/// <summary>
        ///     Given a documentation comment describing a Q# user-defined type
        ///     declaration, writes a Markdown file documenting that UDT
        ///     declaration to <see cref="OutputPath" />.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">The Q# UDT being documented.</param>
        /// <param name="docComment">
        ///     The API documentation comment describing <paramref name="type"/>.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="Task"/> representing the result of the asynchronous operation.</returns>
        public async Task WriteOutput(QsCustomType type, DocComment docComment)
            var namedItemDeclarations = type.TypeItems.ToDictionaryOfDeclarations();

            // Make a new Markdown document for the type declaration.
            var title  = $"{type.FullName.Name} user defined type";
            var header = new Dictionary <string, object>
                // DocFX metadata
                ["uid"]   = type.FullName.ToString(),
                ["title"] = title,

                // docs.ms metadata
                ["ms.date"]  = DateTime.Today.ToString(),
                ["ms.topic"] = "article",

                // Q# metadata
                ["qsharp.kind"]      = "udt",
                ["qsharp.namespace"] = type.FullName.Namespace,
                ["qsharp.name"]      = type.FullName.Name,
                ["qsharp.summary"]   = docComment.Summary,
            var document = $@"
# {title}

Namespace: [{type.FullName.Namespace}](xref:{type.FullName.Namespace})



                "Named Items",
                string.Join("\n", type.TypeItems.TypeDeclarations().Select(
                                item =>
                (var itemName, var resolvedType) = item;
                var documentation =
                    docComment.NamedItems.TryGetValue(itemName, out var comment)
                            ? comment
                            : string.Empty;
                return($"### {itemName} : {resolvedType.ToMarkdownLink()}\n\n{documentation}");
                           .MaybeWithSection("Description", docComment.Description)
                           .MaybeWithSection("Remarks", docComment.Remarks)
                           .MaybeWithSection("References", docComment.References)
                "See Also",
                string.Join("\n", docComment.SeeAlso.Select(
                                seeAlso => AsSeeAlsoLink(seeAlso, type.FullName.Namespace)

            // Open a file to write the new doc to.
            await this.WriteAllTextAsync(