public void SetText()
        Action <string> textSelected =
            (string pText) => {
            mLabel.Text = pText;

        mQuestionPanel.AskQuestion("Enter text", textSelected, mLabel.Text);
Пример #2
 public void Button_SignOut_Clicked()
     questionPanel.AskQuestion("Do you really want to sign out?", SignOut_QuestionPanel_Yes, SignOut_QuestionPanel_No, SignOut_QuestionPanel_Maybe);
Пример #3
    void FirstDay()
        string[] day1FirstDialogue = new string[] {
            "This is " + mNetworkManager.myPlayer.uSelectedStation.uName + ". The public access TV station you've worked at for several years",
            "Here comes your boss, " + mNetworkManager.myPlayer.uBossName

        Action day1FirstDialogueFinished =
            () => {
            Action managerArrived =
                () => {
                Action day1DialogueFinished =
                    () => {
                    Action <string> showNameSelected =
                        (string pShowName) => {
                        mNetworkManager.myPlayer.networkView.RPC("SetShowName", RPCMode.All, pShowName);

                        string[] dialogue = new string[] {
                            "Great. " + pShowName + "! I like it!",
                            "You have " + Game.NUMBER_OF_DAYS.ToString() + " days to save your job and win the ratings war. Don't let me down!"

                        Action dialogueFinished =
                            () => {

                        mDialogueManager.StartDialogue(dialogue, dialogueFinished);

                    mQuestionPanel.AskQuestion("The show will be \"" + mNetworkManager.myPlayer.uTheme + "\"\n\nWhat shall we call the new show?", showNameSelected);

                System.Random rnd = new System.Random();

                string otherStation = mNetworkManager.players.Where(p => p.uID != mNetworkManager.mMyClientID).Select(p => p.uStationName).OrderBy(x => rnd.Next()).FirstOrDefault();
                if (otherStation == null)
                    // Should only happen when debugging with one player
                    otherStation = "The other stations";

                string[] day1SecondDialogue = new string[] {
                    "Good morning, " + mNetworkManager.myPlayer.uName + "!",
                    "Listen... I've been meaning to talk to you",
                    "You see, things aren't going so great at " + mNetworkManager.myPlayer.uSelectedStation.uName,
                    otherStation + " are killing us in the ratings",
                    "The bosses... they wanted to let you go... " + mNetworkManager.myPlayer.uOldTheme + " just isn't doing it any more",
                    "We're trying to recreate " + mNetworkManager.myPlayer.uSelectedStation.uName + " to be new, exciting, vibrant",
                    "You've got one week to turn it around - and we're giving you a new show to run",
                    "Our market research suggests that " + mNetworkManager.myPlayer.uTheme + " would really be a big hit with modern audiences",

                mDialogueManager.StartDialogue(day1SecondDialogue, day1DialogueFinished);

        if (Game.DEBUG_MODE)
            mNetworkManager.myPlayer.networkView.RPC("SetShowName", RPCMode.All, "TempShowName");
            mDialogueManager.StartDialogue(day1FirstDialogue, day1FirstDialogueFinished);