Пример #1
 private void searchButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (_currentPage == 0)
     if (_searchCts != null)
     _searchCts = new CancellationTokenSource();
     _queryMethod.BeginInvoke(searchTb.Text, new AsyncCallback(new AsyncPoppulateSearch(_queryMethod, this, _searchCts).PopulateSearch), null);
Пример #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Query a whois server specifying the specified ServerCollection object and domain to query asynchronously.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="servers">Collection contening a list of whois server.</param>
 /// <param name="domainToQuery">Domain to query.</param>
 /// <param name="callBack">Callback function</param>
 /// <returns>IAsyncResult object that represents the result of the QueryAsync operation.</returns>
 /// <example>
 /// <code>
 /// [C#]
 /// ServerCollection servers = new ServerCollection();
 ///    Server server1 = new Server();
 ///    server1.Host = "whois.networksolutions.com";
 ///    server1.Port = 43;
 ///    server1.Domain = ".com";
 ///    servers.Add(server1);
 ///    Server server2 = new Server();
 ///    server2.Host = "whois.nic.co.uk";
 ///    server2.Port = 43;
 ///    server2.Domain = ".co.uk";
 ///    servers.Add(server2);
 /// WhoIs whoIs = new WhoIs();
 /// IAsyncResult state = whoIs.QueryAsync(servers,"activeup.com",new AsyncCallback(MyCallbackWhoIs));
 /// public void MyCallbackWhoIs(IAsyncResult state)
 /// {
 ///        try
 ///        {
 ///            string result = whoIs.QueryAsyncResult(state);
 ///            Console.WriteLine(result);
 ///        }
 ///        catch(WhoisException we)
 ///        {
 ///            Console.WriteLine("WhoisException : " + we.Message);
 ///        }
 ///        catch(Exception ex)
 ///        {
 ///            Console.WriteLine("An unhandled exception was thrown : " + ex.Message);
 ///        }
 /// }
 /// [VB.NET] 
 /// Private whoIs As whoIs = New whoIs()
 ///    Dim servers As New ServerCollection()
 ///    Dim server1 As New Server()
 ///    server1.Host = "whois.networksolutions.com"
 ///    server1.Port = 43
 ///    server1.Domain = ".com"
 ///    servers.Add(server1)
 ///    Dim server2 As New Server()
 ///    server2.Host = "whois.nic.co.uk"
 ///    server2.Port = 43
 ///    server2.Domain = ".co.uk"
 ///    servers.Add(server2)
 /// Dim state As IAsyncResult = whoIs.QueryAsync(servers, New AsyncCallback(AddressOf MyCallbackWhoIs))
 /// Public Sub MyCallbackWhoIs(ByVal state As IAsyncResult)
 ///        Try
 ///            Dim result As String = whoIs.QueryAsyncResult(state)
 ///            Console.WriteLine(result)
 ///        Catch we As WhoisException
 ///             Console.WriteLine("WhoisException : " + we.Message)
 ///        Catch ex As Exception
 ///             Console.WriteLine("An unhandled exception was thrown : " + ex.Message)
 ///        End Try
 ///    End Sub
 /// </code>
 /// </example>
 public IAsyncResult QueryAsync(ServerCollection servers, string domainToQuery,AsyncCallback callBack)
     _queryDelegate = new QueryDelegate(_Query);
     return _queryDelegate.BeginInvoke(servers,domainToQuery,false,callBack,null);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Query a whois server specifying the specified host, port and domain to query asynchronously.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="host">Host of the whois server.</param>
        /// <param name="port">Port of the whois server.</param>
        /// <param name="domainToQuery">Domain to query.</param>
        /// <param name="callBack">Callback function.</param>
        /// <returns>IAsyncResult object that represents the result of the QueryAsync operation.</returns>
        /// <example>
        /// <code>
        /// [C#]
        /// WhoIs whoIs = new WhoIs();
        /// IAsyncResult state = whoIs.QueryAsync("whois.networksolutions.com",43,"activeup.com",new AsyncCallback(MyCallbackWhoIs));
        /// public void MyCallbackWhoIs(IAsyncResult state)
        /// {
        ///        try
        ///        {
        ///            string result = whoIs.QueryAsyncResult(state);
        ///            Console.WriteLine(result);
        ///        }
        ///        catch(WhoisException we)
        ///        {
        ///            Console.WriteLine("WhoisException : " + we.Message);
        ///        }
        ///        catch(Exception ex)
        ///        {
        ///            Console.WriteLine("An unhandled exception was thrown : " + ex.Message);
        ///        }
        /// }
        /// [VB.NET] 
        /// Private whoIs As whoIs = New whoIs()
        /// Dim state As IAsyncResult = whoIs.QueryAsync("whois.networksolutions.com",43,"activeup.com", New AsyncCallback(AddressOf MyCallbackWhoIs))
        /// Public Sub MyCallbackWhoIs(ByVal state As IAsyncResult)
        ///        Try
        ///            Dim result As String = whoIs.QueryAsyncResult(state)
        ///            Console.WriteLine(result)
        ///        Catch we As WhoisException
        ///             Console.WriteLine("WhoisException : " + we.Message)
        ///        Catch ex As Exception
        ///             Console.WriteLine("An unhandled exception was thrown : " + ex.Message)
        ///        End Try
        ///    End Sub
        /// </code>
        /// </example>
        public IAsyncResult QueryAsync(string host, int port, string domainToQuery,AsyncCallback callBack)
            ServerCollection servers = new ServerCollection();
            servers.Add(new Server(host,port));

            _queryDelegate = new QueryDelegate(_Query);
            return _queryDelegate.BeginInvoke(servers,domainToQuery,false,callBack,null);
Пример #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Query a whois server specifying the specified domain to query asynchronously. In this case, it uses the default whois servers.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="domainToQuery">Domain to query.</param>
 /// <param name="callBack">Callback function.</param>
 /// <returns>IAsyncResult object that represents the result of the QueryAsync operation.</returns>
 /// <example>
 /// <code>
 /// [C#]
 /// WhoIs whoIs = new WhoIs();
 /// IAsyncResult state = whoIs.QueryAsync("activeup.com",new AsyncCallback(MyCallbackWhoIs));
 /// public void MyCallbackWhoIs(IAsyncResult state)
 /// {
 ///        try
 ///        {
 ///            string result = whoIs.QueryAsyncResult(state);
 ///            Console.WriteLine(result);
 ///        }
 ///        catch(WhoisException we)
 ///        {
 ///            Console.WriteLine("WhoisException : " + we.Message);
 ///        }
 ///        catch(Exception ex)
 ///        {
 ///            Console.WriteLine("An unhandled exception was thrown : " + ex.Message);
 ///        }
 /// }
 /// [VB.NET] 
 /// Private whoIs As whoIs = New whoIs()
 /// Dim state As IAsyncResult = whoIs.QueryAsync("activeup.com", New AsyncCallback(AddressOf MyCallbackWhoIs))
 /// Public Sub MyCallbackWhoIs(ByVal state As IAsyncResult)
 ///        Try
 ///            Dim result As String = whoIs.QueryAsyncResult(state)
 ///            Console.WriteLine(result)
 ///        Catch we As WhoisException
 ///             Console.WriteLine("WhoisException : " + we.Message)
 ///        Catch ex As Exception
 ///             Console.WriteLine("An unhandled exception was thrown : " + ex.Message)
 ///        End Try
 ///    End Sub
 /// </code>
 /// </example>
 public IAsyncResult QueryAsync(string domainToQuery,AsyncCallback callBack)
     _queryDelegate = new QueryDelegate(_Query);
     return _queryDelegate.BeginInvoke(null,domainToQuery,false,callBack,null);