//!!!Yikes tons of repeated code and stuff re-run
        internal static HlaAssignmentWithResponses CreateHlaAssignment(Quickscore <Hla, int> quickscore, string hlaListAsString, ICollection <int> patientsWhoRespond)
            Qmrr.HlaFactory hlaFactory = Qmrr.HlaFactory.GetFactory("noConstraint");

            //!!!this code is repeated elsewhere
            Dictionary <Hla, List <int> > hlaToRespondingPatientsUnfiltered = quickscore.CreateCauseToSubsetOfEffects(patientsWhoRespond);
            Dictionary <Hla, List <int> > hlaToRespondingPatients           = Filter9xs(hlaToRespondingPatientsUnfiltered);
            List <Hla> hlaListFromRepondingPatients = new List <Hla>(hlaToRespondingPatients.Keys);

            Dictionary <Hla, bool> hlaAssignmentDicationary = new Dictionary <Hla, bool>();

            foreach (string hlaName in hlaListAsString.Split(';'))
                Hla hla = hlaFactory.GetGroundInstance(hlaName);
                hlaAssignmentDicationary[hla] = true;

            List <int> indexCollection = new List <int>();

            for (int hlaIndex = 0; hlaIndex < hlaListFromRepondingPatients.Count; ++hlaIndex)
                Hla hla = hlaListFromRepondingPatients[hlaIndex];
                if (hlaAssignmentDicationary.ContainsKey(hla))

            HlaAssignmentWithResponses hlaAssignment = HlaAssignmentWithResponses.GetInstance(quickscore, hlaListFromRepondingPatients,
                                                                                              indexCollection, hlaToRespondingPatients);

        public static void BioQuickTestInternal(Quickscore <Hla, int> quickscore, string fileName, string header)
            List <int> patientList = quickscore.EffectList();

            List <QmrJob <Hla, int> > jobList = new List <QmrJob <Hla, int> >();

            foreach (List <Dictionary <string, string> > tableByPeptide in HlaAssignmentParams.QuickScoreOptimalsGroupByPeptide(fileName, header))
                Debug.Assert(tableByPeptide.Count > 0);                 // real assert
                string peptide = tableByPeptide[0]["peptide"];

                List <int> patientsWhoDoNotRespond;
                List <int> patientsWhoRespond;
                QmrAlgorithms.FindPatientsWhoRespondAndWhoDoNot(patientList, tableByPeptide, out patientsWhoRespond, out patientsWhoDoNotRespond);

                QmrJob <Hla, int> aQuickScoreJob = QmrJob <Hla, int> .GetInstance(peptide, patientsWhoRespond, patientsWhoDoNotRespond, quickscore);


            jobList.Sort(delegate(QmrJob <Hla, int> x, QmrJob <Hla, int> y) { return(x.PresentEffectCollection.Count.CompareTo(y.PresentEffectCollection.Count)); });
            foreach (QmrJob <Hla, int> job in jobList)

            foreach (QmrJob <Hla, int> job in jobList)
                //if (job.Name != "RIRTWKSLVK")
                //    continue;

                //job.Quickscore.Probability("B58", job.PresentEffectCollection, job.AbsentEffectCollection);

                Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
                Dictionary <Hla, double> posteriorOfEveryCause = job.PosteriorOfEveryCause();

                Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}", job.Name, job.PresentEffectCollection.Count, job.AbsentEffectCollection.Count, stopwatch.Elapsed);

                foreach (KeyValuePair <Hla, double> causeAndPosterior in posteriorOfEveryCause)
                    Debug.Assert(0 <= causeAndPosterior.Value && causeAndPosterior.Value <= 1);
                    Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\t{4}\t{5}", job.Name, job.PresentEffectCollection.Count, job.AbsentEffectCollection.Count, stopwatch.Elapsed
                                      , causeAndPosterior.Key, causeAndPosterior.Value);
Пример #3
        internal static HlaAssignmentWithResponses GetInstance(Quickscore <Hla, int> quickscore, List <Hla> hlaListFromRepondingPatients, List <int> indexCollection,
                                                               Dictionary <Hla, List <int> > hlaToRespondingPatients)
            List <Hla> trueCollection = new List <Hla>();

            foreach (int index in indexCollection)
                Hla hla = hlaListFromRepondingPatients[index];
            return(HlaAssignmentWithResponses.GetInstance(trueCollection, quickscore, hlaListFromRepondingPatients, hlaToRespondingPatients));
Пример #4
        public static Quickscore <Hla, int> CreateQuickscore(string fileName, string header, double causePrior, double linkProbability, double leakProbability, HlaResolution hlaResolution)
            Qmrr.HlaFactory hlaFactory = Qmrr.HlaFactory.GetFactory("noConstraint");

            Quickscore <Hla, int> quickscore = Quickscore <Hla, int> .GetInstance(hlaFactory.GetGroundInstance(""));

            foreach (Dictionary <string, string> row in QuickScoreOptimalsTable(fileName, header))
                foreach (string column in CreateHlaColumns(header))
                    Hla hla     = GetHlaValue(row, column, hlaResolution);
                    int patient = GetPatient(row);

                    quickscore.SetCause(hla, causePrior);
                    quickscore.SetLeak(patient, leakProbability);
                    quickscore.SetLink(hla, patient, linkProbability);
Пример #5
        //double ScoreWithNewParameters(Dictionary<string, SearchHlaAssignmentsResult> peptideToResults, int iParameter, double parameter)
        //    double totalLogLikelihood = 0.0;

        //    Quickscore<string, int> quickScore = null;
        //    foreach (SearchHlaAssignmentsResult searchHlaAssignmentsResult in peptideToResults.Values)
        //    {
        //        //!!!don't create these structures from scratch on every call
        //        //!!!don't create a whole new quickscore
        //        if (quickScore == null)
        //        {
        //            quickScore = CloneQuickScoreWithNewParameter(searchHlaAssignmentsResult.Quickscore, iParameter, parameter);
        //        }
        //        HlaAssignmentWithResponses hlaAssignment = searchHlaAssignmentsResult.BestLogLikelihoodSoFar.Champ;
        //        totalLogLikelihood +=
        //            //!!!speed up: don't compute whole loglikelihood - only part that changes with the parameters
        //            quickScore.LogLikelihoodOfModelWithCompleteAssignments(
        //                searchHlaAssignmentsResult.PatientsWhoRespond,
        //                searchHlaAssignmentsResult.PatientsWhoDoNotRespond,
        //                hlaAssignment.AsDictionary, searchHlaAssignmentsResult.PatientWeightTableOrNull);
        //    }

        //    return totalLogLikelihood;

        //double ScoreWithNewParameters(Dictionary<string, SearchHlaAssignmentsResult> peptideToResults, int iParameter, double parameter)
        //    Quickscore<string, int> quickScore = CloneQuickScoreWithNewParameter(searchHlaAssignmentsResult.Quickscore, iParameter, parameter);

        //    double totalLogLiklihood = ScoreModelAgainstPeptideSolutions(peptideToResults, quickScore);

        //    return totalLogLiklihood;

        //private static double ScoreModelAgainstPeptideSolutions(Dictionary<string, SearchHlaAssignmentsResult> peptideToResults, Quickscore<string, int> quickScore)
        //    double totalLogLiklihood = 0.0;
        //    foreach (SearchHlaAssignmentsResult searchHlaAssignmentsResult in peptideToResults.Values)
        //    {
        //        //!!!don't create these structures from scratch on every call
        //        //!!!don't create a whole new quickscore
        //        HlaAssignment hlaAssignment = searchHlaAssignmentsResult.BestLogLikelihoodSoFar.Champ;
        //        totalLogLiklihood +=
        //            //!!!speed up: don't compute whole loglikelihood - only part that changes with the parameters
        //            quickScore.LogLikelihoodOfModelWithCompleteAssignments(
        //                searchHlaAssignmentsResult.PatientsWhoRespond,
        //                searchHlaAssignmentsResult.PatientsWhoDoNotRespond,
        //                hlaAssignment.AsDictionary, searchHlaAssignmentsResult.PatientWeightTableOrNull);
        //    }
        //    return totalLogLiklihood;

        private Quickscore <string, int> CloneQuickScoreWithNewParameter(Quickscore <string, int> quickscoreIn, int iParameter, double parameter)
            double causePrior      = CausePrior;
            double linkProbability = LinkProbability;
            double leakProbability = LeakProbability;

            switch (iParameter)
            case 0:
                causePrior = parameter;

            case 1:
                linkProbability = parameter;

            case 2:
                leakProbability = parameter;


            Quickscore <string, int> quickscoreOut = Quickscore <string, int> .GetInstance("");

            foreach (string cause in quickscoreIn.CauseList())
                quickscoreOut.SetCause(cause, causePrior);
                foreach (int effect in quickscoreIn.EffectListForCause(cause))
                    quickscoreOut.SetLink(cause, effect, linkProbability);
                    quickscoreOut.SetLeak(effect, leakProbability);

Пример #6
        internal static HlaAssignmentWithResponses GetInstance(IEnumerable <Hla> trueCollection, Quickscore <Hla, int> quickscore, List <Hla> hlaListFromRepondingPatients, Dictionary <Hla, List <int> > hlaToRespondingPatients)
            HlaAssignmentWithResponses aHlaAssignment = new HlaAssignmentWithResponses();

            aHlaAssignment.TrueCollection = TrueCollection.GetInstance(trueCollection);

            aHlaAssignment.AsDictionary        = new Dictionary <Hla, bool>();
            aHlaAssignment.UnexplainedPatients = new List <int>();
            Dictionary <int, bool> patientToIsExplained = new Dictionary <int, bool>();

            aHlaAssignment.HlaToRespondingPatients = hlaToRespondingPatients;

            foreach (Hla hla in trueCollection)
                aHlaAssignment.AsDictionary.Add(hla, true);
                foreach (int patient in hlaToRespondingPatients[hla])
                    patientToIsExplained[patient] = true;
            foreach (Hla hla in quickscore.CauseList())
                if (!aHlaAssignment.AsDictionary.ContainsKey(hla))
                    aHlaAssignment.AsDictionary.Add(hla, false);
                    if (hlaToRespondingPatients.ContainsKey(hla))
                        foreach (int patient in hlaToRespondingPatients[hla])
                            if (!patientToIsExplained.ContainsKey(patient))
                                patientToIsExplained.Add(patient, false);
        public static void SearchHlaAssignmentsRelaxation(string fileName, string header, string solutionFileName, string solutionHeader, double causePrior, double linkProbability, double leakProbability, int howManyBest, string outputFilename, HlaResolution hlaResolution)
            Debug.Assert(Math.Exp(double.NegativeInfinity) == 0);

            //Create the structure of patients and their HLAs
            Quickscore <Hla, int> quickscore = HlaAssignmentParams.CreateQuickscore(fileName, header, causePrior, linkProbability, leakProbability, hlaResolution);

            // Get the list of patients, Hlas, and patient weights
            List <int>        patientList = quickscore.EffectList();
            IEnumerable <Hla> hlaList     = quickscore.CauseList();
            //The structure file can contain a "weight" column. If it does, weight the patients, otherwise give them all weight 1.0
            Dictionary <int, double> patientWeightTable = HlaAssignmentParams.CreatePatientWeightTable(fileName, header);

            //The cause assignment table is a mapping from
            //    peptide to HLA assignments for that peptide
            Dictionary <string, List <Dictionary <string, string> > > causeAssignmentTable = CreateCauseAssignmentTable(solutionFileName, solutionHeader);

            //We start the report
            using (StreamWriter streamwriterOutputFile = File.CreateText(outputFilename))
                //The report is the same as the input "solution" except that we now list new HLA, a note, and a p(assignment)
                                                                                  "newHLA", "rank", "p(assignment)", "note", "Peptide", "LogLikelihood", "TrueHlas.Count", "TrueHlas", "TrueHlasAndRespondingPatients", "UnexplainedPatients.Count"));

                //Now we go through the model file, one peptide at a time. For each peptide, we know the patientID (did) of
                // every patient who responded. (It also tells the HLAs of the patient, but we already have that info in the structure)

                 * peptide	did	a1	a2	b1	b2	c1	c2
                 * ACQGVGGPGHK	10	2	11	38	44	12	16
                 * ACQGVGGPGHK	14	2	24	1517	58	3	7
                 * ACQGVGGPGHK	41	11	33	35	40	6	7
                 * ACQGVGGPGHK	102	2	11	35	44	4	5
                 * AENLWVTVY	25	24	66	35	39	4	12
                 * AENLWVTVY	36	23	32	8	44	7	7
                 * AENLWVTVY	45	3	31	39	44	5	12
                 * AENLWVTVY	46	2	29	41	52	16	16
                 * AENLWVTVY	59	2	33	7	44	3	15
                 * [...]

                foreach (List <Dictionary <string, string> > tableByPeptide in HlaAssignmentParams.QuickScoreOptimalsGroupByPeptide(fileName, header))
                    Debug.Assert(tableByPeptide.Count > 0);                     // real assert
                    string peptide = tableByPeptide[0]["peptide"];

                    //Create lists of patients who responded and assume everyone else didn't.
                    List <int> patientsWhoRespond;
                    List <int> patientsWhoDoNotRespond;
                    FindPatientsWhoRespondAndWhoDoNot(patientList, tableByPeptide, out patientsWhoRespond, out patientsWhoDoNotRespond);

                    //If we get a peptide with no row in the solution file, skip it.
                    if (!causeAssignmentTable.ContainsKey(peptide))
                        streamwriterOutputFile.WriteLine("{0}\t\t{1}", peptide, "explained by noise");

                    //We assign every HLA mentioned by the solution file with this peptide to TRUE and all others to FALSE
                    //An assignment of TRUE means that this HLA is a cause of this response.
                    List <Dictionary <string, string> > rowsOfThisPeptide = causeAssignmentTable[peptide];
                    HlaAssignmentWithResponses          hlaAssignmentBase = CreateHlaAssignment(rowsOfThisPeptide, hlaList, hlaResolution, quickscore, patientsWhoRespond);

                    //Find the likelihood of this structure, with these patient responses, and the solution's HLA assignment.
                    double baseLogLikelihood = quickscore.LogLikelihoodOfModelWithCompleteAssignments(patientsWhoRespond, patientsWhoDoNotRespond, hlaAssignmentBase.AsDictionary, patientWeightTable);

                    //Consider each HLA assigned to TRUE (for this peptide) by the solution
                    foreach (Dictionary <string, string> row in rowsOfThisPeptide)
                        Hla hla = GetHlaFromRow(row, hlaResolution);

                        //If we already really know that this HLA is a cause of this reponse, just report that.
                        if (IsKnown(row))
                            streamwriterOutputFile.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}\t{2}", row[""], hla, "known");

                        //Set it to false as a way to see measure the probability that it is true.
                        HlaAssignmentWithResponses hlaAssignmentL0 = CreateHlaAssignment(rowsOfThisPeptide, hlaList, hlaResolution, quickscore, patientsWhoRespond, hla, null);
                        double logL0 = quickscore.LogLikelihoodOfModelWithCompleteAssignments(patientsWhoRespond, patientsWhoDoNotRespond, hlaAssignmentL0.AsDictionary, patientWeightTable);
                        Debug.Assert(hlaAssignmentL0.TrueCount + 1 == hlaAssignmentBase.TrueCount);                         // real assert
                        string noteNote = "";
                        if (logL0 > baseLogLikelihood)
                            noteNote = string.Format("\tlogL0 > baseLogLikelihood ({0}>{1})", logL0, baseLogLikelihood);
                        double probability = Math.Exp(baseLogLikelihood - SpecialFunctions.LogSum(baseLogLikelihood, logL0));
                                                             row[""], hla, "1 best", probability, noteNote,
                                                             peptide, baseLogLikelihood, hlaAssignmentBase.TrueCount, hlaAssignmentBase.TrueToString(), hlaAssignmentBase.TrueToListString(), hlaAssignmentBase.UnexplainedPatients.Count));
                                                             row[""], hla, "remove 1 best", "", noteNote,
                                                             peptide, logL0, hlaAssignmentL0.TrueCount, hlaAssignmentL0.TrueToString(), hlaAssignmentL0.TrueToListString(), hlaAssignmentL0.UnexplainedPatients.Count));

                        //Also, while we're in the world were it is false, let's measure how well each of the currently-set-to-false HLAs would do instead.
                        //!!!should this be one dictionary to a new class instead of three dictionaries?
                        List <KeyValuePair <Hla, double> >           listOfhla1AndProbability1 = new List <KeyValuePair <Hla, double> >();
                        Dictionary <Hla, double>                     loglikelihoodCollection   = new Dictionary <Hla, double>();
                        Dictionary <Hla, HlaAssignmentWithResponses> hla1ToHlaAssignment       = new Dictionary <Hla, HlaAssignmentWithResponses>();
                        foreach (Hla hla1 in hlaList)
                            if (hla1 == hla || hlaAssignmentBase.AsDictionary[hla1])

                            HlaAssignmentWithResponses hlaAssignmentL1 = CreateHlaAssignment(rowsOfThisPeptide, hlaList, hlaResolution, quickscore, patientsWhoRespond, hla, hla1);
                            if (hlaAssignmentL1.TrueCount == hlaAssignmentBase.TrueCount)
                                double logL1 = quickscore.LogLikelihoodOfModelWithCompleteAssignments(patientsWhoRespond, patientsWhoDoNotRespond, hlaAssignmentL1.AsDictionary, patientWeightTable);

                                double probability1 = Math.Exp(logL1 - SpecialFunctions.LogSum(logL1, logL0));
                                loglikelihoodCollection[hla1] = logL1;
                                hla1ToHlaAssignment.Add(hla1, hlaAssignmentL1);

                                listOfhla1AndProbability1.Add(new KeyValuePair <Hla, double>(hla1, probability1));

                        //Report on the best of these
                        listOfhla1AndProbability1.Sort(delegate(KeyValuePair <Hla, double> x, KeyValuePair <Hla, double> y) { return(y.Value.CompareTo(x.Value)); });
                        for (int i = 0; i < howManyBest - 1; ++i)
                            Hla hla1 = listOfhla1AndProbability1[i].Key;
                                                                 row[""], hla1, string.Format("{0} best", i + 2), listOfhla1AndProbability1[i].Value,
                                                                 "", peptide, loglikelihoodCollection[hla1], hla1ToHlaAssignment[hla1].TrueCount, hla1ToHlaAssignment[hla1].TrueToString(), hla1ToHlaAssignment[hla1].TrueToListString(), hla1ToHlaAssignment[hla1].UnexplainedPatients.Count));
        //!!!Yikes tons of repeated code and stuff re-run
        public static HlaAssignmentWithResponses CreateHlaAssignment(List <Dictionary <string, string> > rowsOfThisPeptide, IEnumerable <Hla> hlaList, HlaResolution hlaResolution, Quickscore <Hla, int> quickscore, List <int> patientsWhoRespond, Hla hlaToReplace, Hla hlaWithWhichToReplaceItOrNull)
            //!!!this code is repeated elsewhere
            Dictionary <Hla, List <int> > hlaToRespondingPatientsUnfiltered = quickscore.CreateCauseToSubsetOfEffects(patientsWhoRespond);
            Dictionary <Hla, List <int> > hlaToRespondingPatients           = Filter9xs(hlaToRespondingPatientsUnfiltered);
            List <Hla> hlaListFromRepondingPatients = new List <Hla>(hlaToRespondingPatients.Keys);

            Dictionary <Hla, bool> hlaAssignmentDicationary = new Dictionary <Hla, bool>();

            foreach (Dictionary <string, string> causeAssignmentRow in rowsOfThisPeptide)
                Hla hla = GetHlaFromRow(causeAssignmentRow, hlaResolution);
                hlaAssignmentDicationary[hla] = true;
            if (hlaWithWhichToReplaceItOrNull != null)
                hlaAssignmentDicationary.Add(hlaWithWhichToReplaceItOrNull, true);

            List <int> indexCollection = new List <int>();

            for (int hlaIndex = 0; hlaIndex < hlaListFromRepondingPatients.Count; ++hlaIndex)
                Hla hla = hlaListFromRepondingPatients[hlaIndex];
                if (hlaAssignmentDicationary.ContainsKey(hla))

            HlaAssignmentWithResponses hlaAssignment = HlaAssignmentWithResponses.GetInstance(quickscore, hlaListFromRepondingPatients,
                                                                                              indexCollection, hlaToRespondingPatients);

        //private Dictionary<string, bool> GetAList(Dictionary<string, string> row)
        //    Dictionary<string, bool> alist = new Dictionary<string, bool>();
        //    string alistValue = row["HLA In Fixed List"];
        //    foreach (string hla in alistValue.Split(' '))
        //    {
        //        Debug.Assert((hla.Length == 3 && !hla.StartsWith("B15")) || (hla.Length == 5 && hla.StartsWith("B15")));
        //        alist.Add(hla, true);
        //    }
        //    return alist;

        public static HlaAssignmentWithResponses CreateHlaAssignment(List <Dictionary <string, string> > rowsOfThisPeptide, IEnumerable <Hla> hlaList, HlaResolution hlaResolution, Quickscore <Hla, int> quickscore, List <int> patientsWhoRespond)
            //!!!this code is repeated elsewhere
            Dictionary <Hla, List <int> > hlaToRespondingPatientsUnfiltered = quickscore.CreateCauseToSubsetOfEffects(patientsWhoRespond);
            Dictionary <Hla, List <int> > hlaToRespondingPatients           = Filter9xs(hlaToRespondingPatientsUnfiltered);
            List <Hla> hlaListFromRepondingPatients = new List <Hla>(hlaToRespondingPatients.Keys);

            Dictionary <Hla, bool> hlaAssignmentDicationary = new Dictionary <Hla, bool>();

            foreach (Dictionary <string, string> causeAssignmentRow in rowsOfThisPeptide)
                Hla hla = GetHlaFromRow(causeAssignmentRow, hlaResolution);
                hlaAssignmentDicationary[hla] = true;

            HlaAssignmentWithResponses hlaAssignment = HlaAssignmentWithResponses.GetInstance(hlaAssignmentDicationary.Keys, quickscore, hlaListFromRepondingPatients,
