Пример #1
    void Awake()
        //WorldControl.PortraitIDLayer0 = 3000;
        Quest AbbadonQuest1 = new Quest();
        Quest AlbaQuest1    = new Quest();

        QuestsController.createQuest(AbbadonQuest1, "Meeting the elite: Abbadon.", "Following your head maid advice, you decide to meet one of the lords of one of the most important houses in the city, Abbadon's House.", 14, 1000);
        QuestsController.createQuest(AlbaQuest1, "Meeting the elite: Alba", "You'll have to face one of leaders of one of the most important houses in Aurorum, and get them to support you cause", 59, 13000);
    public void confirmFun(int selector)
        ///////////////////////////// Tease him / cronfront him
        if (selector == 0 && confirmationControl == 0)
            Board.text = VirgilQuestPure.pureQuest(1);

            QuestControl.virgilQuest = 2;
            Quest virgilQuest2 = new Quest();
            QuestsController.createQuest(virgilQuest2, "Improving his attitude", "Virgils attitude is of no use to you, you come up with a plan and a surprise that may help him change...", 64, 9002);

        if (selector == 1 && confirmationControl == 0)
            Board.text = VirgilQuestPure.pureQuest(2);

            QuestControl.virgilQuest = 2;
            Quest virgilQuest2 = new Quest();
            QuestsController.createQuest(virgilQuest2, "Improving his attitude", "Virgils attitude is of no use to you, you come up with a plan and a surprise that may help him change...", 64, 9002);

        ///////////////////////////// easy girl / pure girl

        if (selector == 0 && confirmationControl == 1)
            Board.text = "Yeah, this girl is probably going to make the whole process of building up his confidence faster. You start to talk good about this woman, her achievements, and why you personally recommend her. She looks at you with skepticism, since you barely knew her name at all a couple of days ago, and most of what you said about her was a lie, but all of your servants stay quiet, as they should.\n\n<i>“V-very well, if you recommend her personally, I’ll guess it would be both rude and dumb to refuse. You’ll come with me.”</i> For now, she will have to live in the small place he has in the university, but he will be able to afford a house to move soon enough.\n\nYou slap her ass when she is on her way out, and she laughs. You hint to Virgil that he can have good fun with her too. <i>“I... I’ll think about it...”</i> he says ashamed, but you know he wouldn’t do something like this anytime soon. ";

            NPCCharList.CharFollower [iVirgil].charCorruption += 25;
            NPCCharList.CharFollower [iVirgil].attLibido       = 100;
            QuestControl.virgilQuest = 3;
            Quest virgilQuest3 = new Quest();
            QuestsController.createQuest(virgilQuest3, "The Wingman", "After giving Virgil some time to get used to his new life, you decide it's time to give the next step.", 64, 9003);


        if (selector == 1 && confirmationControl == 1)
            Board.text = "Yes, this girl will help him to build his confidence and become the righteous man that you need in your ranks. You start to talk good about this woman and her achievements. She is proud, but she is humble enough to not make it obvious.  \n\n<i>“V-very well, if you recommend her personally, I’ll guess it would be both rude and dumb to refuse. You’ll come with me.”</i> For now, she will have to live in the small place he has in the university, but he will be able to afford a house to move soon enough.\n\nShe bows profusely and thanks you for being always a good leader, and you too thank her for her diligent service. You tell to Virgil that you could learn a lot of things from her, and he nods, confident that these words have truth in them.";

            NPCCharList.CharFollower [iVirgil].attLibido = 0;
            QuestControl.virgilQuest = 3;
            Quest virgilQuest3 = new Quest();
            QuestsController.createQuest(virgilQuest3, "The Wingman", "After giving Virgil some time to get used to his new life, you decide it's time to give the next step.", 64, 9003);

        ///////////////////////////// Spike / encourage

        if (selector == 0 && confirmationControl == 2)
            Board.text = VirgilQuestPure.pureQuest(5);
            NPCCharList.CharFollower [iVirgil].charCorruption    += 25;
            NPCCharList.CharFollower [iVirgil].charAddictions [0] = 100;
            option0Name.text                 = "S**t";
            option1Name.text                 = "Nerdy girl";
            option2Name.text                 = "Yourself";
            option2Butt.interactable         = true;
            panConfirmation.sortingOrder     = 500;
            confirmationControl              = 3;
            PanLeftManagement.endTurnControl = true;

            QuestControl.virgilQuest = 4;

            int i = 0;
            while (i < QuestsController.ActiveQuests.Count)


            Quest virgilQuest4 = new Quest();
            QuestsController.createQuest(virgilQuest4, "Learning time!", "Hopefully he'll be able to teach whatever you need to learn.", 64, 9004);

        if (selector == 1 && confirmationControl == 2)
            Board.text                   = VirgilQuestPure.pureQuest(6);
            option0Name.text             = "S**t";
            option1Name.text             = "Nerdy girl";
            option2Name.text             = "Yourself";
            option2Butt.interactable     = true;
            panConfirmation.sortingOrder = 500;
            confirmationControl          = 3;

            QuestControl.virgilQuest = 4;

            int i = 0;
            while (i < QuestsController.ActiveQuests.Count)

            PanLeftManagement.endTurnControl = true;
            Quest virgilQuest4 = new Quest();
            QuestsController.createQuest(virgilQuest4, "Learning time!", "Hopefully he'll be able to teach whatever you need to learn.", 64, 9004);


        ///////////////////////////// slutty nerdy yourself from spike

        if (selector == 0 && confirmationControl == 3)
            Board.text = VirgilQuestPure.pureQuest(7);


        if (selector == 1 && confirmationControl == 3)
            Board.text = VirgilQuestPure.pureQuest(8);


        if (selector == 2 && confirmationControl == 3)
            Board.text = VirgilQuestPure.pureQuest(9);


        ///////////////////////////// philosophy manifest

        if (selector == 0 && confirmationControl == 4)
            Board.text = VirgilQuestPure.pureQuest(13);

            QuestControl.virgilQuest = 7;

            PanLeftManagement.endTurnControl = true;
            Quest virgilQuest7 = new Quest();
            QuestsController.createQuest(virgilQuest7, "Time out", "Virgil asks you to visit him to have a personal talk with you.", 64, 9007);

        if (selector == 1 && confirmationControl == 4)
            Board.text = VirgilQuestPure.pureQuest(14);

            QuestControl.virgilQuest = 7;

            PanLeftManagement.endTurnControl = true;
            Quest virgilQuest7 = new Quest();
            QuestsController.createQuest(virgilQuest7, "Time out", "Virgil asks you to visit him to have a personal talk with you.", 64, 9007);

        ///////////////////////////// order freedom

        if (selector == 0 && confirmationControl == 5)
            NPCCharList.CharFollower [iVirgil].charCorruption -= 25;
            if (NPCCharList.CharFollower [iVirgil].charCorruption >= 100)
                NPCCharList.CharFollower [iVirgil].charCorruption = 100;
            else if (NPCCharList.CharFollower [iVirgil].charCorruption < 0)
                NPCCharList.CharFollower [iVirgil].charCorruption = 0;

            Board.text = VirgilQuestPure.pureQuest(15);

            QuestControl.virgilQuest = 8;

            PanLeftManagement.endTurnControl = true;
            Quest virgilQuest8 = new Quest();
            QuestsController.createQuest(virgilQuest8, "Final lesson", "You finally finished your course with Virgil, what's next?.", 64, 9008);

        if (selector == 1 && confirmationControl == 5)
            NPCCharList.CharFollower [iVirgil].charCorruption += 25;
            if (NPCCharList.CharFollower [iVirgil].charCorruption >= 100)
                NPCCharList.CharFollower [iVirgil].charCorruption = 100;
            else if (NPCCharList.CharFollower [iVirgil].charCorruption < 0)
                NPCCharList.CharFollower [iVirgil].charCorruption = 0;

            Board.text = VirgilQuestCorrupt.corruptQuest(22);

            QuestControl.virgilQuest = 8;

            PanLeftManagement.endTurnControl = true;
            Quest virgilQuest8 = new Quest();
            QuestsController.createQuest(virgilQuest8, "Final lesson", "You finally finished your course with Virgil, what's next?.", 64, 9008);

        ///////////////////////////// Stay / leave

        if (selector == 0 && confirmationControl == 6)
            Board.text = VirgilQuestPure.pureQuest(17);

        if (selector == 1 && confirmationControl == 6)
            Board.text = "You profoundly apologize, but right now is not a good moment for that. You can see the sadness on his face, and you try to cheer him up telling him you both will have a lot of time for being together in the future. <i>“Y-you promise?”</i> yeah, of course you do. He jumps on you and kisses you one last time. <i>“Very well, but you will have to make up for leaving me today then.”</i> both of you laugh, and you caress his cheek before taking your stuff and leaving the place. \n\nNow it is time to deal with Celia.";

        ///////////////////////////// let him  stop him

        if (selector == 0 && confirmationControl == 100)
            Board.text = "When he realizes you don’t mind he keeps getting closer to your crotch, but you grab his hand once he is close enough, and confront him. He panics at your reaction, and starts to beg for forgiveness <i>“No! I am sorry my Liege! My body has a mind of it’s own! I didn’t mean it!”</i> You laugh at his words, and command him to sit on the chair. He immediately does so, looking down as a scolded child. \n\nYou ask about what is his problem “I... Is...” You ask him to hurry, and he shrieks out of fear <i>“Yes!... This... Problem started with the new church! All of those skimpy clothed followers of god, the obscene sounds from the confessional... Have awoken this inside me and I cant control it... You know, I barely head outside and... Well, my body has needs!”</i>\n\nSo, what Virgil needs is a girlfriend or boyfriend uh? Well, you can take care of that, one way or another, but it’s apparent that for now you’ll not be able to get the lessons that you need out of him.\n\nYou tell him that you will help get what he needs <i>“W-what? Really? My Liege I am really thankful for that!”</i> he does a grateful low bow at you. When he stands up again, you notice he still has a raging boner. Although this is not something that is going to be fixed in a single day but, for now you could have some fun with him, what should you do...";

            NPCCharList.CharFollower [iVirgil].charLove = 10;

            option0Name.text             = "69";
            option1Name.text             = "Mutual masturbation";
            panConfirmation.sortingOrder = 500;
            confirmationControl          = 101;

            PanLeftManagement.endTurnControl = true;
            QuestControl.virgilQuest         = 101;

            Quest virgilQuest2 = new Quest();
            QuestsController.createQuest(virgilQuest2, "Improving his attitude", "Virgils attitude is of no use to you, you come up with a plan and a surprise that may help him change...", 64, 9002);


        if (selector == 1 && confirmationControl == 100)
            Board.text = "You grab his hand before he can reacts. He shrieks out of fear <i>“Sorry my Liege! It was not my intention!”</i> But you are not happy with his answer, and ask him to explain himself. <i>“I... Eh... Is just, you know! It’s that damn church, full of scantly dressed people, those obscene sounds coming out of the confessional... You know, its messing with my head! I have... These feelings, down there, all the time!”</i> Well, at least the church is doing it’s job as you expected. \n\nNonetheless, this is of no use to you, and if he cant focus on teaching you, you’ll have to deal with this thing first. You think for a moment, while expecting the worst. Finally, you tell him that you’ll help him with his issue <i>“Seriously? Thank you my Liege! I am really grateful!”</i> You say that is nothing, and to be ready for when you come back.\n\nYou go back to your castle after this... unfortunate day, and wonder how you’ll manage to get an awkward brat like him to get laid.";

            NPCCharList.CharFollower [iVirgil].charLove = 0;

            PanLeftManagement.endTurnControl = true;
            QuestControl.virgilQuest         = 101;
            Quest virgilQuest2 = new Quest();
            QuestsController.createQuest(virgilQuest2, "Improving his attitude", "Virgils attitude is of no use to you, you come up with a plan and a surprise that may help him change...", 64, 9002);

        ///////////////////////////// 69  mutual

        if (selector == 0 && confirmationControl == 101)
            Board.text = VirgilQuestCorrupt.corruptQuest(2);

        if (selector == 1 && confirmationControl == 101)
            Board.text = VirgilQuestCorrupt.corruptQuest(3);

        ///////////////////////////// Easy girl pure girl

        if (selector == 0 && confirmationControl == 102)
            Board.text = "Yeah, this girl is probably going to make the whole process of building up his confidence a lot faster... Or, at the very least, drain enough of his libido away for him to focus. You start to vouch the qualities of this woman and her achievements, and why you would personally recommend her. She looks at you with skepticism; considering you barely even know her name and you’re babbling nothing but random lies. Thankfully all of your servants stay quiet, as they should.\n\n<i>“V-very well, if you recommend her personally, I guess it would be both rude and stupid to refuse. You’ll come with me.”</i> For now, she will have to live in the small place he has at the university, but he will be able to afford a house to move soon enough.\n\nYou slap her ass when she is on her way out, and she laughs. You hint to Virgil that he can have good fun with her too. <i>“I... I’ll make sure to test that out, my Liege...”</i> he says, the erection in his pants growing bigger.\n\nLastly, you hand him a bag of gold coins; enough to buy some new clothing appropriate for his new station. <i>“My Liege... This is too much I... I’ll repay you all of this, I swear!”</i> You nod, knowing he will but for now he needs to get used to his new life. With some luck, this will help with his attitude... at least bossing someone around and not being dependent on Celia’s mood swings should have some positive effect on him. ";
            NPCCharList.CharFollower [iVirgil].charCorruption += 25;
            NPCCharList.CharFollower [iVirgil].attLibido       = 100;

            QuestControl.virgilQuest = 102;
            Quest virgilQuest3 = new Quest();
            QuestsController.createQuest(virgilQuest3, "The Wingman", "After giving Virgil some time to get used to his new life, you decide it's time to give the next step.", 64, 9003);

        if (selector == 1 && confirmationControl == 102)
            Board.text = "Yes, this girl will help him to build his confidence and become the righteous man that you need in your endeavors. You start to talk up the qualities of this this woman and her achievements. She is proud, but she’s humble enough to not make it obvious.  \n\n<i>“V-very well, if you recommend her personally, I’ll guess it would be both rude and dumb to refuse. You’ll come with me.”</i> For now, she will have to live in the small place he has in the university, but he will be able to afford a house to move soon enough.\n\nShe bows profusely and thanks you for being such a good leader, and you too thank her for her diligent service. You tell to Virgil that he could learn a lot of things from her... but he ignores you, day dreaming with a smile on his face about what he’ll do to her. Oh boy...\n\nLastly, you hand him a bag of gold coins; enough to buy some new clothing appropriate for his new station. <i>“My Liege... This is too much I... I’ll repay you all of this, I swear!”</i> You nod, knowing he will but for now he needs to get used to his new life. With some luck, this will help with his attitude... at least bossing someone around and not being dependent on Celia’s mood swings should have some positive effect on him. ";
            NPCCharList.CharFollower [iVirgil].charCorruption -= 25;
            NPCCharList.CharFollower [iVirgil].attLibido       = 0;

            QuestControl.virgilQuest = 102;
            Quest virgilQuest3 = new Quest();
            QuestsController.createQuest(virgilQuest3, "The Wingman", "After giving Virgil some time to get used to his new life, you decide it's time to give the next step.", 64, 9003);

        ///////////////////////////// Do drugs / encourage from wingman

        if (selector == 0 && confirmationControl == 103)
            Board.text = VirgilQuestCorrupt.corruptQuest(6);

            PanLeftManagement.endTurnControl = true;

            NPCCharList.CharFollower [iVirgil].charCorruption    += 25;
            NPCCharList.CharFollower [iVirgil].charAddictions [0] = 100;

            option0Name.text         = "S**t";
            option1Name.text         = "Nerdy girl";
            option2Name.text         = "Yourself";
            option2Butt.interactable = true;
            confirmationControl      = 104;

            QuestControl.virgilQuest = 103;
            Quest virgilQuest4 = new Quest();
            QuestsController.createQuest(virgilQuest4, "Learning time!", "Hopefully he'll be able to teach whatever you need to learn. ", 64, 9004);

        if (selector == 1 && confirmationControl == 103)
            Board.text = VirgilQuestCorrupt.corruptQuest(7);

            NPCCharList.CharFollower [iVirgil].charCorruption -= 25;

            option0Name.text         = "S**t";
            option1Name.text         = "Nerdy girl";
            option2Name.text         = "Yourself";
            option2Butt.interactable = true;
            confirmationControl      = 105;

            QuestControl.virgilQuest = 103;
            Quest virgilQuest4 = new Quest();
            QuestsController.createQuest(virgilQuest4, "Learning time!", "Hopefully he'll be able to teach whatever you need to learn. ", 64, 9004);

        ///////////////////////////// drugs sluty nerdy yoursef

        if (selector == 0 && confirmationControl == 104)
            Board.text               = VirgilQuestCorrupt.corruptQuest(8);
            option0Name.text         = "F**k him";
            option1Name.text         = "F**k her";
            option2Name.text         = "Leave";
            option2Butt.interactable = true;
            confirmationControl      = 106;

        if (selector == 1 && confirmationControl == 104)
            Board.text               = VirgilQuestCorrupt.corruptQuest(9);
            option0Name.text         = "Have sex";
            option1Name.text         = "Leave";
            option2Name.text         = "";
            option2Butt.interactable = false;
            confirmationControl      = 108;

        if (selector == 2 && confirmationControl == 104)
            Board.text = VirgilQuestPure.pureQuest(9);

        ///////////////////////////// encourage  sluty nerdy yoursef

        if (selector == 0 && confirmationControl == 105)           //s**t
            Board.text               = VirgilQuestCorrupt.corruptQuest(14);
            option0Name.text         = "F**k him";
            option1Name.text         = "F**k her";
            option2Name.text         = "Leave";
            option2Butt.interactable = true;
            confirmationControl      = 107;

        if (selector == 1 && confirmationControl == 105)
            Board.text               = VirgilQuestCorrupt.corruptQuest(18);
            option0Name.text         = "Have sex";
            option1Name.text         = "Leave";
            option2Name.text         = "";
            option2Butt.interactable = false;
            confirmationControl      = 109;

        if (selector == 2 && confirmationControl == 105)
            Board.text = VirgilQuestPure.pureQuest(9);

        ///////////////////////////// drug / s**t /   F**k him f**k her leave

        if (selector == 0 && confirmationControl == 106)
            Board.text = VirgilQuestCorrupt.corruptQuest(11);

        if (selector == 1 && confirmationControl == 106)
            Board.text = VirgilQuestCorrupt.corruptQuest(12);

        if (selector == 1 && confirmationControl == 106)
            Board.text = VirgilQuestCorrupt.corruptQuest(13);

        ///////////////////////////// encourage / s**t /   F**k him f**k her leave

        if (selector == 0 && confirmationControl == 107)
            Board.text = VirgilQuestCorrupt.corruptQuest(15);

        if (selector == 1 && confirmationControl == 107)
            Board.text = VirgilQuestCorrupt.corruptQuest(12);

        if (selector == 1 && confirmationControl == 107)
            Board.text = VirgilQuestCorrupt.corruptQuest(13);

        ///////////////////////////// drug / nerdy /   have sex leave

        if (selector == 0 && confirmationControl == 108)
            Board.text = VirgilQuestCorrupt.corruptQuest(16);

        if (selector == 1 && confirmationControl == 108)
            Board.text = VirgilQuestCorrupt.corruptQuest(17);

        ///////////////////////////// encourage / nerdy /   have sex leave

        if (selector == 0 && confirmationControl == 109)
            Board.text = VirgilQuestCorrupt.corruptQuest(19);

        if (selector == 1 && confirmationControl == 109)
            Board.text = VirgilQuestCorrupt.corruptQuest(20);

        ///////////////////////////// philosophy manifest

        if (selector == 0 && confirmationControl == 110)
            Board.text = VirgilQuestPure.pureQuest(13);

            QuestControl.virgilQuest = 106;

            PanLeftManagement.endTurnControl = true;
            Quest virgilQuest7c = new Quest();
            QuestsController.createQuest(virgilQuest7c, "Time out", "Virgil asks you to visit him to have a personal talk with you.", 64, 9007);

        if (selector == 1 && confirmationControl == 110)
            Board.text = VirgilQuestPure.pureQuest(14);

            QuestControl.virgilQuest = 106;

            PanLeftManagement.endTurnControl = true;
            Quest virgilQuest7c = new Quest();
            QuestsController.createQuest(virgilQuest7c, "Time out", "Virgil asks you to visit him to have a personal talk with you.", 64, 9007);

        ///////////////////////////// temp

        if (selector == 0 && confirmationControl == 9999)
            Board.text = "";

        if (selector == 1 && confirmationControl == 9999)
            Board.text = "";