private void TryToAssignQDBatchFromString(Device dev, string possibleQDBatch) { var qdBatchFromDB = ctx.Materials.Where(x => x.Name == possibleQDBatch).FirstOrDefault(); if (qdBatchFromDB != null) { dev.QDBatch = (QDBatch)qdBatchFromDB; } else//add a new material { QDBatch newQDBatch = new QDBatch(); newQDBatch.Name = possibleQDBatch; newQDBatch.PhysicalRole = ctx.PhysicalRoles.Where(x => x.ShortName == "EML").FirstOrDefault(); newQDBatch.DepositionMethod = ctx.DepositionMethods.Where(x => x.Name == "Spincoating").FirstOrDefault(); ctx.Materials.Add(newQDBatch); try { ctx.SaveChanges(); } catch (DbEntityValidationException e) { foreach (var eve in e.EntityValidationErrors) { Debug.WriteLine("Entity of type \"{0}\" in state \"{1}\" has the following error: ", eve.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, eve.Entry.State); foreach (var ve in eve.ValidationErrors) { Debug.WriteLine("- property: \"{0}\", Error: \"{1}\"", ve.PropertyName, ve.ErrorMessage); } } Debug.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } dev.QDBatch = newQDBatch; } }
public static void GenerateQDBatchReport(QDBatch qdBatch, string filePath = null) { Process.Start("net.exe", @"use Z: \\\NPI Shared Data\"); //probably unnecessary but was having an error and this doesn't break anything if (filePath == null) { filePath = @"Z:\Data (LJV, Lifetime)\QD Batches\"; } if (!Directory.Exists(filePath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(filePath); } using (var qdbExcel = new ExcelPackage()) { { Debug.WriteLine("Updating report for QDBatch: " + qdBatch.Name); var EQESheet = qdbExcel.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("EQE"); WriteQDBEQEToWS(EQESheet, qdBatch); FormatQDBWorksheet(EQESheet); var ColorDataSheet = qdbExcel.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Color"); WriteQDBColorToWS(ColorDataSheet, qdBatch); FormatQDBWorksheet(ColorDataSheet); string saveString = string.Concat(filePath, qdBatch.Name, ".xlsx"); qdbExcel.SaveAs(new FileInfo(saveString)); } } }
private static void WriteQDBEQEToWS(ExcelWorksheet ws, QDBatch qdb) { int rowCounter = 1; List <Device> deviceList = new List <Device>(qdb.Devices); deviceList = deviceList.OrderBy(x => x.DeviceBatch.FabDate).ThenBy(y => y.BatchIndex).ToList(); foreach (Device d in deviceList) { int columnCounter = 2; ws.Cells[rowCounter, 1].Value = d.Label; foreach (DeviceLJVScanSummary ss in d.DeviceLJVScanSummaries) { List <LJVScan> scansWherePixelLitUp = ss.LJVScans.ToList(); for (int j = 0; j < scansWherePixelLitUp.Count; j++) { if (scansWherePixelLitUp[j].PixelLitUp.HasValue) //if PixelLitUp is not null { if (!scansWherePixelLitUp[j].PixelLitUp.Value) //if it didn't light up { scansWherePixelLitUp.Remove(scansWherePixelLitUp[j]); //remove it from the list } } } //Debug.WriteLine("Adding data to cell for device " + d.BatchIndex + " with testCondition " + ss.TestCondition); if (scansWherePixelLitUp.Count > 0) { decimal minEQE = scansWherePixelLitUp.Where(x => x.MaxEQE == scansWherePixelLitUp.Min(y => y.MaxEQE)).First().MaxEQE; decimal maxEQE = ss.MaxEQE; decimal minLuminanceAtPeakEQE = scansWherePixelLitUp.Where(x => x.LuminanceAtMaxEQE == scansWherePixelLitUp.Min(y => y.LuminanceAtMaxEQE)).First().LuminanceAtMaxEQE ?? default(int); decimal maxLuminanceAtPeakEQE = scansWherePixelLitUp.Where(x => x.LuminanceAtMaxEQE == scansWherePixelLitUp.Max(y => y.LuminanceAtMaxEQE)).First().LuminanceAtMaxEQE ?? default(int); decimal minAt1kNitsEQE = scansWherePixelLitUp.Where(x => x.At1kNitsEQE == scansWherePixelLitUp.Min(y => y.At1kNitsEQE)).First().At1kNitsEQE; decimal maxAt1kNitsEQE = ss.Max1kNitsEQE; string cellString = string.Concat( ss.TestCondition, "\n", minEQE, "-", maxEQE, "% ", minLuminanceAtPeakEQE, "-", maxLuminanceAtPeakEQE, "nits (@1K: ", minAt1kNitsEQE, "-", maxAt1kNitsEQE, "%)" ); ws.Cells[rowCounter, columnCounter].Value = cellString; columnCounter++; } } rowCounter++; } }
private static void WriteQDBColorToWS(ExcelWorksheet ws, QDBatch qdb) { int rowCounter = 1; List <Device> deviceList = new List <Device>(qdb.Devices); deviceList = deviceList.OrderBy(x => x.DeviceBatch.FabDate).ThenBy(y => y.BatchIndex).ToList(); foreach (Device d in deviceList) { int columnCounter = 2; ws.Cells[rowCounter, 1].Value = d.Label; foreach (DeviceLJVScanSummary ss in d.DeviceLJVScanSummaries) { List <LJVScan> scansWherePixelLitUp = ss.LJVScans.ToList(); for (int j = 0; j < scansWherePixelLitUp.Count; j++) { if (scansWherePixelLitUp[j].PixelLitUp.HasValue) //if PixelLitUp is not null { if (!scansWherePixelLitUp[j].PixelLitUp.Value) //if it didn't light up { scansWherePixelLitUp.Remove(scansWherePixelLitUp[j]); //remove it from the list } } } //Debug.WriteLine("Adding data to cell for device " + d.BatchIndex + " with testCondition " + ss.TestCondition); if (scansWherePixelLitUp.Count > 0) { try { LJVScanSummaryVM vm = new LJVScanSummaryVM(ss); string cellString = string.Concat( ss.TestCondition, "\n", "Peak λ: ", vm.PeakLambda.Mean, " FWHM: ", vm.FWHM.Mean, " CIE x: ", vm.CIEx.Mean, " CIE y: ", vm.CIEy.Mean ); ws.Cells[rowCounter, columnCounter].Value = cellString; columnCounter++; } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } } } rowCounter++; } }
public QDBatchVM(QDBatch qdb) { TheQDBatch = qdb; PopulatePropertiesFromQDBatch(); }
public QDBatchVM() { TheQDBatch = new QDBatch(); }