Пример #1
        public Task <QueuedConversionJob> GetJob()
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"get message from {_queueDatabase.DataSource} (Enter)");

            QueuedConversionJob queued = null;
            long popCount1;

            // now we can look for an entry to process.
            using (var getMsgCmd = new SqliteCommand())
                getMsgCmd.Connection  = _queueDatabase;
                getMsgCmd.CommandText = "SELECT ID, PopCount, Content from Queue WHERE PopReceipt IS NULL LIMIT 1";
                var reader     = getMsgCmd.ExecuteReader();
                var popReceipt = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                var pop        = reader["PopCount"];
                if (DBNull.Value.Equals(pop))
                    popCount1 = 0;
                    popCount1 = (long)pop;

                    queued = new QueuedConversionJob
                        Id         = reader["ID"].ToString(),
                        PopReceipt = popReceipt,
                        Content    = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ConversionJobData>(reader["Content"].ToString())
                catch (Exception ex)
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Exception thrown while getting new queued job - {ex}");

            using (var updateMsgCmd = new SqliteCommand())
                updateMsgCmd.Connection  = _queueDatabase;
                updateMsgCmd.CommandText =
                    "UPDATE Queue SET PopReceipt = $popReceipt, PopCount = $popCount, Popped = datetime('now') WHERE ID=$ID";
                updateMsgCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("$ID", queued.Id);
                updateMsgCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("$popReceipt", queued.PopReceipt);
                updateMsgCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("$popCount", popCount1);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"get message from {_queueDatabase.DataSource} (Exit)");
                ? Task.FromResult <QueuedConversionJob>(null)
                : Task.FromResult(queued));
Пример #2
 public Task DeleteJob(QueuedConversionJob job)
     System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"deleting message from queue {_queueDatabase.DataSource} (Enter)");
     using (var delMsgCmd = new SqliteCommand())
         delMsgCmd.Connection  = _queueDatabase;
         delMsgCmd.CommandText = "DELETE FROM Queue WHERE ID=$ID AND PopReceipt=$popReceipt";
         delMsgCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("$ID", job.Id);
         delMsgCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("$popReceipt", job.PopReceipt);
     System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"deleting message from queue {_queueDatabase.DataSource} (Exit)");
Пример #3
 public async Task DeleteJob(QueuedConversionJob job)
     await _queue.DeleteMessageAsync(job.Id, job.PopReceipt);
Пример #4
        protected override async Task Process()
            // For the enlightenment of other, later, readers:
            // ogr2ogr will be used to process not only obvious conversion sources (eg shape files) but also
            // geojson files. Why, you might ask, because tippecanoe can import GeoJSON directly? It's because
            // passing the GeoJSON through ogr2ogr will ensure that the final GeoJSON is in the correct projection
            // and that it should be valid GeoJSON as well.
            QueuedConversionJob queued = null;

                queued = await _gdConversionQueue.GetJob();
            catch (Exception ex)
                _logger.LogError($"GdalConversion failed to retrieve queued job", ex);

            if (queued != null) // if no job queued, don't try
                using (var workFolder = new TemporaryWorkFolder())
                        var job = queued.Content;
                        if (job?.DataLocation != null && job.LayerId != null && job.WorkspaceId != null)
                        // if the job has missing values, don't process it, just delete it from queue.
                            var timer = new Stopwatch();
                            _logger.LogDebug($"Processing GDAL Conversion for Layer {queued.Content.LayerId} within Queue Message {queued.Id}");

                            // Keep source and dest separate in case of file name collision.
                            var sourcePath = workFolder.CreateSubFolder("source");
                            var destPath   = workFolder.CreateSubFolder("dest");

                            var downloadedFilePath = await new Uri(job.DataLocation).DownloadToLocal(sourcePath);
                            var inputFilePath      = GetGdalInputFileParameter(downloadedFilePath, workFolder);
                            var geoJsonFile        = Path.Combine(destPath, $"{job.LayerId}.geojson");

                            var processArgument = GetProcessArgument(job.LayerName, geoJsonFile, inputFilePath);
                            _logger.LogDebug($"executing ogr2ogr process with argument {processArgument}");
                            var executionResult =
                                ProcessExecutionService.ExecuteProcess(ConverterFileName, processArgument);
                            if (executionResult.success)
                                _logger.LogDebug($"ogr2ogr process successfully executed");
                                _logger.LogError($"ogr2ogr process failed: {executionResult.error}");
                                throw new Exception($"ogr2ogr process failed: {executionResult.error}");

                            // now we need to put the converted geojson file into storage
                            var location = await _geoJsonStorage.Store($"{job.WorkspaceId}/{job.LayerId}.geojson", geoJsonFile);

                            _logger.LogDebug("Upload of geojson file to storage complete.");

                            _logger.LogDebug($"GDAL Conversion finished for Layer {job.LayerId} in {timer.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms.");

                            // we created geoJson so we can put a request in for geojson to mvt conversion.
                            await _mbConversionQueue.Queue(new ConversionJobData
                                LayerId      = job.LayerId,
                                WorkspaceId  = job.WorkspaceId,
                                LayerName    = job.LayerName,
                                Description  = job.Description,
                                DataLocation = location
                        // we completed GDAL conversion and creation of MVT conversion request, so remove the GDAL request from the queue
                        await _gdConversionQueue.DeleteJob(queued);

                        _logger.LogDebug("GDAL Conversion message deleted ");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        if (queued.DequeueCount >= RetryLimit)
                                await _gdConversionQueue.DeleteJob(queued);

                                if (queued.Content?.LayerId != null && queued.Content?.WorkspaceId != null)
                                    await _statusTable.UpdateStatus(queued.Content.WorkspaceId, queued.Content.LayerId,

                                _logger.LogError($"GDAL Conversion failed for layer {queued.Content?.LayerId} after reaching retry limit", ex);
                            catch (Exception e)
                                _logger.LogError($"GDAL Conversion failed to clear bad conversion for layer {queued.Content?.LayerId}", e);
                            _logger.LogWarning($"GDAL Conversion failed for layer {queued.Content?.LayerId} will retry later", ex);
                await Task.Delay(_serviceOptions.ConvertPolling);
Пример #5
        protected override async Task Process()
            // there's two types of conversion to consider.
            // 1. spatial source data arrives and is placed in storage, we get a message and convert it
            //    to geojson using gdal, and put the result in storage. We add a new req to the queue to
            //    convert the geojson to mbtile.
            // 2. the geojson from the previous step (or possibly geojson directly) is in storage, we get
            //    a message and convert to mbtile and place result in storage.

            QueuedConversionJob queued = null;

                queued = await _mbConversionQueue.GetJob();
            catch (Exception ex)
                _logger.LogError($"MapBox Conversion failed to retrieve queued job", ex);

            if (queued != null) // if no job queued, don't try
                using (var workFolder = new TemporaryWorkFolder())
                        var job = queued.Content;
                        if (job?.DataLocation != null && job?.LayerId != null && job?.WorkspaceId != null)
                        // if the job has missing values, don't process it, just delete it from queue.
                            // convert the geoJSON to a mapbox dataset
                            var timer = new Stopwatch();

                            // retrieve the geoJSON file from the supplied URI
                            var inputFilePath   = await new Uri(job.DataLocation).DownloadToLocal(workFolder.Path);
                            var mbTilesFilePath = Path.Combine(workFolder.Path, $"{job.LayerId}.mbtiles");

                            var processArgument = GetProcessArgument(job.LayerName, job.Description, mbTilesFilePath, inputFilePath);
                            _logger.LogDebug($"executing tippecanoe process with argument {processArgument}");
                            var executionResult =
                                ProcessExecutionService.ExecuteProcess(ConverterFileName, processArgument);
                            if (executionResult.success)
                                _logger.LogDebug($"tippecanoe process successfully executed");
                                _logger.LogError($"tippecanoe process failed: {executionResult.error}");

                            // now we need to put the converted mbtile file into storage
                            await _tileStorage.Store($"{job.WorkspaceId}/{job.LayerId}.mbtiles", mbTilesFilePath);

                            _logger.LogDebug("Upload of mbtile file to storage complete.");

                            _logger.LogDebug($"MapBox Conversion finished for Layer {job.LayerId} in {timer.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms.");

                                await _statusTable.UpdateStatus(job.WorkspaceId, job.LayerId, LayerStatus.Finished);

                                _logger.LogDebug($"Layer {job.LayerId} status updated to Finished");
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                _logger.LogError($"Error when updating Layer {job.LayerId} status to Finished", ex);

                            await _topicClient.SendMessage(new MapLayerUpdateData
                                MapLayerId  = job.LayerId,
                                WorkspaceId = job.WorkspaceId,
                                Type        = MapLayerUpdateType.Update
                        await _mbConversionQueue.DeleteJob(queued);

                        _logger.LogDebug("Deleted MapBox Conversion message");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        if (queued.DequeueCount >= RetryLimit)
                                await _mbConversionQueue.DeleteJob(queued);

                                if (queued.Content?.LayerId != null && queued.Content?.WorkspaceId != null)
                                    await _statusTable.UpdateStatus(queued.Content.WorkspaceId, queued.Content.LayerId, LayerStatus.Failed);
                                _logger.LogError($"MapBox Conversion failed for layer {queued.Content?.LayerId} after reaching retry limit", ex);
                            catch (Exception e)
                                _logger.LogError($"MapBox Conversion failed to clear bad conversion for layer {queued.Content?.LayerId}", e);
                            _logger.LogWarning($"MapBox Conversion failed for layer {queued.Content?.LayerId} and will retry later", ex);
                await Task.Delay(_serviceOptions.ConvertPolling);