Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a QualityStatement from scratch, and add it to a Repository.
        /// </summary>
        public QualityStatement CreateAndRegisterQualityStatement()
            // Create the QualityStatement object and give it a label.
            QualityStatement statement = new QualityStatement();
            statement.Label.Current = "Sample Quality Statement";

            // A QualityStatement is made up of QualityStatementItems.
            // QualityStatementItems have two important pieces of information:
            // a defining Concept, and some content.
            // The defining Concept specifies the type of information recorded
            // by the item. For example, "Contact organization".
            // The content is the actual information, like "Statistics Denmark".

            // First, let's create the Concepts.
            Concept concept1 = new Concept();
            concept1.Label.Current = "Contact organization";

            Concept concept2 = new Concept();
            concept2.Label.Current = "Statistical Unit";

            Concept concept3 = new Concept();
            concept3.Label.Current = "Statitistical Population";

            // Now let's create the QualityStatementItems, and assign the appropriate
            // Concepts and some information.
            QualityStatementItem item1 = new QualityStatementItem();
            item1.ComplianceConcept = concept1;
            item1.ComplianceDescription.Current = "Statistics Denmark";

            QualityStatementItem item2 = new QualityStatementItem();
            item2.ComplianceConcept = concept2;
            item2.ComplianceDescription.Current = "Person";

            QualityStatementItem item3 = new QualityStatementItem();
            item3.ComplianceConcept = concept3;
            item3.ComplianceDescription.Current = "Denmark";

            // Add each of the items to the QualityStatement.

            // Add the QualityStatement and the Concepts to the Repository.
            var client = RepositoryIntro.GetClient();
            CommitOptions options = new CommitOptions();
            client.RegisterItem(statement, options);
            client.RegisterItem(concept1, options);
            client.RegisterItem(concept2, options);
            client.RegisterItem(concept3, options);

            // Also, write an XML file just so we can see how things look.
            string fileName = @"statement.xml";
            DDIWorkflowSerializer serializer = new DDIWorkflowSerializer();
            serializer.SerializeFragments(fileName, statement);

            return statement;
        public QualityStatementModel(QualityStatement qualityStatement)
            this.QualityStatement = qualityStatement;

            // Create a hierarchy of QualityStatement items, mirroring the
            // corresponding Concept hierarchy.
            var rootItems = QualityStatementNode.GetHierarchy(QualityStatement);
            foreach (var item in rootItems)
Пример #3
        public QualityStatementModel(QualityStatement qualityStatement)
            this.QualityStatement = qualityStatement;

            // Create a hierarchy of QualityStatement items, mirroring the
            // corresponding Concept hierarchy.
            var rootItems = QualityStatementNode.GetHierarchy(QualityStatement);

            foreach (var item in rootItems)
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Gathers information and applies it to the given quality statement
        /// item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node">A node with information about the quality
        /// statement item. Child nodes can also be retrieved from this.</param>
        /// <param name="contextNode"></param>
        /// <param name="qualityStatement"></param>
        public override void GatherInformationForItem(
            QualityStatementNode node,
            Node contextNode,
            QualityStatement qualityStatement)
            string infoFromMyDataSource = "Sample Information";

            node.Item.ComplianceDescription.Current = infoFromMyDataSource;

            // If your users should not edit the collected information, you can
            // indicate that information for this item has been gathered.
            // In this case, the item will be displayed as read-only in
            // Designer.
        /// <summary>
        /// Gathers information and applies it to the given quality statement
        /// item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node">A node with information about the quality
        /// statement item. Child nodes can also be retrieved from this.</param>
        /// <param name="contextNode"></param>
        /// <param name="qualityStatement"></param>
        public override void GatherInformationForItem(
            QualityStatementNode node, 
            Node contextNode, 
            QualityStatement qualityStatement)
            string infoFromMyDataSource = "Sample Information";

            node.Item.ComplianceDescription.Current = infoFromMyDataSource;

            // If your users should not edit the collected information, you can
            // indicate that information for this item has been gathered.
            // In this case, the item will be displayed as read-only in
            // Designer.
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a QualityStatement from scratch, and add it to a Repository.
        /// </summary>
        public QualityStatement CreateAndRegisterQualityStatement()
            // Create the QualityStatement object and give it a label.
            QualityStatement statement = new QualityStatement();

            statement.Label.Current = "Sample Quality Statement";

            // A QualityStatement is made up of QualityStatementItems.
            // QualityStatementItems have two important pieces of information:
            // a defining Concept, and some content.
            // The defining Concept specifies the type of information recorded
            // by the item. For example, "Contact organization".
            // The content is the actual information, like "Statistics Denmark".

            // First, let's create the Concepts.
            Concept concept1 = new Concept();

            concept1.Label.Current = "Contact organization";

            Concept concept2 = new Concept();

            concept2.Label.Current = "Statistical Unit";

            Concept concept3 = new Concept();

            concept3.Label.Current = "Statitistical Population";

            // Now let's create the QualityStatementItems, and assign the appropriate
            // Concepts and some information.
            QualityStatementItem item1 = new QualityStatementItem();

            item1.ComplianceConcept             = concept1;
            item1.ComplianceDescription.Current = "Statistics Denmark";

            QualityStatementItem item2 = new QualityStatementItem();

            item2.ComplianceConcept             = concept2;
            item2.ComplianceDescription.Current = "Person";

            QualityStatementItem item3 = new QualityStatementItem();

            item3.ComplianceConcept             = concept3;
            item3.ComplianceDescription.Current = "Denmark";

            // Add each of the items to the QualityStatement.

            // Add the QualityStatement and the Concepts to the Repository.
            var           client  = RepositoryIntro.GetClient();
            CommitOptions options = new CommitOptions();

            client.RegisterItem(statement, options);
            client.RegisterItem(concept1, options);
            client.RegisterItem(concept2, options);
            client.RegisterItem(concept3, options);

            // Also, write an XML file just so we can see how things look.
            string fileName = @"statement.xml";
            DDIWorkflowSerializer serializer = new DDIWorkflowSerializer();

            serializer.SerializeFragments(fileName, statement);
