Пример #1
        public async Task <IActionResult> SignUp(SignupViewModel user)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                if (await _userManager.FindByEmailAsync(user.Username) == null)
                    var newUser = new QMGUser()
                        UserName = user.Username,
                        Email    = user.Username

                    var plebRole = await _roleManager.FindByNameAsync("Pleb");

                    newUser.Roles.Add(new IdentityUserRole <string>()
                        RoleId = plebRole.Id,
                        UserId = newUser.Id

                    var createdUser = await _userManager.CreateAsync(newUser, user.Password1);

                    if (createdUser.Succeeded)
                        var signInResult = await _signInManager.PasswordSignInAsync(user.Username, user.Password1, true, false);

                        if (signInResult.Succeeded)
                            return(RedirectToAction("Products", "Products"));
                        ModelState.AddModelError("Password1", "Password must contain numbers and nonalphanumeric characters.");
                    ModelState.AddModelError("Username", "Username is already taken");

Пример #2
        public async Task EnsureSeedDataAsync()
             * var a = await _roleManager.FindByNameAsync("Administrator");
             * var b = await _roleManager.FindByNameAsync("Pleb");
             * try
             * {
             *  var c = await _userManager.FindByEmailAsync("*****@*****.**");
             * }catch(AggregateException e)
             * {
             *  Console.Write(e.ToString());
             * }*/
            //create the admin role
            if (await _roleManager.FindByNameAsync("Administrator") == null)
                adminRole = new IdentityRole {
                    Name = "Administrator"

                await _roleManager.CreateAsync(adminRole);

            //create the pleb role
            if (await _roleManager.FindByNameAsync("Pleb") == null)
                plebRole = new IdentityRole {
                    Name = "Pleb"

                await _roleManager.CreateAsync(plebRole);

            //creat user noalgalex
            if (await _userManager.FindByEmailAsync("*****@*****.**") == null)
                var hash = SHA1.Create();
                var user = new QMGUser()
                    UserName = "******",
                    Email    = "*****@*****.**"

                //get the admin role
                var adminRole = await _roleManager.FindByNameAsync("Administrator");

                //create a new identity role
                var identityRole = new IdentityUserRole <string>()
                    RoleId = adminRole.Id,
                    UserId = user.Id

                //add role to user

                //create a new claim
                var jtdClaim = new IdentityUserClaim <string>()
                    ClaimType  = "JoinTheDots",
                    ClaimValue = GetHash(hash, "noalgalex")

                //add to user

                //save user to db
                var createdUser = await _userManager.CreateAsync(user, "Passw0rd!");

                if (!createdUser.Succeeded)
                    _logger.LogError("failed to add user");

            if (await _userManager.FindByEmailAsync("*****@*****.**") == null)
                var hash     = SHA1.Create();
                var plebUser = new QMGUser()
                    UserName = "******",
                    Email    = "*****@*****.**"

                var plebRole = await _roleManager.FindByNameAsync("Pleb");

                plebUser.Roles.Add(new IdentityUserRole <string>()
                    RoleId = plebRole.Id,
                    UserId = plebUser.Id

                var jtdClaim = new IdentityUserClaim <string>()
                    ClaimType  = "JoinTheDots",
                    ClaimValue = GetHash(hash, "alexlogan")


                var createdPlebUser = await _userManager.CreateAsync(plebUser, "Passw0rd!");

                if (!createdPlebUser.Succeeded)
                    _logger.LogError("failed to add user");

            if (!_context.Products.Any())
                var someTimber = new Product()
                    Name        = "Oak Plank",
                    Category    = "Timber",
                    Description = "An oak plank of timber",
                    Price       = 16.0m,
                    ImgUrl      = "http://www.birbek.com/gfx/products/large/l_oldtradition.jpg"


                var ashTimber = new Product()
                    Name        = "Ash Plank",
                    Category    = "Timber",
                    Description = "An ash plank of timber",
                    Price       = 4.0m,
                    ImgUrl      = "http://www.countrymouldings.com/images/butcher-block-countertops/prefinished-ash-plank-countertop-m.jpg"


                var mahoganyTimber = new Product()
                    Name        = "Mahogany Plank",
                    Category    = "Timber",
                    Description = "An mahogany plank of timber",
                    Price       = 8.0m,
                    ImgUrl      = "http://www.countrymouldings.com/images/butcher-block-countertops/prefinished-mahogany-plank-countertop-m.jpg"


                var nails = new Product()
                    Name        = "Nails",
                    Category    = "General",
                    Description = "Some nails",
                    Price       = 9.0m,
                    ImgUrl      = "http://s7g3.scene7.com/is/image/ae235/cat840028?$catImageSmall$"


                var screws = new Product()
                    Name        = "Screws",
                    Category    = "General",
                    Description = "Some screws",
                    Price       = 2.0m,
                    ImgUrl      = "http://screwcapsuk.com/_userfiles/pages/images/supachipscrews/SupaChipScrews.jpg"


                var tinRoof = new Product()
                    Name        = "Tin Roof",
                    Category    = "Roofing",
                    Description = "A section of tin roof",
                    Price       = 15.0m,
                    ImgUrl      = "http://img04.deviantart.net/cc5e/a/large/textures/tmetal/tin_roof.jpg"


                var thatchRoof = new Product()
                    Name        = "Thatch Roof",
                    Category    = "Roofing",
                    Description = "A nice section of thatch roof",
                    Price       = 130.0m,
                    ImgUrl      = "http://area.autodesk.com/userdata/forum/9/9893_vQXnLqo0rA5WdSOSzrZv.jpg"


                var sheetMetal = new Product()
                    Name        = "Sheet Metal",
                    Category    = "Metal",
                    Description = "Its not that bad.",
                    Price       = 50.0m,
                    ImgUrl      = "http://travisperkins.scene7.com/is/image/travisperkins/R2362_116692_00?$normal$"


                var hammer = new Product()
                    Name        = "Hammer",
                    Category    = "Tools",
                    Description = "A hammer.",
                    Price       = 7.0m,
                    ImgUrl      = "http://pngimg.com/upload/hammer_PNG3890.png"


                var drill = new Product()
                    Name        = "Drill",
                    Category    = "Tools",
                    Description = "Power drill",
                    Price       = 11.0m,
                    ImgUrl      = "http://www.staticwhich.co.uk/media/images/taster/electric-drill-taster-334372.jpg"


                var pliars = new Product()
                    Name        = "Pliars",
                    Category    = "Tools",
                    Description = "A pair of pliars.",
                    Price       = 12.0m,
                    ImgUrl      = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/51/Tool-pliers.jpg"


                var saw = new Product()
                    Name        = "Saw",
                    Category    = "Tools",
                    Description = "A saw.",
                    Price       = 18.0m,
                    ImgUrl      = "http://www.harborfreight.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/i/m/image_14661.jpg"


                var spiritLevel = new Product()
                    Name        = "Spirit Level",
                    Category    = "Tools",
                    Description = "A spirit level.",
                    Price       = 12.0m,
                    ImgUrl      = "http://travisperkins.scene7.com/is/image/travisperkins/T3274_167337_00?id=8y9TX3&fmt=jpg&fit=constrain,1&wid=310&hei=310"


                var hackSaw = new Product()
                    Name        = "Hack Saw",
                    Category    = "Tools",
                    Description = "A hack saw.",
                    Price       = 18.0m,
                    ImgUrl      = "https://www.dlsweb.rmit.edu.au/toolbox/electrotech/toolbox1204/resources/03workshop/05hand_tools/images/hacksaw.jpg"


                var philipsHeadScrewdriver = new Product()
                    Name        = "Philips head screwdriver",
                    Category    = "Tools",
                    Description = "A philips head screwdriver.",
                    Price       = 9.0m,
                    ImgUrl      = "http://images.ffx.co.uk/tools/STA064930.JPG"


                var flatHeadScrewdriver = new Product()
                    Name        = "Flat Head Screwdriver",
                    Category    = "Tools",
                    Description = "A flat head screwdriver.",
                    Price       = 8.0m,
                    ImgUrl      = "http://previewcf.turbosquid.com/Preview/2014/05/22__23_40_00/screwdriver_overview.jpg7F96BB1B-6EDF-4DFB-A9B22D7DD2801BB6.jpgLarger.jpg"


                var dowlingRod = new Product()
                    Name        = "Dowling Rod",
                    Category    = "DIY",
                    Description = "A dowling rod.",
                    Price       = 1800.0m,
                    ImgUrl      = "https://placebrandingofpublicspace.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/dowel.jpg?w=645"


                var superGlue = new Product()
                    Name        = "Super Glue",
                    Category    = "DIY",
                    Description = "Suuper glue",
                    Price       = 1.0m,
                    ImgUrl      = "http://www.pratleyadhesives.com.au/media/1020/pratley-superglue-20g_500x409.jpg"


                var redBricks = new Product()
                    Name        = "Red Brick",
                    Category    = "Materials",
                    Description = "Red brick",
                    Price       = 5.0m,
                    ImgUrl      = "http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/t/single-red-brick-white-background-isolate-45246307.jpg"


                var insulatingBricks = new Product()
                    Name        = "Insulating Bricks",
                    Category    = "Materials",
                    Description = "Insulating bricks",
                    Price       = 4.0m,
                    ImgUrl      = "http://www.fieldfurnace.com.au/images/008.JPG"


                var axe = new Product()
                    Name        = "Axe",
                    Category    = "Tools",
                    Description = "A axe.",
                    Price       = 36.0m,
                    ImgUrl      = "https://www.raymears.com/_rm_pictures_/Gransfors-Outdoor-Axe1.jpg"


                var angleGrinder = new Product()
                    Name        = "Angle Grinder",
                    Category    = "Tools",
                    Description = "An angle grinder.",
                    Price       = 181.0m,
                    ImgUrl      = "http://assets.jewson.co.uk/category-images/9624/Main/9624.jpg"


                var smartMaterials = new Product()
                    Name        = "Smart Materials",
                    Category    = "Materials",
                    Description = "Some smart material",
                    Price       = 18.0m,
                    ImgUrl      = "https://webdocs.cs.ualberta.ca/~database/MEMS/sma_mems/img/goop.gif"


                var nut = new Product()
                    Name        = "Nut",
                    Category    = "DIY",
                    Description = "A nut.",
                    Price       = 18000.0m,
                    ImgUrl      = "https://www.belmetric.com/images/AML14SS.jpg"

