public void OnScriptComplete(InteractionScript script,string error){ lastScriptExecuted = script; lastScriptExecutedTime = Time.time; //Debug.Log (name+" before dequeuing, count is "+scriptQueue.Count); // error might tell us this was aborted, how should we handle it ? abort the whole stack ? possibly. // QueuedScript completedScript = if (scriptStack.Count > 0) scriptStack.Pop(); // if there is anything still on the stack, updates will start giong to it, if (scriptStack.Count > 0) return; // if the stack is empty, see if there is a queued script waiting to be executed... //Q QueuedScript dequeuedScript = scriptQueue.Dequeue(); foreach (object obj in scriptArray){ if ((obj as QueuedScript).executing){ currentScript = null; script.queueCount--; scriptArray.Remove(obj); break; } } // scriptArray.Remove(currentScript); // we could remove this when we start it running instead of here... if (scriptArray.Count > 0){ // here is where we get intelligent about what to do next...for all the queued scripts, find the highest priority one which is ready to run right now. // if there isn't one, schedule update to keep checking until there is. //QueuedScript qs = scriptQueue.Peek(); QueuedScript qs = FindBestScript(); //scriptArray[0] as QueuedScript; // pick the highest priority ready to run script in the queue... if (qs != null){ qs.executing = true; ExecuteScript(qs.script,qs.args,qs.obj); } else { checkForScriptReady=true; } } }
public void AbortAllScripts(){ if (myOI as TaskCharacter != null) { // only do this for task characters myOI.actingInScript = null; myOI.reservedForScript = null; if ((myOI as TaskCharacter).executingScript != null) (myOI as TaskCharacter).executingScript.Cancel(); (myOI as TaskCharacter).executingScript = null; } // FlushScriptQueue (); scriptArray.Clear (); while (scriptStack.Count > 0) scriptStack.Pop (); if (currentScript != null) // there is an abort method on the script but it doesnt do very much... currentScript.script.OnScriptComplete ("abort"); currentScript = null; }
public void QueueScript(InteractionScript script, string args, GameObject obj, int priority=0){ if (script == null){ Debug.LogError("Tried to queue null script - ignored"); return; } QueuedScript qs = new QueuedScript(); qs.script = script; qs.args = args; qs.obj = obj; qs.priority = priority; //Q scriptQueue.Enqueue(qs); scriptArray.Add (qs); qs.script.queueCount++; //Debug.Log (name+" queued "" after queuing, count is "+scriptArray.Count); // if (scriptArray.Count == 1){ if (myOI.actingInScript == null && scriptArray.Count == 1){ if (script.isReadyToRun(obj.GetComponent<BaseObject>(),true)){ qs.executing=true; ExecuteScript(script,args,obj,priority); } else { // verbalize an acknowledgement that the order has been recieved checkForScriptReady=true; } } else { // verbalize an acknowledgement that the order has been recieved // if the currently running script is cancellable, and its priority is lower than ours, // send it a cancel if (scriptStack.Count > 0){ QueuedScript qScr = scriptStack.Peek(); if (qScr != null && qScr.script.cancellable && qScr.priority < priority){ qScr.script.Cancel(); } } } }
public void ExecuteScript( InteractionScript script, string args, GameObject obj, int priority=0){ // this can be called from a scriptedInteraction if (script == null){ Debug.LogError("Tried to execute null script - ignored"); return; } QueuedScript qs = new QueuedScript(); qs.script = script; qs.args = args; qs.obj = obj; qs.priority = priority; scriptStack.Push(qs); currentScript = qs; if (scriptStack.Count > 1) Debug.Log (name+" stacked "" after stacking, count is "+scriptStack.Count); script.Execute(this,args,obj); // we always start a script when this is called }
public void PutMessage( GameMsg msg ) { InteractMsg imsg = msg as InteractMsg; if (imsg != null) // handle special messages to abort or flush script queue { if ( != null){ if ( == "SCRIPT:ABORT"){ if (scriptStack.Count > 0){ scriptStack.Peek().script.Abort(); } return; } if ( == "SCRIPT:QUEUE:FLUSH"){ if (scriptStack.Count > 0){ scriptStack.Peek().script.Abort(); } //The OnComplete from this abort is likely to start up any stacked or queued scripts. // this really isn't very clean, as there might be stacked scripts which will not get a clean // shutdown opportunity, we should probably abort at each level of the stack before clearing all. // for now, just clear everything after aborting the current script. That should get Zoll going. scriptStack.Clear(); scriptArray.Clear (); currentScript = null; if ( myOI != null ) myOI.actingInScript = null; return; } } //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Scripted Object "+name+" received interact message "; // see if this message should trigger any of our scripts... InteractionScript s = TriggeredScript(,myOI as BaseObject); if (s != null){ string args = "trigger="; int priority=s.startPriority; if ( != null){ for (int i=0;i<; i++){ if ([i].Contains("priority")){ string[] kv =[i].Split('='); int.TryParse(kv[1],out priority); } else { args += " "[i]; } } } QueueScript( s,args, gameObject,priority); } return; } InteractStatusMsg ismsg = msg as InteractStatusMsg; if (ismsg != null) { // see if this message should trigger any of our scripts... InteractionScript s = TriggeredScript(ismsg.InteractName,null); if (s != null){ string args = "trigger="+ismsg.InteractName; int priority=4; if (ismsg.Params != null){ foreach (string p in ismsg.Params){ if (p.Contains("priority")){ string[] kv = p.Split('='); int.TryParse(kv[1],out priority); } else { args += " "+p; } } } QueueScript( s,args, gameObject,priority); } //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Scripted Object "+name+" received interact status message "+ismsg.InteractName); } }