Пример #1
 public Paging<bas_app> GetAppListWithPaging(QueryEntity qe)
     var result = _db.Select("*")
         .Where<_StartWith>("app_id", qe).IgnoreEmpty()          //编码使用startwith查询           忽略空值
         .Where<_Like>("app_name,app_name_en", qe).IgnoreEmpty() //中文名及英文名都使用like查询    忽略空值
         .Where<_Eq>("*", qe).IgnoreEmpty()                      //剩下的其它的字段都使用equal查询 忽略空值
         .Paging(qe, "app_id")                                   //分页参数在qe中 默认按编码排序
     return result;
Пример #2
 public Paging<bas_tenant> GetTenantListWithPaging(QueryEntity qe)
     var result = _db.Select("*")
         .Where<_StartWith>("tenant_id,tel", qe).IgnoreEmpty()               //商户编码、手机号     使用startwith查询 忽略空值
         .Where<_Like>("tenant_name,charge_person,addr", qe).IgnoreEmpty()   //商户名、责任人、地址 使用like查询      忽略空值
         .Where<_Eq>("*", qe).IgnoreEmpty()                                  //剩下的其它的字段都   使用equal查询     忽略空值 
         .Paging(qe, "tenant_id")                                            //分页参数在qe中 默认按商户编码排序
     return result;
Пример #3
 public bool SubmitOrderRequest(string secretStr,QueryEntity qe,ref string msg)
     HttpClient client = new HttpClient(Cookies);
     if (StaticValues.Proxy != "")
         client.Proxy = new WebProxy(StaticValues.Proxy);
     string url = "https://kyfw.12306.cn/otn/leftTicket/submitOrderRequest";
     string data = "secretStr={0}&train_date={1}&back_train_date={2}&tour_flag=dc&purpose_codes=ADULT&query_from_station_name={3}&query_to_station_name={4}&undefined";
     object[] objs = new object[] { secretStr, qe.train_date, qe.train_date,qe.from_station_telecode_name, qe.to_station_telecode_name};
     data = string.Format(data, objs);
     url = url + "?" + data;
     string result = client.Get(url, "kyfw.12306.cn", "https://kyfw.12306.cn", "https://kyfw.12306.cn/otn/leftTicket/init").Replace("\"","");
     string status = HtmlHelper.GetContent(result, "status:", ",");
     msg = HtmlHelper.GetContent(result, "messages:", ",").Replace("[","").Replace("]","");
     return status == "true";
Пример #4
        public void BasicQueryOrderByAscendingValidTest()
            const string objectName = "ProductPriceLists";

            //Create a basic root query entity,
            //Set the name property and the object definition full name property
            //Note: 'Name' property is unique and is set by the user
            //      'ObjectDefinitionFullName' property will be the name of the table referenced
            var rootEntity = new QueryEntity { Name = objectName, ObjectDefinitionFullName = objectName };
            //add columns to the root entity

            //set the sequence direction, note: Ascending is chosen by default
            rootEntity.SequenceList.Add(new Sequence("UnitPrice"));

            var query = new Query { IsTestQuery = false, RootEntity = rootEntity };

            var queryResults = _sysConnector.ExecuteQuery(query);

            //force a check of the query results
            foreach (var queryResult in queryResults)

            //validate that results have been returned
            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, queryResults.Count());
            //validate that data has been returned
            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, queryResults.ElementAt(0).Properties.Count);

            //Verify the correct result of the last element returned from the query
            Assert.AreEqual("0.0000", queryResults.First().Properties["UnitPrice"].ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual("SW101", queryResults.First().Properties["ProductNumber"].ToString());

            //Verify the correct result of the first element returned from the query
            Assert.AreEqual("20000", queryResults.Last().Properties["UnitPrice"].ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual("CONSULT", queryResults.Last().Properties["ProductNumber"].ToString());
Пример #5
        public Result Insert(QuestionEntity entity)
            var con    = new DapperConnectionManager();
            var result = new Result();

            using (var scope = new TransactionScope())
                var query = new QueryEntity();
                query.Entity = entity;
                query.Query  = @"INSERT INTO Questions (QuizId, Type, AspectId, Text, SubText, EmployerText, EmployerSubText, Requirements, Examples) 
                            VALUES(@QuizId, @Type, @AspectId, @Text, @SubText, @EmployerText, @EmployerSubText, @Requirements, @Examples)";
                result       = con.InsertQueryUnScoped(query);

                if (!result.Success)

                var questionId = (int)result.Entity;

                Result resultAnswers;
                var    queryAnswers = new QueryEntity();
                foreach (var q in entity.Answers)
                    q.QuestionId        = questionId;
                    queryAnswers.Entity = q;
                    queryAnswers.Query  = @"INSERT INTO Answers (QuestionId, Text, EmployerText, Value, MatchText, Type, TextValue) 
                            VALUES(@QuestionId, @Text, @EmployerText, @Value, @MatchText, @Type, @TextValue)";
                    resultAnswers       = con.InsertQueryUnScoped(queryAnswers);
                    if (!resultAnswers.Success)
                        resultAnswers.Message = "An error occurred";
                if (!entity.SectorsQuestions.Any())
                    result.Message = result.Success ? "The Question has been created" : "An error occurred";

                Result resultSectors;
                var    querySectors = new QueryEntity();

                foreach (var q in entity.SectorsQuestions)
                    q.QuestionId        = questionId;
                    queryAnswers.Entity = q;
                    queryAnswers.Query  = @"INSERT INTO SectorsQuestions (QuestionId, SectorId, Value) 
                            VALUES(@QuestionId, @SectorId, @Value)";
                    resultSectors       = con.ExecuteQueryUnScoped(queryAnswers);
                    if (!resultSectors.Success)
                        resultSectors.Message = "An error occurred";
                result.Message = result.Success ? "The Question has been created" : "An error occurred";
Пример #6
        public void QueryMultipleFilterWithOrderByValidTest()
            string objectName = "ProductPriceLists";

            //Create a basic root query entity,
            //Set the name property and the object definition full name property
            //Note: 'Name' property is unique and is set by the user
            //      'ObjectDefinitionFullName' property will be the name of the table referenced
            var rootEntity = new QueryEntity { Name = objectName, ObjectDefinitionFullName = objectName };
            //Create a list of properties for the root entity, not these are column names

            //set the sequence direction and field to order by
            rootEntity.SequenceList.Add(new Sequence("UnitPrice", SequenceDirection.Descending));

            //create a new comparison expression object
            // consider **** SELECT [QueryEntity.PropertyList] FROM [QueryEntity.ObjectDefinitionFullName]
            //          **** WHERE [ComparisonExpression.LeftValue] [ComparisonExpression.Operator] [ComparisonExpression.RightValue]
            var leftComparisionExpression = new ComparisonExpression
                ExpressionType = ExpressionType.Comparison,
                Operator = ComparisonOperator.Equal,
                LeftValue = new ComparisonValue(ComparisonValueType.Property, "ProductPriceLists.ProductNumber"),
                RightValue = new ComparisonValue(ComparisonValueType.Constant, "CONSULT")

            //create another comparison expression to add on the right of the AND clause
            var rightComparisionExpression = new ComparisonExpression
                ExpressionType = ExpressionType.Comparison,
                Operator = ComparisonOperator.Less,
                LeftValue = new ComparisonValue(ComparisonValueType.Property, "ProductPriceLists.BaseUoMQuantity"),
                RightValue = new ComparisonValue(ComparisonValueType.Constant, 50)

            //create a new query object, and set the root entity
            var query = new Query { IsTestQuery = false, RootEntity = rootEntity };

            //create a new logical expression indicating an AND clause in filtering of the query
            LogicalExpression logicalExpression = new LogicalExpression(
                //Sets the opertor for the expression
                //add the expressions
                //since this is the parent expressions there is no parent to indicate here so set it to null

            //set the contraints in the query
            query.Constraints = logicalExpression;
            //set the expression type for the query constraints
            query.Constraints.ExpressionType = ExpressionType.Logical;

            //set the parent expression for the right and left comparison expressions since they are now part of the logical expression
            leftComparisionExpression.ParentExpression = query.Constraints;
            rightComparisionExpression.ParentExpression = query.Constraints;

            var queryResults = _sysConnector.ExecuteQuery(query);

            //force a check of the query results
            foreach (var queryResult in queryResults)

            //validate that results have been returned
            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, queryResults.Count());
            //validate that data has been returned
            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, queryResults.ElementAt(0).Properties.Count);

            //Verify the proper first an last values returned by the query
            Assert.AreEqual("5500", queryResults.First().Properties["UnitPrice"].ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual("150", queryResults.Last().Properties["UnitPrice"].ToString());
Пример #7
        public void SimpleAndFilterValidTest()
            string objectName = "Addresses";

            //Create a basic root query entity,
            //Set the name property and the object definition full name property
            //Note: 'Name' property is unique and is set by the user
            //      'ObjectDefinitionFullName' property will be the name of the table referenced
            var rootEntity = new QueryEntity { Name = objectName, ObjectDefinitionFullName = objectName };
            //Create a list of properties for the root entity, not these are column names

            //create a new query object, and set the root entity
            var query = new Query { IsTestQuery = false, RootEntity = rootEntity };

            //create a new comparison expression object
            // consider **** SELECT [QueryEntity.PropertyList] FROM [QueryEntity.ObjectDefinitionFullName]
            //          **** WHERE [ComparisonExpression.LeftValue] [ComparisonExpression.Operator] [ComparisonExpression.RightValue]
            var leftComparisionExpression = new ComparisonExpression
                ExpressionType = ExpressionType.Comparison,
                Operator = ComparisonOperator.Equal,
                LeftValue = new ComparisonValue(ComparisonValueType.Property, "Addresses.AddressType"),
                RightValue = new ComparisonValue(ComparisonValueType.Constant, "Main")

            //create another comparison expression to add on the right of the AND clause
            var rightComparisionExpression = new ComparisonExpression
                ExpressionType = ExpressionType.Comparison,
                Operator = ComparisonOperator.Like,
                LeftValue = new ComparisonValue(ComparisonValueType.Property, "Addresses.ContactTitle"),
                RightValue = new ComparisonValue(ComparisonValueType.Constant, "President")

            //create a new logical expression indicating an AND clause in filtering of the query
            LogicalExpression logicalExpression = new LogicalExpression(
                //Sets the opertor for the expression
                //add the expressions
                //since this is the parent expressions there is no parent to indicate here so set it to null

            //set the contraints in the query
            query.Constraints = logicalExpression;
            //set the expression type for the query constraints
            query.Constraints.ExpressionType = ExpressionType.Logical;

            //set the parent expression for the right and left comparison expressions since they are now part of the logical expression
            leftComparisionExpression.ParentExpression = query.Constraints;
            rightComparisionExpression.ParentExpression = query.Constraints;

            var queryResults = _sysConnector.ExecuteQuery(query);

            //force a check of the query results
            foreach (var queryResult in queryResults)

            //validate that results have been returned
            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, queryResults.Count());
            //validate that data has been returned
            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, queryResults.ElementAt(0).Properties.Count);
            //validate that the proper values are returned in the DataEntity properties
            Assert.AreEqual("President", queryResults.ElementAt(0).Properties["ContactTitle"].ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual("Main", queryResults.ElementAt(0).Properties["AddressType"].ToString());
        private static void Multipleinstance()
            string process_guid = "40c4be7f-2c7d-4391-92a3-32e2dc24f58e";
            string application_instance_id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            //var serviceurl = "";
            var serviceurl = "http://localhost:53433/odata/";
            var data = new Container(new Uri(serviceurl));
            WfRunner appRunner = new WfRunner();
            appRunner.ProcessGUID = process_guid;
            appRunner.AppInstanceID = application_instance_id;
            appRunner.AppName = "ApiTest";
            appRunner.UserID = "usr1";
            appRunner.UserName = "******";
            appRunner.NextActivityPerformers.Add(new Point { PathID = "fc8c71c5-8786-450e-af27-9f6a9de8560f", UserID = "usr21", UserName = "******" });
            appRunner.NextActivityPerformers.Add(new Point { PathID = "fc8c71c5-8786-450e-af27-9f6a9de8560f", UserID = "usr22", UserName = "******" });
            var aa = data.StartProcess(appRunner).GetValue();
            var app = new QueryEntity();
            app.ProcessGUID = process_guid;
            app.AppInstanceID = null;
            app.AppName = "ApiTest";
            app.UserID = "usr21";
            app.UserName = "******";
            var cc = data.GetReadyTasks(app).Execute();

            appRunner = new WfRunner();
            appRunner.ProcessGUID = process_guid;
            appRunner.AppInstanceID = application_instance_id;
            appRunner.AppName = "ApiTest";
            appRunner.UserID = "usr21";
            appRunner.UserName = "******";
            appRunner.NextActivityPerformers.Add(new Point { PathID = "39c71004-d822-4c15-9ff2-94ca1068d745", UserID = "usr3", UserName = "******" });
            string ss = data.RunProcess(appRunner).GetValue();

            appRunner = new WfRunner();
            appRunner.ProcessGUID = process_guid;
            appRunner.AppInstanceID = application_instance_id;
            appRunner.AppName = "ApiTest";
            appRunner.UserID = "usr22";
            appRunner.UserName = "******";
            appRunner.NextActivityPerformers.Add(new Point { PathID = "39c71004-d822-4c15-9ff2-94ca1068d745", UserID = "usr3", UserName = "******" });
            ss = data.RunProcess(appRunner).GetValue();

            app = new QueryEntity();
            app.ProcessGUID = process_guid;
            app.AppInstanceID = null;
            app.AppName = "ApiTest";
            app.UserID = "usr3";
            app.UserName = "******";
            var dd = data.GetReadyTasks(app).Execute();  ///XXX
            appRunner = new WfRunner();
            appRunner.ProcessGUID = process_guid;
            appRunner.AppInstanceID = application_instance_id;
            appRunner.AppName = "ApiTest";
            appRunner.UserID = "usr3";
            appRunner.UserName = "******";
            appRunner.NextActivityPerformers.Add(new Point { PathID = "b70e717a-08da-419f-b2eb-7a3d71f054de", UserID = "", UserName = "" });
            ss = data.RunProcess(appRunner).GetValue();
Пример #9
        public void BasicQueryValidTest()
            string objectName = "Addresses";
            //Create a basic root query entity,
            //Set the name property and the object definition full name property
            //Note: 'Name' property is unique and is set by the user
            //      'ObjectDefinitionFullName' property will be the name of the table referenced
            var rootEntity = new QueryEntity();
            rootEntity.Name = objectName;
            rootEntity.ObjectDefinitionFullName = objectName;
            //Create a list of properties for the root entity, not these are column names

            //create a new query object
            Query query = new Query();
            //indicate whether or not this is a test query
            query.IsTestQuery = true;
            //set the root entity
            query.RootEntity = rootEntity;

            //Create a new instance of the Connector
            _sysConnector = new SYSConnector();
            //Establish a connection to the data source
            var queryResults = _sysConnector.ExecuteQuery(query);

            //force a check of the query results
            foreach (var queryResult in queryResults)

            //validate that results have been returned
            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, queryResults.Count());
            //validate that data has been returned
            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, queryResults.ElementAt(0).Properties.Count);
Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs the order by SQL syntax for a root entity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="queryEntity"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private StringBuilder ParseOrderBy(QueryEntity queryEntity)
            var orderbyClause = new StringBuilder(OrderKeyword);

            foreach (var sequence in queryEntity.SequenceList)
                orderbyClause.AppendFormat(" [{0}].[{1}] {2},", queryEntity.ObjectDefinitionFullName, sequence.PropertyName, sequence.Direction == SequenceDirection.Descending ? DescendingKeyword : AscendingKeyword);

            // remove traling ","
            orderbyClause.Remove(orderbyClause.Length - 1, 1);

            return orderbyClause;
Пример #11
        public Result Insert(AspectEntity entity)
            var con    = new DapperConnectionManager();
            var query  = new QueryEntity();
            var result = new Result();

            using (var scope = new TransactionScope())
                var linkEntity = new LinkEntity
                    Href   = " ",
                    Name   = entity.Title,
                    Type   = LinksTypes.ASPECT.ToString(),
                    Active = false

                query.Entity = linkEntity;
                query.Query  = @"INSERT INTO Links (Name, Type, Href, Active) VALUES(@Name, @Type, @Href, @Active)";

                result = con.InsertQueryUnScoped(query);
                if (!result.Success)
                    result.Message = "An error occurred";
                var linkId = (int)result.Entity;

                entity.LinkId = linkId;
                query.Entity  = entity;
                query.Query   = @"INSERT INTO Aspects (DomainId, LinkId, Title, Text, Examples, OnlineResources, FurtherEducation, PeopleContact, Levels) 
                                                    VALUES(@DomainId, @LinkId, @Title, @Text,@Examples, @OnlineResources, @FurtherEducation, @PeopleContact, @Levels )";

                result = con.InsertQueryUnScoped(query);

                if (!result.Success)
                    result.Message = "An error occurred";
                var aspectId = (int)result.Entity;

                var listActionsToCreate = entity.ActionsList.Where(x => x.Created);
                var listActionsToCopy   = entity.ActionsList.Where(x => !x.Created).ToList();

                foreach (var item in listActionsToCreate)
                    var queryActionCreate = new QueryEntity
                        Query  = @"INSERT into Actions (Text, Title, Type) VALUES(@Text, @Title, @Type)",
                        Entity = item
                    var resultAction = con.InsertQueryUnScoped(queryActionCreate);
                    if (!resultAction.Success)
                        result.Message = "An error occurred";
                    item.ActionId = (int)resultAction.Entity;

                foreach (var item in listActionsToCopy)
                    item.AspectId = aspectId;
                    var queryActionCreate = new QueryEntity
                        Query  = @"INSERT into AspectsActions (AspectId, ActionId, LevelAction, Position) VALUES( @AspectId, @ActionId, @LevelAction, @Position)",
                        Entity = item
                    var resultAction = con.ExecuteQueryUnScoped(queryActionCreate);
                    if (!resultAction.Success)
                        result.Message = "An error occurred";
                        result.Success = false;

                //update link with href

                var queryUpdateLink = new QueryEntity()
                    Entity = new { Href = string.Concat("/aspects/", aspectId), LinkId = linkId },
                    Query  = "UPDATE Links set Href = @Href where LinkId = @LinkId"
                var resultUpdateLink = con.ExecuteQueryUnScoped(queryUpdateLink);
                if (!resultUpdateLink.Success)
                    result.Message = "An error occurred";
                    result.Success = false;

                result.Entity  = aspectId;
                result.Message = "The aspect has been created";
Пример #12
        public static DataTable GetLeftTicket(ref QueryEntity qe)
            DataTable dtTicket = CreateTicketDt();

            if (qe.optionDates.Contains(qe.train_date))
            qe.optionDates.Insert(0, qe.train_date);
            TicketService service = new TicketService(StaticValues.MyCookies);

            for (int i = 0; i < qe.optionDates.Count; i++)
                string date = qe.optionDates[i];
                qe.train_date = date;
                QueryTicketResponseInfo rspInfo = service.QueryLeftTicketDTO(qe.train_date, qe.from_station_telecode, qe.to_station_telecode);
                if (rspInfo != null && rspInfo.status)
                    if (rspInfo.data != null && rspInfo.data.Count > 0)
                        string[] timeArray = qe.start_time_str.Split("--".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        int      beginTime = Convert.ToInt32(timeArray[0].Replace(":", ""));
                        int      endTime   = Convert.ToInt32(timeArray[1].Replace(":", ""));
                        foreach (QueryLeftNewDTOData q in rspInfo.data)
                            bool flag = CheckTrainClass(q, qe);
                            if (flag)
                                int startTime = Convert.ToInt32(q.queryLeftNewDTO.start_time.Replace(":", ""));
                                if (startTime >= beginTime && endTime >= startTime)
                                    if ((qe.trainNoList != null && qe.trainNoList.Count > 0 && qe.trainNoList.Contains(q.queryLeftNewDTO.station_train_code)) || qe.trainNoList == null || qe.trainNoList.Count == 0)
                                        DataRow row = dtTicket.NewRow();
                                        row["TrainCode"]    = q.queryLeftNewDTO.station_train_code;
                                        row["TrainCodeKey"] = q.queryLeftNewDTO.train_no + "#" + q.queryLeftNewDTO.start_station_telecode + "#" + q.queryLeftNewDTO.to_station_telecode;
                                        row["StartStation"] = q.queryLeftNewDTO.from_station_name + "(" + q.queryLeftNewDTO.start_time + ")";
                                        row["AimStation"]   = q.queryLeftNewDTO.to_station_name + "(" + q.queryLeftNewDTO.arrive_time + ")";
                                        row["TakeTime"]     = q.queryLeftNewDTO.lishi;
                                        row["ShangWu"]      = q.queryLeftNewDTO.swz_num;
                                        row["TeDeng"]       = q.queryLeftNewDTO.tz_num;
                                        row["YiDeng"]       = q.queryLeftNewDTO.zy_num;
                                        row["ErDeng"]       = q.queryLeftNewDTO.ze_num;
                                        row["GaoJiRuanWo"]  = q.queryLeftNewDTO.gr_num;
                                        row["RuanWo"]       = q.queryLeftNewDTO.rw_num;
                                        row["YingWo"]       = q.queryLeftNewDTO.yw_num;
                                        row["RuanZuo"]      = q.queryLeftNewDTO.rz_num;
                                        row["YingZuo"]      = q.queryLeftNewDTO.yz_num;
                                        row["WuZuo"]        = q.queryLeftNewDTO.wz_num;
                                        row["QiTa"]         = q.queryLeftNewDTO.qt_num;
                                        row["OrderKey"]     = q.secretStr;
                                        bool last = q.queryLeftNewDTO.to_station_name == q.queryLeftNewDTO.end_station_name;
                                        row["Last"] = last;
                                        bool first = q.queryLeftNewDTO.from_station_name == q.queryLeftNewDTO.start_station_name;
                                        row["First"] = first;
                                        row["Order"] = Images.Order;
                        dtTicket = FilterResultBySeat(dtTicket, qe);
                if (dtTicket.Rows.Count > 0)
Пример #13
        private static void SubProcess()
            string process_guid            = "40c4be7f-2c7d-4391-92a3-32e2dc24f585";
            string application_instance_id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            //var serviceurl = "";
            var serviceurl = "http://localhost:53433/odata/";
            var data       = new Container(new Uri(serviceurl));
            WfRunner appRunner = new WfRunner();

            appRunner.ProcessGUID   = process_guid;
            appRunner.AppInstanceID = application_instance_id;
            appRunner.AppName       = "ApiTest";
            appRunner.UserID        = "usr1";
            appRunner.UserName      = "******";
            appRunner.NextActivityPerformers.Add(new Point {
                PathID = "fc8c71c5-8786-450e-af27-9f6a9de8560f", UserID = "usr2", UserName = "******"
            // appRunner.NextActivityPerformers.Add(new Point { PathID = "fc8c71c5-8786-450e-af27-9f6a9de8560f", UserID = "usr22", UserName = "******" });
            var aa = data.StartProcess(appRunner).GetValue();

            appRunner               = new WfRunner();
            appRunner.ProcessGUID   = process_guid;
            appRunner.AppInstanceID = application_instance_id;
            appRunner.AppName       = "ApiTest";
            appRunner.UserID        = "usr2";
            appRunner.UserName      = "******";
            appRunner.NextActivityPerformers.Add(new Point {
                PathID = "5fa796f6-2d5d-4ed6-84e2-a7c4e4e6aabc", UserID = "usr21", UserName = "******"
            // appRunner.NextActivityPerformers.Add(new Point { PathID = "fc8c71c5-8786-450e-af27-9f6a9de8560f", UserID = "usr22", UserName = "******" });
            string aaa = data.RunProcess(appRunner).GetValue();
            var app = new QueryEntity();

            app.ProcessGUID   = process_guid;
            app.AppInstanceID = null;
            app.AppName       = "ApiTest";
            app.UserID        = "usr21";
            app.UserName      = "******";
            var cc = data.GetReadyTasks(app).Execute();

            appRunner               = new WfRunner();
            appRunner.ProcessGUID   = "40c4be7f-2c7d-4391-92a3-32e2dc24f58c";
            appRunner.AppInstanceID = application_instance_id;
            appRunner.AppName       = "ApiTest";
            appRunner.UserID        = "usr21";
            appRunner.UserName      = "******";
            appRunner.NextActivityPerformers.Add(new Point {
                PathID = "5fa796f6-2d5d-4ed6-84e2-a7c4e4e6aabc", UserID = "usr3", UserName = "******"
            string ss = data.RunProcess(appRunner).GetValue();

            //appRunner = new WfRunner();
            //appRunner.ProcessGUID = "40c4be7f-2c7d-4391-92a3-32e2dc24f58c";
            //appRunner.AppInstanceID = application_instance_id;
            //appRunner.AppName = "ApiTest";
            //appRunner.UserID = "usr22";
            //appRunner.UserName = "******";
            //appRunner.NextActivityPerformers.Add(new Point { PathID = "5fa796f6-2d5d-4ed6-84e2-a7c4e4e6aabc", UserID = "usr3", UserName = "******" });
            //ss = data.RunProcess(appRunner).GetValue();

            app               = new QueryEntity();
            app.ProcessGUID   = process_guid;
            app.AppInstanceID = null;
            app.AppName       = "ApiTest";
            app.UserID        = "usr3";
            app.UserName      = "******";
            var dd = data.GetReadyTasks(app).Execute();  ///XXX

            appRunner               = new WfRunner();
            appRunner.ProcessGUID   = process_guid;
            appRunner.AppInstanceID = application_instance_id;
            appRunner.AppName       = "ApiTest";
            appRunner.UserID        = "usr3";
            appRunner.UserName      = "******";
            appRunner.NextActivityPerformers.Add(new Point {
                PathID = "39c71004-d822-4c15-9ff2-94ca1068d745", UserID = "usr4", UserName = "******"
            ss = data.RunProcess(appRunner).GetValue();
            appRunner               = new WfRunner();
            appRunner.ProcessGUID   = process_guid;
            appRunner.AppInstanceID = application_instance_id;
            appRunner.AppName       = "ApiTest";
            appRunner.UserID        = "usr4";
            appRunner.UserName      = "******";
            appRunner.NextActivityPerformers.Add(new Point {
                PathID = "b70e717a-08da-419f-b2eb-7a3d71f054de", UserID = "", UserName = ""
            ss = data.RunProcess(appRunner).GetValue();
Пример #14
 /// <summary>
 /// 根据查询条件得到Userrole记录
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sqlWhere">查询条件集合</param>
 /// <param name="UserroleQueryEntity">Userrole查询实体类</param>
 /// <param name="whLoginID">要查询的仓库的前缀</param>
 /// <returns>根据查询条件得到Userrole记录</returns>
 public DataSet GetUserroleByQueryList(QueryEntity userroleQuery)
Пример #15
        public Result Get()
                var con = new DapperConnectionManager();

                var query = new QueryEntity();
                query.Query  = @"SELECT s.SectionId, s.Name as SectionName, s.Title as SectionTitle,
                                   c.Name, c.Title, c.Type, c.ContentItemId, c.Position, c.Text, c.ButtonLink, c.Image, c.Carousel, c.TitleImage, c.Video, c.Link from Sections as s
                            LEFT JOIN ContentItems as c
                            on s.SectionId = c.SectionId
                            where s.Published = 1 and s.Active = 1
                            ORDER BY s.SectionId, c.Position ASC";
                query.Entity = new { };
                var result   = con.ExecuteQuery(query);
                var sections = FormatSections((IEnumerable <dynamic>)result.Entity);

                query.Query = @"SELECT d.DomainId, d.Name, d.Text, d.Image, d.Icon, d.Title, d.Framework, d.Position,
                                   a.ActionId, a.Title as ActionTitle, a.Text as ActionText, a.Type
                            FROM Domains as d
                            LEFT JOIN DomainsActions as da on d.DomainId = da.DomainId
                            LEFT JOIN Actions as a on da.ActionId = a.ActionId
                            WHERE d.Active = 1 ORDER BY d.Position ASC, d.Name, da.Position ASC";
                result      = con.ExecuteQuery(query);
                var domains = FormatDomains((IEnumerable <dynamic>)result.Entity);

                query.Query = @"SELECT d.DomainId, d.Name as DomainName, d.Framework,
                                   ap.AspectId, ap.Text, ap.Title, ap.Examples, ap.FurtherEducation,
                                   ap.Levels, ap.OnlineResources, ap.PeopleContact, ap.Position,
                                   a.ActionId, a.Title as ActionTitle, a.Text as ActionText, a.Type, aa.LevelAction
                            FROM Aspects as ap
                            LEFT JOIN Domains as d on ap.DomainId = d.DomainId
                            LEFT JOIN AspectsActions as aa on ap.AspectId = aa.AspectId
                            LEFT JOIN Actions as a on aa.ActionId = a.ActionId
                            WHERE ap.Active = 1 ORDER BY ap.Position ASC, ap.Title  ASC";
                result      = con.ExecuteQuery(query);
                var aspects = FormatAspects((IEnumerable <dynamic>)result.Entity);

                query.Query = @"SELECT 
                                   s.SectorId, s.Title, s.Name, sv.Intro, sv.SectorViewId,
                                   sv.Video, sv.Type, sv.CareerOpportunities,
                                   sv.CareerPathways, sv.ContactText, sv.EducationOpportunities, sv.Type, sv.Framework,
                                   sv.MoreStories, sv.WorkEnvironments, sv.Active, sv.OnlineResources
                            FROM Sectors  as s
                            LEFT JOIN SectorViews as sv on s.SectorId = sv.SectorId
                            WHERE s.Active = 1 and s.Published = 1 ORDER BY s.Title  ASC";
                result      = con.ExecuteQuery(query);
                var sectors = FormatSectors((IEnumerable <dynamic>)result.Entity);

                query.Query = @"SELECT * FROM Roles WHERE Active = 1 ORDER BY Name ASC";
                var resultRoles = con.ExecuteQuery <RoleEntity>(query);
                var roles       = (IEnumerable <RoleEntity>)resultRoles.Entity;

                query.Query = @"SELECT * FROM PostCards";
                var resultPostCards = con.ExecuteQuery <PostCardEntity>(query);
                var postCards       = (IEnumerable <PostCardEntity>)resultPostCards.Entity;

                query.Query = @"SELECT * FROM EndorsedLogos";
                var resultEndorsedLogos = con.ExecuteQuery <EndorsedLogoEntity>(query);
                var endorsedLogos       = (IEnumerable <EndorsedLogoEntity>)resultEndorsedLogos.Entity;

                query.Query = @"SELECT * FROM Definitions";
                var resultDefinitions = con.ExecuteQuery <DefinitionEntity>(query);
                var definitions       = (IEnumerable <DefinitionEntity>)resultDefinitions.Entity;

                query.Query = @"SELECT * FROM Actions";
                var resultActions = con.ExecuteQuery <ActionEntity>(query);
                var actions       = (IEnumerable <ActionEntity>)resultActions.Entity;

                query.Query = @"SELECT * FROM Menus";
                var resultMenus = con.ExecuteQuery <MenuEntity>(query);
                var menus       = (IEnumerable <MenuEntity>)resultMenus.Entity;

                query.Query = @"SELECT DISTINCT
                                   q.QuestionId, q.QuizId, q.Type, q.AspectId, q.Text,
                                   q.SubText, q.EmployerText,
                                   q.EmployerSubText, q.Requirements, q.Position,
                                   q.Examples, a.AnswerId, a.Text as AnswerText, a.EmployerText as EmployerAnswerText,  a.Value, a.MatchText, qu.Type as QuizType, usd.FieldName, a.Type as AnswerType, a.TextValue
                            FROM Questions  as q
                            LEFT JOIN Answers as a on q.QuestionId = a.QuestionId
                            LEFT JOIN Quizzes as qu on q.QuizId = qu.QuizId
                            LEFT JOIN UserDataQuestions as usd on q.QuestionId = usd.QuestionId
                            WHERE q.Active = 1 ORDER BY q.Position  ASC";
                result      = con.ExecuteQuery(query);
                var questions = FormatQuestions((IEnumerable <dynamic>)result.Entity);

                //scoring sectors
                query.Query = @"SELECT sq.QuestionId, sq.SectorId, sq.Value, s.Name FROM SectorsQuestions as sq
                                JOIN Sectors as s on sq.SectorId = s.SectorId ";
                result      = con.ExecuteQuery <SectorsQuestionsEntity>(query);
                var scoring = FormatSectorQuestions((IEnumerable <SectorsQuestionsEntity>)result.Entity);

                //scoring sectors
                query.Query = @"SELECT * from Reasons";
                result      = con.ExecuteQuery <ReasonEntity>(query);
                var reasons = result.Entity;

                result.Entity = new { sections, domains, sectors, aspects, actions, roles, postCards, endorsedLogos, definitions, questions, menus, scoring, reasons };

            catch (Exception e)
                return(new Result(false));
Пример #16
        public void TestComplexPropLists()
            var a = new TestModel.A();

            var innerA = new TestModel.A {
                Str = "qqq", ManyStrs = new List <string> {
                    "qwer", "cvbn"

            a.Str      = "xxx";
            a.ManyStrs = new List <string> {
                "asdf", "Zxcv"
            a.SingleA = innerA;
            a.ManyAs  = new List <TestModel.A> {
                innerA, innerA

            var qe = new QueryEntity
                ObjectDefinitionFullName = "WasA",
                PropertyList             = new List <string> {
                    "Str", "ManyStrs"
                ChildList = new List <QueryEntity>
                    new QueryEntity
                                     = "WasA",
                        PropertyList =
                            new List <string
                        Name = "SingleA"
                    new QueryEntity
                                     = "WasA",
                        PropertyList =
                            new List <string
                        Name = "ManyAs"

            var de = DataReflector.ToDataEntity(a, qe);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, de.Properties.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("asdf", ((List <string>)de.Properties["ManyStrs"]).First());
            Assert.AreEqual(2, de.Children.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("WasA", de.Children["SingleA"].First().ObjectDefinitionFullName);

            Assert.AreEqual("qqq", de.Children["SingleA"].First().Properties["Str"]);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, de.Children["ManyAs"].Count);

            var childrenNested = de.Children["ManyAs"];

                childrenNested.SelectMany(x => x.Properties.Where(kv => kv.Key == "Str"))
                .All(kv => kv.Value.ToString() == "qqq"));
Пример #17
 /// <summary>
 /// 根据查询条件得到Syssetting记录
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sqlWhere">查询条件集合</param>
 /// <param name="SyssettingQueryEntity">Syssetting查询实体类</param>
 /// <param name="whLoginID">要查询的仓库的前缀</param>
 /// <returns>根据查询条件得到Syssetting记录</returns>
 public DataSet GetSyssettingByQueryList(QueryEntity syssettingQuery)
Пример #18
        public Result Update(QuestionEntity entity)
            var con    = new DapperConnectionManager();
            var result = new Result();

            using (var scope = new TransactionScope())
                var query = new QueryEntity();
                query.Entity = entity;
                query.Query  = @"UPDATE Questions set Text = @Text, SubText = @SubText, EmployerText = IFNULL(@EmployerText, @EmployerText), EmployerSubText = IFNULL(@EmployerSubText, @EmployerSubText)  , SubText = @SubText , Requirements = @Requirements, Examples = @Examples WHERE QuestionId = @QuestionId";
                result       = con.ExecuteQueryUnScoped(query);

                if (!result.Success)

                var questionId = entity.QuestionId;

                Result resultAnswers;
                var    queryAnswers = new QueryEntity();

                if (entity.Answers.Any())
                    queryAnswers.Entity = new { QuestionId = questionId };
                    queryAnswers.Query  = @"DELETE FROM Answers where QuestionId = @QuestionId";
                    resultAnswers       = con.ExecuteQueryUnScoped(queryAnswers);

                    if (!resultAnswers.Success)
                        resultAnswers.Message = "An error occurred";

                foreach (var q in entity.Answers)
                    q.QuestionId        = questionId;
                    queryAnswers.Entity = q;
                    queryAnswers.Query  = @"INSERT INTO Answers (QuestionId, Text, EmployerText , Value, MatchText, Type, TextValue) 
                            VALUES(@QuestionId, @Text, @EmployerText, @Value, @MatchText, @Type, @TextValue)";
                    resultAnswers       = con.InsertQueryUnScoped(queryAnswers);
                    if (!resultAnswers.Success)
                        resultAnswers.Message = "An error occurred";

                if (!entity.SectorsQuestions.Any())
                    result.Entity  = entity.QuestionId;
                    result.Message = result.Success ? "The Question has been created" : "An error occurred";

                var querySectors = new QueryEntity();
                querySectors.Entity = new { QuestionId = questionId };
                querySectors.Query  = @"DELETE FROM SectorsQuestions where QuestionId = @QuestionId";
                var resultSectors = con.ExecuteQueryUnScoped(querySectors);
                if (!resultSectors.Success)
                    resultSectors.Message = "An error occurred";

                foreach (var q in entity.SectorsQuestions)
                    q.QuestionId        = questionId;
                    queryAnswers.Entity = q;
                    queryAnswers.Query  = @"INSERT INTO SectorsQuestions (QuestionId, SectorId, Value) 
                            VALUES(@QuestionId, @SectorId, @Value)";
                    resultSectors       = con.ExecuteQueryUnScoped(queryAnswers);
                    if (!resultSectors.Success)
                        resultSectors.Message = "An error occurred";

                result.Entity  = entity.QuestionId;
                result.Message = result.Success ? "The Question has been updated" : "An error updated";

Пример #19
 public static DataTable GetLeftTicket(ref QueryEntity qe)
     DataTable dtTicket = CreateTicketDt();
     if (qe.optionDates.Contains(qe.train_date))
     qe.optionDates.Insert(0, qe.train_date);
     TicketService service = new TicketService(StaticValues.MyCookies);
     for (int i = 0; i < qe.optionDates.Count; i++)
         string date=qe.optionDates[i];
         qe.train_date = date;
         QueryTicketResponseInfo rspInfo = service.QueryLeftTicketDTO(qe.train_date, qe.from_station_telecode, qe.to_station_telecode);
         if (rspInfo!=null&&rspInfo.status)
             if (rspInfo.data != null && rspInfo.data.Count > 0)
                 string[] timeArray = qe.start_time_str.Split("--".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                 int beginTime = Convert.ToInt32(timeArray[0].Replace(":", ""));
                 int endTime = Convert.ToInt32(timeArray[1].Replace(":", ""));
                 foreach (QueryLeftNewDTOData q in rspInfo.data)
                     bool flag = CheckTrainClass(q, qe);
                     if (flag)
                         int startTime = Convert.ToInt32(q.queryLeftNewDTO.start_time.Replace(":", ""));
                         if (startTime >= beginTime && endTime >= startTime)
                             if ((qe.trainNoList!=null&&qe.trainNoList.Count>0&&qe.trainNoList.Contains(q.queryLeftNewDTO.station_train_code))||qe.trainNoList==null||qe.trainNoList.Count==0)
                                 DataRow row = dtTicket.NewRow();
                                 row["TrainCode"] = q.queryLeftNewDTO.station_train_code;
                                 row["TrainCodeKey"] = q.queryLeftNewDTO.train_no + "#" + q.queryLeftNewDTO.start_station_telecode + "#" + q.queryLeftNewDTO.to_station_telecode;
                                 row["StartStation"] = q.queryLeftNewDTO.from_station_name + "(" + q.queryLeftNewDTO.start_time + ")";
                                 row["AimStation"] = q.queryLeftNewDTO.to_station_name + "(" + q.queryLeftNewDTO.arrive_time + ")";
                                 row["TakeTime"] = q.queryLeftNewDTO.lishi;
                                 row["ShangWu"] = q.queryLeftNewDTO.swz_num;
                                 row["TeDeng"] = q.queryLeftNewDTO.tz_num;
                                 row["YiDeng"] = q.queryLeftNewDTO.zy_num;
                                 row["ErDeng"] = q.queryLeftNewDTO.ze_num;
                                 row["GaoJiRuanWo"] = q.queryLeftNewDTO.gr_num;
                                 row["RuanWo"] = q.queryLeftNewDTO.rw_num;
                                 row["YingWo"] = q.queryLeftNewDTO.yw_num;
                                 row["RuanZuo"] = q.queryLeftNewDTO.rz_num;
                                 row["YingZuo"] = q.queryLeftNewDTO.yz_num;
                                 row["WuZuo"] = q.queryLeftNewDTO.wz_num;
                                 row["QiTa"] = q.queryLeftNewDTO.qt_num;
                                 row["OrderKey"] = q.secretStr;
                                 bool last = q.queryLeftNewDTO.to_station_name == q.queryLeftNewDTO.end_station_name;
                                 row["Last"] = last;
                                 bool first = q.queryLeftNewDTO.from_station_name == q.queryLeftNewDTO.start_station_name;
                                 row["First"] = first;
                                 row["Order"] = Images.Order;
                 dtTicket = FilterResultBySeat(dtTicket, qe);
         if (dtTicket.Rows.Count > 0)
     return dtTicket;
Пример #20
        //           D
        //         /   \
        //O-D-A     A-D-O
        //         \    /
        //          D
        private static void AndSplit()
            string process_guid            = "40c4be7f-2c7d-4391-92a3-32e2dc24f58a";
            string application_instance_id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            //var serviceurl = "";
            var serviceurl = "http://localhost:53433/odata/";
            var data       = new Container(new Uri(serviceurl));
            WfRunner appRunner = new WfRunner();

            appRunner.ProcessGUID   = process_guid;
            appRunner.AppInstanceID = application_instance_id;
            appRunner.AppName       = "ApiTest";
            appRunner.UserID        = "usr1";
            appRunner.UserName      = "******";
            appRunner.NextActivityPerformers.Add(new Point {
                PathID = "e60084e4-517a-4892-a290-517159f1b7f4", UserID = "usr21", UserName = "******"
            appRunner.NextActivityPerformers.Add(new Point {
                PathID = "ce3343b6-930d-4962-a2b9-2c4c4b2dab06", UserID = "usr22", UserName = "******"
            var aa = data.StartProcess(appRunner).GetValue();

            appRunner               = new WfRunner();
            appRunner.ProcessGUID   = process_guid;
            appRunner.AppInstanceID = application_instance_id;
            appRunner.AppName       = "ApiTest";
            appRunner.UserID        = "usr21";
            appRunner.UserName      = "******";
            appRunner.NextActivityPerformers.Add(new Point {
                PathID = "0fdff3c0-be97-43d6-b4ff-90d52efb5d6f", UserID = "usr3", UserName = "******"
            //appRunner.TaskID = ;
            string ss = data.RunProcess(appRunner).GetValue();

            QueryEntity app = new QueryEntity();

            app.ProcessGUID   = process_guid;
            app.AppInstanceID = null;
            app.AppName       = "ApiTest";
            app.UserID        = "usr3";
            app.UserName      = "******";
            var cc = data.GetReadyTasks(app).Execute();

            appRunner               = new WfRunner();
            appRunner.ProcessGUID   = process_guid;
            appRunner.AppInstanceID = application_instance_id;
            appRunner.AppName       = "ApiTest";
            appRunner.UserID        = "usr22";
            appRunner.UserName      = "******";
            appRunner.NextActivityPerformers.Add(new Point {
                PathID = "0fdff3c0-be97-43d6-b4ff-90d52efb5d6f", UserID = "usr3", UserName = "******"
            ss = data.RunProcess(appRunner).GetValue();

            app               = new QueryEntity();
            app.ProcessGUID   = process_guid;
            app.AppInstanceID = null;
            app.AppName       = "ApiTest";
            app.UserID        = "usr3";
            app.UserName      = "******";
            cc = data.GetReadyTasks(app).Execute();
            appRunner               = new WfRunner();
            appRunner.ProcessGUID   = process_guid;
            appRunner.AppInstanceID = application_instance_id;
            appRunner.AppName       = "ApiTest";
            appRunner.UserID        = "usr3";
            appRunner.UserName      = "******";
            appRunner.NextActivityPerformers.Add(new Point {
                PathID = "76f7ef75-b538-40c8-b529-0849ca777b94", UserID = "", UserName = ""
            ss = data.RunProcess(appRunner).GetValue();
Пример #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse the properties that are required for the join
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="queryEntity"></param>
        /// <param name="useAlias"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string ParseJoinProperties(QueryEntity queryEntity, bool useAlias)
            var joinQueryProperties = new StringBuilder();

            //convert the csv of parent and child properties to lists
            var parentProperties = queryEntity.RelationshipToParent.ParentProperties.Split(',').ToList();
            var childProperties = queryEntity.RelationshipToParent.ChildProperties.Split(',').ToList();

            // do we need an alias for a self join or the same table joined more than once?
            var childObjectName = useAlias ? queryEntity.Name : queryEntity.ObjectDefinitionFullName;

            //add each of the properties to the join
            for (var i = 0; i < parentProperties.Count; i++)
                if (i > 0)

                joinQueryProperties.Append(" [");
                joinQueryProperties.Append("] = [");
                joinQueryProperties.Append("] ");

            return joinQueryProperties.ToString();
Пример #22
 /// <summary>
 /// 根据查询条件得到Itembrand记录
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sqlWhere">查询条件集合</param>
 /// <param name="ItembrandQueryEntity">Itembrand查询实体类</param>
 /// <param name="whLoginID">要查询的仓库的前缀</param>
 /// <returns>根据查询条件得到Itembrand记录</returns>
 public DataSet GetItembrandByQueryList(QueryEntity itembrandQuery)
Пример #23
        public Result Update(AspectEntity entity)
            var con    = new DapperConnectionManager();
            var query  = new QueryEntity();
            var result = new Result();

            using (var scope = new TransactionScope())
                query.Entity = entity;
                query.Query  =
                    @"Update  Aspects set Title=@Title, Text=@Text, Examples=@Examples, OnlineResources=@OnlineResources, FurtherEducation =@FurtherEducation, PeopleContact = @PeopleContact, Levels = @Levels, Position = @Position
                                where AspectId = @AspectId";

                result = con.ExecuteQueryUnScoped(query);

                if (!result.Success)
                    result.Message = "An error occurred";
                var aspectId = entity.AspectId;

                var listActionsToRemove = entity.ActionsList.Where(x => x.Removed);
                var listActionsToCreate = entity.ActionsList.Where(x => x.Created);
                var listActionsToCopy   = entity.ActionsList.Where(x => x.Added).ToList();

                foreach (var item in listActionsToRemove)
                    var queryActionCreate = new QueryEntity
                        Query  = @"DELETE from AspectsActions where ActionId = @ActionId",
                        Entity = item
                    var resultAction = con.ExecuteQuery(queryActionCreate);
                    if (resultAction.Success)

                    result.Message = "An error occurred";

                foreach (var item in listActionsToCreate)
                    var queryActionCreate = new QueryEntity
                        Query  = @"INSERT into Actions (Text, Title, Type) VALUES(@Text, @Title, @Type)",
                        Entity = item
                    var resultAction = con.InsertQueryUnScoped(queryActionCreate);

                    item.ActionId = (int)resultAction.Entity;

                foreach (var item in listActionsToCopy)
                    item.AspectId = aspectId;
                    var queryActionCreate = new QueryEntity
                        Query  = @"INSERT into AspectsActions (AspectId, ActionId, LevelAction, Position) VALUES( @AspectId, @ActionId, @LevelAction, @Position)",
                        Entity = item
                    var resultAction = con.ExecuteQueryUnScoped(queryActionCreate);

                    if (resultAction.Success)

                    result.Message = "An error occurred";
                result.Entity  = aspectId;
                result.Message = "The aspect has been created";
Пример #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Write query entity of the config.
        /// </summary>
        private static void WriteQueryEntity(BinaryWriter writer, QueryEntity entity, ClientProtocolVersion srvVer)

            var entityFields = entity.Fields;

            if (entityFields != null)

                foreach (var field in entityFields)
                    WriteQueryField(writer, field, srvVer);

            var entityAliases = entity.Aliases;

            if (entityAliases != null)

                foreach (var queryAlias in entityAliases)

            var entityIndexes = entity.Indexes;

            if (entityIndexes != null)

                foreach (var index in entityIndexes)
                    if (index == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid cache configuration: QueryIndex can't be null.");

        private static void TestMethod()
            string process_guid = "40c4be7f-2c7d-4391-92a3-32e2dc24f58f";
            string application_instance_id = "56";

            // var serviceurl = "";
            var serviceurl = "http://localhost:53433/odata/";
            var data = new Container(new Uri(serviceurl));
            Window w = new Window();
            w.Id = 1;
            w.Name = "2";
            w.CurrentShape = new Circle() { Radius = 1, HasBorder = true };
            w.OptionalShapes.Add(new Circle() { Radius = 1, HasBorder = true });
            var ls = data.ListAc(w).GetValue();
            var eventDataItems = data.Vedios.ToList();
            data.AddObject("Vedios", new Vedio() { ID = 8, Title = "Inferno of Retribution", Year = 2005 });
            var eventDataItemsw = data.Vedios.Where(p => p.Title == "2").ToList();
            WfRunner appRunner = new WfRunner();
            appRunner.ProcessGUID = process_guid;
            appRunner.AppInstanceID = application_instance_id;
            appRunner.AppName = "ApiTest";
            appRunner.UserID = "usr1";
            appRunner.UserName = "******";
            appRunner.NextActivityPerformers.Add(new Point { PathID = "fc8c71c5-8786-450e-af27-9f6a9de8560f", UserID = "usr20", UserName = "******" });
            var aa = data.StartProcess(appRunner).GetValue();
            QueryEntity app = new QueryEntity();
            app.ProcessGUID = process_guid;
            app.AppInstanceID = null;
            app.AppName = "ApiTest";
            app.UserID = "usr2";
            app.UserName = "******";
            var bb = data.GetRunningTasks(app).Execute();
            var cc = data.GetReadyTasks(app).Execute();
Пример #26
 public DataSet GetUserByQueryList(QueryEntity userQuery)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Пример #27
        public Result InsertTest(int domainId, int copyId)
            var con    = new DapperConnectionManager();
            var query  = new QueryEntity();
            var result = new Result();

            query.Entity = new { DomainId = domainId };
            query.Query  = @"SELECT * FROM Aspects where DomainId = @DomainId";

            var domainActions = con.ExecuteQuery <AspectEntity>(query);

            var aspectsList = (IEnumerable <AspectEntity>)domainActions.Entity;

            foreach (var entity in aspectsList)
                using (var scope = new TransactionScope())
                    entity.DomainId = copyId;

                    var linkEntity = new LinkEntity
                        Href   = " ",
                        Name   = entity.Title,
                        Type   = LinksTypes.ASPECT.ToString(),
                        Active = true

                    query.Entity = linkEntity;
                    query.Query  = @"INSERT INTO Links (Name, Type, Href, Active) VALUES(@Name, @Type, @Href, @Active)";

                    result = con.InsertQueryUnScoped(query);
                    if (!result.Success)
                        result.Message = "An error occurred";
                    var linkId = (int)result.Entity;

                    entity.LinkId = linkId;
                    query.Entity  = entity;
                    query.Query   = @"INSERT INTO Aspects (DomainId, LinkId, Title, Text, Examples, OnlineResources, FurtherEducation, PeopleContact, Levels) 
                                                    VALUES(@DomainId, @LinkId, @Title, @Text,@Examples, @OnlineResources, @FurtherEducation, @PeopleContact, @Levels )";

                    result = con.InsertQueryUnScoped(query);

                    if (!result.Success)
                        result.Message = "An error occurred";
                    var aspectId = (int)result.Entity;

                    var queryUpdateLink = new QueryEntity()
                        Entity = new { Href = string.Concat("/aspects/", aspectId), LinkId = linkId },
                        Query  = "UPDATE Links set Href = @Href where LinkId = @LinkId"
                    var resultUpdateLink = con.ExecuteQueryUnScoped(queryUpdateLink);
                    if (!resultUpdateLink.Success)
                        result.Message = "An error occurred";
                        result.Success = false;

                    result.Entity  = aspectId;
                    result.Message = "The aspect has been created";

Пример #28
        public void SimpleChildParentValidTest()
            string objectName = "Addresses";

            //add the root entity
            var rootEntity = new QueryEntity();
            rootEntity.Name = objectName;
            rootEntity.ObjectDefinitionFullName = objectName;
            //add columns to the root entity

            //add the parent entity
            var parentEntity = new QueryEntity();
            parentEntity.Name = "Customers";
            parentEntity.ObjectDefinitionFullName = "Customers";
            //add columns to the parent entity
            //add the realtionship to the query
            parentEntity.RelationshipToParent = new Relationship
                                                        ParentProperties = "CustomerNumber",
                                                        ChildProperties = "CustomerNumber"

            parentEntity.ParentQueryEntity = rootEntity;

            rootEntity.ParentQueryEntity = null;

            var query = new Query { IsTestQuery = false, RootEntity = rootEntity };

            //retrieve the number of columns prior to running the query
            //after the query is run verify that no columns have been added
            int rootPropertyCount = query.RootEntity.PropertyList.Count;
            int childPropertyCount = query.RootEntity.ChildList.ElementAt(0).PropertyList.Count;

            var queryResults = _sysConnector.ExecuteQuery(query);

            foreach (var queryResult in queryResults)

            //verify that data has been returned from the query
            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, queryResults.Count());
            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, queryResults.ElementAt(0).Properties.Count);
            //verify that the first element has related values
            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, queryResults.ElementAt(0).Children.Count);

            //verify that no columns have been added
            //***Note this is a requirement of the system
            //   If a value is added during the query to ensure uniqueness of the results,
            //   they cannot be returned in the query results
            Assert.AreEqual(rootPropertyCount, queryResults.ElementAt(0).Properties.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(childPropertyCount, queryResults.ElementAt(0).Children.ElementAt(0).Value.ElementAt(0).Properties.Count);
Пример #29
        public void ExecuteQueryValidTest()
            //Declare the name of the table for the test
            string tableName = "Addresses";

            //Retrieve the current metadata provoder
            var metaDataProvider = _sysConnector.GetMetadataProvider();

            //Create a new root Query Enitity
            QueryEntity rootEntity = new QueryEntity();

            //Add the table name to the query entity
            rootEntity.Name = tableName;
            rootEntity.ObjectDefinitionFullName = tableName;

            //Retrieve the column information for the selected table
            IObjectDefinition objectDefinition = metaDataProvider.RetrieveObjectDefinition(tableName, true, true);

            //Add each column to the list of properties
            foreach (IPropertyDefinition propertyDefinition in objectDefinition.PropertyDefinitions)

            //create a new query object
            Query queryObject = new Query();
            //indicate whether or not this is a test query
            queryObject.IsTestQuery = true;
            //set the root entity
            queryObject.RootEntity = rootEntity;
            //execute the query using the method provided from the connector
            var queryEntity = _sysConnector.ExecuteQuery(queryObject);
            //validate that results have been returned
            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, queryEntity.Count());
            //validate that data has been returned
            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, queryEntity.ElementAt(0).Properties.Count);
Пример #30
        public void SimpleLikeFilterValidTest()
            string objectName = "Addresses";

            //create a new comparison expression object
            // consider **** SELECT [QueryEntity.PropertyList] FROM [QueryEntity.ObjectDefinitionFullName]
            //          **** WHERE [ComparisonExpression.LeftValue] [ComparisonExpression.Operator] [ComparisonExpression.RightValue]
            var comparisionExpression = new ComparisonExpression
                ExpressionType = ExpressionType.Comparison,
                Operator = ComparisonOperator.Like,
                LeftValue = new ComparisonValue(ComparisonValueType.Property, "Addresses.ContactName"),
                RightValue = new ComparisonValue(ComparisonValueType.Constant, "Mr.%")

            //Create a basic root query entity,
            //Set the name property and the object definition full name property
            //Note: 'Name' property is unique and is set by the user
            //      'ObjectDefinitionFullName' property will be the name of the table referenced
            var rootEntity = new QueryEntity { Name = objectName, ObjectDefinitionFullName = objectName };
            //Create a list of properties for the root entity, not these are column names

            //create a new query object
            Query query = new Query();
            //indicate whether or not this is a test query
            query.IsTestQuery = true;
            //set the root entity
            query.RootEntity = rootEntity;
            //set the constraints for the query
            query.Constraints = comparisionExpression;

            var queryResults = _sysConnector.ExecuteQuery(query);

            //force a check of the query results
            foreach (var queryResult in queryResults)

            //validate that results have been returned
            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, queryResults.Count());
            //validate that data has been returned
            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, queryResults.ElementAt(0).Properties.Count);
            //validate that the proper values are returned in the DataEntity properties
Пример #31
        public void SelfJoinValidTest()
            string objectName = "SalesOrders";
            //add the root entity
            var rootEntity = new QueryEntity();
            rootEntity.Name = objectName;
            rootEntity.ObjectDefinitionFullName = objectName;
            //add columnc to the root entity

            //add the entity for the self join
            var selfJoinEntity = new QueryEntity();
            selfJoinEntity.Name = "SalesOrders2";
            selfJoinEntity.ObjectDefinitionFullName = "SalesOrders";

            //add the columns for the self join
            //add the relationship for the self join
            selfJoinEntity.RelationshipToParent = new Relationship { ParentProperties = "OriginalOrderNumber", ChildProperties = "OrderNumber" };
            selfJoinEntity.ParentQueryEntity = rootEntity;

            rootEntity.ParentQueryEntity = null;

            var query = new Query();
            query.IsTestQuery = false;
            query.RootEntity = rootEntity;

            //retrieve the number of columns prior to running the query
            //after the query is run verify that no columns have been added
            var rootEntityPropertyCount = rootEntity.PropertyList.Count;
            var childEntityPropertyCount = selfJoinEntity.PropertyList.Count;

            var queryResults = _sysConnector.ExecuteQuery(query);

            foreach (var queryResult in queryResults)

            //there are no data in this object
            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, queryResults.Count());
            //make sure that duplicates have not been received
            Assert.AreEqual(1, queryResults.ElementAt(0).Children.ElementAt(0).Value.Count);

            //check that no extra properties have been added
            Assert.AreEqual(rootEntityPropertyCount, queryResults.ElementAt(0).Properties.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(childEntityPropertyCount, queryResults.ElementAt(0).Children.ElementAt(0).Value.ElementAt(0).Properties.Count);
Пример #32
 private static DataTable FilterResultBySeat(DataTable dt, QueryEntity qe)
     DataTable dtTemp = dt.Clone();
     for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
         if (!FilterRowBySeat(dt.Rows[i], qe.seatTypeList))
             DataRow row = dtTemp.NewRow();
             for (int j = 0; j < dtTemp.Columns.Count; j++)
                 row[j] = dt.Rows[i][j];
     return dtTemp;
Пример #33
 public DataSet GetUserByQueryList(Database db, DbTransaction tran, QueryEntity userQuery)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Пример #34
 /// <summary>
 /// 根据查询条件得到Rolefunction记录
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sqlWhere">查询条件集合</param>
 /// <param name="RolefunctionQueryEntity">Rolefunction查询实体类</param>
 /// <param name="whLoginID">要查询的仓库的前缀</param>
 /// <returns>根据查询条件得到Rolefunction记录</returns>
 public DataSet GetRolefunctionByQueryList(QueryEntity rolefunctionQuery)
Пример #35
        public void SimpleFilterWithOrderByValidTest()
            string objectName = "ProductPriceLists";

            //Create a basic root query entity,
            //Set the name property and the object definition full name property
            //Note: 'Name' property is unique and is set by the user
            //      'ObjectDefinitionFullName' property will be the name of the table referenced
            var rootEntity = new QueryEntity { Name = objectName, ObjectDefinitionFullName = objectName };
            //Create a list of properties for the root entity, not these are column names

            //set the sequence direction and field to order by
            rootEntity.SequenceList.Add(new Sequence("UnitPrice", SequenceDirection.Descending));

            //create a new query object, and set the root entity
            var query = new Query { IsTestQuery = false, RootEntity = rootEntity };

            //create a new comparison expression object
            // consider **** SELECT [QueryEntity.PropertyList] FROM [QueryEntity.ObjectDefinitionFullName]
            //          **** WHERE [ComparisonExpression.LeftValue] [ComparisonExpression.Operator] [ComparisonExpression.RightValue]
            var comparisionExpression = new ComparisonExpression
                ExpressionType = ExpressionType.Comparison,
                Operator = ComparisonOperator.Equal,
                LeftValue = new ComparisonValue(ComparisonValueType.Property, "ProductPriceLists.ProductNumber"),
                RightValue = new ComparisonValue(ComparisonValueType.Constant, "CAT5CBL")

            //set the contraints in the query to the comparison expression
            query.Constraints = comparisionExpression;

            var queryResults = _sysConnector.ExecuteQuery(query);

            //force a check of the query results
            foreach (var queryResult in queryResults)

            //validate that results have been returned
            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, queryResults.Count());
            //validate that data has been returned
            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, queryResults.ElementAt(0).Properties.Count);

            //Verify that the highest price is returned in the first element of the results
            Assert.AreEqual("49.95", queryResults.First().Properties["UnitPrice"].ToString());

            //Verify that the lowest price is returned in the last element of the results
            Assert.AreEqual("0.7", queryResults.Last().Properties["UnitPrice"].ToString());
Пример #36
 /// <summary>
 /// 根据查询条件得到User记录
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sqlWhere">查询条件集合</param>
 /// <param name="UserQueryEntity">User查询实体类</param>
 /// <param name="whLoginID">要查询的仓库的前缀</param>
 /// <returns>根据查询条件得到User记录</returns>
 public DataSet GetUserByQueryList(QueryEntity userQuery)
Пример #37
 public static bool CheckTrainClass(QueryLeftNewDTOData q, QueryEntity qe)
     bool flag = false;
     if (qe.trainClass.Contains("QB"))
         flag = true;
         List<string> trainClasslist = qe.trainClass.Split("#".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();
         string trainCode = q.queryLeftNewDTO.station_train_code.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper();
         trainClasslist.ForEach(t => {
             if (t.Contains(trainCode))
                 flag = true;
     return flag;
Пример #38
 public QueryDescription GetQueryDescription(QueryEntity Query)
Пример #39
 public static TicketInfo GetTicketInfo(string secretStr, QueryEntity qe,ref string msg)
     TicketInfo ti = null;
     TicketService service = new TicketService(StaticValues.MyCookies);
     bool flag = service.SubmitOrderRequest(secretStr, qe, ref msg);
     if (flag)
         ti = service.GetTicketInfo();
     return ti;
Пример #40
 public static object ToQueryName(this QueryEntity query)
     return(QueryNames.GetOrThrow(query.Key, "QueryName with key {0} not found"));
Пример #41
        /// <summary>
        /// Provides formated columns for the select statement using the QueryEntity object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="queryEntity"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string ParseColumns(QueryEntity queryEntity)
            var selectedChildColumns = new StringBuilder();
            var selectedParentColumns = new StringBuilder();

            var relationshipName = queryEntity.ParentQueryEntity != null ? queryEntity.Name : string.Empty;

            if (queryEntity.ChildList != null && queryEntity.ChildList.Count > 0)
                //Append the columns of the child entities
                foreach (var relatedQueryEntity in queryEntity.ChildList)
                    //add the column to the query

            // if self join use the Name for an alias or the same table joined more than once.
            var useAlias = false;
            if (queryEntity.ParentQueryEntity != null)
                useAlias = queryEntity.ObjectDefinitionFullName == queryEntity.ParentQueryEntity.ObjectDefinitionFullName ||
                           queryEntity.ParentQueryEntity.ChildList.Where(child => child.ObjectDefinitionFullName == queryEntity.ObjectDefinitionFullName).Count() > 1;

            //Append the query properties
            selectedParentColumns.Append(ParseColumns(queryEntity.PropertyList, queryEntity.ObjectDefinitionFullName, relationshipName, useAlias));


            return selectedParentColumns.ToString();
Пример #42
 /// <summary>
 /// 根据查询条件得到Member记录
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sqlWhere">查询条件集合</param>
 /// <param name="MemberQueryEntity">Member查询实体类</param>
 /// <param name="whLoginID">要查询的仓库的前缀</param>
 /// <returns>根据查询条件得到Member记录</returns>
 public DataSet GetMemberByQueryList(QueryEntity memberQuery)
Пример #43
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse query joins
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="queryEntity"></param>
        /// <param name="joinClause">currently build join clause</param>
        private void ParseJoins(QueryEntity queryEntity, StringBuilder joinClause)
            var useAlias = false;
            //loop through each of the child entities
            foreach (var relatedQueryEntity in queryEntity.ChildList)
                //verify that the query entity has a parent relation present
                if (relatedQueryEntity.RelationshipToParent != null)
                    joinClause.Append(" ");
                    joinClause.Append(" ");
                    joinClause.Append(" [");
                    joinClause.Append("] ");
                    // add alias if this is a self join or this table is joined more than once
                    if (relatedQueryEntity.ObjectDefinitionFullName == relatedQueryEntity.ParentQueryEntity.ObjectDefinitionFullName ||
                        queryEntity.ChildList.Where(child => child.ObjectDefinitionFullName == relatedQueryEntity.ObjectDefinitionFullName).Count() > 1)
                        useAlias = true;
                        joinClause.Append(" [");
                        joinClause.Append("] ");
                    joinClause.Append(ParseJoinProperties(relatedQueryEntity, useAlias));

                    //add relationship keys to the Foreign Key list
Пример #44
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the query entity key.
 /// </summary>
 private static string GetQueryEntityKey(QueryEntity x)
     return(x.KeyTypeName + "^" + x.ValueTypeName);
Пример #45
        private Query BuildComparisonQuery()
            var sequence1 = new Sequence
                PropertyName = "Name",
                Direction = SequenceDirection.Ascending

            var sequence2 = new Sequence
                PropertyName = "Address",
                Direction  = SequenceDirection.Descending

            var rootEntity = new QueryEntity
                SequenceList = new List<Sequence>()


            var constraints = new ComparisonExpression
                Operator = ComparisonOperator.Equal,
                ExpressionType = ExpressionType.Comparison,
                LeftValue = new ComparisonValue { Value = "Name", ValueType = ComparisonValueType.Property },
                RightValue = new ComparisonValue { Value = "Bobby", ValueType = ComparisonValueType.Property }

            var query = new Query
                Constraints = constraints,
                RootEntity = rootEntity

            return query;
Пример #46
        public static UserQueryEntity ToUserQuery(this QueryRequest request, QueryDescription qd, QueryEntity query, Pagination defaultPagination, bool withoutFilters)
            var tuple = SmartColumns(request.Columns, qd);

            var defaultMode            = defaultPagination.GetMode();
            var defaultElementsPerPage = defaultPagination.GetElementsPerPage();

            var mode            = request.Pagination.GetMode();
            var elementsPerPage = request.Pagination.GetElementsPerPage();

            bool isDefaultPaginate = defaultMode == mode && defaultElementsPerPage == elementsPerPage;

            return(new UserQueryEntity
                Query = query,
                WithoutFilters = withoutFilters,
                Owner = DefaultOwner(),
                Filters = withoutFilters ? new MList <QueryFilterEmbedded>() : request.Filters.Select(f => new QueryFilterEmbedded
                    Token = new QueryTokenEmbedded(f.Token),
                    Operation = f.Operation,
                    ValueString = FilterValueConverter.ToString(f.Value, f.Token.Type)
                ColumnsMode = tuple.mode,
                Columns = tuple.columns,
                Orders = request.Orders.Select(oo => new QueryOrderEmbedded
                    Token = new QueryTokenEmbedded(oo.Token),
                    OrderType = oo.OrderType
                PaginationMode = isDefaultPaginate ? (PaginationMode?)null : mode,
                ElementsPerPage = isDefaultPaginate ? (int?)null : elementsPerPage,
        //            D
        //         /      \
        //O-D-R    D-O
        //         \  /
        //          D
        private static void OrSplitEnd()
            string process_guid = "40c4be7f-2c7d-4391-92a3-32e2dc24f58b";
            string application_instance_id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            //var serviceurl = "";
            var serviceurl = "http://localhost:53433/odata/";
            var data = new Container(new Uri(serviceurl));
            WfRunner appRunner = new WfRunner();
            appRunner.ProcessGUID = process_guid;
            appRunner.AppInstanceID = application_instance_id;
            appRunner.AppName = "ApiTest";
            appRunner.UserID = "usr1";
            appRunner.UserName = "******";
            appRunner.NextActivityPerformers.Add(new Point { PathID = "e60084e4-517a-4892-a290-517159f1b7f4", UserID = "usr21", UserName = "******" });
            appRunner.NextActivityPerformers.Add(new Point { PathID = "76f7ef75-b538-40c8-b529-0849ca777b95", UserID = "", UserName = "" });
            var aa = data.StartProcess(appRunner).GetValue();
            QueryEntity app = new QueryEntity();
            app.ProcessGUID = process_guid;
            app.AppInstanceID = null;
            app.AppName = "ApiTest";
            app.UserID = "usr21";
            app.UserName = "******";
            var cc = data.GetReadyTasks(app).Execute();

            appRunner = new WfRunner();
            appRunner.ProcessGUID = process_guid;
            appRunner.AppInstanceID = application_instance_id;
            appRunner.AppName = "ApiTest";
            appRunner.UserID = "usr21";
            appRunner.UserName = "******";
            appRunner.NextActivityPerformers.Add(new Point { PathID = "76f7ef75-b538-40c8-b529-0849ca777b94", UserID = "", UserName = "" });
            string ss = data.RunProcess(appRunner).GetValue();
Пример #48
 /// <summary>
 /// 根据查询条件得到Operationlog记录
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sqlWhere">查询条件集合</param>
 /// <param name="OperationlogQueryEntity">Operationlog查询实体类</param>
 /// <param name="whLoginID">要查询的仓库的前缀</param>
 /// <returns>根据查询条件得到Operationlog记录</returns>
 public DataSet GetOperationlogByQueryList(QueryEntity operationlogQuery)