     * Create objects, add them to collections and serialize the collections to the steams gSharedStream and gActorStream
     * This function doesn't setup the gPhysics global as the corresponding physics object is only used locally
    public static void serializeObjects <TSharedStream, TActorStream>(ref TSharedStream sharedStream, ref TActorStream actorStream)
        where TSharedStream : unmanaged, IPxOutputStream
        where TActorStream : unmanaged, IPxOutputStream
        PxSerializationRegistry *sr = PxSerialization.createSerializationRegistry(ref *gPhysics);

        PxCollection *sharedCollection = null;
        PxCollection *actorCollection  = null;

        createCollections(ref sharedCollection, ref actorCollection, ref *sr);

        // Alternatively to using PxDefaultMemoryOutputStream it would be possible to serialize to files using
        // PxDefaultFileOutputStream or a similar implementation of PxOutputStream.
        if (gUseBinarySerialization)
            PxSerialization.serializeCollectionToBinary(ref sharedStream, ref *sharedCollection, ref *sr);
            PxSerialization.serializeCollectionToBinary(ref actorStream, ref *actorCollection, ref *sr, sharedCollection);
            PxSerialization.serializeCollectionToXml(ref sharedStream, ref *sharedCollection, ref *sr);
            PxSerialization.serializeCollectionToXml(ref actorStream, ref *actorCollection, ref *sr, null, sharedCollection);


     * Deserialize shared data and use resulting collection to deserialize and instance actor collections
    public static void deserializeObjects(ref PxInputData sharedData, ref PxInputData actorData)
        PxSerializationRegistry *sr = PxSerialization.createSerializationRegistry(ref *gPhysics);

        PxCollection *sharedCollection = null;
            if (gUseBinarySerialization)
                void *alignedBlock = createAlignedBlock(sharedData.getLength());
                sharedData.read(alignedBlock, sharedData.getLength());
                sharedCollection = PxSerialization.createCollectionFromBinary(alignedBlock, ref *sr);
                sharedCollection = PxSerialization.createCollectionFromXml(ref sharedData, ref *gCooking, ref *sr);

        // Deserialize collection and instantiate objects twice, each time with a different transform
        PxTransform *transforms = stackalloc PxTransform[2] {
            new PxTransform(new PxVec3(-5.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)), new PxTransform(new PxVec3(5.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f))

        for (uint i = 0; i < 2; i++)
            PxCollection *collection = null;

            // If the PxInputData actorData would refer to a file, it would be better to avoid reading from it twice.
            // This could be achieved by reading the file once to memory, and then working with copies.
            // This is particulary practical when using binary serialization, where the data can be directly
            // converted to physics objects.

            if (gUseBinarySerialization)
                void *alignedBlock = createAlignedBlock(actorData.getLength());
                actorData.read(alignedBlock, actorData.getLength());
                collection = PxSerialization.createCollectionFromBinary(alignedBlock, ref *sr, sharedCollection);
                collection = PxSerialization.createCollectionFromXml(ref actorData, ref *gCooking, ref *sr, sharedCollection);

            for (uint o = 0; o < collection->getNbObjects(); o++)
                //BIOQUIRK: is<T> is not translated https://github.com/MochiLibraries/Mochi.PhysX/issues/11
                //PxRigidActor* rigidActor = collection->getObject(o).is<PxRigidActor>();
                PxRigidActor *rigidActor = null;
                    PxBase *obj = collection->getObject(o);
                    //BIOQUIRK: Because PxRigidActor is not concrete, this ends up going down the isKindOf path, which is not publicly accessible.
                    // This is special-cased for this snippet, ideally we should just expose is<T> in a more C#-friendly way.
                    if ((PxConcreteType)obj->getConcreteType() is PxConcreteType.eRIGID_STATIC or PxConcreteType.eARTICULATION_LINK or PxConcreteType.eRIGID_DYNAMIC)
                        rigidActor = (PxRigidActor *)obj;

                if (rigidActor != null)
                    PxTransform globalPose = rigidActor->getGlobalPose();
                    globalPose = globalPose.transform(transforms[i]);


        PxMaterial *material;

        gPhysics->getMaterials(&material, 1);
        PxRigidStatic *groundPlane = PxCreatePlane(ref *gPhysics, new PxPlane(0, 1, 0, 0), ref *material);

        gScene->addActor(ref *groundPlane);