public void CallNCScript() { ScriptParser parser = new ScriptParser(); parser.Types.AddType <Script>(); IScript ncscript = parser.Parse("parameter($data, script) return($"); Mock <IScriptCompiler> scriptcompiler = new Mock <IScriptCompiler>(); scriptcompiler.Setup(s => s.CompileScriptAsync(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <int?>())).ReturnsAsync(new CompiledScript { Instance = ncscript }); Mock <IScriptImportService> importservice = new Mock <IScriptImportService>(); importservice.Setup(s => s.Script(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <int?>())).Returns(new ScriptExecutor(new WorkableLogger(new NullLogger <JavascriptTests>(), null), scriptcompiler.Object, "Test", 1)); importservice.Setup(s => s.Clone(It.IsAny <WorkableLogger>())).Returns(() => importservice.Object); PythonService pythonservice = new PythonService(importservice.Object, null); PythonScript script = new PythonScript(pythonservice, "script=load.Script('Test', None)\nscript.Execute({'data':{'Name':'Test'}})"); Assert.AreEqual("Test", script.Execute(new Dictionary <string, object> { ["log"] = null })); }
public static PRUdpPacket Decode(byte[] bytes) { var hex = bytes.ToHex(); var str = hex.Substring(4, 2); string sessionid = "", sig = "", seqnum = "", connsig = "", fragid = "", payload = ""; var typenflags = str.FromHexToBits(); var checksum = hex.Substring(hex.Length - 8); int[] data = new int[typenflags.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < typenflags.Count; i++) { if ((bool)typenflags[i]) { data[i] = 1; } else { data[i] = 0; } } var flags = Convert.ToString(data[0]) + Convert.ToString(data[1]) + Convert.ToString(data[2]) + Convert.ToString(data[3]) + Convert.ToString(data[4]); var type = Convert.ToString(data[5]) + Convert.ToString(data[6]) + Convert.ToString(data[7]); var packet = new PRUdpPacket(); packet.Type = (PacketTypes)Convert.ToInt32(type, 2); packet.Flags = PFlags.ParseFlags(flags); if (packet.Type == PacketTypes.SYN || packet.Type == PacketTypes.CONNECT) { sessionid = hex.Substring(6, 2); sig = hex.Substring(8, 8); seqnum = hex.Substring(16, 4); connsig = hex.Substring(20, 8); /*var f = connsig.Substring(0, 2); * var ff = connsig.Substring(2, 2); * var fff = connsig.Substring(4, 2); * var ffff = connsig.Substring(6, 2); * connsig = ffff + fff + ff + f;*/ } else if (packet.Type == PacketTypes.DATA) { sessionid = hex.Substring(6, 2); sig = hex.Substring(8, 8); seqnum = hex.Substring(16, 4); fragid = hex.Substring(20, 2); payload = PythonScript.DecompressPacketPayload(RC4.Decrypt(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("CD&ML"), hex.Substring(22, hex.Length - 30).FromHex()).ToHex().Substring(2)).Result; packet.RMCPayload = RMCPayload.Decode(payload); } else { sessionid = hex.Substring(6, 2); seqnum = hex.Substring(8, 4); } packet.SessionId = sessionid; packet.Signature = sig; packet.Checksum = checksum; packet.ConnectionSignature = connsig; packet.Payload = payload; return(packet); }
public void TypeConversion() { Mock <IConfigurationSection> typeconfig = new Mock <IConfigurationSection>(); typeconfig.SetupGet(s => s.Key).Returns("NamedCode"); typeconfig.SetupGet(s => s.Value).Returns("ScriptService.Dto.NamedCode,ScriptService"); Mock <IConfigurationSection> typesconfig = new Mock <IConfigurationSection>(); typesconfig.Setup(s => s.GetChildren()).Returns(new[] { typeconfig.Object }); Mock <IConfiguration> config = new Mock <IConfiguration>(); config.Setup(s => s.GetSection("Types")).Returns(typesconfig.Object); TypeCreator creator = new TypeCreator(new NullLogger <TypeCreator>(), config.Object); PythonService pythonservice = new PythonService(new Mock <IScriptImportService>().Object, creator); PythonScript script = new PythonScript(pythonservice, "import NamedCode\ncode=NamedCode()\ncode.Name='Test'\ntest.TestMethod(code)"); Assert.AreEqual("Test", script.Execute(new Dictionary <string, object> { ["log"] = new WorkableLogger(new NullLogger <JavascriptTests>(), null), ["test"] = this })); }
internal string ConvertScript(PythonScript script, Dictionary <string, PythonScript> modules) { _modules = modules; var ast = script.AST; if (!(ast.Body is SuiteStatement suiteStatement)) { throw new ArgumentException( $"Expected {script.Filename} to parse into a SuiteStatement, but got: {ast.Body}"); } _currentLine = suiteStatement.Start.Line; var declarations = new StringBuilder(); var declaredFields = new Dictionary <string, GuessedType>(); // This will pre-discover which functions are condition callbacks to infer their arguments if (script.Type == ScriptType.TemplePlusCondition) { var condFinder = new ConditionCallbackFinder(); suiteStatement.Walk(condFinder); script.ConditionCallbacks = condFinder.CallbackFunctions; } HandleTopLevelStatement(script, suiteStatement, declarations, declaredFields); return(CreateScriptFile(declarations.ToString(), script)); }
protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA) { bool S = false; DA.GetData(0, ref S); PythonScript script = PythonScript.Create(); script.SetVariable("bakeornot", S ? 1 : 0); script.ExecuteScript("import scriptcontext as sc\nsc.sticky['NOAH_BAKE_INFO'] = bakeornot"); foreach (IGH_DocumentObject obj in ghDoc.Objects) { if (obj is GH_Cluster) { GH_Cluster objCluster = (GH_Cluster)obj; GH_Document clusterDoc = objCluster.Document(""); foreach (IGH_DocumentObject clusterObj in clusterDoc.Objects) { if (clusterObj.ComponentGuid == new Guid("79EF4718-2B5A-4BFF-AB97-76A036598DB9")) { clusterObj.ExpireSolution(true); } } obj.ExpireSolution(true); } else { if (obj.ComponentGuid == new Guid("79EF4718-2B5A-4BFF-AB97-76A036598DB9")) { obj.ExpireSolution(true); } } } }
public void Export(IAssetExportEnvironment env) { PythonScript input = env.Input as PythonScript; string outputPath = env.AddOutputPath(input.Name + SourceFileExtPrimary); SaveScriptData(input.Content, outputPath); }
protected override void Initialize() { base.Initialize(); if (Doc != null) { Doc.SolutionEnd += OnDocSolutionEnd; } m_py = PythonScript.Create(); if (m_py != null) { SetScriptTransientGlobals(); m_py.Output = m_py_output.Write; m_py.SetVariable("__name__", "__main__"); m_env = new PythonEnvironment(this, m_py); m_py.SetVariable(PARENT_ENVIRONMENT_NAME, m_env); m_py.SetIntellisenseVariable(PARENT_ENVIRONMENT_NAME, m_env); m_py.ContextId = 2; // 2 is Grasshopper m_env.LoadAssembly(typeof(GH_Component).Assembly); //add Grasshopper.dll reference m_env.LoadAssembly(typeof(ZuiPythonComponent).Assembly); //add GHPython.dll reference UnpackScriptResources(); m_env.AddGhPythonPackage(); } }
public static void TestPPDeepScript2() { string filename = @"..\..\..\..\ProjectTestFiles\Quiz-week06.docx"; string msghash = "384:dXOa+qC78kbdvxvga7C5wgbzDdlHAuZLz:Ih8kB9gKC5FthAGz"; string outhash = PythonScript.PPDeepHash(filename).Trim(); Assert.AreEqual(msghash, outhash); }
public static void TestPPDeepScript() { string filename = @"..\..\..\..\ProjectTestFiles\Microsoftsuiteguidance.doc"; string msghash = "192:81TH/p5Q+YUrfClLZaAE6/6rNavrgYjk+4bWlLLdPD1l:81THvQpqiSwvxjk+tLLdL"; string outhash = PythonScript.PPDeepHash(filename).Trim(); Assert.AreEqual(msghash, outhash); }
public static void ExecutePythonScriptDirty(string sampleFile) { string pythonFile = @"C:\Users\Derek\source\pyrepo\"; string pythonArgs = "-f " + sampleFile; string output = PythonScript.ExecutePythonScript(pythonFile, pythonArgs); Console.WriteLine(output); }
public void AwaitTask() { PythonService pythonservice = new PythonService(new Mock <IScriptImportService>().Object, null); PythonScript script = new PythonScript(pythonservice, "await(test.TestTask())"); Assert.AreEqual("test", script.Execute(new Dictionary <string, object> { ["test"] = this })); }
public void ReturnConstant() { PythonService pythonservice = new PythonService(new Mock <IScriptImportService>().Object, null); PythonScript script = new PythonScript(pythonservice, "7"); Assert.AreEqual(7, script.Execute(new Dictionary <string, object> { ["test"] = this })); }
public void IntCall() { PythonService pythonservice = new PythonService(new Mock <IScriptImportService>().Object, null); PythonScript script = new PythonScript(pythonservice, "test.TestNumber(7)"); Assert.AreEqual(7, script.Execute(new Dictionary <string, object> { ["test"] = this })); }
internal PythonEnvironment(GH_Component component, PythonScript script) { Component = component; Script = script; if (script != null) { Type scriptType = script.GetType(); var scopeField = scriptType.GetField("m_scope"); if (scopeField != null) { LocalScope = scopeField.GetValue(script); } var intellisenseField = scriptType.GetField("m_intellisense", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.GetField); if (intellisenseField != null) { Intellisense = intellisenseField.GetValue(script); if (Intellisense != null) { var intellisenseType = Intellisense.GetType(); var scopeProperty = intellisenseType.GetProperty("Scope"); IntellisenseScope = scopeProperty.GetValue(Intellisense, null); } } var baseType = scriptType.BaseType; if (baseType != null && baseType != typeof(object)) { var hostType = baseType.Assembly.GetType("RhinoPython.Host"); if (hostType != null) { var engineInfo = hostType.GetProperty("Engine"); if (engineInfo != null) { Engine = engineInfo.GetValue(null, null); if (Engine != null) { var runtimeInfo = Engine.GetType().GetProperty("Runtime"); Runtime = runtimeInfo.GetValue(Engine, null); } } var scopeInfo = hostType.GetProperty("Scope", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.GetProperty | BindingFlags.Static); if (scopeInfo != null) { ScriptScope = scopeInfo.GetValue(null, null); } } } } }
public static void ExecutePythonScriptNoMatches(string sampleFile) { string pythonFile = @"..\..\..\..\PythonScripts\"; string pythonArgs = "-f " + sampleFile; string foutput = PythonScript.ExecutePythonScript(pythonFile, pythonArgs).Replace("\r", ""); string doutput = "\tScanning file: " + sampleFile.Replace("\"", "") + "\n\tNo matches.\n"; Console.WriteLine(foutput); Assert.AreEqual(doutput, foutput); }
protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA) { string str = ""; object obj = null; DA.GetData <string>(0, ref str); DA.GetData <object>(1, ref obj); PythonScript val = PythonScript.Create(); val.SetVariable("V", obj); val.ExecuteScript("import scriptcontext as sc\nsc.sticky['" + str + "'] = V"); }
public static void ExecutePythonScriptTestBadPaths(string sampleFile) { string pythonFile = @"..\..\..\..\PythonScripts\"; //string sampleFile = "\"C:\\Users\\Derek\\OneDrive\\Documents\\CSC205\\ProjectTestFiles\\COVID-19 Precautions.txt\""; //Note filenames with spaces must be encapsulated sufficienctly //string sampleFile = "\""+@"..\..\..\..\ProjectTestFiles\COVID-19 Precautions.txt" +"\""; string pythonArgs = "-f " + sampleFile; string foutput = PythonScript.ExecutePythonScript(pythonFile, pythonArgs).Replace("\r", ""); string doutput = "\tScanning file: " + sampleFile.Replace("\"", "") + "\n\tError scanning file.\n"; Console.WriteLine(foutput); Assert.AreEqual(doutput, foutput); }
public void LoadData(PythonScript data) { if (DesignMode) { return; } Script = data; pythonTextbox.Text = Script.Text; ScriptLoaded?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); Trace.Listeners.Add(new OutputTraceListener(outputTextBox)); }
public byte[] Encode() { var packet = "313f"; var s = Convert.ToString((int)Type, 2); if (s.Length != 3) { s = s.PadLeft(3 - s.Length + 1, '0'); } var iii = 0; foreach (var fl in Flags) { iii += (int)fl; } var s1 = Convert.ToString(iii, 2); if (s1.Length != 5) { s1 = s1.PadLeft(5 - s1.Length + 1, '0'); } var typenflags = s1 + s; int[] bits = typenflags.PadLeft(8, '0').Select(c => int.Parse(c.ToString())).ToArray(); var b = bits.ToBitArray().ToHex(); packet += b; //type and flags packet += "00"; //sessionid if (Type != PacketTypes.DATA) { packet += ConnectionSignature; //connection signature } else { packet += "5790aecd"; //cdae9057 } packet += "00"; // "db44870f"; packet += "0001"; //packet number //packet += ConnectionSignature; //encrypted empty payload, static//my head hurts.... packet += "db44870f"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Payload)) { packet += "00"; Payload = PythonScript.CompressPacketPayload(RC4.Encrypt(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("CD&ML"), Payload.FromHex()).ToHex()).Result; packet += "02"; } packet += Payload; packet += CalculateChecksum(packet); //calculate checksum to append at the end return(packet.FromHex()); }
public static void Main() { PythonScript Python = Subprocess; try { string pyProc0 = Python("", "2 3 4 5 cat"); Console.WriteLine($"pyProc0: {pyProc0}"); dynamic pyProc1 = Python("", ""); Console.WriteLine($"pyProc1: {pyProc1}"); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } }
public void ExecuteScript() { try { var script = new PythonScript(GetCodeToExecute()); script.ExecuteScript(); var pi = PythonInterpreter.Instance; Trace.Write(pi.GetOutput()); } catch (Exception exc) { Trace.TraceWarning(exc.Message); return; } }
public DrawEffect(string script_path, dynamic param) { draw = new DrawEffectScriptConector(); effect = new BattleMapEffectScriptConector.Effect(new ScriptManager(script_path)); status = new ActionStatusScriptConector(this); python_script = new PythonScript(script_path, (s) => { s.SetVariable("param", param); s.SetVariable("draw", draw); s.SetVariable("effect", effect); s.SetVariable("status", status); } ); }
public IEnumerable <IModObject> Load(Mod mod) { // TODO - should scripts be mod objects? { var name = "builtins"; string filename; string stockFilename = filename = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), "Scripts", name); if (ModPath == null) { filename = stockFilename; } else { filename = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), "Mods", ModPath, "Scripts", name); } mod.GlobalScript = PythonScript.Load(filename) ?? PythonScript.Load(stockFilename) ?? new PythonScript(name, ""); } { var name = "GameInit"; string filename; string stockFilename = filename = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), "Scripts", name); if (ModPath == null) { filename = stockFilename; } else { filename = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), "Mods", ModPath, "Scripts", name); } mod.GameInitScript = PythonScript.Load(filename) ?? PythonScript.Load(stockFilename) ?? new PythonScript(name, ""); } { var name = "EndTurn"; string filename; string stockFilename = filename = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), "Scripts", name); if (ModPath == null) { filename = stockFilename; } else { filename = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), "Mods", ModPath, "Scripts", name); } mod.EndTurnScript = PythonScript.Load(filename) ?? PythonScript.Load(stockFilename) ?? new PythonScript(name, ""); } yield break; }
Unit target_unit = null; // 対象ユニット public BattleMapEffectScriptConector(string script_path, bool is_hit, int effect_value, Unit action_unit, Unit target_unit) { var script_manager = new ScriptManager(script_path); effect = new Effect(script_manager); action = new Action(); python_script = new PythonScript(script_path); python_script.SetVariable("effect", effect); python_script.SetVariable("action", action); this.is_hit = is_hit; this.effect_value = effect_value; this.action_unit = action_unit; this.target_unit = target_unit; }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); // Subscribe to status update events ((App)Application.Current).OnStatusUpdate += OnStatusUpdate; // Find Unity paths var programFiles = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles); txtUnityPath.Text = Utils.FindPath($@"{programFiles}\Unity\Hub\Editor\*") ?? "<not set>"; txtUnityScriptPath.Text = Utils.FindPath($@"{programFiles}\Unity\Hub\Editor\*\Editor\Data\Resources\PackageManager\ProjectTemplates\libcache\com.unity.template.3d-*\ScriptAssemblies") ?? "<not set>"; // Populate script target combo box and select IDA by default cboPyTarget.ItemsSource = PythonScript.GetAvailableTargets(); cboPyTarget.SelectedItem = (cboPyTarget.ItemsSource as IEnumerable <string>).First(x => x == "IDA"); }
public void Import(IAssetImportEnvironment env) { foreach (AssetImportInput input in env.Input) { ContentRef <PythonScript> targetRef = env.GetOutput <PythonScript>(input.AssetName); if (targetRef.IsAvailable) { PythonScript target = targetRef.Res; string fileData = File.ReadAllText(input.Path); target.UpdateContent(fileData); env.AddOutput(targetRef, input.Path); } } }
public string ConvertSnippet(string snippet, PythonScript withinScript = null, Dictionary <string, GuessedType> context = null) { var ast = ParseSnippet(snippet); var script = new PythonScript(withinScript?.Filename ?? "snippet", snippet, ast); var expressionConverter = new ExpressionConverter(script, _typings, _modules); if (context != null) { expressionConverter.AddVariables(context); } ast.Body.Walk(expressionConverter); return(expressionConverter.Result.ToString()); }
public void PythonScript_OnCompleted_works() { string text = @" from SharpETL.Components import Element def OnCompleted(a): yield Element(a.Id, a.Id, []) "; PythonScript script = new PythonScript("script", text, _pythonEngine); Mock <IScriptAction> maction = new Mock <IScriptAction>(); maction.Setup(x => x.Id).Returns("ok"); var result = script.OnCompleted(maction.Object); var element = result.FirstOrDefault(); Assert.IsNotNull(element); Assert.AreEqual("ok", element.Id); Assert.AreEqual("ok", element.Name); }
public void PythonScript_OnError_OnFinally_works() { string text = @" from SharpETL.Components import Element def OnError(a, ex): yield Element(ex.Message, ex.Message, []) def OnFinally(a): pass "; PythonScript script = new PythonScript("script", text, _pythonEngine); Mock <IScriptAction> maction = new Mock <IScriptAction>(); var result = script.OnError(maction.Object, new Exception("error")); var element = result.FirstOrDefault(); Assert.IsNotNull(element); Assert.AreEqual("error", element.Id); Assert.AreEqual("error", element.Name); script.OnFinally(maction.Object); }
public void PythonScript_OnElement_works() { string text = @" from SharpETL.Components import Element def OnElement(a, e): yield Element(e.Id, e.Id, [])"; string testeid = "TestOK_OnElement"; PythonScript script = new PythonScript("script", text, _pythonEngine); Mock <IScriptAction> maction = new Mock <IScriptAction>(); Mock <IElement> melement = new Mock <IElement>(); melement.Setup(x => x.Id).Returns(testeid); var result = script.OnElement(maction.Object, melement.Object); foreach (IElement e in result) { Assert.AreEqual(testeid, e.Name); Assert.AreEqual(testeid, e.Id); } }