Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a DataView from the datatable which contains all sections available, plus the # of forums in the section.
        /// Sections and forums are sorted on OrderNo ascending, then on Name  ascending.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="excludeEmptySections">If set to true, empty sections are ignored.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// DataView with all the sections available, including statistics, directly bindable to webcontrols
        /// </returns>
        public static DataView GetAllSectionsWStatisticsAsDataView(bool excludeEmptySections)
            // join with a derived table, which calculates the number of forums per section. This allows us to re-use the
            // scalar values in multiple places (projection and where clause), without re-calculating the scalar per row.

            var qf = new QueryFactory();
            var q = qf.Create()
                                    qf.Field("ForumCountList", "ForumCount").As("AmountForums"))
                            .OrderBy(SectionFields.OrderNo.Ascending(), SectionFields.SectionName.Ascending());

                q.AndWhere(qf.Field("ForumCountList", "ForumCount")!=0);
            TypedListDAO dao = new TypedListDAO();
            var results = dao.FetchAsDataTable(q);
            return results.DefaultView;
Пример #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the threads and accompanying statistics info, in the supportqueue specified. Only the threads which are in the forums in the list of
 /// accessable forums are returned.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="accessableForums">A list of accessable forums IDs, which the user has permission to access.</param>
 /// <param name="supportQueueID">The ID of the support queue to retrieve the threads for.</param>
 /// <returns>a dataView of Active threads</returns>
 public static DataView GetAllThreadsInSupportQueueAsDataView(List<int> accessableForums, int supportQueueID)
     // return null, if the user does not have a valid list of forums to access
     if(accessableForums == null || accessableForums.Count <= 0)
         return null;
     var qf = new QueryFactory();
     var q = qf.Create();
     var projectionFields = new List<object>(ThreadGuiHelper.BuildQueryProjectionForAllThreadsWithStats(qf));
     projectionFields.AddRange(new[] {
             .InnerJoin(qf.Forum).On(ThreadFields.ForumID == ForumFields.ForumID)
             .InnerJoin(qf.SupportQueueThread).On(ThreadFields.ThreadID == SupportQueueThreadFields.ThreadID)
                     .On(SupportQueueThreadFields.PlacedInQueueByUserID == UserFields.UserID.Source("PlacedInQueueUser"))
                     .On(SupportQueueThreadFields.ClaimedByUserID == UserFields.UserID.Source("ClaimedThreadUser")));
     q.Where((ThreadFields.ForumID == accessableForums).And(SupportQueueThreadFields.QueueID == supportQueueID));
     TypedListDAO dao = new TypedListDAO();
     var threadsInQueue = dao.FetchAsDataTable(q);
     return threadsInQueue.DefaultView;
Пример #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks the if thread is already bookmarked.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="userID">User ID.</param>
 /// <param name="threadID">Thread ID.</param>
 /// <returns>true if the thread is bookmarked</returns>
 public static bool CheckIfThreadIsAlreadyBookmarked(int userID, int threadID)
     var qf = new QueryFactory();
     var q = qf.Create()
                 .Where((BookmarkFields.ThreadID == threadID).And(BookmarkFields.UserID == userID));
     var dao = new TypedListDAO();
     return dao.GetScalar<int?>(q, null) != null;
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// 删除服务节点
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="deleteInfo">删除信息</param>
        /// <returns>执行结果</returns>
        public Result DeleteServerNode(DeleteServerNodeCmdDto deleteInfo)
            using (var businessWork = WorkFactory.Create())
                #region 参数判断

                if (deleteInfo == null || deleteInfo.ServerNodeIds.IsNullOrEmpty())


                var nowServers = ServerNodeDomainService.GetServerNodeList(QueryFactory.Create <ServerNodeQuery>(c => deleteInfo.ServerNodeIds.Contains(c.Id)));
                var commitResult = businessWork.Commit();
                return(commitResult.ExecutedSuccess ? Result.SuccessResult("删除成功") : Result.FailedResult("删除失败"));
Пример #5
        public void TestProductSaleByDayNSUpdateWhere()
            var repository = GetRepository();
            var queryCount = QueryFactory.Create <ProductSaleByDayNSEntity>(m => !m.ProductName.Contains("没有") && m.ProductName.Contains("修改"));

            var count        = repository.Count(queryCount);
            var updateEntity = new ProductSaleByDayNSEntity()
                DataSource  = "测试来源批量修改",
                ProductName = "商品修改Where"

            var where = QueryFactory.Create <ProductSaleByDayNSEntity>(m => !m.ProductName.Contains("没有") && m.ProductName.Contains("修改"));//where是更新条件
            //注意如果是更新用的是实体类的DBModel_ShuffledTempDate Query中的无效
            int updateCount = repository.Update(updateEntity, where);

            Assert.AreEqual(updateCount, count);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(updateCount, 0);
Пример #6
        public void TestError()
            var repository = GetRepository();
            var lst        = repository.GetList();

            var all = lst.AsQueryable();
            IQuery <ProductSaleByDayNSEntity> query;
            var t = lst[2];

            Expression <Func <ProductSaleByDayNSEntity, bool> > where;
            long allCount, c;

            where =
                m => m.SysNo == t.SysNo;
            query    = QueryFactory.Create(where);
            c        = repository.Count(query);
            allCount = all.Count(where);
            Assert.AreEqual(allCount, c);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(allCount, 0);
        /// <summary>
        /// 保存数据验证
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override bool SaveValidation()
            bool valResult = base.SaveValidation();

            if (!valResult)
            if (group.CurrentValue == null || group.CurrentValue.SysNo <= 0)
                throw new Exception("请设置操作所属分组");
            IQuery groupQuery = QueryFactory.Create <AuthorityOperationGroupQuery>(c => c.SysNo == group.CurrentValue.SysNo);

            if (!this.Instance <IAuthorityOperationGroupRepository>().Exist(groupQuery))
                throw new Exception("请设置正确的分组");
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if the message with the ID specified is first message in thread with id specified.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="threadID">The thread ID.</param>
        /// <param name="messageID">The message ID.</param>
        /// <returns>true if message is first message in thread, false otherwise</returns>
        public static bool CheckIfMessageIsFirstInThread(int threadID, int messageID)
            // use a scalar query, which obtains the first MessageID in a given thread. We sort on posting date ascending, and simply read
            // the first messageid. If that's not available or not equal to messageID, the messageID isn't the first post in the thread, otherwise it is.
            var qf = new QueryFactory();
            var q  = qf.Create()
                     .Where(MessageFields.ThreadID == threadID)
            var dao            = new TypedListDAO();
            var firstMessageId = dao.GetScalar <int?>(q, null);

            if (firstMessageId.HasValue)
                return(firstMessageId.Value == messageID);
            // not found.
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// 修改用户授权
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userAuthorizes">用户授权信息</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Result ModifyUserAuthorize(IEnumerable <UserAuthorize> userAuthorizes)
            if (userAuthorizes.IsNullOrEmpty())

            #region 角色授权

            List <long> userIds           = userAuthorizes.Select(c => c.User?.SysNo ?? 0).Distinct().ToList();
            IQuery      userRoleBindQuery = QueryFactory.Create <UserRoleQuery>(c => userIds.Contains(c.UserSysNo));
            userRoleBindQuery.AddQueryFields <UserRoleQuery>(c => c.RoleSysNo);
            IQuery roleAuthBindQuery = QueryFactory.Create <RoleAuthorizeQuery>();
            roleAuthBindQuery.And <RoleAuthorizeQuery>(c => c.Role, CriteriaOperator.In, userRoleBindQuery);
            roleAuthBindQuery.AddQueryFields <RoleAuthorizeQuery>(c => c.Authority);
            IQuery authQuery = QueryFactory.Create <AuthorityQuery>();
            authQuery.And <AuthorityQuery>(c => c.Code, CriteriaOperator.In, roleAuthBindQuery);
            authQuery.AddQueryFields <AuthorityQuery>(c => c.Code);
            IEnumerable <Authority> roleAuthoritys     = AuthorityService.GetAuthorityList(authQuery);
            List <string>           roleAuthorityCodes = roleAuthoritys.Select(c => c.Code).ToList();


            List <UserAuthorize> saveUserAuthorizes = new List <UserAuthorize>();
            userAuthRepository.Remove(userAuthorizes.ToArray());                                                                                      //移除授权数据
            List <UserAuthorize> disableAuthorizes = userAuthorizes.Where(c => c.Disable && roleAuthorityCodes.Contains(c.Authority?.Code)).ToList(); //角色拥有但是用户显示禁用掉的授权
            if (!disableAuthorizes.IsNullOrEmpty())
            List <UserAuthorize> enableAuthorizes = userAuthorizes.Where(c => !c.Disable && !roleAuthorityCodes.Contains(c.Authority?.Code)).ToList();//用户单独授权的权限
            if (!enableAuthorizes.IsNullOrEmpty())
            if (!saveUserAuthorizes.IsNullOrEmpty())
Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all attachments which have to be approved as data view, filtered on the two passed in list of forum id's.
        /// It doesn't return the file contents for each attachment, it just returns the other data of each attachment, as well as some other related data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="accessableForums">The accessable forums by the user calling.</param>
        /// <param name="forumsWithApprovalRight">The forums the calling user has attachment approval rights.</param>
        /// <param name="forumsWithThreadsFromOthers">The forums the calling user can view normal threads from others.</param>
        /// <param name="userID">The user ID of the calling user.</param>
        /// <returns>DataView with the data requested.</returns>
        public static DataView GetAllAttachmentsToApproveAsDataView(List <int> accessableForums, List <int> forumsWithApprovalRight,
                                                                    List <int> forumsWithThreadsFromOthers, int userID)
            if ((accessableForums == null) || (accessableForums.Count <= 0))
                // doesn't have access to any forum, return
            if ((forumsWithApprovalRight == null) || (forumsWithApprovalRight.Count <= 0))
                // doesn't have a forum with attachment approval right

            // we'll use a dynamic list for the data to return. This is similar to GetAttachmentsAsDataView, however now we'll add more data + we'll
            // filter on more things. The data we'll add is the ForumID of the thread containing the messagee the attachment is attached to, as well as
            // the userid of the poster of the message the attachment is attached to, and the threadid of the thread the message is in.
            // We've to filter the list of attachments based on the forums accessable by the calling user, the list of forums the calling user has approval
            // rights on and by the forums on which the user can see other user's threads. We'll create a predicate expression for this, and will add
            // for each of these filters a separate predicate to this predicate expression and specify AND, so they all have to be true
            var qf = new QueryFactory();
            var q  = qf.Create()
                           .InnerJoin(qf.Message).On(AttachmentFields.MessageID == MessageFields.MessageID)
                           .InnerJoin(qf.Thread).On(MessageFields.ThreadID == ThreadFields.ThreadID))
                     .Where(CreateAttachmentFilter(accessableForums, forumsWithApprovalRight, forumsWithThreadsFromOthers, userID, false))

            var attachments = new TypedListDAO().FetchAsDataTable(q);

Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute Remove
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query">query model</param>
        protected virtual async Task ExecuteRemoveAsync(IQuery query)
            if (query == null)
                query = QueryFactory.Create();
            Type entityType = typeof(ET);
            var  keys       = QueryConfig.GetPrimaryKeys(entityType);

            if (keys.IsNullOrEmpty())
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Type:{0} isn't set primary keys", entityType.FullName));
            var dataList = GetList(query);

            if (dataList == null || dataList.Count <= 0)
            await RemoveAsync(dataList.ToArray()).ConfigureAwait(false);
Пример #12
        /// <summary>
        /// 添加工作分组
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="jobGroup">工作分组对象</param>
        /// <returns>执行结果</returns>
        static void AddJobGroup(JobGroup jobGroup)
            #region  级

            string   parentGroupId = jobGroup.Parent == null ? "" : jobGroup.Parent.Code;
            JobGroup parentGroup   = null;
            if (!parentGroupId.IsNullOrEmpty())
                IQuery parentQuery = QueryFactory.Create <JobGroupQuery>(c => c.Code == parentGroupId);
                parentGroup = jobGroupRepository.Get(parentQuery);
                if (parentGroup == null)
                    throw new Exception("请选择正确的上级分组");


Пример #13
        /// <summary>
        /// 保存计划表达式
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">要保持的数据</param>
        protected override async Task <IActivationRecord> ExecuteSaveAsync(ExpressionTrigger data)
            if (data == null || data.ExpressionItems.IsNullOrEmpty())
            List <TriggerExpressionEntity> expressionEntitys = new List <TriggerExpressionEntity>();

            expressionEntitys.AddRange(data.ExpressionItems.Select(c =>
                var expression       = c.MapTo <TriggerExpressionEntity>();
                expression.TriggerId = data.Id;
            IQuery removeQuery = QueryFactory.Create <TriggerExpressionQuery>(c => c.TriggerId == data.Id);

            return(await SaveEntityAsync(expressionEntitys.ToArray()).ConfigureAwait(false));
Пример #14
        public void TestProductSaleByDayNSGetPaging()
            var stTime     = new DateTime(2019, 1, 15);
            var endTime    = new DateTime(2019, 2, 11);
            var repository = GetRepository();
            var query      = QueryFactory.Create <ProductSaleByDayNSEntity>(m => m.ProductName.Contains("测试"));

            query.And(m => m.StatisticalDate >= stTime);
            query.And(m => m.StatisticalDate < endTime.Date.AddDays(1));
            query.OrderByDescing(m => m.StatisticalDate);
            query.StarSize = 20;
            query.Rows     = 10;
            var paging = repository.GetPaging(query);
            var count  = paging.TotalCount;
            var lst    = paging.ToList();//或者paging.Items

            Assert.True(count > 10);
            Assert.True(lst.Count == 10);
            Assert.True(lst.Any(m => m.StatisticalDate > new DateTime(2019, 2, 1)));
Пример #15
        protected QueryBase CreateQuery()
                string query;
                if (SelectedOnly.Checked)
                    query = Query.SelectedText;
                    query = Query.Text;

                var q = QueryFactory.Create(Federation).CreateQuery(query, ExecutionMode.Graywulf, OutputTable.Text);

                Message.BackColor = Color.Green;
                Message.Text      = "Query OK.";

            catch (ValidatorException ex)
                Message.BackColor = Color.Red;
                Message.Text      = String.Format("Query error: {0}", ex.Message);
            catch (NameResolverException ex)
                Message.BackColor = Color.Red;
                Message.Text      = String.Format("Query error: {0}", ex.Message);
            catch (ParserException ex)
                Message.BackColor = Color.Red;
                Message.Text      = String.Format("Query error: {0}", ex.Message);

Пример #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all message ids and related info for displaying of the messages which have at least 1 unapproved attachment.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="accessableForums">The accessable forums by the user calling.</param>
        /// <param name="forumsWithApprovalRight">The forums the calling user has attachment approval rights.</param>
        /// <param name="forumsWithThreadsFromOthers">The forums the calling user can view normal threads from others.</param>
        /// <param name="userId">The user ID of the calling user.</param>
        /// <returns>List with objects with the data requested.</returns>
        public static async Task <List <AggregatedUnapprovedAttachmentRow> > GetAllMessagesIDsWithUnapprovedAttachments(List <int> accessableForums,
                                                                                                                        List <int> forumsWithApprovalRight,
                                                                                                                        List <int> forumsWithThreadsFromOthers, int userId)
            if ((accessableForums == null) || (accessableForums.Count <= 0))
                // doesn't have access to any forum, return

            if ((forumsWithApprovalRight == null) || (forumsWithApprovalRight.Count <= 0))
                // doesn't have a forum with attachment approval right

            var qf = new QueryFactory();

            // We've to filter the list of attachments based on the forums accessable by the calling user, the list of forums the calling user has approval
            // rights on and by the forums on which the user can see other user's threads. We'll create a predicate expression for this, and will add
            // for each of these filters a separate predicate to this predicate expression and specify AND, so they all have to be true
            var q = qf.Create()
                    .Select <AggregatedUnapprovedAttachmentRow>(ThreadFields.Subject,
                    .Where(MessageGuiHelper.CreateAttachmentFilter(accessableForums, forumsWithApprovalRight, forumsWithThreadsFromOthers, userId))
                    .OrderBy(ForumFields.ForumName.Ascending(), AttachmentFields.AddedOn.Ascending())

            using (var adapter = new DataAccessAdapter())
                return(await adapter.FetchQueryAsync(q).ConfigureAwait(false));
Пример #17
        public void TestProductSaleByDayUpdateWhere()
            var repository = GetRepository();
            var queryCount = QueryFactory.Create <ProductSaleByDayEntity>(m => !m.ProductName.Contains("没有") && m.ProductName.Contains("修改"));

            queryCount.DBModel.DBModel_ShuffledTempDate = new DateTime(2019, 01, 05);
            var count        = repository.Count(queryCount);
            var updateEntity = new ProductSaleByDayEntity()
                DataSource = "测试来源批量修改",
                ShopName   = "店铺修改Where",
                DBModel_ShuffledTempDate = new DateTime(2019, 01, 05),//如果用这句话来确定是那个库及表
                // StatisticalDate = statisticalDate,//如果要更新StatisticalDate则可以用这句话替代上面那句话

            var where = QueryFactory.Create <ProductSaleByDayEntity>(m => !m.ProductName.Contains("没有") && m.ProductName.Contains("修改"));//where是更新条件
            //注意如果是更新用的是实体类的DBModel_ShuffledTempDate Query中的无效
            int updateCount = repository.Update(updateEntity, where);

            Assert.AreEqual(updateCount, count);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(updateCount, 0);
Пример #18
        private IQuery <T> QueryiSearch(string propertyName, string queryVal)
            string tempQueryFiled = string.Empty;

            while (tempQueryFiled != queryVal)
                tempQueryFiled = queryVal;
                queryVal       = queryVal.Replace("+ ", "+").Replace(" +", "+");
            var query_Search = QueryFactory.Create <T>();

            string[] lst = queryVal.Split(new string[] { " ", "	", " ", "	"}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            foreach (var f in lst)
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(f))
                var      q = QueryFactory.Create <T>();
                string[] lstInfo;
                if (f.Contains("+") || f.Contains("+"))
                    lstInfo = f.Split(new string[] { "+", "+" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    lstInfo = new string[] { f };
                foreach (var info in lstInfo)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(info))
                        q.And(DBTool.GetContains <T>(propertyName, info));
Пример #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the system action rights for user.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userID">The user ID.</param>
        /// <param name="actionRights">The action rights to be returned.</param>
        /// <returns>filled collection</returns>
        public static async Task <EntityCollection <ActionRightEntity> > GetSystemActionRightsForUserAsync(int userID)
            var qf = new QueryFactory();

            // the subquery in the filter requires joins as the filter's subquery has to filter on fields in related entities:
            // WHERE ActionRightID IN (SELECT ActionRightID FROM RoleSystemActionRight INNER JOIN Role ... INNER JOIN RoleUser ... WHERE RoleUser.UserID=userID)
            var q = qf.ActionRight

            using (var adapter = new DataAccessAdapter())
                var toReturn = await adapter.FetchQueryAsync(q, new EntityCollection <ActionRightEntity>()).ConfigureAwait(false);

        /// <summary>
        /// edit data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">object</param>
        /// <param name="query">query object</param>
        /// <returns>ICommand object</returns>
        public virtual ICommand Modify(T obj, IQuery query)
            Dictionary <string, dynamic> modifyValues = obj.GetModifyValues();

            if (modifyValues == null || modifyValues.Count <= 0)

            #region 版本控制

            string versionFieldName = QueryConfig.GetVersionField(typeof(T));
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(versionFieldName))
                if (!modifyValues.ContainsKey(versionFieldName))
                    modifyValues.Add(versionFieldName, obj.PropertyValues[versionFieldName] + 1);
                query = query ?? QueryFactory.Create();
                query.And(versionFieldName, CriteriaOperator.Equal, obj.PropertyValues[versionFieldName]);


            #region 更新时间

            string refreshFieldName = QueryConfig.GetRefreshDateField(typeof(T));
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(refreshFieldName))
                if (!modifyValues.ContainsKey(refreshFieldName))
                    modifyValues.Add(refreshFieldName, DateTime.Now);


            return(Update(modifyValues.Keys, modifyValues, query));
Пример #21
        /// <summary>
        /// 根据查询条件生成查询对象
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filter">查询条件</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        IQuery CreateQueryObject(JobGroupFilterDto filter)
            if (filter == null)
            IQuery query = QueryFactory.Create();

            if (!filter.Codes.IsNullOrEmpty())
                query.In <JobGroupQuery>(c => c.Code, filter.Codes);
            if (!filter.Name.IsNullOrEmpty())
                query.Equal <JobGroupQuery>(c => c.Name, filter.Name);
            if (filter.Sort.HasValue)
                query.Equal <JobGroupQuery>(c => c.Sort, filter.Sort.Value);
            if (!filter.Parent.IsNullOrEmpty())
                query.Equal <JobGroupQuery>(c => c.Parent, filter.Parent);
            if (!filter.Root.IsNullOrEmpty())
                query.Equal <JobGroupQuery>(c => c.Root, filter.Root);
            if (filter.Level.HasValue)
                query.Equal <JobGroupQuery>(c => c.Level, filter.Level.Value);
            if (!filter.Remark.IsNullOrEmpty())
                query.Equal <JobGroupQuery>(c => c.Remark, filter.Remark);
Пример #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the threads and accompanying statistics info, in the supportqueues specified. Only the threads which are in the forums in the list of
        /// accessable forums are returned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="accessableForums">A list of accessable forums IDs, which the user has permission to access.</param>
        /// <param name="supportQueueIds">The support queue IDs to obtain the threads info for.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// a list of aggregated support queue contents rows, one per thread, or an empty list if no forums were accessible.
        /// </returns>
        public static async Task <List <AggregatedSupportQueueContentsRow> > GetAllThreadsInSpecifiedSupportQueuesAsync(List <int> accessableForums, int[] supportQueueIds)
            // return null, if the user does not have a valid list of forums to access
            if (accessableForums == null || accessableForums.Count <= 0)
                return(new List <AggregatedSupportQueueContentsRow>());

            var qf = new QueryFactory();
            var projectionFields = new List <object>(ThreadGuiHelper.BuildQueryProjectionForAllThreadsWithStatsWithForumName(qf));

            var q = qf.Create()
                    .Select <AggregatedSupportQueueContentsRow>(projectionFields.ToArray())
                    .OrderBy(SupportQueueThreadFields.QueueID.Ascending(), MessageFields.PostingDate.Source("LastMessage").Ascending());

            using (var adapter = new DataAccessAdapter())
                return(await adapter.FetchQueryAsync(q).ConfigureAwait(false));
        /// <summary>
        /// 更新授权操作组
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newAuthorityOperationGroup">授权操作组对象</param>
        /// <returns>执行结果</returns>
        Result <AuthorityOperationGroup> UpdateAuthorityOperationGroup(AuthorityOperationGroup newAuthorityOperationGroup)
            AuthorityOperationGroup authorityOperationGroup = GetAuthorityOperationGroup(newAuthorityOperationGroup.SysNo);

            if (authorityOperationGroup == null)
                return(Result <AuthorityOperationGroup> .FailedResult("没有指定要操作的分组信息"));
            long newParentGroupId = newAuthorityOperationGroup.Parent == null ? 0 : newAuthorityOperationGroup.Parent.SysNo;
            long oldParentGroupId = authorityOperationGroup.Parent == null ? 0 : authorityOperationGroup.Parent.SysNo;

            if (newParentGroupId != oldParentGroupId)
                AuthorityOperationGroup parentGroup = null;
                if (newParentGroupId > 0)
                    IQuery parentQuery = QueryFactory.Create <AuthorityOperationGroupQuery>(c => c.SysNo == newParentGroupId);
                    parentGroup = authorityOperationGroupRepository.Get(parentQuery);
                    if (parentGroup == null)
                        return(Result <AuthorityOperationGroup> .FailedResult("请选择正确的上级分组"));
            authorityOperationGroup.Name   = newAuthorityOperationGroup.Name;
            authorityOperationGroup.Status = newAuthorityOperationGroup.Status;
            authorityOperationGroup.Remark = newAuthorityOperationGroup.Remark;

            var result = Result <AuthorityOperationGroup> .SuccessResult("修改成功");

            result.Data = authorityOperationGroup;
Пример #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the users matching the filter criteria.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filterOnRole"><see langword="true"/> if [filter on role]; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="roleID">Role ID.</param>
        /// <param name="filterOnNickName"><see langword="true"/> if [filter on nick name]; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="nickName">Name of the nick.</param>
        /// <param name="filterOnEmailAddress"><see langword="true"/> if [filter on email address]; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="emailAddress">Email address.</param>
        /// <returns>User objects matching the query</returns>
        public static UserCollection FindUsers(bool filterOnRole, int roleID, bool filterOnNickName, string nickName, bool filterOnEmailAddress, string emailAddress)
            var qf = new QueryFactory();
            var q  = qf.User

            if (filterOnRole)
                q.AndWhere(UserFields.UserID.In(qf.Create().Select(RoleUserFields.UserID).Where(RoleUserFields.RoleID == roleID)));
            if (filterOnNickName)
                q.AndWhere(UserFields.NickName.Like("%" + nickName + "%"));
            if (filterOnEmailAddress)
                q.AndWhere(UserFields.EmailAddress.Like("%" + emailAddress + "%"));
            UserCollection toReturn = new UserCollection();

        /// <summary>
        /// 保存
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">要保存的数据</param>
        protected override async Task <IActivationRecord> ExecuteSaveAsync(TriggerCondition data)
            var expressionCondition = data as TriggerExpressionCondition;

            if (expressionCondition == null || expressionCondition.ExpressionItems.IsNullOrEmpty())
            List <TriggerExpressionConditionEntity> expressionConditionEntityList = new List <TriggerExpressionConditionEntity>();

            expressionConditionEntityList.AddRange(expressionCondition.ExpressionItems.Select(c =>
                var entity       = c.MapTo <TriggerExpressionConditionEntity>();
                entity.TriggerId = data.TriggerId;
            IQuery removeQuery = QueryFactory.Create <TriggerExpressionConditionQuery>(c => c.TriggerId == data.TriggerId);

            return(await SaveEntityAsync(expressionConditionEntityList.ToArray()).ConfigureAwait(false));
Пример #26
        public ActionResult <Paging <ProductSaleByDayNSEntity> > GetJoinPaging()
            var repository = GetRepository();
            var query      = QueryFactory.Create <ProductSaleByDayNSEntity>(m => DBFunction.Function <DateTime>("ISNULL", m.UpdateDate, DateTime.Now) > new DateTime(2019, 6, 26));
            var jq         = query.InnerJoin(QueryFactory.Create <ShopEntity>(), m => m.ShopID, m => m.SysNo, (x, y) => new { Sale = x, Shop = y });

            jq.And(m => m.Shop.ShopName.Contains("店铺"));
            jq.OrderByDescing(m => m.Sale.Sales + 1);
            jq.OrderBy(m => m.Sale.ProductName + m.Sale.OutProductID);
            jq.StarSize = 10;
            jq.Rows     = 5;
            var res    = jq.Select(m => m.Sale);
            var paging = repository.GetPaging(res);
            var res2 = jq.Select(m => new PSDto {
                ShopName = m.Shop.ShopName
            }, true);
            var paging2 = repository.GetPaging(res2);
            var count   = paging.TotalCount;
            var lst     = paging.ToList();//或者paging.Items

Пример #27
        private void TestProductSaleByDayUpdate()
            var repository = GetRepository();
            var queryCount = QueryFactory.Create <ProductSaleByDayEntity>();

            queryCount.DBModel.DBModel_ShuffledTempDate = new DateTime(2019, 01, 01);
            queryCount.And(m => m.DataSource == "测试来源修改");
            var preCount = repository.Count(queryCount);

            var query = QueryFactory.Create <ProductSaleByDayEntity>();

            query.And(m => m.DataSource != "测试来源修改");
            query.OrderByDescing(m => m.StatisticalDate);
            query.StarSize = new Random().Next(5);
            query.Rows     = 1;
            query.DBModel.DBModel_ShuffledTempDate = new DateTime(2019, 01, 01);
            var model = repository.GetPaging(query).ToList()[0];

            model.DataSource  = "测试来源修改";
            model.ProductName = "测试商品修改";

            var r = repository.Update(model);

            var nextCount = repository.Count(queryCount);

            Assert.AreEqual(preCount + 1, nextCount);
            var entity = repository.Get(new ProductSaleByDayEntity {
                DBModel_ShuffledTempDate = model.StatisticalDate, SysNo = model.SysNo

            Assert.AreEqual(model.SysNo, entity.SysNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(model.DataSource, entity.DataSource);
            Assert.AreEqual(model.ProductName, entity.ProductName);
Пример #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a list with aggregated data objects, one per thread, for the requested forum and page
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="forumId">ID of Forum for which the Threadlist is required</param>
        /// <param name="pageNumber">The page number to fetch, which is used to fetch non-sticky posts</param>
        /// <param name="pageSize">The number of rows to fetch for the page. </param>
        /// <param name="canViewNormalThreadsStartedByOthers">If set to true, the user calling the method has the right to view threads started by others.
        /// Otherwise only the threads started by the user calling the method are returned.</param>
        /// <param name="userId">The userid of the user calling the method.</param>
        /// <returns>List with all the thread info, aggregated. Sticky threads are sorted to the top.</returns>
        public static async Task <List <AggregatedThreadRow> > GetAllThreadsInForumAggregatedDataAsync(int forumId, int pageNumber, int pageSize,
                                                                                                       bool canViewNormalThreadsStartedByOthers, int userId)
            // create a query which always fetches the sticky threads, and besides those the threads which are visible to the user.
            // then sort the sticky threads at the top and page through the resultset.
            var qf          = new QueryFactory();
            var offsetStart = pageSize * (pageNumber - 1);

            if (offsetStart < 0)
                offsetStart = 0;
            var q = qf.Create()
                    .OrderBy(ThreadFields.IsSticky.Descending(), MessageFields.PostingDate.Source("LastMessage").Descending())
                    .Select <AggregatedThreadRow>(ThreadGuiHelper.BuildQueryProjectionForAllThreadsWithStats(qf).ToArray())
                    .Offset(offsetStart)                       // skip the pages we don't need.
                    .Limit(pageSize + 1);                      // fetch 1 row extra, which we can use to determine whether there are more pages left.

            // if the user can't view threads started by others, filter out threads started by users different from userID. Otherwise just filter on forumid and stickyness.
            if (!canViewNormalThreadsStartedByOthers)
                // caller can't view threads started by others: add a filter so that threads not started by calling user aren't enlisted.
                // however sticky threads are always returned so the filter contains a check so the limit is only applied on threads which aren't sticky
                // add a filter for sticky threads, add it with 'OR', so sticky threads are always accepted. The whole expression is and-ed to the already existing
                // expression

            using (var adapter = new DataAccessAdapter())
                var toReturn = await adapter.FetchQueryAsync(q).ConfigureAwait(false);

        /// <summary>
        /// 保存管理用户
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userList">用户列表</param>
        public void SaveUserRoleFromUser(IEnumerable <User> userList)
            if (userList.IsNullOrEmpty())

            #region 管理账户角色

            List <UserRoleEntity> userRoleList  = new List <UserRoleEntity>();
            List <AdminUser>      adminUserList = userList.Where(c => (c is AdminUser) && c != null).Select(c => (AdminUser)c).ToList();
            List <long>           userIds       = new List <long>();
            adminUserList.ForEach(a =>
                if (a.Roles.IsNullOrEmpty())
                userRoleList.AddRange(a.Roles.Select(c => new UserRoleEntity()
                    UserSysNo = a.SysNo,
                    RoleSysNo = c.SysNo


            IQuery removeQuery = QueryFactory.Create <UserRoleQuery>(c => userIds.Contains(c.UserSysNo));
            if (!userRoleList.IsNullOrEmpty())
Пример #30
        /// <summary>
        /// 修改执行计划状态
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="triggers">计划信息</param>
        public static void ModifyTriggerState(IEnumerable <Trigger> triggers)
            if (triggers.IsNullOrEmpty())
            var triggerIds  = triggers.Select(c => c.Id).Distinct();
            var nowTriggers = triggerRepository.GetList(QueryFactory.Create <TriggerQuery>(c => triggerIds.Contains(c.Id)));

            if (nowTriggers.IsNullOrEmpty())
            foreach (var trigger in nowTriggers)
                var newTrigger = triggers.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == trigger.Id);
                if (newTrigger == null)
                trigger.Status = newTrigger.Status;
Пример #31
        private static NEMILTEC.Interfaces.Service.Reporting.IReportElement _CreateElement(
            Domain.ReportElement element,
            NEMILTEC.Interfaces.Service.Reporting.Report report,
            IDataContext context)
            var newElement = ReportElementFactory.Create(element.ReportElementType.Id);

            newElement.Name        = element.Name;
            newElement.Description = element.Description;
            newElement.Title       = element.Title;

            newElement.Report = report;

            if (!element.TemplateInfo.IsNullOrEmpty())
                var templateInfo = ReportElementTemplateInfoSerializer.Deserialize((ReportElementType)element.ReportElementType.Id, element.TemplateInfo);
                newElement.TemplateInfo = templateInfo;

            //if (element.Expression != null)
            //    newElement.Expression = ExpressionFactory.Create(element.Expression, context);

            if (element.Query != null)
                newElement.Query = QueryFactory.Create(element.Query);

            if (!element.Parameters.IsNullOrEmpty())
                newElement.Parameters = element.Parameters.Select(p => _CreateElementParameter(p, context)).ToArray();

Пример #32
        public string Index()
            var importGroupId     = Guid.NewGuid();
            var random            = new Random();
            var repositoryFactory = RepositoryFactory.Create <ProductSaleByDayEntity>();
            var tempDate          = new DateTime(2018, 1, 1);

            while (tempDate <= DateTime.Now.Date)
                if (tempDate.Day == 1)
                    var query = QueryFactory.Create <ProductSaleByDayEntity>();
                    query.DBModel.DBModel_ShuffledTempDate = tempDate;
                foreach (var p in dicProduct)
                    var temp = new ProductSaleByDayEntity();
                    temp.SysNo           = Guid.NewGuid();
                    temp.DataSource      = lstDataSource[random.Next(lstDataSource.Count)];
                    temp.ShopID          = dicShop.Keys.ToList()[random.Next(dicShop.Count)];
                    temp.ShopName        = dicShop[temp.ShopID];
                    temp.ProductID       = p.Key;
                    temp.OutProductID    = p.Value;
                    temp.ProductName     = p.Value;
                    temp.Sales           = random.Next(100000);
                    temp.StatisticalDate = tempDate;
                    temp.UpdateDate      = temp.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;
                    temp.UpdateUserID    = temp.CreateUserID = Guid.NewGuid();
                    temp.ImportGroupId   = importGroupId;
                tempDate = tempDate.AddDays(1);
Пример #33
        public Task DeleteAsync(T entity)
            return(Task.Run(() =>
                WriteConcernResult result;

                IMongoQuery query = QueryFactory.Create(entity);

                    result = Collection.Remove(query);
                catch (MongoWriteConcernException e)
                    throw HandleWriteException(e);
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new ApplicationException("Mongo driver failure.", e);

                CheckWriteResult(result, true);
Пример #34
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the last pageSize threads in which the user specified participated with one or more messages for the page specified. 
        /// Threads which aren't visible for the calling user are filtered out. If pageNumber is 0, pageSize is used to limit the list to the pageSize
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="accessableForums">A list of accessable forums IDs, which the user calling the method has permission to access.</param>
        /// <param name="participantUserID">The participant user ID of the user of which the threads have to be obtained.</param>
        /// <param name="forumsWithThreadsFromOthers">The forums with threads from others.</param>
        /// <param name="callingUserID">The calling user ID.</param>
        /// <param name="pageSize">Size of the page.</param>
        /// <param name="pageNumber">The page number to fetch.</param>
        /// <returns>a dataView of the threads requested</returns>
        public static DataView GetLastThreadsForUserAsDataView(List<int> accessableForums, int participantUserID,
            List<int> forumsWithThreadsFromOthers, int callingUserID, int pageSize, int pageNumber)
            // return null, if the user does not have a valid list of forums to access
            if(accessableForums == null || accessableForums.Count <= 0)
                return null;

            int numberOfThreadsToFetch = pageSize;
            if(numberOfThreadsToFetch <= 0)
                numberOfThreadsToFetch = 25;

            var qf = new QueryFactory();
            var q = qf.Create()
                            .Where((ThreadFields.ForumID == accessableForums)
                                                                        .Where(MessageFields.PostedByUserID == participantUserID)))
                                    .And(ThreadGuiHelper.CreateThreadFilter(forumsWithThreadsFromOthers, callingUserID)))
            if(pageNumber <= 0)
                // no paging
                // get the last numberOfThreadsToFetch, so specify a limit equal to the numberOfThreadsToFetch specified
                // use paging
                q.Page(pageNumber, numberOfThreadsToFetch);
            var dao = new TypedListDAO();
            var lastThreads = dao.FetchAsDataTable(q);
            return lastThreads.DefaultView;
Пример #35
		/// <summary>
		/// Builds form clause for the query specified for a fetch of all threads with statistics.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="qf">The query factory to use.</param>
		/// <returns>ready to use join operand</returns>
		internal static IJoinOperand BuildFromClauseForAllThreadsWithStats(QueryFactory qf)
			return qf.Thread
						.LeftJoin(qf.User.As("ThreadStarterUser")).On(ThreadFields.StartedByUserID == UserFields.UserID.Source("ThreadStarterUser"))
						.InnerJoin(qf.Message.As("LastMessage")).On((ThreadFields.ThreadID == MessageFields.ThreadID.Source("LastMessage"))
												.Where(MessageFields.ThreadID == MessageFields.ThreadID.Source("LastMessage"))
												.ForceRowLimit())))		// force the row limit otherwise the scalar won't have the TOP 1, which will force
																		// the engine to remove the orderby / distinct as it otherwise fails. 
								.On(MessageFields.PostedByUserID.Source("LastMessage") == UserFields.UserID.Source("LastPostingUser"));
Пример #36
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the row count for the set of threads in which the user specified participated with one or more messages for the page specified.
 /// Threads which aren't visible for the calling user are filtered out.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="accessableForums">A list of accessable forums IDs, which the user calling the method has permission to access.</param>
 /// <param name="participantUserID">The participant user ID of the user of which the threads have to be obtained.</param>
 /// <param name="forumsWithThreadsFromOthers">The forums with threads from others.</param>
 /// <param name="callingUserID">The calling user ID.</param>
 /// <returns>a dataView of the threads requested</returns>
 public static int GetRowCountLastThreadsForUserAsDataView(List<int> accessableForums, int participantUserID,
     List<int> forumsWithThreadsFromOthers, int callingUserID)
     // return null, if the user does not have a valid list of forums to access
     if(accessableForums == null || accessableForums.Count <= 0)
         return 0;
     var qf = new QueryFactory();
     var q = qf.Create()
                     .Where((ThreadFields.ForumID == accessableForums)
                                                                 .Where(MessageFields.PostedByUserID == participantUserID)))
                             .And(ThreadGuiHelper.CreateThreadFilter(forumsWithThreadsFromOthers, callingUserID)));
     var dao = new TypedListDAO();
     return dao.GetScalar<int>(qf.Create().Select(Functions.CountRow()).From(q), null);
Пример #37
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the active threads.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="accessableForums">A list of accessable forums IDs, which the user has permission to access.</param>
		/// <param name="hoursThreshold">The hours threshold for the query to fetch the active threads. All threads within this threshold's period of time (in hours)
		/// are fetched.</param>
		/// <param name="forumsWithOnlyOwnThreads">The forums for which the calling user can view other users' threads. Can be null</param>
		/// <param name="userID">The userid of the calling user.</param>
		/// <returns>a dataView of Active threads</returns>
		public static DataView GetActiveThreadsAsDataView(List<int> accessableForums, short hoursThreshold, List<int> forumsWithThreadsFromOthers, int userID)
            if (accessableForums == null || accessableForums.Count <= 0)
                return null;

			var qf = new QueryFactory();
			var q = qf.Create()
						.Select(new List<object>(ThreadGuiHelper.BuildQueryProjectionForAllThreadsWithStats(qf)) { ForumFields.ForumName }
								.InnerJoin(qf.Forum).On(ThreadFields.ForumID == ForumFields.ForumID))
						.Where((ThreadFields.ForumID == accessableForums)
									.And(ThreadFields.IsClosed == false)
									.And(ThreadFields.MarkedAsDone == false)
									.And(ThreadFields.ThreadLastPostingDate >= DateTime.Now.AddHours((double)0 - hoursThreshold))
									.And(ThreadGuiHelper.CreateThreadFilter(forumsWithThreadsFromOthers, userID)))
			var dao = new TypedListDAO();
			var activeThreads = dao.FetchAsDataTable(q);
			return activeThreads.DefaultView;
Пример #38
 /// <summary>
 /// Finds the users matching the filter criteria.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="filterOnRole"><see langword="true"/> if [filter on role]; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="roleID">Role ID.</param>
 /// <param name="filterOnNickName"><see langword="true"/> if [filter on nick name]; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="nickName">Name of the nick.</param>
 /// <param name="filterOnEmailAddress"><see langword="true"/> if [filter on email address]; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="emailAddress">Email address.</param>
 /// <returns>User objects matching the query</returns>
 public static UserCollection FindUsers(bool filterOnRole, int roleID, bool filterOnNickName, string nickName, bool filterOnEmailAddress, string emailAddress)
     var qf = new QueryFactory();
     var q = qf.User
         q.AndWhere(UserFields.UserID.In(qf.Create().Select(RoleUserFields.UserID).Where(RoleUserFields.RoleID == roleID)));
         q.AndWhere(UserFields.NickName.Like("%" + nickName + "%"));
         q.AndWhere(UserFields.EmailAddress.Like("%" + emailAddress + "%"));
     UserCollection toReturn = new UserCollection();
     return toReturn;
Пример #39
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets all the banned users as a dataview. This is returned as a dataview because only the nicknames are required, so a dynamic list is
 /// used to avoid unnecessary data fetching.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>dataview with the nicknames of the users which are banned on the useraccount: the IsBanned property is set for these users.</returns>
 /// <remarks>This list of nicknames is cached in the application object so these users can be logged off by force.</remarks>
 public static DataView GetAllBannedUserNicknamesAsDataView()
     var qf = new QueryFactory();
     var q = qf.Create()
                 .Where(UserFields.IsBanned == true);
     var dao = new TypedListDAO();
     var results = dao.FetchAsDataTable(q);
     return results.DefaultView;
Пример #40
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the active threads with statistics.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="accessableForums">A list of accessable forums IDs, which the user has permission to access.</param>
		/// <param name="hoursThreshold">The hours threshold for the query to fetch the active threads. All threads within this threshold's period of time (in hours)
		/// are fetched.</param>
		/// <param name="forumsWithOnlyOwnThreads">The forums for which the calling user can view other users' threads. Can be null</param>
		/// <param name="userID">The userid of the calling user.</param>
		/// <returns>
		/// a dataTable of Active threads with statistics
		/// </returns>
		public static DataTable GetActiveThreadsStatisticsAsDataTable(List<int> accessableForums, short hoursThreshold, 
				List<int> forumsWithThreadsFromOthers, int userID)
            // return null, if the user does not have a valid list of forums to access
            if (accessableForums == null || accessableForums.Count <= 0)
                return null;

			var qf = new QueryFactory();
			var q = qf.Create()
						.Where((ThreadFields.ForumID == accessableForums)
								.And(ThreadFields.IsClosed == false)
								.And(ThreadFields.MarkedAsDone == false)
								.And(ThreadFields.ThreadLastPostingDate >= DateTime.Now.AddHours((double)0 - hoursThreshold))
								.And(ThreadGuiHelper.CreateThreadFilter(forumsWithThreadsFromOthers, userID)));
			var dao = new TypedListDAO();
			return dao.FetchAsDataTable(q);

			//// create dyn. list and pull statistics using that list.
			//ResultsetFields fields = new ResultsetFields(3);
			//fields.DefineField(ThreadFields.ThreadID, 0, "AmountThreads", string.Empty, AggregateFunction.CountDistinct);
			//fields.DefineField(MessageFields.MessageID, 1, "AmountPostings", string.Empty, AggregateFunction.Count);
			//fields.DefineField(ThreadFields.ThreadLastPostingDate, 2, "LastPostingDate", string.Empty, AggregateFunction.Max);
			//RelationCollection relations = new RelationCollection();

			//PredicateExpression filter = new PredicateExpression();
			//// only the forums the user has access to
			//filter.Add(ThreadFields.ForumID == accessableForums.ToArray());
			//// only the threads which are not closed
			//filter.AddWithAnd(ThreadFields.IsClosed == false);
			//// only the threads which are active (== not done)
			//filter.AddWithAnd(ThreadFields.MarkedAsDone == false);
			//// only threads which have been updated in the last Globals.HoursForActiveThreadsTreshold hours
			//filter.AddWithAnd(ThreadFields.ThreadLastPostingDate >= DateTime.Now.AddHours((double)0 - hoursThreshold));

			//// Also filter on the threads viewable by the passed in userid, which is the caller of the method. If a forum isn't in the list of
			//// forumsWithThreadsFromOthers, only the sticky threads and the threads started by userid should be counted / taken into account. 
			//IPredicateExpression threadFilter = ThreadGuiHelper.CreateThreadFilter(forumsWithThreadsFromOthers, userID);

			//TypedListDAO dao = new TypedListDAO();
			//DataTable toReturn = new DataTable();
			//dao.GetMultiAsDataTable(fields, toReturn, 0, null, filter, relations, true, null, null, 0, 0);
            //return toReturn;
Пример #41
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the last message in thread, and prefetches the user + usertitle entities. 
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="threadID">Thread ID.</param>
        /// <returns>fetched messageentity with the userentity + usertitle entity fetched as well of the user who posted the message.</returns>
		public static MessageEntity GetLastMessageInThreadWithUserInfo(int threadID)
			var qf = new QueryFactory();
			var q = qf.Message
												.Where((MessageFields.ThreadID == MessageFields.ThreadID.Source("LastMessage"))
			MessageCollection messages = new MessageCollection();
				// not found
				return null;
			return messages[0];
Пример #42
		/// <summary>
		/// Builds the projection for a dynamic query which contains thread and statistics information.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="qf">The query factory to use.</param>
		/// <returns>The fields for the projection</returns>
		/// <remarks>Doesn't add the forum fields</remarks>
		internal static object[] BuildQueryProjectionForAllThreadsWithStats(QueryFactory qf)
			var toReturn = new List<object>() 
					.CorrelatedOver(MessageFields.ThreadID == ThreadFields.ThreadID)
			return toReturn.ToArray();
Пример #43
		/// <summary>
		/// Checks if the message with the ID specified is first message in thread with id specified.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="threadID">The thread ID.</param>
		/// <param name="messageID">The message ID.</param>
		/// <returns>true if message is first message in thread, false otherwise</returns>
		public static bool CheckIfMessageIsFirstInThread(int threadID, int messageID)
			// use a scalar query, which obtains the first MessageID in a given thread. We sort on posting date ascending, and simply read
			// the first messageid. If that's not available or not equal to messageID, the messageID isn't the first post in the thread, otherwise it is.
			var qf = new QueryFactory();
			var q = qf.Create()
						.Where(MessageFields.ThreadID == threadID)
			var dao = new TypedListDAO();
			var firstMessageId = dao.GetScalar<int?>(q, null);
				return firstMessageId.Value == messageID;
			// not found.
			return false;
Пример #44
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns an entity collection with all User entities of users who are not currently in the given Role
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="roleID">Role to use as filter</param>
 /// <returns>entitycollection with data requested</returns>
 public static UserCollection GetAllUsersNotInRole(int roleID)
     var qf = new QueryFactory();
     var q = qf.User
                 .Where(UserFields.UserID.NotIn(qf.Create().Select(RoleUserFields.UserID).Where(RoleUserFields.RoleID == roleID)))
     UserCollection users = new UserCollection();
     return users;
Пример #45
        /// <summary>
        /// Re-parses all messages from start date till now or when amountToIndex is reached. This routine will read messagetext for a message,
        /// parse it, and update the MessageTextAsXML field with the parse result. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="amountToParse">Amount to parse.</param>
        /// <param name="startDate">Start date.</param>
        /// <param name="reGenerateHTML">If true, the HTML is also re-generated and saved.</param>
        /// <returns>the amount of messages re-parsed</returns>
        public static int ReParseMessages(int amountToParse, DateTime startDate, bool reGenerateHTML, ParserData parserData)
            // index is blocks of 100 messages.
            var qf = new QueryFactory();
            var q = qf.Create()
                        .Select(MessageFields.MessageID, MessageFields.MessageText)
                        .Where(MessageFields.PostingDate >= new DateTime(startDate.Year, startDate.Month, startDate.Day, 0, 0, 0, 0));

            if(amountToParse <= 0)
                // If we don't have a specific amount of messages to parse, then parse all messages posted till Now.
                q.AndWhere(MessageFields.PostingDate <= DateTime.Now);

            TypedListDAO dao = new TypedListDAO();

            bool parsingFinished = false;
            int amountProcessed = 0;
            int pageSize = 100;
            int pageNo = 1;

                q.Page(pageNo, pageSize);
                DataTable messagesToParse = dao.FetchAsDataTable(q);
                parsingFinished = (messagesToParse.Rows.Count <= 0);

                    foreach(DataRow row in messagesToParse.Rows)
                        MessageEntity directUpdater = new MessageEntity();
                        directUpdater.IsNew = false;

                        string messageXML = string.Empty;
                        string messageHTML = string.Empty;
                        TextParser.ReParseMessage((string)row["MessageText"], reGenerateHTML, parserData, out messageXML, out messageHTML);

                        // use the directupdater entity to create an update query without fetching the entity first.
                        directUpdater.MessageTextAsXml = messageXML;


                        // no transactional update.

                    amountProcessed += messagesToParse.Rows.Count;

                    if(amountToParse > 0)
                        parsingFinished = (amountToParse <= amountProcessed);
            return amountProcessed;
Пример #46
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a DataView object that contains a complete list of threads list for
        /// the requested forum and required date & time interval
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="forumID">ID of Forum for which the Threadlist is required</param>
        /// <param name="limiter">Limits the Threadlist to between now and; last 48 Hrs, Last Week, Last Month, Last Year</param>
        /// <param name="minNumberOfThreadsToFetch">The minimum number of threads to fetch if there are less threads available in the limiter interval</param>
        /// <param name="minNumberOfNonStickyVisibleThreads">The minimum number of non-sticky visible threads to show. If the # of threads is lower than 
        /// this number (due to the limiter value), the minNumberOfThreadsToFetch are fetched</param>
        /// <param name="canViewNormalThreadsStartedByOthers">If set to true, the user calling the method has the right to view threads started by others.
        /// Otherwise only the threads started by the user calling the method are returned.</param>
        /// <param name="userID">The userid of the user calling the method.</param>
        /// <returns>DataView with all the threads</returns>
        public static DataView GetAllThreadsInForumAsDataView(int forumID, ThreadListInterval limiter, short minNumberOfThreadsToFetch, 
            short minNumberOfNonStickyVisibleThreads, bool canViewNormalThreadsStartedByOthers, int userID)
            DateTime limiterDate;

            // convert the limiter enum to a datetime which we can use in the filters on the thread data, where we'll use the limiter date
            // as a filter for the last posting date of a post in a given thread.
            switch (limiter)
                case ThreadListInterval.Last24Hours:
                    limiterDate = DateTime.Today.AddHours(-24);
                case ThreadListInterval.Last48Hours:
                    limiterDate = DateTime.Today.AddHours(-48);
                case ThreadListInterval.LastWeek:
                    limiterDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-7);
                case ThreadListInterval.LastMonth:
                    limiterDate = DateTime.Today.AddMonths(-1);
                case ThreadListInterval.LastYear:
                    limiterDate = DateTime.Today.AddYears(-1);
                    limiterDate = DateTime.Today.AddHours(-48);

            var qf = new QueryFactory();
            var q = qf.Create();
            q.Where(((ThreadFields.IsSticky == true).Or(ThreadFields.ThreadLastPostingDate >= limiterDate)).And(ThreadFields.ForumID == forumID));
            // if the user can't view threads started by others, filter out threads started by users different from userID
                // caller can't view threads started by others: add a filter so that threads not started by calling user aren't enlisted.
                // however sticky threads are always returned so the filter contains a check so the limit is only applied on threads which aren't sticky
                // add a filter for sticky threads, add it with 'OR', so sticky threads are always accepted
                q.AndWhere((ThreadFields.StartedByUserID == userID).Or(ThreadFields.IsSticky == true));
            q.OrderBy(ThreadFields.IsSticky.Descending(), ThreadFields.IsClosed.Ascending(), ThreadFields.ThreadLastPostingDate.Descending());
            var dao = new TypedListDAO();
            var threads = dao.FetchAsDataTable(q);

            // count # non-sticky threads. If it's below a given minimum, refetch everything, but now don't fetch on date filtered but at least the
            // set minimum. Do this ONLY if the user can view other user's threads. If that's NOT the case, don't refetch anything.
            DataView stickyThreads = new DataView(threads, ThreadFieldIndex.IsSticky.ToString() + "=false", "", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows);
            if((stickyThreads.Count < minNumberOfNonStickyVisibleThreads) && canViewNormalThreadsStartedByOthers)
                // not enough threads available, fetch again,
                // first fetch the sticky threads.
                q = qf.Create();
                q.Where((ThreadFields.IsSticky == true).And(ThreadFields.ForumID == forumID));
                threads = dao.FetchAsDataTable(q);

                // then fetch the rest. Fetch it into the same datatable object to append the rows to the already fetched sticky threads (if any)
                q = qf.Create();
                q.Where((ThreadFields.IsSticky == false).And(ThreadFields.ForumID == forumID));
                dao.FetchAsDataTable(q, threads);

                // sort closed threads to the bottom. Do this in-memory as it's a sort operation after projection. Doing it on the server would mean
                // a sort operation before projection.
                return new DataView(threads, string.Empty, ThreadFieldIndex.IsClosed.ToString() + " ASC", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows);
                return threads.DefaultView;
Пример #47
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the total number of threads in support queues. Only the count of threads which are in the forums in the list of
        /// accessable forums are returned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="accessableForums">A list of accessable forums IDs, which the user has permission to access.</param>
        /// <returns>total number of threads in support queues</returns>
        public static int GetTotalNumberOfThreadsInSupportQueues(List<int> accessableForums)
            // return 0, if the user does not have a valid list of forums to access
            if(accessableForums == null || accessableForums.Count <= 0)
                return 0;

            var qf = new QueryFactory();
            var q = qf.Create()
                        .From(qf.SupportQueueThread.InnerJoin(qf.Thread).On(SupportQueueThreadFields.ThreadID == ThreadFields.ThreadID))
                        .Where(ThreadFields.ForumID == accessableForums);
            var dao = new TypedListDAO();
            return dao.GetScalar<int>(q, null);
Пример #48
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves for all available sections all forums with all relevant statistical information. This information is stored per forum in a
        /// DataView which is stored in the returned Dictionary, with the SectionID where the forum is located in as Key.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="availableSections">SectionCollection with all available sections</param>
        /// <param name="accessableForums">List of accessable forums IDs.</param>
        /// <param name="forumsWithOnlyOwnThreads">The forums for which the calling user can view other users' threads. Can be null</param>
        /// <param name="userID">The userid of the calling user.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Dictionary with per key (sectionID) a dataview with forum information of all the forums in that section.
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>Uses dataviews because a dynamic list is executed to retrieve the information for the forums, which include aggregate info about
        /// # of posts.</remarks>
        public static Dictionary<int, DataView> GetAllAvailableForumsDataViews(SectionCollection availableSections, List<int> accessableForums,
            List<int> forumsWithThreadsFromOthers, int userID)
            Dictionary<int, DataView> toReturn = new Dictionary<int, DataView>();

            // return an empty list, if the user does not have a valid list of forums to access
            if (accessableForums == null || accessableForums.Count <= 0)
                return toReturn;

            // fetch all forums with statistics in a dynamic list, while filtering on the list of accessable forums for this user.
            // Create the filter separate of the query itself, as it's re-used multiple times.
            IPredicateExpression threadFilter = ThreadGuiHelper.CreateThreadFilter(forumsWithThreadsFromOthers, userID);

            var qf = new QueryFactory();
            var q = qf.Create()
                                // add a scalar query which retrieves the # of threads in the specific forum.
                                // this will result in the query:
                                // (
                                //		SELECT COUNT(ThreadID) FROM Thread
                                //		WHERE ForumID = Forum.ForumID AND threadfilter.
                                // ) As AmountThreads
                                        .CorrelatedOver(ThreadFields.ForumID == ForumFields.ForumID)
                                // add a scalar query which retrieves the # of messages in the threads of this forum.
                                // this will result in the query:
                                // (
                                //		SELECT COUNT(MessageID) FROM Message
                                //		WHERE ThreadID IN
                                //		(
                                //			SELECT ThreadID FROM Thread WHERE ForumID = Forum.ForumID AND threadfilter
                                //		)
                                // ) AS AmountMessages
                                                    .CorrelatedOver(ThreadFields.ForumID == ForumFields.ForumID)
                        .Where(ForumFields.ForumID == accessableForums)
                        .OrderBy(ForumFields.OrderNo.Ascending(), ForumFields.ForumName.Ascending());

            var results = new TypedListDAO().FetchAsDataTable(q);

            // Now per section create a new DataView in memory using in-memory filtering on the DataTable.
            foreach(SectionEntity section in availableSections)
                // Create view for current section and filter out rows we don't want. Do this with in-memory filtering of the dataview, so we don't
                // have to execute multiple queries.
                DataView forumsInSection = new DataView(results, "SectionID=" + section.SectionID, string.Empty, DataViewRowState.CurrentRows);
                // add to sorted list with SectionID as key
                toReturn.Add(section.SectionID, forumsInSection);

            // return the dictionary
            return toReturn;
Пример #49
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the bookmarks with statistics for the user specified.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="userID">User ID.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static DataView GetBookmarksAsDataView(int userID)
     var qf = new QueryFactory();
     var q = qf.Create()
                 .Select(new List<object>(ThreadGuiHelper.BuildQueryProjectionForAllThreadsWithStats(qf))
     var dao = new TypedListDAO();
     var bookmarkedThreads = dao.FetchAsDataTable(q);
     return bookmarkedThreads.DefaultView;
Пример #50
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the bookmark statistics for the user with id passed in.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="userID">User ID.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static DataTable GetBookmarkStatisticsAsDataTable(int userID)
     var qf = new QueryFactory();
     var q = qf.Create()
                         .InnerJoin(qf.Thread).On(BookmarkFields.ThreadID == ThreadFields.ThreadID)
                         .InnerJoin(qf.Message).On(ThreadFields.ThreadID == MessageFields.ThreadID))
                 .Where(BookmarkFields.UserID == userID);
     var dao = new TypedListDAO();
     return dao.FetchAsDataTable(q);
Пример #51
        /// <summary>
        /// Will return the StartMessageNo for including it in the URL when redirecting to a page with messages in the given
        /// thread. The page started with StartMessageNo will contain the message with ID messageID. Paging is done using the
        /// maxAmountMessagesPerPage property in Application.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="threadID">ID of the thread to which the messages belong</param>
        /// <param name="messageID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static int GetStartAtMessageForGivenMessageAndThread(int threadID, int messageID, int maxAmountMessagesPerPage)
			var qf = new QueryFactory();
			var q = qf.Create()
						.Where(MessageFields.ThreadID == threadID)
			var dao = new TypedListDAO();
			var dynamicList = dao.FetchAsDataTable(q);
			int startAtMessage = 0;
			int rowIndex = 0;
            if (dynamicList.Rows.Count > 0)
                // there are messages. Find the row with messageID. There can be only one row with this messageID                    
                for (int i = 0; i < dynamicList.Rows.Count; i++)
                    if (((int)dynamicList.Rows[i]["MessageID"]) == messageID)
                        // found the row
                        rowIndex = i;

            startAtMessage = (rowIndex / maxAmountMessagesPerPage) * maxAmountMessagesPerPage;

            // done
            return startAtMessage;