private static void ProcessQueue(object discard) { Log.Info("Processing queue."); // check memory usage /*var memStatus = new WinBase.MEMORYSTATUSEX(); * float installedMemory = 10; * if (Kernel32.GlobalMemoryStatusEx(memStatus)) * { * installedMemory = (float)memStatus.ullAvailPhys/memStatus.ullTotalPhys*100; * } * * // check network usage * const string TEMPFILE = "tempfile.tmp"; * var webClient = new System.Net.WebClient(); * * Console.WriteLine("Downloading file...."); * * var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); * webClient.DownloadFile("", TEMPFILE); * sw.Stop(); * * var fileInfo = new FileInfo(TEMPFILE); * var speed = fileInfo.Length / sw.Elapsed.Seconds; * * Console.WriteLine("Download duration: {0}", sw.Elapsed); * Console.WriteLine("File size: {0}", fileInfo.Length.ToString("N0")); * Console.WriteLine("Speed: {0} bps ", speed.ToString("N0")); * * // check cpu usage * if (CpuCounter.NextValue() < 90 && * installedMemory > 10) * { */ // we don't want the queue changing while we are getting the current list lock (QueueLock) { var items = QueuingContext.ActivityQueues .Where(x => x.TimeStarted == null && x.TimeCompleted == null && x.TimeAdded >= Start) .ToList(); foreach (var item in items) { try { item.TimeStarted = DateTime.UtcNow; QueuingContext.SubmitChanges(); ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(ExecuteActivity, item.Id); Log.Info(string.Format("Queued activity: {0}", item.Id)); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(string.Format("Error queuing: {0}", item.Id), ex); } } } }
private static void ExecuteActivity(object state) { var id = (int)state; Log.Info(string.Format("Starting activity: {0}", id)); Utilities.Activity activity; Utilities.Trigger trigger; ActivityQueue queue; // update the time started on the queue try { lock (QueueLock) { queue = QueuingContext.ActivityQueues.First(x => x.Id == id); } trigger = Triggers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Entity.Id == queue.TriggerId); if (trigger == null) { throw new Exception("Trigger doesn't exist."); } activity = Activities.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Entity.Id == queue.ActivityId); if (activity == null) { throw new Exception("Activity doesn't exist."); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("An error occurred while saving the start time of the activity.", ex); return; } Log.Info(string.Format("Executing activity: {0}", id)); try { var serializer = new SoapFormatter(); using (var stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(queue.State))) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += LoadComponentAssembly; var paramState = serializer.Deserialize(stream); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve -= LoadComponentAssembly; if (paramState as StoredQuery != null) { paramState = ((StoredQuery)paramState).Expression; } activity.Execute(paramState, queue, trigger); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error( string.Format("An exception occured while executing activity: {0} {1}", activity.Entity.Id, activity.Entity.Type), ex); } // change the timecompleted on the queue item try { lock (QueueLock) { QueuingContext.ActivityQueues .First(x => x.Id == queue.Id) .TimeCompleted = DateTime.UtcNow; QueuingContext.SubmitChanges(); } if (ActivityCompleted != null) { ActivityCompleted(activity); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error( string.Format("There was an error removing the activity from the queue: {0}", queue.Id), ex); } }
private static void Triggered(Utilities.Trigger trigger, object state) { Log.Info(string.Format("Triggered by: {0}", trigger.Entity.Type)); // queue the trigger for processing var activityTriggers = trigger.Entity.ActivityTriggers .Select(x => Activities .FirstOrDefault(y => y.Entity.Id == x.ActivityId)) .Where(x => x != null && x.Enabled) .ToList(); if (!activityTriggers.Any()) { Log.Info("No enabled activites, exiting."); return; } // try to serialize state information try { using (var mem = new MemoryStream()) { var serlializer = new SoapFormatter { AssemblyFormat = FormatterAssemblyStyle.Full }; // store in an object so we know what to expect if (state as Expression != null) { state = new StoredQuery((Expression)state); } serlializer.Serialize(mem, state); state = Encoding.Default.GetString(mem.ToArray()); var insertQueue = activityTriggers.Select(activity => { Log.Info(string.Format("Queuing activity [{0}] due to trigger [{1}].", activity.Entity.Type, trigger.Entity.Type)); var queue = new ActivityQueue { TriggerId = trigger.Entity.Id, ActivityId = activity.Entity.Id, State = state.ToString(), TimeAdded = DateTime.UtcNow }; if (queue.TriggerId == 7 && queue.ActivityId == 8) { } return(queue); }); lock (QueueLock) { QueuingContext.ActivityQueues.InsertAllOnSubmit(insertQueue); QueuingContext.SubmitChanges(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Error queuing triggered activities.", ex); } ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(ProcessQueue); }