Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Request the list of detected found objects.
        /// Callback will never be called while request is still pending.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="queryFilter">Filter used to customize query results.</param>
        /// <param name="callback">
        /// Callback used to report query results.
        /// Callback MLResult code will never be <c>MLResult.Code.Pending</c>.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// MLResult.Result inside callback will be <c>MLResult.Code.Ok</c> if successful.
        /// MLResult.Result inside callback will be <c>MLResult.Code.InvalidParam</c> if failed due to invalid input parameter.
        /// MLResult.Result inside callback will be <c>MLResult.Code.UnspecifiedFailure</c> if failed due to internal error.
        /// </returns>
        public static MLResult GetObjectsAsync(Query.Filter queryFilter, QueryResultsDelegate callback)
            if (MLFoundObjects.IsValidInstance())
                // Don't allow null callbacks to be registered.
                if (callback == null)
                    MLPluginLog.Error("MLFoundObjects.GetObjects failed. Reason: Passed input callback is null.");

                MLThreadDispatch.ScheduleWork(() =>
                    _instance.BeginObjectQueryAsync(queryFilter, callback);

                MLPluginLog.ErrorFormat("MLFoundObjects.GetObjects failed. Reason: No Instance for MLFoundObjects");
                return(MLResult.Create(MLResult.Code.UnspecifiedFailure, "MLFoundObjects.GetFoundObjects failed. Reason: No Instance for MLFoundObjects"));
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Begin querying for found objects.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filter">Filter to use for this query.</param>
        /// <param name="callback">Callback used to report query results.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// MLResult.Result will be <c>MLResult.Code.Ok</c> if successful.
        /// MLResult.Result will be <c>MLResult.Code.InvalidParam</c> if failed due to invalid input parameter.
        /// MLResult.Result will be <c>MLResult.Code.UnspecifiedFailure</c> if failed due to internal error.
        /// </returns>
        private MLResult BeginObjectQueryAsync(Query.Filter filter, QueryResultsDelegate callback)
                if (!MagicLeapNativeBindings.MLHandleIsValid(_instance.handle))
                    MLPluginLog.Error("MLFoundObjects.BeginObjectQuery failed to request found objects. Reason: Tracker handle is invalid");

                NativeBindings.QueryFilterNative nativeQueryFilter = new NativeBindings.QueryFilterNative();
                nativeQueryFilter.Data = filter;

                MLResult.Code resultCode = NativeBindings.MLFoundObjectQuery(_instance.handle, ref nativeQueryFilter, out ulong queryHandle);
                MLResult      result     = MLResult.Create(resultCode);

                if (!result.IsOk)
                    MLPluginLog.ErrorFormat("MLFoundObjects.BeginObjectQuery failed to request objects. Reason: {0}", resultCode);

                // Add query to the list of pendingQueries.
                Query query = Query.Create(callback, filter);
                MLFoundObjects._instance.pendingQueries.TryAdd(queryHandle, query);

            catch (System.EntryPointNotFoundException)
                MLPluginLog.Error("MLFoundObjects.BeginObjectQuery failed. Reason: API symbols not found");
                return(MLResult.Create(MLResult.Code.UnspecifiedFailure, "MLFoundObjects.BeginObjectQuery failed. Reason: API symbols not found"));
Пример #3
    // deprecated
    public void LoadTimelineData(GameObject submittedCell)
        isContextTimeline = false;

        if (submittedCell.GetComponent <ViRMA_Cell>())
            // deep clone query filters for timeline API call
            List <Query.Filter> cellFiltersForTimeline = ObjectExtensions.Copy(globals.queryController.activeFilters);

            // get cell data and currently active viz axes labels
            timelineCellData = submittedCell.GetComponent <ViRMA_Cell>().thisCellData;
            activeVizLabels  = globals.vizController.activeAxesLabels;

            // if X axis exits, find location of submitted call on it and grab data
            if (activeVizLabels.X != null)
                int    cellXPosition = (int)timelineCellData.Coordinates.x - 1;
                int    cellXAxisId   = activeVizLabels.X.Labels[cellXPosition].Id;
                string cellXAxisType = activeVizLabels.X.Type;

                Query.Filter projFilterX = new Query.Filter(cellXAxisType, new List <int>()

            // if Y axis exits, find location of submitted call on it and grab data
            if (activeVizLabels.Y != null)
                int    cellYPosition = (int)timelineCellData.Coordinates.y - 1;
                int    cellYAxisId   = activeVizLabels.Y.Labels[cellYPosition].Id;
                string cellYAxisType = activeVizLabels.Y.Type;

                Query.Filter projFilterY = new Query.Filter(cellYAxisType, new List <int>()

            // if Z axis exits, find location of submitted call on it and grab data
            if (activeVizLabels.Z != null)
                int    cellZPosition = (int)timelineCellData.Coordinates.z - 1;
                int    cellZAxisId   = activeVizLabels.Z.Labels[cellZPosition].Id;
                string cellZAxisType = activeVizLabels.Z.Type;

                Query.Filter projFilterZ = new Query.Filter(cellZAxisType, new List <int>()

            // get timeline image data from server and load it
            StartCoroutine(ViRMA_APIController.GetTimeline(cellFiltersForTimeline, (results) => {
                cellContentResults = results;

                if (cellContentResults.Count > 0)
                    if (cellContentResults.Count >= resultsRenderSize)
                        if (cellContentResults.Count % resultsRenderSize == 0)
                            totalTimeLineSections = (cellContentResults.Count / resultsRenderSize);
                            totalTimeLineSections = (cellContentResults.Count / resultsRenderSize) + 1;
                        totalTimeLineSections = 1;

                    LoadTimelineSection(0, totalTimeLineSections);