public async Task Setup()
            // Set up receiver queue on 2nd storage account
            var queueServiceClient = new QueueServiceClient(Utilities.GetEnvConfiguredConnectionString2());

            _ = await queueServiceClient.CreateQueueAsync(ReceiverName);

            _ = await queueServiceClient.CreateQueueAsync(AuditName);

            _ = await queueServiceClient.CreateQueueAsync("error");
Пример #2
        public async Task SharedAccessSignatureAuthAsync()
            // Create a service level SAS that only allows reading from service
            // level APIs
            AccountSasBuilder sas = new AccountSasBuilder
                // Allow access to queues
                Services = new AccountSasServices()
                    Queues = true

                // Allow access to the service level APIs
                              ResourceTypes = new AccountSasResourceTypes()
                    Service = true

                // Allow read access
                              Permissions = new AccountSasPermissions()
                    Read = true

                // Access expires in 1 hour!
                              ExpiryTime = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddHours(1)

            // Create a SharedKeyCredential that we can use to sign the SAS token
            StorageSharedKeyCredential credential = new StorageSharedKeyCredential(StorageAccountName, StorageAccountKey);

            // Build a SAS URI
            UriBuilder sasUri = new UriBuilder(StorageAccountQueueUri)
                Query = sas.ToSasQueryParameters(credential).ToString()

            // Create a client that can authenticate with the SAS URI
            QueueServiceClient service = new QueueServiceClient(sasUri.Uri);

            // Make a service request to verify we've succesfully authenticated
            await service.GetPropertiesAsync();

            // Try to create a new container (which is beyond our
            // delegated permission)
            StorageRequestFailedException ex =
                Assert.ThrowsAsync <StorageRequestFailedException>(
                    async() => await service.CreateQueueAsync(Randomize("sample-queue")));

            Assert.AreEqual(403, ex.Status);
        public async Task GetQueuesAsync_Prefix()
            QueueServiceClient service = GetServiceClient_SharedKey();
            var prefix = "aaa";
            var queueName = prefix + GetNewQueueName();
            QueueClient queue = (await service.CreateQueueAsync(queueName)).Value; // Ensure at least one queue
                AsyncPageable<QueueItem> queues = service.GetQueuesAsync(prefix: prefix);
                IList<QueueItem> items = await queues.ToListAsync();

                Assert.AreNotEqual(0, items.Count());
                Assert.IsTrue(items.All(c => c.Name.StartsWith(prefix)));
                Assert.IsNotNull(items.Single(c => c.Name == queueName));
                await service.DeleteQueueAsync(queueName);
Пример #4
 static async Task CreateQueueAsync(string connectionString, string queueName)
     QueueServiceClient serviceClient = new QueueServiceClient(connectionString);
     QueueClient        queue         = await serviceClient.CreateQueueAsync(queueName);
Пример #5
 public static async Task CreateAsync(string account, string key, string queueName)
     QueueServiceClient client = new QueueServiceClient(Client.GetConnectionString(account, key));
     await client.CreateQueueAsync(queueName);
        public async Task CreateQueueAsync_AlreadyExistsWithDifferentMetadata_ReportsConflictProperly()
            IQueueServiceClient client = new QueueServiceClient(_accountSettings);
            var queueName = GenerateSampleQueueName();

            await client.CreateQueueAsync(queueName, new Dictionary<string, string> { 
                { "SampleKey", "SampleValue" }

            // expects exception
        public async Task CreateQueueAsync_ValidName_CreatesQueue()
            IQueueServiceClient client = new QueueServiceClient(_accountSettings);
            var queueName = GenerateSampleQueueName();

            await client.CreateQueueAsync(queueName);
