protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { QuickPMWebsite.DatabaseSettings.UpdateDatabaseConnectionString(HttpContext.Current.Profile, Request); DateTime date = DateTime.Today; int year = DateTime.Today.Year; int month = DateTime.Today.Month; if (Int32.TryParse(Request["Year"], out year) && Int32.TryParse(Request["Month"], out month)) { date = new DateTime(year, month, 1); } int propertyId; if (!Int32.TryParse(Request["PropertyId"], out propertyId)) { //return null; } QuickPM.Property property = new QuickPM.Property(propertyId); string fileName = Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + "/App_Data/Tmp/" + "RentRoll.pdf"; //System.IO.FileStream file = new System.IO.FileStream(fileName, System.IO.FileMode.Create); QuickPMWebsite.RentRollCSV.GenerateRentRollPdf(property.Id, false, new QuickPM.Period(date.Year, date.Month), fileName); //doc.Data = new UTF8Encoding(true).GetBytes("test"); //file.Write(doc.Data, 0, doc.Data.Length); //long fileLength = file.Length; //file.Close(); Response.Clear(); Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + "RentRoll.pdf"); //Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", fileLength.ToString()); Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"; Response.WriteFile(fileName); Response.End(); }
public void CreateProperty() { string address = "add1"; int rentindex1 = 0; string rent1 = "Min Rent"; int rentindex2 = 1; string rent2 = "Addl Rent"; string legalName = "Legal Name"; string name = "Name"; int chartOfAccount = 1001; bool active = false; //Create a new Property. QuickPM.Property p = new QuickPM.Property(2); p.Active = active; p.Address = address; p.ChartOfAccounts = new Dictionary<int, int>(); p.ChartOfAccounts[rentindex1] = 1001; p.RentTypes.Add(rent1); p.LegalName = legalName; p.Name = name; p.AddRentType(rent2); p.Save(); //Load the property from the database; p = new QuickPM.Property(2); Assert.AreEqual(address, p.Address); Assert.AreEqual(active, p.Active); Assert.AreEqual(p.ChartOfAccounts[rentindex1], chartOfAccount); Assert.AreEqual(p.RentTypes[0], rent1); Assert.AreEqual(legalName, p.LegalName); Assert.AreEqual(name, p.Name); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Request["Id"] == null) { return; } unit = new QuickPM.PropertyUnit(long.Parse(Request["Id"])); if (!IsPostBack) { ListItem it = new ListItem("None", ""); it.Selected = "" == unit.GetCurrentTenantId(); DropDownListTenant.Items.Add(it); QuickPM.Property property = new QuickPM.Property(unit.PropertyId); foreach (string tenantId in property.GetTenantIds()) { QuickPM.Tenant tenant = new QuickPM.Tenant(tenantId); ListItem item = new ListItem(tenant.GetShortName(), tenant.TenantId); item.Selected = tenantId == unit.GetCurrentTenantId(); DropDownListTenant.Items.Add(item); } TextBoxAreaSize.Text = unit.AreaSize; TextBoxNotes.Text = unit.Notes; TextBoxOutsideAreaSize.Text = unit.AreaSizeOutside; TextBoxSqFt.Text = unit.SqFt.ToString(); TextBoxSqFtOutside.Text = unit.SqFtOutside.ToString(); TextBoxUnitNumber.Text = unit.UnitNumber; RadioButtonListHasOutside.Items[0].Selected = unit.HasOutside; RadioButtonListHasOutside.Items[1].Selected = !unit.HasOutside; } }
protected void ButtonSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string rentTypeName = TextBoxName.Text.Trim(); int rentTypeIndex = Int32.Parse(Request["RentNum"]); int chartOfAccount = 0; if (TextBoxChartOfAccount.Text.Trim() != "") { if (!Int32.TryParse(TextBoxChartOfAccount.Text, out chartOfAccount)) { Session["Error"] = "<font color=\"red\"> Please enter a number for the chart of account</font>"; return; } } QuickPM.Property property = new QuickPM.Property(Int32.Parse(Request["PropertyId"])); if (property.RentTypes.IndexOf(rentTypeName) != -1 && rentTypeName != property.RentTypes[rentTypeIndex]) { Session["Error"] = "<font color=\"red\"> That name is already taken</font>"; return; } if (!QuickPM.Property.ValidRentType(rentTypeName)) { Session["Error"] = "<font color=\"red\">Please only use letters, numbers, and % for the name</font>"; return; } property.RentTypes[rentTypeIndex] = rentTypeName; property.ChartOfAccounts[rentTypeIndex] = chartOfAccount; property.Save(); Response.Redirect("PropertyPage.aspx?PropertyId=" + property.Id); }
protected QuickPM.Property GetProperty() { if (property == null) { property = new QuickPM.Property(PropertyId); } return property; }
public static void CreateProperty(int number) { QuickPM.Property p = new QuickPM.Property(number); p.Active = true; p.RentTypes.Add("Rent"); p.ChartOfAccounts.Add(p.RentTypes.IndexOf("Rent"), 1); p.Name = "Property #1"; p.Save(); }
public void AddRentType() { QuickPM.Property p = new QuickPM.Property(propertyNumber); Assert.AreEqual(false, p.AddRentType(null)); Assert.AreEqual(false, p.AddRentType("")); p.AddRentType("r"); Assert.AreEqual(true, p.AddRentType("r")); Assert.AreEqual(false, p.AddRentType("^"));//It's an error to use ^ in the rent type name. }
protected void LoadProperty() { string sPropertyId = Request["PropertyId"]; if (sPropertyId == null) { return; } long PropertyId = long.Parse(sPropertyId); property = new QuickPM.Property(PropertyId); }
public void AddDocument() { QuickPM.Property p = new QuickPM.Property(propertyNumber); QuickPM.Document doc = new QuickPM.Document(); doc.Save(); p.AddDocumentId(doc.Id); p.Save(); p = new QuickPM.Property(propertyNumber); Assert.AreEqual(p.DocumentIds[0], doc.Id); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { QuickPM.Property property = new QuickPM.Property(Int32.Parse(Request["PropertyId"])); int rentTypeIndex = Int32.Parse(Request["RentNum"]); if (property.ChartOfAccounts.ContainsKey(rentTypeIndex)) { TextBoxChartOfAccount.Text = property.ChartOfAccounts[rentTypeIndex].ToString(); } TextBoxName.Text = property.RentTypes[rentTypeIndex]; } }
protected void DropDownListTenants_IndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { string tenantId = DropDownListTenants.SelectedValue; DropDownListRentTypes.Items.Clear(); QuickPM.Property property = new QuickPM.Property(QuickPM.Util.GetPropertyId(tenantId)); for (int i = 0; i < property.RentTypes.Count; i++) { DropDownListRentTypes.Items.Add(new ListItem(property.RentTypes[i], i.ToString())); } if (DropDownListRentTypes.Items.Count > 0) { DropDownListRentTypes.Items[0].Selected = true; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { long id = 0; if (Request["PropertyId"] != null && long.TryParse(Request["PropertyId"], out id)) { List<string> tenantIds = new QuickPM.Property(id).GetTenantIds(); List<object> places = new List<object>(); foreach (string tenantId in tenantIds) { places.Add(new QuickPM.Tenant(tenantId)); } ((Maps_MapControl)Map).Places = places; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sProp = Request["PropertyId"]; if (sProp == null) { return; } int pNum; if (!Int32.TryParse(sProp, out pNum)) { return; } property = new QuickPM.Property(pNum); GetUnits(); if (Request.Form["__EVENTTARGET"] == "DeleteUnit") { DeleteUnit(Request.Form["__EVENTARGUMENT"]); } if (!IsPostBack) { DropDownListTenant.Items.Add(new ListItem("None", "")); foreach (string tenantId in property.GetTenantIds()) { QuickPM.Tenant tenant = new QuickPM.Tenant(tenantId); string text = "" + tenant.TenantId + " " + tenant.Name; //text = tenant.Name; text = text.Length > 20 ? text.Substring(0, 20) : text; DropDownListTenant.Items.Add(new ListItem(text, tenant.TenantId)); } } bool canWrite = property.ACL.CanWrite(QuickPM.Database.GetUserId()); ButtonAdd.Visible = canWrite; ButtonAdd.Enabled = canWrite; DropDownListTenant.Visible = canWrite; TextBoxUnitNumber.Visible = canWrite; TextBoxSqFt.Visible = canWrite; TextBoxAreaSize.Visible = canWrite; RadioButtonListHasOutside.Visible = canWrite; TextBoxSqFtOutside.Visible = canWrite; TextBoxOutsideAreaSize.Visible = canWrite; TextBoxNotes.Visible = canWrite; if (!canWrite) { QuickPMWebsite.AppCode.DisableControls.DisableTextBoxControls(Page); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { all = CheckBoxInactive.Checked; long propertyId = 0; if (Request["PropertyId"] == null || !long.TryParse(Request["PropertyId"], out propertyId)) { property = new QuickPM.Property(); } else { property = new QuickPM.Property(propertyId); } bool canWrite = property.ACL.CanWrite(QuickPM.Database.GetUserId()); LinkButtonAddTenant.Visible = canWrite; LinkButtonAddTenant.Enabled = canWrite; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { QuickPMWebsite.DatabaseSettings.UpdateDatabaseConnectionString(HttpContext.Current.Profile, Request); long propertyId; if (!long.TryParse(Request["PropertyId"], out propertyId)) { return; } QuickPM.Property property = new QuickPM.Property(propertyId); /*string fileName = Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + "/App_Data/Tmp/" + "RentRoll.pdf";*/ //System.IO.FileStream file = new System.IO.FileStream(fileName, System.IO.FileMode.Create); string tenantContactInformation = QuickPMWebsite.ContactInformationCsv.GenerateContactInformationCsv(property.Id, false, new QuickPM.Period(DateTime.Today.Year, DateTime.Today.Month)); Response.Clear(); Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + "TenantContactInformation.csv"); Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"; Response.Write(tenantContactInformation); Response.End(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { QuickPMWebsite.DatabaseSettings.UpdateDatabaseConnectionString(HttpContext.Current.Profile, this.Request); if (Request["PropertyId"] != null) { int number; if (Int32.TryParse(Request["PropertyId"], out number)) { property = new QuickPM.Property(number); } } if (!IsPostBack) { for (int year = DateTime.Today.Year - 5; year <= DateTime.Today.Year + 5; year++) { ListItem item = new ListItem(year.ToString()); item.Selected = (year == DateTime.Today.Year + 1); DropDownListBeginYear.Items.Add(item); DropDownListEndYear.Items.Add(item); } DropDownListEndMonth.SelectedValue = "December"; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { QuickPMWebsite.DatabaseSettings.UpdateDatabaseConnectionString(HttpContext.Current.Profile, Request); if (Request["ebid"] != null) { eb = new QuickPM.ExpenseList(new Guid(Request["ebid"])); } else { return; } property = new QuickPM.Property(eb.PropertyId); units = QuickPM.PropertyUnit.FindUnits(eb.PropertyId); List<string> tenantIds = property.GetTenantIds(); units = QuickPM.PropertyUnit.FindUnits(property.Id); foreach (string tenantId in tenantIds) { QuickPM.Tenant tenant = new QuickPM.Tenant(tenantId); bool needToAdd = true; foreach (QuickPM.PropertyUnit unit in units) { if (unit.GetCurrentTenantId() == tenant.TenantId) { needToAdd = false; break; } } if (needToAdd) { QuickPM.PropertyUnit unit = new QuickPM.PropertyUnit("", tenant.Property, ""); unit.Save(); //tenant.Prop //tenant.PropertyUnitId = unit.Id; tenant.Save(); units.Add(unit); } } if (Request.Form["__EVENTTARGET"] == "ExpenseSelectionChanged") { ExpenseSelectionChanged(Request.Form["__EVENTARGUMENT"]); } }
public void CompareProperties() { QuickPM.Property p = new QuickPM.Property(propertyNumber); QuickPM.Property p2 = new QuickPM.Property(propertyNumber + 1); Assert.AreEqual(-1, QuickPM.Property.Compare(p, p2)); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { QuickPM.Property property = new QuickPM.Property(GetPropertyId()); LinkButtonAddWorkOrder.Visible = property.ACL.CanWrite(QuickPM.Database.GetUserId()); }
private void LoadProperty() { if (PropertyList.SelectedValue == "") { return; } int PropertyId = Int32.Parse(PropertyList.SelectedValue); property = new QuickPM.Property(PropertyId); property = new QuickPM.Property(PropertyId); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (QuickPM.Util.GetPropertyIds().Length == 0) { return; } long iPropertyId = QuickPM.Util.GetPropertyIds()[0]; if (Request["PropertyId"] != null) { Int64.TryParse(Request["PropertyId"], out iPropertyId); } if (!IsPostBack) { foreach (int PropertyId in QuickPM.Util.GetPropertyIds()) { QuickPM.Property p = new QuickPM.Property(PropertyId); ListItem item = new ListItem(p.Name + " (#" + PropertyId + ")", p.Id.ToString()); item.Selected = p.Id == iPropertyId; DropDownListProperty.Items.Add(item); } ListItem it = new ListItem("Other", "-1"); it.Selected = iPropertyId == -1; DropDownListProperty.Items.Add(it); } string sPropertyId = DropDownListProperty.SelectedValue; if (sPropertyId == null) { return; } long pNumber; if (!long.TryParse(sPropertyId, out pNumber)) { return; } this.PropertyId = pNumber; }
public void GetTenantIds() { QuickPM.Property p = new QuickPM.Property(propertyNumber); QuickPM.Tenant tenant = new QuickPM.Tenant(QuickPM.Util.FormatTenantId(propertyNumber.ToString() + "-01")); tenant.Save(); Assert.AreEqual(1, p.GetTenantIds().Count); Assert.AreEqual(1, p.GetTenantIds(true).Count); Assert.AreEqual(tenant.Id, p.GetTenantIds()[0]); Assert.AreEqual(tenant.Id, p.GetTenantIds(true)[0]); tenant.EndDate = new DateTime(DateTime.Today.Year - 1, 1, 1); tenant.CreatedDate = tenant.EndDate; tenant.Save(); Assert.AreEqual(0, p.GetTenantIds().Count); Assert.AreEqual(1, p.GetTenantIds(true).Count); }
public void Setters() { QuickPM.Property p = new QuickPM.Property(); p.Number = 1; p.DocumentIds = new List<long>(); p.RemitInfoId = p.Number; List<string> rentTypes = new List<string>(new string[] { "Rent"}); p.RentTypes = rentTypes; rentTypes.Add("^"); try { p.RentTypes = rentTypes; } catch (Exception e) { if (e.Message != "Invalid rent type.") { throw e; } } }
public void GetDocumentIds() { QuickPM.Property p = new QuickPM.Property(propertyNumber); Assert.AreEqual(0, p.DocumentIds.Count); QuickPM.Document doc = new QuickPM.Document(); doc.Save(); p.DocumentIds.Add(doc.Id); p.Save(); p = new QuickPM.Property(p.Number); Assert.AreEqual(1, p.DocumentIds.Count); Assert.AreEqual(doc.Id, p.DocumentIds[0]); Assert.AreEqual(doc.Id, p.GetDocumentIds()[0]); p.RemoveDocumentId(doc.Id); p.Save(); p = new QuickPM.Property(p.Number); Assert.AreEqual(0, p.DocumentIds.Count); }
public void FindDelinquentTenants() { string rent1 = "Rent"; QuickPM.Property p = new QuickPM.Property(propertyNumber); p.AddRentType(rent1); p.Save(); QuickPM.Tenant tenant = new QuickPM.Tenant(QuickPM.Util.FormatTenantId(propertyNumber.ToString() + "-01")); tenant.CreatedDate = DateTime.MinValue; tenant.Save(); Dictionary<string, decimal> rents = new Dictionary<string,decimal>(); rents.Add(rent1, 100); QuickPM.Util.AddBillingAndARRecords(tenant.Id, 1, 1, new DateTime(DateTime.Today.Year - 1, DateTime.Today.Month, 1), new DateTime(DateTime.Today.Year, DateTime.Today.Month, 1), rents); p.FindDelinquentTenants((float)1.0); return; /*Assert.AreEqual(1, p.FindDelinquentTenants((float)1.0).Count); Assert.AreEqual(1, p.FindDelinquentTenants((int)60).Count); Assert.AreEqual(0, p.FindDelinquentTenants((float)10000).Count); QuickPM.Check check = new QuickPM.Check(); check.TenantId = tenant.Id; check.ARRecordDate = new DateTime(DateTime.Today.Year - 1, 1, 1); check.CheckDate = DateTime.Today; check.Number = "1"; check.ReceivedDate = DateTime.Today; check.Amount = 100; check.AutoApply(new QuickPM.Period(check.ARRecordDate.Year, check.ARRecordDate.Month)); check.Save(); Assert.AreEqual(0, p.FindDelinquentTenants((int)600).Count);*/ }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { QuickPMWebsite.DatabaseSettings.UpdateDatabaseConnectionString(HttpContext.Current.Profile, Request); if (IsPostBack) { return; } int year = DateTime.Now.Year; for (int y = year - 5; y <= year + 5; y++) { ListItem item = new ListItem(y.ToString()); if ((y == DateTime.Now.Year && DateTime.Today.Month < 12) || (y == DateTime.Now.Year + 1 && DateTime.Today.Month == 12)) { item.Selected = true; } DropDownListYear.Items.Add(item); } DropDownListMonth.SelectedIndex = DateTime.Today.Month < 12 ? DateTime.Today.Month : 0; long[] propertyIds = QuickPM.Util.GetPropertyIds(); foreach (int propertyId in propertyIds) { QuickPM.Property property = new QuickPM.Property(propertyId); DropDownListPropertyId.Items.Add(new ListItem(property.Name + " (#" + propertyId + ")", propertyId.ToString())); } if (DropDownListPropertyId.Items.Count > 0) { DropDownListPropertyId.Items[0].Selected = true; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { QuickPMWebsite.DatabaseSettings.UpdateDatabaseConnectionString(HttpContext.Current.Profile, Request); if (QuickPM.Util.GetPropertyIds().Length == 0) { return; } long iPropertyId = QuickPM.Util.GetPropertyIds()[0]; this.PropertyId = iPropertyId; if (Request["PropertyId"] != null) { if(long.TryParse(Request["PropertyId"], out iPropertyId)){ this.PropertyId = iPropertyId; } } if (!IsPostBack) { foreach (int PropertyId in QuickPM.Util.GetPropertyIds()) { QuickPM.Property p = new QuickPM.Property(PropertyId); ListItem item = new ListItem(p.Name + " (#" + PropertyId + ")", p.Id.ToString()); if (p.Id == iPropertyId) { item.Selected = true; } DropDownListProperty.Items.Add(item); } } period = null; period = GetCurrentPeriod(); QuickPM.Property pp = new QuickPM.Property(this.PropertyId); if (DropDownListTenant.Items.Count == 0 || QuickPM.Util.GetPropertyId(DropDownListTenant.Items[0].Value) != pp.Id) { DropDownListTenant.Items.Clear(); foreach (string tenantId in pp.GetTenantIds()) { QuickPM.Tenant t = new QuickPM.Tenant(tenantId); string PropertyId = QuickPM.Util.GetPropertyId(t.TenantId).ToString(); PropertyId = PropertyId.Length < 2 ? "0" + PropertyId : PropertyId; string tenantNumber = t.TenantId.Split(new char[] { '-' })[1]; DropDownListTenant.Items.Add(new ListItem(t.GetShortName() + " (#" + PropertyId + "-" + tenantNumber + ")", t.TenantId)); } DropDownListTenant.Items.Add(new ListItem("(" + pp.Name + ")", pp.Id.ToString())); } if (Request.Form["__EVENTTARGET"] == "DepositDateChanged") { DepositDateChanged(Request.Form["__EVENTARGUMENT"]); } if (Request.Form["__EVENTTARGET"] == "AddDepositEntry") { AddDepositEntry(Request.Form["__EVENTARGUMENT"]); } if (Request.Form["__EVENTTARGET"] == "DeleteDeposit") { DeleteDeposit(Request.Form["__EVENTARGUMENT"]); } if (Request.Form["__EVENTTARGET"] == "DeleteDepositEntry") { DeleteDepositEntry(Request.Form["__EVENTARGUMENT"]); } if (Request.Form["__EVENTTARGET"] == "ChangeQuickBooksImported") { ChangeQuickBooksImported(Request.Form["__EVENTARGUMENT"]); } deposits = QuickPM.Deposit.GetDeposits(this.PropertyId, period.Year, period.Month); if (Request.Form["__EVENTTARGET"] == "FinishDeposit") { FinishDeposit(Request.Form["__EVENTARGUMENT"]); } //if(IsPostBack && period != null) }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { QuickPMWebsite.DatabaseSettings.UpdateDatabaseConnectionString(HttpContext.Current.Profile, this.Request); if (Request["PropertyId"] != null) { int number; if (Int32.TryParse(Request["PropertyId"], out number)) { property = new QuickPM.Property(number); } } if (Request["EBId"] == null) { return; } eb = new QuickPM.ExpenseList(new Guid(Request["EBId"])); if (!IsPostBack) { Session["BudgetExpenses"] = GenerateBudgetExpenses(); Session["BudgetIncome"] = GenerateBudget(); } }
protected void ButtonGenerateChart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { moneyReceived = new List<decimal>(); tenantPaid = new Dictionary<string, decimal>(); months = new List<long>(); int beginYear = Convert.ToInt32(DropDownListBeginYear.SelectedValue); int beginMonth = QuickPM.Util.ConvertMonthToInt(DropDownListBeginMonth.SelectedValue); int endYear = Convert.ToInt32(DropDownListEndYear.SelectedValue); int endMonth = QuickPM.Util.ConvertMonthToInt(DropDownListEndMonth.SelectedValue); QuickPM.Period beginPeriod = new QuickPM.Period(beginYear, beginMonth); QuickPM.Period endPeriod = new QuickPM.Period(endYear, endMonth); if (endMonth == beginMonth && endYear == beginYear) { endPeriod = endPeriod.AddMonth(); } int property; if (Request["PropertyId"] == null) { string selectedValue = this.PropertyList.SelectedValue; string[] tmp = selectedValue.Split(new char[] { ' ' }); property = Convert.ToInt32(tmp[0]); } else { property = Convert.ToInt32(Request["PropertyId"]); } = new QuickPM.Property(property); for (QuickPM.Period p = beginPeriod; p <= endPeriod; p = p.AddMonth()) { months.Add((new DateTime(p.Year, p.Month, 1).Ticks) - (new DateTime(1970, 1, 1).Ticks)); decimal received = 0; List<string> profileIds = new List<string>(QuickPM.Database.GetPropertyTenantIds(, p)); foreach (string profileId in profileIds) { QuickPM.Tenant tenant = new QuickPM.Tenant(profileId); string shortName = tenant.GetShortName(); List<QuickPM.Check> checks = QuickPM.Database.GetChecks(profileId, p); List<QuickPM.NSFCheck> nsfChecks = QuickPM.Database.GetNSFChecks(profileId, p); foreach (QuickPM.Check c in checks) { received += c.Amount; if (!tenantPaid.ContainsKey(shortName)) { tenantPaid[shortName] = 0m; } tenantPaid[shortName] += c.Amount; } foreach (QuickPM.NSFCheck n in nsfChecks) { received += n.Amount; if (!tenantPaid.ContainsKey(shortName)) { tenantPaid[shortName] = 0m; } tenantPaid[shortName] += n.Amount; } } moneyReceived.Add(received); } CreateTenantList(); }
protected void ButtonEmail_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { QuickPM.Property property = new QuickPM.Property(GetPropertyId()); List<string> tenantIds = property.GetTenantIds(); string html = "<table id=\"email\" cellspacing=\"0px\" cellpadding=\"10px\">" + @" <tr> <th>Tenant Name/Id</th><th>Email</th><th>Status</th> </tr> "; int year = Int32.Parse(DropDownListYear.SelectedValue); int month = QuickPM.Util.ConvertMonthToInt(DropDownListMonth.SelectedValue); foreach (string tenantId in tenantIds) { QuickPM.Tenant tenant = new QuickPM.Tenant(tenantId); string email = tenant.BillingEmail; string status = ""; if (email.Trim() != "") { PrintTenantBilling.url = "" + "/Public/Tenant.aspx"; PDFjet.NET.PDF document = PrintBillings.GetPdf(tenantId, year, month); QuickPM.RemitInfo remitInfo = new QuickPM.RemitInfo(tenant.Property); string filePath = Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + "\\App_Data\\tmpbilling.pdf"; document.Save(filePath); System.IO.Stream stream = new System.IO.FileStream(filePath, System.IO.FileMode.Open); status = "Sent"; string questions = remitInfo.Email.Trim() != "" ? "\r\nIf you have a question about your billing statement please email " + remitInfo.Email : ""; string message = "Please see the attached pdf for your billing statement.\r\nThis is an automated message, do not respond. " + questions; try { SendEmail.Send(email, new QuickPM.Period(year, month).ToString() + " " + "Billing Statement", message, Request.PhysicalApplicationPath, stream, "BillingStatement.pdf"); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is System.Net.Mail.SmtpFailedRecipientException) { status = "Failed to send email"; } else if (ex is System.Net.Mail.SmtpFailedRecipientsException) { status = "Failed to send email"; } else { status = "Unknown error"; } }finally { stream.Close(); System.IO.File.Delete(filePath); } } html += "<tr>"; string billingemail = tenant.BillingEmail.Trim() != "" ? tenant.BillingEmail.Trim() : "No Email"; html += "<td>" + "<a href=" + QuickPMWebsite.AppCode.Link.LinkTo(tenant, this, HttpContext.Current.Profile.IsAnonymous) + ">" + tenant.Name + " (#" + tenantId + ")" + "</a>" + "</td>" + "<td>" + billingemail + "</td>" + "<td>" + status + "</td>"; html += "</tr>"; } html += "</table>"; Session["email"] = html; }