Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Applies max velocity limit to the given bone transform.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="originalTransform">
        /// In: The original bone transform.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="targetTransform">
        /// In: The target bone transform.<br/>
        /// Out: The limited bone transform.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="maxRotationAngle">The max rotation angle.</param>
        internal void LimitBoneTransform(ref SrtTransform originalTransform, ref SrtTransform targetTransform, float maxRotationAngle)
            if (maxRotationAngle < ConstantsF.Pi)
                // Compute relative rotation.
                var rotationChange = targetTransform.Rotation * originalTransform.Rotation.Conjugated;

                // Make sure we rotate around the shortest arc.
                if (QuaternionF.Dot(originalTransform.Rotation, targetTransform.Rotation) < 0)
                    rotationChange = -rotationChange;

                if (rotationChange.Angle > maxRotationAngle && !rotationChange.V.IsNumericallyZero)
                    // ReSharper disable EmptyGeneralCatchClause
                        // Limit rotation.
                        rotationChange.Angle     = maxRotationAngle;
                        targetTransform.Rotation = rotationChange * originalTransform.Rotation;
                        // rotationChange.Angle = xxx. Can cause DivideByZeroException or similar.
                        // The !rotationChange.V.IsNumericallyZero should avoid this. But just to go sure.
                    // ReSharper restore EmptyGeneralCatchClause
Пример #2
        /// <overloads>
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the angular velocity that rotates an object from the current orientation to a
        /// target orientation.
        /// </summary>
        /// </overloads>
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the angular velocity that rotates an object from the current orientation to a
        /// target orientation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentOrientation">The current orientation.</param>
        /// <param name="targetOrientation">The target orientation.</param>
        /// <param name="deltaTime">The time over which the rotation takes place (in seconds).</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The angular velocity vector. If an object is rotated with this velocity starting at
        /// <paramref name="currentOrientation"/>, it will arrive at <paramref name="targetOrientation"/>
        /// after <paramref name="deltaTime"/> seconds.
        /// </returns>
        public static Vector3F ComputeAngularVelocity(QuaternionF currentOrientation, QuaternionF targetOrientation, float deltaTime)
            if (Numeric.IsZero(deltaTime))

            // ----- Angular Velocity
            QuaternionF orientationDelta = targetOrientation * currentOrientation.Conjugated;

            // Make sure we move along the shortest arc.
            if (QuaternionF.Dot(currentOrientation, targetOrientation) < 0)
                orientationDelta = -orientationDelta;

            // Determine the angular velocity that rotates the body.
            Vector3F rotationAxis = orientationDelta.Axis;

            if (!rotationAxis.IsNumericallyZero)
                // The angular velocity is computed as rotationAxis * rotationSpeed.
                float rotationSpeed = (orientationDelta.Angle / deltaTime);
                return(rotationAxis * rotationSpeed);

            // The axis of rotation is 0. That means the no rotation should be applied.
Пример #3
        public void DotProduct()
            QuaternionF q1         = new QuaternionF(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f);
            QuaternionF q2         = new QuaternionF(5.0f, 6.0f, 7.0f, 8.0f);
            float       dotProduct = QuaternionF.Dot(q1, q2);

            Assert.AreEqual(70, dotProduct);
        public void BlendTest()
            var traits = SrtTransformTraits.Instance;

            var value0 = NextRandomValue();
            var value1 = NextRandomValue();
            var value2 = NextRandomValue();
            var w0     = 0.3f;
            var w1     = 0.4f;
            var w2     = 1 - w0 - w1;

            SrtTransform result = new SrtTransform();

            traits.BeginBlend(ref result);
            traits.BlendNext(ref result, ref value0, w0);
            traits.BlendNext(ref result, ref value1, w1);
            traits.BlendNext(ref result, ref value2, w2);
            traits.EndBlend(ref result);

            Assert.IsTrue(Vector3F.AreNumericallyEqual(value0.Scale * w0 + value1.Scale * w1 + value2.Scale * w2, result.Scale));
            Assert.IsTrue(Vector3F.AreNumericallyEqual(value0.Translation * w0 + value1.Translation * w1 + value2.Translation * w2, result.Translation));

            QuaternionF expected;

            expected = value0.Rotation * w0;
            // Consider "selective negation" when blending quaternions!
            if (QuaternionF.Dot(expected, value1.Rotation) < 0)
                value1.Rotation = -value1.Rotation;
            expected += value1.Rotation * w1;
            if (QuaternionF.Dot(expected, value2.Rotation) < 0)
                value2.Rotation = -value2.Rotation;
            expected += value2.Rotation * w2;

            Assert.IsTrue(QuaternionF.AreNumericallyEqual(expected, result.Rotation));
Пример #5
        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            float deltaTime = (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;

            // Move an object with constant speed along the path.
            const float speed           = 5;
            float       newPathPosition = _currentPathPosition + deltaTime * speed;

            // Get path parameter where the path length is equal to newPathPosition.
            float parameter = _path.GetParameterFromLength(newPathPosition, 10, 0.01f);

            // Get path point at the newPathPosition.
            Vector3F position = _path.GetPoint(parameter);

            // Get the path tangent at newPathPosition and use it as the forward direction.
            Vector3F forward = _path.GetTangent(parameter).Normalized;

            QuaternionF currentOrientation = QuaternionF.CreateRotation(_kinematicBody.Pose.Orientation);
            QuaternionF targetOrientation  = QuaternionF.CreateRotation(Vector3F.UnitY, forward);
            QuaternionF orientationDelta   = targetOrientation * currentOrientation.Conjugated;

            // Selective Negation:
            // A certain rotation can be described by two quaternions: q and -q. For example, if you look
            // to the north and want to look to the east you can either rotate 90 degrees clockwise or
            // 270 degrees counter-clockwise. In the game we always want to rotate using the
            // smaller angle. This is done using "Selective Negation": The dot product of two quaternions
            // is proportional to the cosine of the rotation angle. If the cosine of the angle is < 0,
            // the angle is larger than +/- 90 degrees. In this case we must use -orientationDelta to
            // rotate using the smaller angle.
            if (QuaternionF.Dot(currentOrientation, targetOrientation) < 0)
                orientationDelta = -orientationDelta;

            // We could directly set the new position of the kinematic body. However, directly
            // setting a position is like "teleporting" an object. The body would not interact
            // properly with other objects in the physics simulation.
            // Instead we apply a linear and angular velocity to the body. The simulation will
            // automatically update the position of the body. If the body touches other objects
            // along the way it will push these objects with the appropriate force.

            // Note that the physics simulation may advance with a different time step than the
            // rest of the game.
            deltaTime = Math.Max(deltaTime, Simulation.Settings.Timing.FixedTimeStep);

            // Determine the linear velocity that moves the body forward.
            Vector3F linearVelocity = (position - _kinematicBody.Pose.Position) / deltaTime;

            // Determine the angular velocity that rotates the body.
            Vector3F angularVelocity;
            Vector3F rotationAxis = orientationDelta.Axis;

            if (!rotationAxis.IsNumericallyZero)
                // The angular velocity is computed as rotationAxis * rotationSpeed.
                // The rotation speed is computed as angle / time. (Note: The angle is given in radians.)
                float rotationSpeed = (orientationDelta.Angle / deltaTime);
                angularVelocity = rotationAxis * rotationSpeed;
                // The axis of rotation is 0. That means the no rotation should be applied.
                angularVelocity = Vector3F.Zero;

            _kinematicBody.LinearVelocity  = linearVelocity;
            _kinematicBody.AngularVelocity = angularVelocity;

            _currentPathPosition = newPathPosition;

            // Let the base class render the rigid bodies.

            // Draw the 3D path.
            var debugRenderer = GraphicsScreen.DebugRenderer;

            for (int i = 0; i < _pointList.Length; i++)
                debugRenderer.DrawLine(_pointList[i], _pointList[(i + 1) % _pointList.Length], Color.Black, false);