public static void ViewContourElevation() { var pt1 = Interaction.GetPoint("\n截线起点"); if (pt1.IsNull()) { return; } var pt2 = Interaction.GetLineEndPoint("\n截线终点", pt1); if (pt2.IsNull()) { return; } var line = NoDraw.Line(pt1, pt2); var ids = QuickSelection.SelectAll().QWhere(x => x.GetCode() == "730101" || x.GetCode() == "730102").ToList(); var temps = new List <ObjectId>(); ids.QForEach <Curve>(cv => { if (cv != null) { var points = new Point3dCollection(); Algorithms.IntersectWith3264(line, cv, Intersect.OnBothOperands, points); var text = cv.ObjectId.GetData(DictName.CmDrawing, KeyName.Elevation); points.Cast <Point3d>().ForEach(p => { temps.Add(Draw.Text(text, 2.5, p)); }); } }); Interaction.GetString("\n按ESC退出"); temps.QForEach(x => x.Erase()); }
public static void DeleteAll() { DeleteToolObject(); App.LockAndExecute(() => { ClearHighlighted(); var layerTable = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase.LayerTableId.QOpenForRead <SymbolTable>(); HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase.Clayer = layerTable["0"]; DeleteByLayer(layerTable, ProcessLayerName); DeleteByLayer(layerTable, HatchLayerName); DeleteByLayer(layerTable, GashLayerName); DeleteByLayer(layerTable, ExtraObjectsLayerName); }); void DeleteByLayer(SymbolTable layerTable, string layerName) { if (layerTable.Has(layerName)) { var ids = QuickSelection.SelectAll(FilterList.Create().Layer(layerName)); if (ids.Any()) { ids.QForEach(entity => entity.Erase()); } layerTable[layerName].Erase(); } } }
public static void ConvertPoint() { var entityID = "250"; DbHelper.AffirmRegApp(AppName.CassCode); var ids = QuickSelection.SelectAll("INSERT").QWhere(x => x.GetFirstXData(AppName.CassCode) == "202101").ToArray(); ids.SetStyles(entityID); }
//public static void HideExtraObjects(IEnumerable<Curve> curves) //{ // curves.ForEach(p => p.Visible = !p.Visible); // DeleteToolObject(); // Editor.UpdateScreen(); // //Interaction.SetActiveDocFocus(); //} public static void DeleteByLayer(string layerName) { App.LockAndExecute(() => { var ids = QuickSelection.SelectAll(FilterList.Create().Layer(layerName)); if (ids.Any()) { ids.QForEach(entity => entity.Erase()); } }); }
public static void CreateHidden() { if (QuickSelection.SelectAll("INSERT").QCount(x => (x as BlockReference).Name == Consts.Hidden) == 0) { Services.LoadDwg("Res.dwg"); ObjectId id = Draw.Insert(Consts.Hidden, Point3d.Origin); } // 创建默认打断样式 CustomDictionary.SetValue(DictName.GlobalStyles, TjCode.SeperationBreak, "5"); CustomDictionary.SetValue(DictName.GlobalStyles, TjCode.BusStop, "30|5|5|5"); }
public static void ConvertContour() { var intermediateContourID = "252"; var indexContourID = "253"; DbHelper.AffirmRegApp(AppName.CassCode); var ids1 = QuickSelection.SelectAll().QWhere(x => x is Curve && x.GetFirstXData(AppName.CassCode) == "186301").ToArray(); var ids2 = QuickSelection.SelectAll().QWhere(x => x is Curve && x.GetFirstXData(AppName.CassCode) == "186302").ToArray(); ids1.SetStyles(intermediateContourID); ids2.SetStyles(indexContourID); }
// 点击确定按钮 private void btnOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string[] list = new string[clb.CheckedItems.Count]; // 将列表复选框的所有选中项 复制到 数组中 clb.CheckedItems.CopyTo(list, 0); FilterList filterList = FilterList.Create().Layer(list); var ids = QuickSelection.SelectAll(filterList).ToArray(); // 通过 ids 设置对象为选中状态 InteractionUtil.SetPickSet(ids); // 关闭对话框 DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; Close(); }
public static void ToggleSmart() { smartVisible = !smartVisible; var ids = QuickSelection.SelectAll("INSERT").Where(x => TongJiCode.GetCode(x) == TjCode.SeperationBreak || TongJiCode.GetCode(x) == TjCode.BusStop); using (Transaction trans = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()) { foreach (var id in ids) { Entity ent = trans.GetObject(id, OpenMode.ForWrite) as Entity; ent.Visible = smartVisible; } trans.Commit(); } }
public static void ConvertCass() { var choices = EntityManager.Entities.Select(x => string.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}", x.Key, x.Value.EntityCode, x.Value.EntityName)).ToArray(); var selects = Gui.GetChoices("选择类型", choices); if (selects.Length == 0) { return; } DbHelper.AffirmRegApp(AppName.CassCode); foreach (var select in selects) { var code = select.Split('.')[0]; var entityID = select.Split('.')[1]; var ids = QuickSelection.SelectAll().QWhere(x => x.GetFirstXData(AppName.CassCode) == code).ToArray(); ids.SetStyles(entityID); } }
/// <summary> /// 清理具有Generated标记的图元 /// </summary> public static void EraseGenerated() { var readyToErase = QuickSelection.SelectAll("*LINE,ARC").Where(x => CADBase.GetFirstXData(x, AppName.Generated) == "true").ToList(); readyToErase.ForEach(x => x.Erase()); }
public static Map ExportCiml() { var map = new Map(); var layer1 = new VectorLayer("elevation_points", VectorLayer.GEOTYPE_POINT); var layer2 = new VectorLayer("contours", VectorLayer.GEOTYPE_LINEAR); var layer3 = new VectorLayer("points", VectorLayer.GEOTYPE_POINT); var layer4 = new VectorLayer("lines", VectorLayer.GEOTYPE_LINEAR); var layer5 = new VectorLayer("regions", VectorLayer.GEOTYPE_REGION); var ids = QuickSelection.SelectAll().QWhere(x => x.GetCode() != null).ToList(); ids.QForEach <Entity>(ent => { var code = ent.GetCode(); var def = EntityManager.Entities.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value.EntityCode == code).Value; if (def != null) { var points = new List <Dreambuild.Geometry.Point2D>(); if (ent is BlockReference) { var pos = (ent as BlockReference).Position; points.Add(new Dreambuild.Geometry.Point2D(pos.X, pos.Y)); } else if (ent is Polyline) { var pts = (ent as Polyline).GetPoints().ToList(); pts.ForEach(pt => points.Add(new Dreambuild.Geometry.Point2D(pt.X, pt.Y))); } else if (ent is Polyline2d) { var poly = new Polyline(); poly.ConvertFrom(ent, true); var pts = poly.GetPoints().ToList(); pts.ForEach(pt => points.Add(new Dreambuild.Geometry.Point2D(pt.X, pt.Y))); } var feature = new Feature(points); feature["code"] = code; feature["name"] = ent.GetFirstXData(Consts.AppNameForName); feature["layer"] = def.Layer; feature["color"] = def.ColorIndex.ToString(); if (def.EntityType == "Block") { feature["block"] = def.BlockName; if (code == "110102" || code == "110202" || code == "110302") { feature["height"] = (ent as BlockReference).GetBlockAttributes()["height"]; layer1.Features.Add(feature); } else { layer3.Features.Add(feature); } } else if (def.EntityType == "Line") { feature["linetype"] = def.Linetype; feature["cwidth"] = def.ConstantWidth.ToString(); if (code == "730101" || code == "730102") { feature["height"] = ent.Id.GetData(DictName.CmDrawing, KeyName.Elevation); layer2.Features.Add(feature); } else { layer4.Features.Add(feature); } } else if (def.EntityType == "Region") { feature["linetype"] = def.Linetype; feature["cwidth"] = def.ConstantWidth.ToString(); layer5.Features.Add(feature); } } }); map.Layers.AddRange(new List <ILayer> { layer1, layer2, layer3, layer4, layer5 }); return(map); }
/// <summary> /// 清理具有Generated标记的图元 /// </summary> public static void EraseGenerated() { QuickSelection.SelectAll("*LINE,ARC").QWhere(x => x.HasTag(TagName.Generated)).QForEach(x => x.Erase()); }
public void exportleo() { DocumentCollection docCol = Application.DocumentManager; Database db = docCol.MdiActiveDocument.Database; Editor editor = docCol.MdiActiveDocument.Editor; Document doc = docCol.MdiActiveDocument; using (Transaction tx = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()) { var plines = QuickSelection.SelectAll("LWPOLYLINE").QWhere(x => x.Layer == "RØR INSTRUMENT SIGNAL").ToList(); editor.WriteMessage($"\nPlines collected {plines.Count}"); plines.QOpenForWrite <Polyline>(listToExplode => { foreach (var poly in listToExplode) { Modify.Explode(poly.ObjectId); } }); var rumPolyIds = QuickSelection.SelectAll("LWPOLYLINE").QWhere(x => x.Layer == "RUM DELER").ToList(); editor.WriteMessage($"\nCollected {rumPolyIds.Count} rum polylines."); rumPolyIds.QOpenForWrite <Polyline>(listToClean => { foreach (var poly in listToClean) { Algorithms.PolyClean_RemoveDuplicatedVertex(poly); } }); List <(string Tag, string RoomNr)> tagRoomlist = new List <(string Tag, string RoomNr)>(); int i = 0; List <BlockReference> AllBlocks = new List <BlockReference>(); var rumPolys = rumPolyIds.QOpenForRead <Polyline>(); foreach (Polyline pline in rumPolys) { i++; editor.WriteMessage($"\nProcessing polyline number {i}."); List <BlockReference> blocks = new List <BlockReference>(); PromptSelectionResult selection = editor.SelectByPolyline(pline, ExtensionMethods.PolygonSelectionMode.Window, new TypedValue(0, "INSERT")); if (selection.Status == PromptStatus.OK) { SelectionSet set = selection.Value; foreach (SelectedObject selObj in set) { if (selObj != null) { BlockReference block = tx.GetObject(selObj.ObjectId, OpenMode.ForRead) as BlockReference; blocks.Add(block); AllBlocks.Add(block); } } } else { editor.WriteMessage($"\nPolyline number {i} failed the selection!"); } BlockReference roomNumberBlock = blocks.Where(x => x.Name == "rumnummer").FirstOrDefault(); if (roomNumberBlock == null) { continue; } string roomNumber = roomNumberBlock.GetBlockAttribute("ROOMNO"); editor.WriteMessage($"\nRoom nr.: {roomNumber}"); foreach (BlockReference br in blocks) { string tagValue = string.Empty; var attrs = br.GetBlockAttributes(); if (attrs.ContainsKey("TEXT1")) { tagValue = attrs["TEXT1"]; } else if (attrs.ContainsKey("TAG")) { tagValue = attrs["TAG"]; } else { continue; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(roomNumber)) { tagRoomlist.Add((tagValue, roomNumber)); } } } //Sort the pairs list tagRoomlist = tagRoomlist.OrderBy(x => x.Tag).ToList(); //Export to excel xel.Application excel = new xel.Application(); if (null == excel) { throw new System.Exception("Failed to start EXCEL!"); } excel.Visible = true; xel.Workbook workbook = excel.Workbooks.Add(Missing.Value); xel.Worksheet worksheet; worksheet = excel.ActiveSheet as xel.Worksheet; worksheet.Name = "LeoExport"; worksheet.Columns.ColumnWidth = 15; int row = 1; int col = 1; foreach (var pair in tagRoomlist) { worksheet.Rows[row].Cells[col] = pair.Tag; worksheet.Rows[row].Cells[col + 1] = pair.RoomNr; //worksheet.Cells[row, col] = pair.Item1; //worksheet.Cells[row, col+1] = pair.Item2; row++; } } }
public void detectdupes() { DocumentCollection docCol = Application.DocumentManager; Database db = docCol.MdiActiveDocument.Database; Editor editor = docCol.MdiActiveDocument.Editor; Document doc = docCol.MdiActiveDocument; var ids = QuickSelection.SelectAll("INSERT").QWhere(x => x.Layer == "SYMBOL"); editor.WriteMessage($"\nSymbol blocks found in drawing: {ids.Count()}."); List <(string Tag, ObjectId id)> tagIdPairs = new List <(string Tag, ObjectId id)>(); var blocks = ids.QOpenForRead <BlockReference>(); //int count = 1; foreach (BlockReference br in blocks) { var attrs = br.GetBlockAttributes(); if (attrs.ContainsKey("TEXT1")) { string tagText = attrs["TEXT1"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tagText)) { continue; } tagIdPairs.Add((tagText, br.ObjectId)); //editor.WriteMessage($"\n{count}: {attrs["TEXT1"]}"); //count++; } else if (attrs.ContainsKey("TAG")) { string tagText = attrs["TAG"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tagText)) { continue; } tagIdPairs.Add((tagText, br.ObjectId)); //editor.WriteMessage($"\n{count}: {attrs["TAG"]}"); //count++; } else { //editor.WriteMessage($"\n{count}: NON-TAGGED"); //count++; } } var groupByTag = tagIdPairs.GroupBy(x => x.Tag); var groupsWithDuplicates = groupByTag.Where(x => x.Count() > 1); if (groupsWithDuplicates.Count() < 1) { editor.WriteMessage("\nNo duplicates found!"); } else { var groupWithDuplicates = groupsWithDuplicates.FirstOrDefault(); editor.WriteMessage($"\nDuplicate tag: {groupWithDuplicates.Key}."); List <ObjectId> duplicateIds = new List <ObjectId>(groupWithDuplicates.Count()); foreach (var dupe in groupWithDuplicates) { duplicateIds.Add(; //editor.WriteMessage($"\n{}"); } Autodesk.AutoCAD.Internal.Utils.SelectObjects(duplicateIds.ToArray()); Interaction.ZoomObjects(duplicateIds); } }