { errorMessage = "Sorry! You do not have sufficient rights to add a PBE question" })); } bool generateQuestion = false; if (BuildQuestion.HasValue) { generateQuestion = (bool)BuildQuestion; } Question = new QuizQuestion(); // Setup our PBEBook Object Question.BibleId = await QuizQuestion.GetValidBibleIdAsync(_context, BibleId); if (generateQuestion) { BibleVerse verse = await BibleVerse.GetVerseAsync(_context, Question.BibleId, BookNumber, Chapter, (int)VerseNum); Question = await Question.BuildQuestionForVerseAsync(_context, verse, 10, Question.BibleId); foreach (QuizAnswer Answer in Question.QuizAnswers) { AnswerText += Answer.Answer; } } else { Question.BookNumber = BookNumber; Question.Chapter = Chapter; Question.StartVerse = VerseNum ?? 1; // set to 1 if VersNum is Null. Question.EndVerse = VerseNum ?? 1; // set to 1 if VersNum is Null. Question.Points = 0; } BibleBook PBEBook = await BibleBook.GetPBEBookAndChapterAsync(_context, Question.BibleId, Question.BookNumber, Question.Chapter); if (PBEBook == null) { return(RedirectToPage("/error", new { errorMessage = "That's Odd! We weren't able to find the PBE Book." })); } Question.PopulatePBEQuestionInfo(PBEBook); Question.Verses = await Question.GetBibleVersesAsync(_context, false); IsCommentary = (Question.Chapter == Bible.CommentaryChapter); if (IsCommentary == false) { ChapterQuestionCount = PBEBook.BibleChapters.Where(c => c.ChapterNumber == Question.Chapter).First().QuestionCount; } CommentaryQuestionCount = PBEBook.CommentaryQuestionCount; // and now we need a Verse Select List ViewData["VerseSelectList"] = new SelectList(Question.Verses, "Verse", "Verse"); ViewData["PointsSelectList"] = Question.GetPointsSelectList(); return(Page()); }
private void PresentQuestion() { currentQuestion = questionCollection.GetUnaskedQuestion(); uiController.SetupUIForQuestion(currentQuestion); }
public static string SelectRandomCorrectAnswer(QuizQuestion question) { return(question.CorrectAnswer[new Random().Next(0, question.CorrectAnswer.Length)]); }
public ActionResult AddQuestions(FormCollection form) { bool istrue; TempData.Keep("quizId"); if (Request.Form["isPublic"].Contains("true")) { istrue = true; } else { istrue = false; } Question question = new Question { Description = Request.Form["Description"], Hint = Request.Form["Hint"], Score = int.Parse(Request.Form["Score"]), isPublic = istrue, Optionss = new List <Options>(), }; if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Questions.Add(question); bool iso1True = Request.Form["iso1True"] != null ? true : false; bool iso2True = Request.Form["iso2True"] != null ? true : false; bool iso3True = Request.Form["iso3True"] != null ? true : false; bool iso4True = Request.Form["iso4True"] != null ? true : false; Options o1 = new Options { ans = Request.Form["o1ans"], isAnswer = iso1True }; Options o2 = new Options { ans = Request.Form["o2ans"], isAnswer = iso2True }; Options o3 = new Options { ans = Request.Form["o3ans"], isAnswer = iso3True }; Options o4 = new Options { ans = Request.Form["o4ans"], isAnswer = iso4True }; question.Optionss.Add(o1); question.Optionss.Add(o2); question.Optionss.Add(o3); question.Optionss.Add(o4); string idd = User.Identity.GetUserId(); UserProfile userPr = db.UserProfiles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.AccountId.Equals(idd)); userPr.Questions.Add(question); int qid = (int)(TempData["quizId"]); TempData.Keep("quizId"); Quiz qiz = db.Quizs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == qid); userPr.Quizzes.Add(qiz); QuizQuestion qq = new QuizQuestion { Question = question, Quiz = qiz }; qiz.QuizQuestions.Add(qq); // db.QuizQuestions.Add(qq); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("AddAnother")); } return(View()); }
// To protect from overposting attacks, please enable the specific properties you want to bind to, for // more details see public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostAsync(string BibleId, int QuizId) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { // Something bad has happened let's go get a new quiz question. UserMessage = "Something has gone wrong! We were unable to save the results for that last question"; return(RedirectToPage("Quiz", new { BibleId, QuizId, Message = UserMessage })); } IdentityUser user = await _userManager.GetUserAsync(User); PBEUser = await QuizUser.GetOrAddPBEUserAsync(_context, user.Email); // Static method not requiring an instance if (!PBEUser.IsValidPBEQuizHost()) { return(RedirectToPage("/error", new { errorMessage = "Sorry! You do not have sufficient rights to host a PBE Quiz" })); } this.BibleId = await Bible.GetValidPBEBibleIdAsync(_context, BibleId); // Let's grab the Quiz Object in order to update it. Quiz = await _context.QuizGroupStats.FindAsync(QuizId); if (Quiz == null) { return(RedirectToPage("/error", new { errorMessage = "That's Odd... We were unable to find this Quiz" })); } if (Quiz.QuizUser != PBEUser) { return(RedirectToPage("/error", new { errorMessage = "Sorry! Only a Quiz Owner can award points during a Quiz" })); } // We need to upate the Question object as well so let's go grab it. QuizQuestion QuestionToUpdate = await _context.QuizQuestions.FindAsync(Question.Id); if (QuestionToUpdate == null) { return(RedirectToPage("/error", new { errorMessage = "That's Odd... We were unable to find this Question so we can't update it" })); } // Now we award the points... let's get this right: // Let's prevent posting an anomalous number of points. int QuestionPointsPossible = QuestionToUpdate.Points; if (Question.PointsAwarded > QuestionPointsPossible) { Question.PointsAwarded = QuestionPointsPossible; } if (Question.PointsAwarded < 0) { Question.PointsAwarded = 0; } // Update the Quiz Object: _context.Attach(Quiz); Quiz.PointsPossible += QuestionPointsPossible; Quiz.PointsAwarded += Question.PointsAwarded; Quiz.QuestionsAsked += 1; Quiz.Modified = DateTime.Now; // Update the Question Object _context.Attach(QuestionToUpdate); QuestionToUpdate.LastAsked = DateTime.Now; // We've had some challenges with users challenging many questions often with no comment. // We will do a user check and make sure our user isn't blocked, if they are we silently fail the challenge. // TODO: We should revisit the silent fail if it becomes a problem. if (Question.Challenged && !PBEUser.IsQuestionBuilderLocked) { QuestionToUpdate.Challenged = true; QuestionToUpdate.ChallengeComment = Question.ChallengeComment; QuestionToUpdate.ChallengedBy = PBEUser.Email; } // Save both of these changes. await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); // And next let's make sure we log this event. // BUG: Note we've had a pretty significant data bug prior to 6/8/2019 where we were setting Points to the cumulative quizGroupStat.PointsAwarded vs. the non-cumulative PointsAwardedByJudge... so all data prior to this date is wrong. await QuestionToUpdate.RegisterEventAsync(_context, QuestionEventType.QuestionPointsAwarded, PBEUser.Id, null, Quiz.Id, Question.PointsAwarded); return(RedirectToPage("Quiz", new { BibleId, QuizId })); }
public IActionResult FinishAddingQ(QuizQuestion model) { return(AddQuizQuestion(model, "")); }
public async Task <IActionResult> AddQuestion(int quizId, [FromBody] QuestionArgs data) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(new BadRequestObjectResult(ModelState)); } Quiz quiz = await _Db.Quizzes.Include(q => q.Questions).Where(q => q.Id == quizId).FirstOrDefaultAsync(); if (quiz == null) { return(NotFound(new ResponseHelper("Something went wrong. Please refresh your browser and try again.", "Unable to find quiz in database"))); } QuizQuestion question = new QuizQuestion { Quiz = quiz, TrueFalseAnswer = data.TrueFalseAnswer, ImageId = data.Image?.Id, AudioId = data.Audio?.Id, Text = data.Text, OrderIndex = quiz.Questions.Count, }; // Transaction rolls back all changes if a failure occurs halfway through using (var transaction = await _Db.Database.BeginTransactionAsync()) { quiz.UpdatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow; // Generate question ID await _Db.AddAsync(question); await _Db.SaveChangesAsync(); // Generate IDs for each question, update question correctAnswerId for (int i = 0; i < data.Answers?.Count; i++) { QuizAnswer answer = new QuizAnswer { QuizQuestionId = question.Id, Text = data.Answers[i].Text, ImageId = data.Answers[i].Image?.Id }; await _Db.AddAsync(answer); await _Db.SaveChangesAsync(); if (i == data.CorrectAnswerIndex) { question.CorrectAnswerId = answer.Id; } } await _Db.SaveChangesAsync(); transaction.Commit(); } return(Ok()); }
public void SaveQuestion(QuizQuestion question) { _db.Store(question); }
public ActionResult Results(int id) { UserSummaryViewModel model = db.Users.Where(u => u.ID == id) .Select(u => new UserSummaryViewModel { Name = u.Name, Email = u.Email }).SingleOrDefault <UserSummaryViewModel>(); UserQuiz userQuiz = db.UserQuizs.Where(uq => uq.UserID == id).SingleOrDefault <UserQuiz>(); List <UserQuizAnswer> userQuizAnswers = db.UserQuizAnswers.Where(ua => ua.UserQuizID == userQuiz.ID) .ToList <UserQuizAnswer>(); model.QuestionsAndAnswers = new List <QuestionsAndAnswersViewModel>(); foreach (var item in userQuizAnswers) { QuestionsAndAnswersViewModel data = new QuestionsAndAnswersViewModel(); QuizAnswer answer = db.QuizAnswers.Where(a => a.ID == item.QuizAnswerID).SingleOrDefault <QuizAnswer>(); QuizQuestion quizQuestion = db.QuizQuestions.Where(q => q.ID == answer.QuestionID).SingleOrDefault <QuizQuestion>(); QuizAnswer correctAnswer = db.QuizAnswers.Where(a => a.QuestionID == quizQuestion.ID && a.CorrectAnswer == true).SingleOrDefault <QuizAnswer>(); if (correctAnswer.AnswerType == "TX") { if (correctAnswer.Answer.ToLower() == item.UserQuizText.ToLower()) { data.Correct = true; } else { data.Correct = false; } } else { if (answer.ID == correctAnswer.ID) { data.Correct = true; } else { data.Correct = false; } } data.CorrectAnswer = correctAnswer.Answer; data.Question = quizQuestion.Question; if (answer.AnswerType == "TX") { data.UserAnswer = item.UserQuizText; } else { data.UserAnswer = answer.Answer; } data.WhyCorrect = correctAnswer.WhyCorrectAnswer; model.QuestionsAndAnswers.Add(data); } model.NumberOfCorrect = model.QuestionsAndAnswers.Where(m => m.Correct == true).Count(); model.NumberOfQuestions = model.QuestionsAndAnswers.Count(); return(View(model)); }
public ActionResult Save(int id, Question[] questions, QuestionAnswer[][] answers, Tag[][] tags) { if (questions == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Can not save quiz without question.")); } using (var context = new eQuizEntities(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["eQuizDB"].ConnectionString)) { var topicId = context.Topics.First().Id; var quizVariantId = 1; /*context.QuizVariants.First(x => x.QuizId == id).Id;*/ //we don't have fk on tblQuiz var blockId = context.QuizBlocks.First(x => x.QuizId == id).Id; var newQuestions = questions.Where(q => q.Id == 0).ToList(); for (int i = 0; i < questions.Length; i++) { var question = questions[i]; if (question.Id != 0) { var existedQuestion = context.Questions.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == question.Id); if (existedQuestion == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Question is not found")); } existedQuestion.IsActive = question.IsActive; existedQuestion.QuestionComplexity = question.QuestionComplexity; existedQuestion.QuestionText = question.QuestionText; existedQuestion.QuestionTypeId = question.QuestionTypeId; } else { question.TopicId = topicId; question.IsActive = true; context.Questions.Add(question); } } context.SaveChanges(); for (int i = 0; i < questions.Length; i++) { var question = questions[i]; if (newQuestions.Contains(question)) { var quizQuestion = new QuizQuestion { QuestionId = question.Id, QuizVariantId = quizVariantId, QuestionOrder = (short)(i + 1), QuizBlockId = blockId }; context.QuizQuestions.Add(quizQuestion); } } //for delete answer for (int i = 0; i < answers.Length; i++) { var questionId = questions[i].Id; var questionAnswer = context.Questions.Include("QuestionAnswers").FirstOrDefault(y => y.Id == questionId).QuestionAnswers.ToList(); if (answers[i][0] != null) { for (var qa = 0; qa < answers[i].Length; qa++) { var answer = answers[i][qa]; if (answer.Id != 0) { var existedAnswer = context.QuestionAnswers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == answer.Id); if (existedAnswer == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Answer is not found")); } if (questionAnswer.Contains(existedAnswer)) { questionAnswer.Remove(existedAnswer); } //existedAnswer.AnswerOrder = answer.AnswerOrder; //existedAnswer.AnswerText = answer.AnswerText; //existedAnswer.IsRight = answer.IsRight; existedAnswer.QuestionId = answer.QuestionId; } else { //answer.AnswerOrder = (byte)(qa + 1); answer.QuestionId = questions[i].Id; context.QuestionAnswers.Add(answer); } } if (questionAnswer != null) { foreach (var item in questionAnswer) { context.QuestionAnswers.Remove(item);//todo } } } //todo doesn't delete tags if (tags[i][0] != null) { for (int qt = 0; qt < tags[i].Length; qt++) { var tag = tags[i][qt]; var existedTag = context.Tags.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == tag.Name); var question = context.Questions.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == questionId); if (existedTag == null) { context.Tags.Add(tag); question.QuestionTags.Add(new QuestionTag { Tag = tag }); } } } } context.SaveChanges(); } return(RedirectToAction("Get", new { id = id })); }
public ActionResult ScheduleQuizReq() { LoginDetails loginDetails = (LoginDetails)Session["loginDetails"]; if (loginDetails == null) { return(RedirectToAction("PageNotFoundError", "Home")); } int user = (int)Session["user"]; if (user != 1) { return(RedirectToAction("PageNotFoundError", "Home")); } object o = Session["selectedClass"]; if (o == null) { return(RedirectToAction("PageNotFoundError", "Home")); } int id = (int)o; Course course = data.GetCourse(id); if (course == null) { return(RedirectToAction("PageNotFoundError", "Home")); } if (course.Active == false) { return(RedirectToAction("PageNotFoundError", "Home")); } int total; if (!int.TryParse(Request["TotalQuestions"], out total)) { ViewBag.IsWrongTotal = true; return(View("ScheduleQuiz", course)); } if (total <= 0) { ViewBag.IsWrongTotal = true; return(View("ScheduleQuiz", course)); } Quiz quiz = new Quiz(); quiz.Title = Request["Title"]; quiz.Content = Request["Content"]; quiz.TotalMarks = total; List <QuizQuestion> questions = new List <QuizQuestion>(); for (int i = 1; i <= total; i++) { QuizQuestion question = new QuizQuestion(); question.Question = Request["Question" + i]; question.OptionA = Request["Q" + i + "OptionA"]; question.OptionB = Request["Q" + i + "OptionB"]; question.OptionC = Request["Q" + i + "OptionC"]; question.OptionD = Request["Q" + i + "OptionD"]; question.CorrectOption = int.Parse(Request["Correct" + i]); question.Marks = 1; questions.Add(question); } data.AddQiuz(course, quiz, questions); return(RedirectToAction("ScheduleQuiz")); }
protected void Timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { TimeSpan timeLeft = new TimeSpan(); if (Session["timeLeft"] != null) { timeLeft = (DateTime)Session["timeLeft"] - DateTime.Now; if (timeLeft.Hours <= 0 && timeLeft.Minutes <= 0 && timeLeft.Seconds <= 0) { lblTimer.Text = "Times up!"; lblTimerDisplay.Text = "Times up!"; panelQuiz.Visible = false; panelStartQuiz.Visible = false; panelTimesUp.Visible = true; //insert attempt int quizID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"]); User currentUser = (User)Session["currentUser"]; QuizResultDAO qrDAO = new QuizResultDAO(); QuizResultHistoryDAO qrhDAO = new QuizResultHistoryDAO(); List <QuizResultHistory> userAnswers = (List <QuizResultHistory>)Session["userAnswers"]; QuizQuestion currentQuestion = (QuizQuestion)Session["previousQuestion"]; int attempt = qrDAO.getAttemptForQuiz(quizID, currentUser.getUserID()); attempt++; //to calculate score int userScore = calculateScore(userAnswers); //to get all other details needed to insert to QuizResult string grade = "fail"; if (checkIfUserPass(quizID, userScore)) { grade = "pass"; } DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Now.Date; //insert quizResultHistory foreach (QuizResultHistory qrh in userAnswers) { qrhDAO.createQuizResultHistory(qrh); } //insert QuizResult int quizResultID = qrDAO.createQuizResult(currentUser.getUserID(), quizID, userScore, grade, currentDate, attempt); Session["timesUpResultID"] = quizResultID; //check if user can reattempt quiz QuizResult currentResult = qrDAO.getQuizResultByID(quizResultID); Quiz currentQuiz = currentResult.getQuiz(); if (currentQuiz.getMultipleAttempts().Equals("n")) { int numOfAttempts = qrDAO.getNumberOfAttempts(currentUser.getUserID(), currentQuiz.getQuizID()); if (numOfAttempts >= currentQuiz.getNumberOfAttempts()) { btnRestartQuiz.Visible = false; } } } else { //lblTimer.Text = timeLeft.Seconds.ToString(); lblTimer.Text = timeLeft.ToString(@"hh\:mm\:ss"); } } }
protected void btnFinish_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (rblAnswers.SelectedIndex != -1) { int quizID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"]); User currentUser = (User)Session["currentUser"]; //handle current question and answer QuizDAO quizDAO = new QuizDAO(); QuizResultDAO qrDAO = new QuizResultDAO(); QuizResultHistory currentAnswer = new QuizResultHistory(); QuizResultHistoryDAO qrhDAO = new QuizResultHistoryDAO(); QuizQuestionDAO qqDAO = new QuizQuestionDAO(); QuizQuestion currentQuestion = (QuizQuestion)Session["previousQuestion"]; Quiz currentQuiz = quizDAO.getQuizByID(quizID); QuizAnswer currentSelectedAnswer = new QuizAnswer(Convert.ToInt32(rblAnswers.SelectedValue), currentQuestion, rblAnswers.SelectedItem.Text); //int attempt = qrhDAO.getAttemptForQuiz(currentQuestion.getQuizQuestionID()); int attempt = qrDAO.getAttemptForQuiz(quizID, currentUser.getUserID()); attempt++; currentAnswer.setAttempt(attempt); currentAnswer.setUserID(currentUser.getUserID()); currentAnswer.setQuestion(currentQuestion); currentAnswer.setAnswer(currentSelectedAnswer); currentAnswer.setQuizID(quizID); List <QuizResultHistory> userAnswers = (List <QuizResultHistory>)Session["userAnswers"]; userAnswers.Add(currentAnswer); //to calculate score int userScore = calculateScore(userAnswers); //to get all other details needed to insert to QuizResult string grade = "fail"; if (checkIfUserPass(quizID, userScore)) { grade = "pass"; } DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Now.Date; //insert quizResultHistory foreach (QuizResultHistory qrh in userAnswers) { qrhDAO.createQuizResultHistory(qrh); } //insert QuizResult int quizResultID = qrDAO.createQuizResult(currentUser.getUserID(), quizID, userScore, grade, currentDate, attempt); string displayAnswer = currentQuiz.getDisplayAnswer(); if (displayAnswer.Equals("always")) { Response.Redirect("viewResults.aspx?id=" + quizResultID); } else if (displayAnswer.Equals("never")) { Response.Redirect("noResult.aspx?id=" + quizResultID); } else { if (grade.Equals("pass")) { Response.Redirect("viewResults.aspx?id=" + quizResultID); } else { Response.Redirect("viewMyResult.aspx?id=" + quizResultID); } } } }
// To protect from overposting attacks, please enable the specific properties you want to bind to, for // more details see public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostAsync() { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { // Setup our PBEBible Object Question.BibleId = await QuizQuestion.GetValidBibleIdAsync(_context, Question.BibleId); BibleBook PBEBook = await BibleBook.GetPBEBookAndChapterAsync(_context, Question.BibleId, Question.BookNumber, Question.Chapter); if (PBEBook == null) { return(RedirectToPage("/error", new { errorMessage = "That's Odd! We weren't able to find the PBE Book." })); } Question.PopulatePBEQuestionInfo(PBEBook); Question.Verses = await Question.GetBibleVersesAsync(_context, false); // We should still have AnswerText IsCommentary = (Question.Chapter == Bible.CommentaryChapter); if (IsCommentary == false) { ChapterQuestionCount = PBEBook.BibleChapters.Where(c => c.ChapterNumber == Question.Chapter).First().QuestionCount; } CommentaryQuestionCount = PBEBook.CommentaryQuestionCount; // and now we need a Verse and Points Select List ViewData["VerseSelectList"] = new SelectList(Question.Verses, "Verse", "Verse"); ViewData["PointsSelectList"] = Question.GetPointsSelectList(); return(Page()); } // confirm our user is a valid PBE User. IdentityUser user = await _userManager.GetUserAsync(User); PBEUser = await QuizUser.GetOrAddPBEUserAsync(_context, user.Email); if (!PBEUser.IsValidPBEQuestionBuilder()) { return(RedirectToPage("/error", new { errorMessage = "Sorry! You do not have sufficient rights to edit a PBE question" })); } // Now let's create an empty question and put only our validated properties onto it. QuizQuestion QuestionToUpdate = await _context.QuizQuestions.FindAsync(Question.Id); if (QuestionToUpdate == null) { return(RedirectToPage("/error", new { errorMessage = "That's Odd! We weren't able to find this Question" })); } if (await TryUpdateModelAsync <QuizQuestion>( QuestionToUpdate, "Question", // Prefix for form value. Q => Q.BibleId, Q => Q.Points, Q => Q.StartVerse, Q => Q.EndVerse, Q => Q.Question, Q => Q.Challenged, Q => Q.ChallengeComment)) { QuestionToUpdate.Modified = DateTime.Now; // now we need to add the Answer if there is one. if (AnswerText.Length > 0) { // We need the Original Answer and while techincally we support multiple Answers // we are only going to allow operating on the first one in this basic edit experience. await _context.Entry(QuestionToUpdate).Collection(Q => Q.QuizAnswers).LoadAsync(); if (QuestionToUpdate.QuizAnswers.Count > 0) { QuizAnswer OriginalAnswer = QuestionToUpdate.QuizAnswers.OrderBy(A => A.Id).First(); if (OriginalAnswer.Answer != AnswerText) { _context.Attach(OriginalAnswer); OriginalAnswer.Modified = DateTime.Now; OriginalAnswer.Answer = AnswerText; QuestionToUpdate.IsAnswered = true; } } } await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); switch (ReturnPath) { case "Questions": return(RedirectToPage("Questions", new { BibleId = QuestionToUpdate.BibleId, BookNumber = QuestionToUpdate.BookNumber, Chapter = QuestionToUpdate.Chapter })); // break; not needed unreachable case "ChallengedQuestions": return(RedirectToPage("ChallengedQuestions", new { BibleId = QuestionToUpdate.BibleId })); // break; not needed unreachable default: return(RedirectToPage("AddQuestion", new { BibleId = QuestionToUpdate.BibleId, BookNumber = QuestionToUpdate.BookNumber, Chapter = QuestionToUpdate.Chapter, VerseNum = QuestionToUpdate.EndVerse })); // break; not needed unreachable } } return(RedirectToPage("Index")); }
public async Task <IActionResult> UpdateQuestion(int quizId, int questionId, [FromBody] QuestionArgs data) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(new BadRequestObjectResult(ModelState)); } Quiz quiz = await _Db.Quizzes.FindAsync(quizId); QuizQuestion question = await _Db.QuizQuestions.Include(q => q.Answers).Where(q => q.Id == questionId).FirstOrDefaultAsync(); if (quiz == null || question == null) { return(NotFound(new ResponseHelper("Something went wrong. Please refresh your browser and try again.", "Unable to find question in database"))); } using (var transaction = await _Db.Database.BeginTransactionAsync()) { question.CorrectAnswerId = null; await _Db.SaveChangesAsync(); _Db.RemoveRange(question.Answers); await _Db.SaveChangesAsync(); question.ImageId = data.Image?.Id; question.Text = data.Text; question.TrueFalseAnswer = data.TrueFalseAnswer; question.AudioId = data.Audio?.Id; if (data.Answers != null) { foreach (AnswerArgs answerArgs in data.Answers) { QuizAnswer newAns = new QuizAnswer { QuizQuestionId = question.Id, Text = answerArgs.Text, ImageId = answerArgs.Image?.Id }; await _Db.AddAsync(newAns); await _Db.SaveChangesAsync(); if (data.Answers.IndexOf(answerArgs) == data.CorrectAnswerIndex) { question.CorrectAnswerId = newAns.Id; } } } quiz.UpdatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow; await _Db.SaveChangesAsync(); transaction.Commit(); } return(Ok()); }
public void AddQuestion(QuizQuestion question) { _db.Store(question); }
void Update() { if (RaceManager.Instance != null && RaceManager.Instance.State == RaceManager.RaceState.Playing) { RaceManager.Instance.UpdateSelf(Time.deltaTime, 0); if (mShowingFeedback) { mNextQuestionCountdown -= Time.deltaTime; if (mNextQuestionCountdown < 0 || mCurQuestion == null) { mCurQuestion = QuizQuestion.GenerateQuestion(); mQuestionValue = MaxPointsPerQuestion; mShowingFeedback = false; PlaySfx(QuestionClip); } } else { mQuestionValue -= PointDecreaseSpeed * Time.deltaTime; if (mQuestionValue < MinPointsPerQuestion) { mQuestionValue = MinPointsPerQuestion; } } } }
public QuizQuestionViewModel(QuizQuestion quizQuestion, bool?response) { this.Response = response; this.quizQuestion = quizQuestion; }
public QuizRepository(QuizContext quizContex, QuizQuestion quizQuestion) { this.quizContext = quizContex; this.quizQuestion = quizQuestion; }
public IActionResult AddQuizQuestion(QuizQuestion model) { return(View(model)); }
public void AddQuizQuestion(QuizQuestion quizquestion) { Context.Add(quizquestion); Context.SaveChanges(); }
/// <summary> /// Check whether the supplied answer index matches the question's correct answer. /// </summary> /// <param name="a">Index of your answer, corresponds to QuizQuestion's answers list.</param> /// <param name="q">Original question containing all the possible answers and the correct one.</param> /// <returns></returns> bool IsCorrectAnswer(int a, QuizQuestion q) { return(q.Answers[a] == q.CorrectAnswer); }
public static void Seed() { using var _ctx = new BoraNowContext(); _ctx.Database.EnsureDeleted(); _ctx.Database.EnsureCreated(); var categoryOne = new CategoryInterestPoint("VeganFood"); var categoryTwo = new CategoryInterestPoint("SeaFood"); var categoryThree = new CategoryInterestPoint("AsianFood"); var quiz = new Quiz("BoraNow quiz"); var quizQuestion = new QuizQuestion("What type of food are you looking for?", quiz.Id); var quizAnswerOne = new QuizAnswer("Vegan", quizQuestion.Id); var quizAnswerTwo = new QuizAnswer("Sea food", quizQuestion.Id); var quizAnswerThree = new QuizAnswer("Asian style", quizQuestion.Id); var countryOne = new Country("Angola"); var countryTwo = new Country("Portugal"); var profileOne = new Profile("blogueira vegana que adora viajar e conhecer novos locais", "mefamousstar.jpg"); var profileTwo = new Profile("Business Man with a chain of restauarants across Lisbon", "merichstar.jpg"); var company = new Company("PearTree Company", "Marco Pereria", "919200000", "23453554", profileTwo.Id); var visitor = new Visitor("Bruna", "Costa", DateTime.Now.AddYears(-24), "Female", profileOne.Id, countryOne.Id); var interestPoint = new InterestPoint("PearTree Abc", "very chill place that offers lots off tradicional food", "abc street", "uhuhuu.jpg", "3 am", "5 pm", "fridays", true, true, company.Id); var interestPointCategory = new InterestPointCategoryInterestPoint(interestPoint.Id, categoryOne.Id); var result = new Result("questionário nº 1", DateTime.Now, quiz.Id, visitor.Id); var resultInterestPoint = new ResultInterestPoint(result.Id, interestPoint.Id); var newsletter = new Newsletter("New place in town that has many vegan options", "Brand New"); var interestPointNewsletter = new InterestPointNewsletter(interestPoint.Id, newsletter.Id); var meteorology = new Meteorology(19, 27, 0, 1, 0, DateTime.Now.AddDays(1)); var feedback = new Feedback("very nice place, cousy vibes, really good food", 5, DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1), interestPoint.Id, visitor.Id); _ctx.Country.AddRange(countryOne); _ctx.Country.AddRange(countryTwo); _ctx.Profile.AddRange(profileOne); _ctx.Profile.AddRange(profileTwo); _ctx.Company.AddRange(company); _ctx.Visitor.AddRange(visitor); _ctx.Category.AddRange(categoryOne); _ctx.Category.AddRange(categoryTwo); _ctx.Category.AddRange(categoryThree); _ctx.Quiz.AddRange(quiz); _ctx.QuizQuestion.AddRange(quizQuestion); _ctx.QuizAnswer.AddRange(quizAnswerOne); _ctx.QuizAnswer.AddRange(quizAnswerTwo); _ctx.QuizAnswer.AddRange(quizAnswerThree); _ctx.InterestPoint.AddRange(interestPoint); _ctx.InterestPointCategory.AddRange(interestPointCategory); _ctx.Result.AddRange(result); _ctx.ResultInterestPoint.AddRange(resultInterestPoint); _ctx.Newsletter.AddRange(newsletter); _ctx.InterestPointNewsletter.AddRange(interestPointNewsletter); _ctx.Feedback.AddRange(feedback); _ctx.Meteorology.AddRange(meteorology); _ctx.SaveChanges(); }
public static string[] SelectIncorrectAnswers(QuizQuestion question, int amount = 3) { Random rnd = new Random(); return(question.IncorrectAnswers.OrderBy(x => rnd.Next()).Take(amount).ToArray()); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (IsPostBack) { return; } /* Parse teacherId & quizId * teacherId - Integer >= 1 * quizId - Integer >= 1 */ int teacherId = -1; int quizId = -1; try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["teacherId"]) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["quizId"])) { throw new Exception(); } teacherId = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["teacherId"]); quizId = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["quizId"]); if (teacherId < 1 || quizId < 1) { throw new Exception(); } } catch (Exception) { loadError.Visible = true; quizView.Visible = false; return; } var db = new DatabaseEntities(); var quiz = db.Quiz.Where(q => == quizId && q.teacherId == teacherId).Single(); quizTitle.InnerText = quiz.title; var questions = db.Question.Where(i => i.quizId == quizId && i.teacherId == teacherId).ToArray(); foreach (var question in questions) { if (question.type == "Multiple Choice") { question.QuestionOption = db.QuestionOption.Where(qo => qo.quizId == quizId && qo.teacherId == teacherId && qo.questionId ==; } var quizQuestion = new QuizQuestion { question = question }; quizQuestionsView.Controls.Add(quizQuestion); } }
// To protect from overposting attacks, please enable the specific properties you want to bind to, for // more details see public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostAsync() { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { // Setup our PBEBible Object Question.BibleId = await QuizQuestion.GetValidBibleIdAsync(_context, Question.BibleId); BibleBook PBEBook = await BibleBook.GetPBEBookAndChapterAsync(_context, Question.BibleId, Question.BookNumber, Question.Chapter); if (PBEBook == null) { return(RedirectToPage("/error", new { errorMessage = "That's Odd! We weren't able to find the PBE Book." })); } Question.PopulatePBEQuestionInfo(PBEBook); Question.Verses = await Question.GetBibleVersesAsync(_context, false); IsCommentary = (Question.Chapter == Bible.CommentaryChapter); if (IsCommentary == false) { ChapterQuestionCount = PBEBook.BibleChapters.Where(c => c.ChapterNumber == Question.Chapter).First().QuestionCount; } CommentaryQuestionCount = PBEBook.CommentaryQuestionCount; // and now we need a Verse and Points Select List ViewData["VerseSelectList"] = new SelectList(Question.Verses, "Verse", "Verse"); ViewData["PointsSelectList"] = Question.GetPointsSelectList(); return(Page()); } // confirm our user is a valid PBE User. IdentityUser user = await _userManager.GetUserAsync(User); if (User != null) { PBEUser = await QuizUser.GetOrAddPBEUserAsync(_context, user.Email); if (!PBEUser.IsValidPBEQuestionBuilder()) { return(RedirectToPage("/error", new { errorMessage = "Sorry! You do not have sufficient rights to add a PBE question" })); } } else { return(RedirectToPage("/error", new { errorMessage = "Oops! We were unable to get our User Object from the UserManager, this question cannot be added!" })); } // Now let's create an empty question and put only our validated properties onto it. var emptyQuestion = new QuizQuestion { Created = DateTime.Now, Modified = DateTime.Now }; if (await TryUpdateModelAsync <QuizQuestion>( emptyQuestion, "Question", // Prefix for form value. Q => Q.BibleId, Q => Q.Points, Q => Q.BookNumber, Q => Q.Chapter, Q => Q.StartVerse, Q => Q.EndVerse, Q => Q.Question)) { emptyQuestion.Owner = PBEUser.Email; emptyQuestion.Source = "BiblePaths.Net"; _context.QuizQuestions.Add(emptyQuestion); // now we need to add the Answer if there is one. if (AnswerText.Length > 0) { QuizAnswer Answer = new QuizAnswer { Created = DateTime.Now, Modified = DateTime.Now, Question = emptyQuestion, Answer = AnswerText, IsPrimary = true }; _context.QuizAnswers.Add(Answer); // Register that this question has an answer. emptyQuestion.IsAnswered = true; } await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToPage("AddQuestion", new { BibleId = emptyQuestion.BibleId, BookNumber = emptyQuestion.BookNumber, Chapter = emptyQuestion.Chapter, VerseNum = emptyQuestion.EndVerse })); } else { return(RedirectToPage("/error", new { errorMessage = "Oops! We failed to update the question model, this question cannot be added!" })); } // return RedirectToPage("Index"); }
public void DeterimeCorrectAnswerTest() { QuizQuestion questionFour = new QuizQuestion("Question 3?|Answer One|Answer Two|Answer Three*|Answer Four"); Assert.AreEqual("Answer Three", questionFour.CorrectAnswer, "Correct answer is set and formatted properly"); }
public HttpResponseMessage Get() { JsonResponse Response = new JsonResponse(true, new SecureContext()); Response.Create(); if (Response.IsAuthentic == true) { List <Quiz> Output = new List <Quiz>(); var Source = Umbraco.Content(1123).Children().Where("Visible"); // Sort parameter Int32.TryParse(HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["id"], out int QuizId); if (Source.Count() > 0) { foreach (var Node in Source) { if (QuizId != 0 && Node.Id != QuizId) { continue; } Quiz Quiz = new Quiz { ID = Node.Id, Title = Node.GetPropertyValue("title"), IsLockedByDefault = (bool)Node.GetPropertyValue("isLockedByDefault"), Questions = new List <QuizQuestion>(), Image = "" // Image = "https://" + HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host + Node.GetPropertyValue("image").Url }; // Individual questions IEnumerable <IPublishedContent> Questions = Node.GetPropertyValue("questions"); foreach (IPublishedContent Q in Questions) { QuizQuestion QQ = new QuizQuestion { Question = (string)Q.GetPropertyValue("questionText"), Answers = new Dictionary <int, string>(), CorrectAnswer = (int)Q.GetPropertyValue("correctAnswer") }; string[] Answers = (string[])Q.GetPropertyValue("answers"); if (Answers.Count() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < Answers.Count(); i++) { QQ.Answers.Add(i, Answers[i]); } } Quiz.Questions.Add(QQ); } Output.Add(Quiz); } } Response.Set(new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Output), ApiContext.GetEncoding(), ApiContext.GetOutputType())); } return(Response.Get()); }
public void ImportFile(FileInfo file, Main db) { using (StreamReader sr = file.OpenText()) { string s; QuizQuestion question = null; bool category = false; while ((s = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { s = s.Trim(); if (s.StartsWith("#") || s.IsNullOrEmpty()) { continue; } if (s.StartsWith("Category:")) { question = new QuizQuestion(); db.QuizQuestions.InsertOnSubmit(question); question.Category = s.Substring(9); category = true; } if (s.StartsWith("Question:") && question != null) { if (!category) { question = new QuizQuestion(); db.QuizQuestions.InsertOnSubmit(question); } category = false; question.Question = s.Substring(9).Trim(); } if (s.StartsWith("Answer:") && question != null) { question.Answer = s.Substring(7).Trim(); db.SubmitChanges(); } if (s.StartsWith("Regexp:") && question != null) { question.AnswerRegExp = s.Substring(7).Trim(); } if (s.StartsWith("Author:") && question != null) { question.Author = s.Substring(7).Trim(); } if (s.StartsWith("Level:") && question != null) { switch (s.Substring(6).Trim()) { case "baby": question.Difficulty = 0; break; case "easy": question.Difficulty = 3; break; case "normal": question.Difficulty = 5; break; case "hard": question.Difficulty = 8; break; case "extreme": question.Difficulty = 10; break; } } if (s.StartsWith("Comment:") && question != null) { question.Comment = s.Substring(8).Trim(); } if (s.StartsWith("Score:") && question != null) { question.Score = int.Parse(s.Substring(6).Trim()); } if (s.StartsWith("Tip:") && question != null && question.ID.HasValue && !s.IsNullOrEmpty()) { var hint = new Hint(); db.Hints.InsertOnSubmit(hint); hint.Message = s.Substring(4).Trim(); hint.QuizQuestionID = question.ID.Value; db.SubmitChanges(); } } } }
public void AddQuestion(QuizQuestion q) { db.QuizQuestions.Add(q); }
public void RemoveQuestion(QuizQuestion q) { db.QuizQuestions.Remove(q); }
//Handles game play during Update() void HandleGamePlay() { if (mCurQuestion == null) { Debug.Log ("Generating question"); mCurQuestion = QuizQuestion.GenerateQuestion (); } RaceManager.Instance.UpdateSelf (Time.deltaTime, 0); if (mShowingFeedback) { mNextQuestionCountdown -= Time.deltaTime; if (mNextQuestionCountdown < 0 || mCurQuestion == null) { mCurQuestion = QuizQuestion.GenerateQuestion (); mQuestionValue = MaxPointsPerQuestion; mShowingFeedback = false; PlaySfx (QuestionClip); } } else { ShowQuestion (); mQuestionValue -= PointDecreaseSpeed * Time.deltaTime; if (mQuestionValue < MinPointsPerQuestion) { mQuestionValue = MinPointsPerQuestion; } } }