private void DistanceRolloffRangeValuesGUI(Q3DAudioSource q3dAudioSource) { mDistanceRolloffOverrideAudioSourcesRangeSerializedProperty.boolValue = EditorGUILayout.Toggle( new GUIContent ( "Distance Rolloff Range Override AudioSource", "If true, then the Q3DAudioSource will have its own distance rolloff min/max distances; otherwise it will inherit its underlying AudioSource's values" ), q3dAudioSource.DistanceRolloffOverrideAudioSourcesRange); if (!q3dAudioSource.DistanceRolloffOverrideAudioSourcesRange) { GUI.enabled = false; } float mDistanceRolloffMinSerializedPropertyFloatValue = EditorGUILayout.FloatField( new GUIContent ( "Distance Rolloff Minimum", "If the listener is this far away (in meters) from the sound then distance rolloff will not attenuate the sound"//see #Q3DAudioSourceInSync ), q3dAudioSource.DistanceRolloffOverrideAudioSourcesRange ? q3dAudioSource.DistanceRolloffMin : q3dAudioSource.mAudioSource.minDistance); float mDistanceRolloffMaxSerializedPropertyFloatValue = EditorGUILayout.FloatField( new GUIContent ( "Distance Rolloff Maximum", "If the listener is this far away (in meters) from the sound then distance rolloff will attenuate the sound to silence"//see #Q3DAudioSourceInSync ), q3dAudioSource.DistanceRolloffOverrideAudioSourcesRange ? q3dAudioSource.DistanceRolloffMax : q3dAudioSource.mAudioSource.maxDistance); //duplicate range enforcement logic, since Unity's serialization code can only reference raw datafields, not C# get/set properties Q3DAudioSource.DistanceRolloffEnforceRange( ref mDistanceRolloffMinSerializedPropertyFloatValue, ref mDistanceRolloffMaxSerializedPropertyFloatValue); mDistanceRolloffMinSerializedProperty.floatValue = mDistanceRolloffMinSerializedPropertyFloatValue; mDistanceRolloffMaxSerializedProperty.floatValue = mDistanceRolloffMaxSerializedPropertyFloatValue; if (!q3dAudioSource.DistanceRolloffOverrideAudioSourcesRange) { GUI.enabled = true; } }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { Q3DAudioSource q3dAudioSource = (Q3DAudioSource)target; q3dAudioSource.InitializeAudioSource();//maintain invariant of Q3DAudioSource accessing its underlying AudioSource AudioSource audioSource = q3dAudioSource.mAudioSource; int numChannels = (audioSource && audioSource.clip) ? audioSource.clip.channels : 0; bool isObjectSound = Q3DAudioSource.IsSoundObject(numChannels); bool isSoundfield = Q3DAudioSource.IsFirstOrSecondOrderAmbisonic(numChannels); Q3DAudioSource[] q3dAudioSources = q3dAudioSource.GetComponents<Q3DAudioSource>(); AudioSource[] audioSources = q3dAudioSource.GetComponents<AudioSource>(); Q3DAudioSource.LogIfQ3DAudioSourceNumIsNotCorrect(q3dAudioSources.Length, audioSources.Length,; if (audioSource) { if (audioSource) { GUI.enabled = false; string takenFromUnderlyingAudioSource = "Taken from underlying AudioSource"; { EditorGUILayout.TextField( new GUIContent ( "AudioClip", takenFromUnderlyingAudioSource ), audioSource.clip ? : "None" ); EditorGUILayout.Toggle( new GUIContent ( "Mute", takenFromUnderlyingAudioSource ), audioSource.mute ); if(isObjectSound) { #if !UNITY_5 EditorGUILayout.Toggle( new GUIContent ( "Spatialize Post Effects", takenFromUnderlyingAudioSource ), audioSource.spatializePostEffects ); #endif//#if !UNITY_5 EditorGUILayout.Toggle( new GUIContent ( "Bypass Effects", takenFromUnderlyingAudioSource ), audioSource.bypassEffects ); } EditorGUILayout.Toggle( new GUIContent ( "Play On Awake", takenFromUnderlyingAudioSource ), audioSource.playOnAwake ); EditorGUILayout.Toggle( new GUIContent ( "Loop", takenFromUnderlyingAudioSource ), audioSource.loop ); EditorGUILayout.IntField( new GUIContent ( "Priority", takenFromUnderlyingAudioSource ), audioSource.priority ); EditorGUILayout.FloatField( new GUIContent ( "Volume", takenFromUnderlyingAudioSource ), audioSource.volume ); EditorGUILayout.FloatField( new GUIContent ( "Pitch", takenFromUnderlyingAudioSource ), audioSource.pitch ); } GUI.enabled = true; } if (isObjectSound || isSoundfield) { /* #Q3DAudioSourceInSync: keep GUIContent.tooltip text in sync with the description strings in * Q3DAudioPlugin.cpp:InternalRegisterEffectDefinitionSoundShared() */ mGainSerializedProperty.floatValue = EditorGUILayout.Slider(new GUIContent ( "Gain", "Linear volume attenuation; 0 means silence"//see #Q3DAudioSourceQ3DAudioSourceInSync ), mGainSerializedProperty.floatValue, Q3DAudioSource.GainMin, Q3DAudioSource.GainMax); if (isSoundfield) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("SoundField (First Order Ambisonics)", "4 channels found"); } else if (isObjectSound) { DistanceRolloffRangeValuesGUI(q3dAudioSource); GUIContent[] distanceRolloffOptions = new GUIContent[] { //keep in sync with Q3DAudioSource.vr_audio_distance_rolloff_model new GUIContent("Logarithmic", "distance attenuation follows a curve that loses roughly 80% of the sound's volume when " + "distanceFromSound is roughly 15% of the way from minDistance to maxDistance, and loses " + "roughly 90% of the sound's volume when distanceFromSound is roughly 28% of the way from " + "minDistance to maxDistance, and gradually loses the rest of the sound's remaining 10% of " + "volume as distanceFromSound approaches maxDistance"), new GUIContent("Linear", "distanceAttenuation = 1 - (distanceFromSound - min)/(max-min)"), new GUIContent("None", "Distance rolloff never attenuates this sound") }; mDistanceRolloffModelSerializedProperty.intValue = EditorGUILayout.Popup( new GUIContent ( "Distance Rolloff Interpolation", "If the listener's distance from the sound is between the maximum and minimum limits, then distance rolloff will attenuate the sound according to this function"//see #Q3DAudioSourceInSync ), (int)q3dAudioSource.DistanceRolloffModel, distanceRolloffOptions ); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("SoundObject", "1 channel found"); } } else { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Disabled", "AudioSource's clip does not have 1, 4 or 9 channels, so it can't be for a sound object, first-order-ambisonics soundfield or second-order-ambisonics soundfield!"); } serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); } else { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Disabled", "Must be placed on a GameObject that has an AudioSource, but no AudioSource is found"); } }