Пример #1
    void HeroDiag(int id)
        Game game = Game.Get();

        Quest.Hero target = null;

        foreach (Quest.Hero h in game.quest.heroes)
            if (h.id == id)
                target = h;

        // If there are any other dialogs
        if (GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("dialog") != null)
            if (game.quest.eManager.currentEvent != null && game.quest.eManager.currentEvent.qEvent.maxHeroes != 0)
                target.selected = !target.selected;

        if (game.quest.heroesSelected && target.heroData != null)
            new HeroDialog(target);
        if (!game.quest.heroesSelected)
            icons[id].color = new Color((float)0.3, (float)0.3, (float)0.3);
            new HeroSelection(target);
Пример #2
    public HeroSelection(Quest.Hero h)
        Game game = Game.Get();

        float x = 8;
        float y = 5;

        HeroSelectButton(new Vector2(x, y), null, h.id);
        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, HeroData> hd in game.cd.heros)
            x += 6;
            if (x > UIScaler.GetRight(-13))
                x  = 8;
                y += 6;

            bool disabled = false;
            foreach (Quest.Hero hIt in game.quest.heroes)
                if ((hIt.heroData == hd.Value) && (hIt.id != h.id))
                    disabled = true;
            HeroSelectButton(new Vector2(x, y), hd.Value, h.id, disabled);
Пример #3
    // Called when hero pressed
    void HeroDiag(int id)
        Game game = Game.Get();

        Quest.Hero target = null;

        // Find the pressed hero
        foreach (Quest.Hero h in game.quest.heroes)
            if (h.id == id)
                target = h;

        // Game hasn't started, remove any selected hero
        if (!game.quest.heroesSelected)
            target.heroData = null;
            if (heroSelection != null)

        // If there are any other dialogs
        if (GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(Game.DIALOG) != null)
            // Check if we are in a hero selection dialog
            if (game.quest.eManager.currentEvent != null && game.quest.eManager.currentEvent.qEvent.maxHeroes != 0)
                // Invert hero selection
                target.selected = !target.selected;
            // Non hero selection dialog, do nothing

        // We are in game and a valid hero was selected
        if (game.quest.heroesSelected && target.heroData != null)
            if (!game.quest.UIItemsPresent())
                new HeroDialog(target);
Пример #4
    // Called when hero pressed
    void HeroDiag(int id)
        Game game = Game.Get();

        Quest.Hero target = null;

        // Find the pressed hero
        foreach (Quest.Hero h in game.quest.heroes)
            if (h.id == id)
                target = h;

        // If there are any other dialogs
        if (GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("dialog") != null)
            // Check if we are in a hero selection dialog
            if (game.quest.eManager.currentEvent != null && game.quest.eManager.currentEvent.qEvent.maxHeroes != 0)
                // Invert hero selection
                target.selected = !target.selected;
            // Non hero selection dialog, do nothing

        // We are in game and a valid hero was selected
        if (game.quest.heroesSelected && target.heroData != null)
            new HeroDialog(target);
        // Game hasn't started, open hero selection options
        if (!game.quest.heroesSelected)
            // Dim selected frame
            icon_frames[id].color = new Color((float)0.3, (float)0.3, (float)0.3);
            if (icons[id].color.a > 0)
                // Dim selected hero if picked
                icons[id].color = new Color((float)0.3, (float)0.3, (float)0.3);
            new HeroSelection(target);
Пример #5
    void AddHero(Quest.Hero h, Game game)
        Sprite heroSprite;

        string    heroName = h.id.ToString();
        Texture2D newTex   = Resources.Load("sprites/tokens/objective-token-black") as Texture2D;

        if (h.heroData != null)
            newTex   = ContentData.FileToTexture(h.heroData.image);
            heroName = h.heroData.name;

        GameObject heroImg = new GameObject("heroImg" + heroName);

        heroImg.tag = "herodisplay";

        heroImg.transform.parent = game.uICanvas.transform;

        RectTransform trans = heroImg.AddComponent <RectTransform>();

        trans.SetInsetAndSizeFromParentEdge(RectTransform.Edge.Top, (0.25f + offset) * UIScaler.GetPixelsPerUnit(), heroSize * UIScaler.GetPixelsPerUnit());
        offset += heroSize + 0.5f;
        trans.SetInsetAndSizeFromParentEdge(RectTransform.Edge.Left, 0.25f * UIScaler.GetPixelsPerUnit(), heroSize * UIScaler.GetPixelsPerUnit());
        heroImg.AddComponent <CanvasRenderer>();

        UnityEngine.UI.Image image = heroImg.AddComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Image>();
        icons.Add(h.id, image);
        heroSprite   = Sprite.Create(newTex, new Rect(0, 0, newTex.width, newTex.height), Vector2.zero, 1);
        image.sprite = heroSprite;
        image.rectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(heroSize * UIScaler.GetPixelsPerUnit(), heroSize * UIScaler.GetPixelsPerUnit());

        UnityEngine.UI.Button button = heroImg.AddComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Button>();
        button.interactable = true;
        button.onClick.AddListener(delegate { HeroDiag(h.id); });
Пример #6
    // Add a hero
    void AddHero(Quest.Hero h, Game game)
        Sprite heroSprite;
        Sprite frameSprite;

        Texture2D frameTex = Resources.Load("sprites/borders/grey_frame") as Texture2D;

        if (game.gameType is MoMGameType)
            frameTex = Resources.Load("sprites/borders/momframeempty") as Texture2D;

        string heroName = h.id.ToString();

        if (h.heroData != null)
            frameTex = Resources.Load("sprites/borders/blue_frame") as Texture2D;
            if (game.gameType is MoMGameType)
                frameTex = Resources.Load("sprites/borders/momframe") as Texture2D;
            heroName = h.heroData.name.Translate();

        GameObject heroFrame = new GameObject("heroFrame" + heroName);

        heroFrame.tag = "herodisplay";
        RectTransform transFrame = heroFrame.AddComponent <RectTransform>();

        transFrame.SetInsetAndSizeFromParentEdge(RectTransform.Edge.Top, (0.25f + offset) * UIScaler.GetPixelsPerUnit(), heroSize * UIScaler.GetPixelsPerUnit());
        transFrame.SetInsetAndSizeFromParentEdge(RectTransform.Edge.Left, 0.25f * UIScaler.GetPixelsPerUnit(), heroSize * UIScaler.GetPixelsPerUnit());
        heroFrame.AddComponent <CanvasRenderer>();

        UnityEngine.UI.Image imageFrame = heroFrame.AddComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Image>();
        icon_frames.Add(h.id, imageFrame);
        frameSprite       = Sprite.Create(frameTex, new Rect(0, 0, frameTex.width, frameTex.height), Vector2.zero, 1);
        imageFrame.sprite = frameSprite;
        imageFrame.rectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(heroSize * UIScaler.GetPixelsPerUnit(), heroSize * UIScaler.GetPixelsPerUnit());

        UnityEngine.UI.Button buttonFrame = heroFrame.AddComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Button>();
        buttonFrame.interactable = true;
        buttonFrame.onClick.AddListener(delegate { HeroDiag(h.id); });

        GameObject heroImg = new GameObject("heroImg" + heroName);

        heroImg.tag = "herodisplay";
        RectTransform trans = heroImg.AddComponent <RectTransform>();

        trans.SetInsetAndSizeFromParentEdge(RectTransform.Edge.Top, (0.25f + offset) * UIScaler.GetPixelsPerUnit(), heroSize * UIScaler.GetPixelsPerUnit());
        if (game.quest.heroes.Count > 5)
            offset += 22f / game.quest.heroes.Count;
            offset += heroSize + 0.5f;
        trans.SetInsetAndSizeFromParentEdge(RectTransform.Edge.Left, 0.25f * UIScaler.GetPixelsPerUnit(), heroSize * UIScaler.GetPixelsPerUnit());
        heroImg.AddComponent <CanvasRenderer>();
        UnityEngine.UI.Image image = heroImg.AddComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Image>();

        icons.Add(h.id, image);
        image.rectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(heroSize * UIScaler.GetPixelsPerUnit() * 0.8f, heroSize * UIScaler.GetPixelsPerUnit() * 0.8f);
        if (game.gameType is MoMGameType)
            image.rectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(heroSize * UIScaler.GetPixelsPerUnit() * 0.9f, heroSize * UIScaler.GetPixelsPerUnit() * 0.9f);
        image.color = Color.clear;

        UnityEngine.UI.Button button = heroImg.AddComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Button>();
        button.interactable = true;
        button.onClick.AddListener(delegate { HeroDiag(h.id); });

        // Add hero image if selected
        if (h.heroData != null)
            Texture2D newTex = ContentData.FileToTexture(h.heroData.image);
            heroSprite   = Sprite.Create(newTex, new Rect(0, 0, newTex.width, newTex.height), Vector2.zero, 1);
            image.sprite = heroSprite;
Пример #7
        // Get the text to display for the event
        virtual public string GetText()
            string text = qEvent.text.Translate(true);

            // Find and replace {q:element with the name of the
            // element

            text = ReplaceComponentText(text);

            // Find and replace rnd:hero with a hero
            // replaces all occurances with the one hero

            Quest.Hero h = game.quest.GetRandomHero();
            if (text.Contains("{rnd:hero"))
                h.selected = true;
            text = text.Replace("{rnd:hero}", h.heroData.name.Translate());

            // Random heroes can have custom lookups
            if (text.StartsWith("{rnd:hero:"))
                HeroData hero  = h.heroData;
                int      start = "{rnd:hero:".Length;
                if (!hero.ContainsTrait("male"))
                    if (text[start] == '{')
                        start = text.IndexOf("}", start);
                    start = text.IndexOf(":{", start) + 1;
                    if (text[start] == '{')
                        start = text.IndexOf("}", start);
                    start = text.IndexOf(":", start) + 1;
                int next = start;
                if (text[next] == '{')
                    next = text.IndexOf("}", next);
                next = text.IndexOf(":{", next) + 1;
                int end = next;
                if (text[end] == '{')
                    end = text.IndexOf("}", end);
                end = text.IndexOf(":", end);
                if (end < 0)
                    end = text.Length - 1;
                string toReplace = text.Substring(next, end - next);
                text = new StringKey(text.Substring(start, (next - start) - 1)).Translate();
                text = text.Replace(toReplace, hero.name.Translate());

            // Fix new lines and replace symbol text with special characters
            return(OutputSymbolReplace(text).Replace("\\n", "\n"));
Пример #8
 // Create page of options
 public HeroSelection(Quest.Hero h)
     RenderPage(h.id, 0);
Пример #9
 public HeroDialog(Quest.Hero h)
     hero = h;
Пример #10
        // Get the text to display for the event
        virtual public string GetText()
            string text = qEvent.text.Translate(true);

            // Find and replace {q:element with the name of the
            // element

            if (text.Contains("{c:"))
                Regex  questItemRegex = new Regex("{c:(((?!{).)*?)}");
                string replaceFrom;
                string componentName;
                string componentText;
                foreach (Match oneVar in questItemRegex.Matches(text))
                    replaceFrom   = oneVar.Value;
                    componentName = oneVar.Groups[1].Value;
                    QuestData.QuestComponent component;
                    if (game.quest.qd.components.TryGetValue(componentName, out component))
                        componentText = getComponentText(component);
                        text          = text.Replace(replaceFrom, componentText);

            // Find and replace rnd:hero with a hero
            // replaces all occurances with the one hero

            Quest.Hero h = game.quest.GetRandomHero();
            if (text.Contains("{rnd:hero"))
                h.selected = true;
            text = text.Replace("{rnd:hero}", h.heroData.name.Translate());

            // Random heroes can have custom lookups
            if (text.StartsWith("{rnd:hero:"))
                HeroData hero  = h.heroData;
                int      start = "{rnd:hero:".Length;
                if (!hero.ContainsTrait("male"))
                    if (text[start] == '{')
                        start = text.IndexOf("}", start);
                    start = text.IndexOf(":", start) + 1;
                    if (text[start] == '{')
                        start = text.IndexOf("}", start);
                    start = text.IndexOf(":", start) + 1;
                int next = start;
                if (text[next] == '{')
                    next = text.IndexOf("}", next);
                next = text.IndexOf(":", next) + 1;
                int end = next;
                if (text[end] == '{')
                    end = text.IndexOf("}", end);
                end = text.IndexOf(":", end);
                if (end < 0)
                    end = text.Length - 1;
                string toReplace = text.Substring(next, end - next);
                text = new StringKey(text.Substring(start, (next - start) - 1)).Translate();
                text = text.Replace(toReplace, hero.name.Translate());

            // Fix new lines and replace symbol text with special characters
            return(OutputSymbolReplace(text).Replace("\\n", "\n"));
Пример #11
    // Add a hero
    void AddHero(Quest.Hero h, Game game)
        Sprite heroSprite;
        Sprite frameSprite;

        // FIXME: should be game type specific
        Texture2D frameTex = Resources.Load("sprites/borders/grey_frame") as Texture2D;

        string heroName = h.id.ToString();

        // If hero selected use blue frame (FIX for game type)
        if (h.heroData != null)
            frameTex = Resources.Load("sprites/borders/blue_frame") as Texture2D;
            heroName = h.heroData.name;

        GameObject heroFrame = new GameObject("heroFrame" + heroName);

        heroFrame.tag = "herodisplay";
        heroFrame.transform.parent = game.uICanvas.transform;
        RectTransform transFrame = heroFrame.AddComponent <RectTransform>();

        transFrame.SetInsetAndSizeFromParentEdge(RectTransform.Edge.Top, (0.25f + offset) * UIScaler.GetPixelsPerUnit(), heroSize * UIScaler.GetPixelsPerUnit());
        transFrame.SetInsetAndSizeFromParentEdge(RectTransform.Edge.Left, 0.25f * UIScaler.GetPixelsPerUnit(), heroSize * UIScaler.GetPixelsPerUnit());
        heroFrame.AddComponent <CanvasRenderer>();

        UnityEngine.UI.Image imageFrame = heroFrame.AddComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Image>();
        icon_frames.Add(h.id, imageFrame);
        frameSprite       = Sprite.Create(frameTex, new Rect(0, 0, frameTex.width, frameTex.height), Vector2.zero, 1);
        imageFrame.sprite = frameSprite;
        imageFrame.rectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(heroSize * UIScaler.GetPixelsPerUnit(), heroSize * UIScaler.GetPixelsPerUnit());

        UnityEngine.UI.Button buttonFrame = heroFrame.AddComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Button>();
        buttonFrame.interactable = true;
        buttonFrame.onClick.AddListener(delegate { HeroDiag(h.id); });

        GameObject heroImg = new GameObject("heroImg" + heroName);

        heroImg.tag = "herodisplay";
        heroImg.transform.parent = game.uICanvas.transform;
        RectTransform trans = heroImg.AddComponent <RectTransform>();

        trans.SetInsetAndSizeFromParentEdge(RectTransform.Edge.Top, (0.25f + offset) * UIScaler.GetPixelsPerUnit(), heroSize * UIScaler.GetPixelsPerUnit());
        offset += heroSize + 0.5f;
        trans.SetInsetAndSizeFromParentEdge(RectTransform.Edge.Left, 0.25f * UIScaler.GetPixelsPerUnit(), heroSize * UIScaler.GetPixelsPerUnit());
        heroImg.AddComponent <CanvasRenderer>();
        UnityEngine.UI.Image image = heroImg.AddComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Image>();

        icons.Add(h.id, image);
        image.rectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(heroSize * UIScaler.GetPixelsPerUnit() * 0.8f, heroSize * UIScaler.GetPixelsPerUnit() * 0.8f);
        image.color = Color.clear;

        UnityEngine.UI.Button button = heroImg.AddComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Button>();
        button.interactable = true;
        button.onClick.AddListener(delegate { HeroDiag(h.id); });

        // Add hero image if selected
        if (h.heroData != null)
            Texture2D newTex = ContentData.FileToTexture(h.heroData.image);
            heroSprite   = Sprite.Create(newTex, new Rect(0, 0, newTex.width, newTex.height), Vector2.zero, 1);
            image.sprite = heroSprite;