Пример #1
        private Error recreatePurchaseOrderPdfs(SplitPurchaseModel model,
                                                CompanyModel company,
                                                UserModel user,
                                                PurchaseOrderHeaderModel updatedOrder,
                                                PurchaseOrderHeaderModel newOrder)
            var error = new Error();

            // Recreate purchase order PDFs

            // Newly created order (if any)
            if (newOrder != null)
                error = createRevisedPurchaseOrder(newOrder.Id, company, user, "Purchase Order Created with items moved from Order " + model.OrderNumber.ToString());

            // New Source order (Order split from)
            error = createRevisedPurchaseOrder(updatedOrder.Id, company, user, "Purchase Order Updated (due to items split out)");

            // Orders split to
            foreach (var targetOrderId in model.SplitItems
                     .Where(si => si.TargetOrderId > 0)
                     .Select(si => si.TargetOrderId)
                error = createRevisedPurchaseOrder(targetOrderId, company, user, "Purchase Order Updated - items moved from Order " + model.OrderNumber.ToString());
                if (error.IsError)

Пример #2
        public ModelError SendCompletedPurchaseOrderToAccounts(PurchaseOrderHeaderModel poh)
            ModelError error = new ModelError();

Пример #3
        public PurchaseOrderHeaderModel FindPurchaseOrderHeaderModel(int id, CompanyModel company,
                                                                     bool bCreateEmptyIfNotfound = true)
            PurchaseOrderHeaderModel model = null;

            var p = db.FindPurchaseOrderHeader(id);

            if (p == null)
                if (bCreateEmptyIfNotfound)
                    model = new PurchaseOrderHeaderModel {
                        CompanyId   = company.Id,
                        OrderNumber = LookupService.GetNextSequenceNumber(company, SequenceNumberType.PurchaseOrderNumber)
                model = MapToModel(p);

        Error sendUnpackSlipMessage(PurchaseOrderHeaderModel poh,
                                    CompanyModel company,           // Company of the file transfer
                                    NoteModel note,
                                    int poNumber,
                                    List <UserModel> userList)
            Dictionary <string, string> dict = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            dict.AddProperty("PURCHASEORDERNO", poNumber);
            dict.AddProperty("COMPANYNAME", company.FriendlyName);

            UserModel purchaser = MembershipManagementService.FindUserModel(poh.SalespersonId.Value);

            dict.AddProperty("PURCHASER", (purchaser == null ? "" : (purchaser.FirstName + " " + purchaser.LastName).Trim()));

            dict.AddProperty("SUPPLIER", poh.SupplierName);

            var attachment = NoteService.FindNoteAttachmentsModel(note, MediaSize.Medium, 0, 0).FirstOrDefault();

            string url = "";

            if (attachment != null)
                url = MediaService.GetMediaFileName(attachment.Media, true);
            dict.AddProperty("URL", url);

Пример #5
        private Error validateModel(PurchaseOrderHeaderModel model)
            var error = isValidNonRequiredString(getFieldValue(model.SupplierInv), 255, "SupplierInv", EvolutionResources.errTextDataRequiredInField);

            if (!error.IsError)
                error = isValidNonRequiredString(getFieldValue(model.ShipAddress1), 255, "ShipAddress1", EvolutionResources.errTextDataRequiredInField);
            if (!error.IsError)
                error = isValidNonRequiredString(getFieldValue(model.ShipAddress2), 255, "ShipAddress2", EvolutionResources.errTextDataRequiredInField);
            if (!error.IsError)
                error = isValidNonRequiredString(getFieldValue(model.ShipAddress3), 255, "ShipAddress3", EvolutionResources.errTextDataRequiredInField);
            if (!error.IsError)
                error = isValidNonRequiredString(getFieldValue(model.ShipAddress4), 255, "ShipAddress4", EvolutionResources.errTextDataRequiredInField);
            if (!error.IsError)
                error = isValidNonRequiredString(getFieldValue(model.OrderComment), 255, "OrderComment", EvolutionResources.errTextDataRequiredInField);
            if (!error.IsError)
                error = isValidNonRequiredString(getFieldValue(model.CancelMessage), 2048, "CancelMessage", EvolutionResources.errTextDataRequiredInField);
            if (!error.IsError)
                error = isValidNonRequiredString(getFieldValue(model.OrderConfirmationNo), 20, "OrderConfirmationNo", EvolutionResources.errTextDataRequiredInField);

Пример #6
        public ShipmentContentModel AddPurchaseOrder(CompanyModel company, UserModel user,
                                                     ShipmentModel shipment, PurchaseOrderHeaderModel poh)
            ShipmentContentModel newItem = null;
            var shipmentContent          = FindShipmentContentListModel(company, shipment.Id, 0);

            if (shipmentContent.Items
                .Where(sc => sc.PurchaseOrderHeaderId == poh.Id)
                .Count() == 0)
                // Not already on the shipment, so add it
                Supplier supplier = null;
                if (poh.SupplierId != null)
                    supplier = db.FindSupplier(poh.SupplierId.Value);

                var content = new ShipmentContentModel {
                    CompanyId             = company.Id,
                    ShipmentId            = shipment.Id,
                    PurchaseOrderHeaderId = poh.Id,
                    OrderNumber           = poh.OrderNumber, // Was PONo
                    CBMEstimate           = db.FindPurchaseOrderCBMs(poh.Id),
                    //public double? CBMCharged { set; get; } = 0;
                    SupplierId   = poh.SupplierId,
                    SupplierName = (supplier == null ? "" : supplier.Name),
                    //public string ProductBrand { set; get; } = "";
                InsertOrUpdateShipmentContent(content, user, "");
                newItem = content;
Пример #7
        public List <UserModel> FindOrderPurchasers(PurchaseOrderHeaderModel poh,
                                                    CompanyModel company,
                                                    decimal poNumber,
                                                    ref string errorMsg)
            // Given a PurchaseOrderHeader model, finds the sales person (purchaser)
            // for the order and returns a list of all the users in the same user
            // group as the sales person, including the sales person.
            List <UserModel> users = null;

            UserModel salesPerson = null;

            if (poh.SalespersonId != null)
                salesPerson = MembershipManagementService.FindUserModel(poh.SalespersonId.Value);
            if (salesPerson != null)
                // Found the sales person
                BrandCategoryModel brandCat = null;
                if (poh.BrandCategoryId != null)
                    brandCat = ProductService.FindBrandCategoryModel(poh.BrandCategoryId.Value, company, false);
                if (brandCat != null)
                    string groupName = brandCat.CategoryName.ToLower() + " purchasing";
                    var    userGroup = MembershipManagementService.FindGroupsForUser(salesPerson)
                                       .Where(ug => ug.GroupName.ToLower().Contains(groupName))
                    if (userGroup != null)
                        // Found the group, so get all the users in the group, including the sales person
                        users = MembershipManagementService.FindUsersInGroup(userGroup);
                        if (users.Count() == 0)
                            errorMsg = $"Error: Active Directory User Group '{groupName}' has no members!";
                            users    = null;;
                        errorMsg = $"Error: Failed to find Active Directory Group '{groupName}' !";
                    errorMsg = $"Error: Failed to find a Brand Catgeory for Purchase Order Number {poNumber} !";
                errorMsg = $"Error: Failed to find a Sales Person for Purchase Order Number {poNumber} !";

Пример #8
        public decimal FindPurchaseOrderTotal(PurchaseOrderHeaderModel poh)
            decimal rc = 0;

            foreach (var pod in FindPurchaseOrderDetailListModel(poh).Items)
                rc += pod.UnitPriceExTax.Value * (decimal)pod.OrderQty.Value;
Пример #9
        public Error ImportOrders(CompanyModel company,
                                  UserModel user,
                                  int locationId,
                                  List <string> headings)
            var error = new Error();

            int lastSupplierId           = -1,
                lineNo                   = 0;
            PurchaseOrderHeaderModel poh = null;

            // Create an order for each supplier
            foreach (var row in db.FindFileImportRows(company.Id, user.Id)
                     .Skip(1)                      // Skip first record (headers)
                     .OrderBy(r => r.Product.Supplier.Name)
                if (row.SupplierId != lastSupplierId)
                    // Found another supplier, so start a new order
                    poh = new PurchaseOrderHeaderModel {
                        CompanyId     = company.Id,
                        SupplierId    = row.SupplierId,
                        OrderNumber   = LookupService.GetNextSequenceNumber(company, SequenceNumberType.PurchaseOrderNumber),
                        OrderDate     = DateTimeOffset.Now,
                        POStatus      = LookupService.FindPurchaseOrderHeaderStatusByValueModel(PurchaseOrderStatus.OrderPlanned).Id,
                        SalespersonId = user.Id,
                        LocationId    = locationId,
                        CurrencyId    = row.Product.Supplier.CurrencyId,
                        ExchangeRate  = LookupService.FindCurrencyModel(row.Product.Supplier.CurrencyId.Value).ExchangeRate.Value
                    InsertOrUpdatePurchaseOrderHeader(poh, user, "");

                    lastSupplierId = row.SupplierId.Value;
                    lineNo         = 1000;

                // Add items to the new order
                var pod = new PurchaseOrderDetailModel {
                    CompanyId             = company.Id,
                    PurchaseOrderHeaderId = poh.Id,
                    LineNumber            = lineNo,
                    ProductId             = row.ProductId,
                    ProductDescription    = row.Product.ItemName,
                    UnitPriceExTax        = Convert.ToDecimal(getField(row, "UnitPrice").Value),
                    TaxCodeId             = row.Product.Supplier.TaxCodeId.Value,
                    OrderQty = Convert.ToInt32(getField(row, "Quantity").Value)
                InsertOrUpdatePurchaseOrderDetail(pod, user, "");

                lineNo += 1000;

Пример #10
        // The following method is called by the Purchasing Service when a Purchase Order is saved
        // It could also be called manually by the user for allocation optimisation
        public void AllocateOnPurchaseOrderSave(PurchaseOrderHeaderModel poh)
            var pohStatus = db.FindPurchaseOrderHeaderStatus(poh.POStatus);

            if (pohStatus != null && pohStatus.AllowAllocation)
                // The status of the purchase allows an allocation

                // Only adjust allocations on products in the order
Пример #11
        // The following method is called from the Purchasing service when a Purchase Order is being split
        public void AllocateOnPurchaseOrderSplit(PurchaseOrderDetailModel pod,            // Line we split from
                                                 List <AllocationModel> allocList,        // Allocations linked to the line (ordered by DateCreated)
                                                 PurchaseOrderHeaderModel targetPo,       // PO we are splitting to (the 'later' PO))
                                                 PurchaseOrderDetailModel targetPod,      // Line we are spliting to
                                                 int numSplitItems,                       // Number of items being split
                                                 UserModel user)
            // On entry, the allocList must be in DateCreated order
            // Every allocation will always have a purchase order line Id and a sales order line Id

            // Update the purchase order detail
            pod.OrderQty -= numSplitItems;

            if (allocList.Count > 0)
                // Is window open of the allocation greater than or equal to the
                // the ReallisticETA of the PO were are spliting to ?
                var sod = db.FindSalesOrderDetail(allocList[0].SaleLineId.Value);
                if (sod.SalesOrderHeader.DeliveryWindowOpen != null && targetPo.RealisticRequiredDate != null)
                    // Only do something if the window and required date are set

                    if (sod.SalesOrderHeader.DeliveryWindowOpen >= targetPo.RealisticRequiredDate)
                        // Yes, Is there free stock on the later PO ?
                        if (getFreeStock(targetPod, allocList) >= numSplitItems)
                            // Yes, assign allocation to later PO
                            allocList[0].PurchaseLineId = targetPod.Id;
                            // No, assign allocation to earlier PO
                            allocList[0].PurchaseLineId = pod.Id;
                        // No, is there free stock on the earlier PO ?
                        if (getFreeStock(pod, allocList) >= numSplitItems)
                            // Yes, assign allocation to earlier PO
                            allocList[0].PurchaseLineId = pod.Id;
                            // No, assign allocation to later PO
                            allocList[0].PurchaseLineId = targetPod.Id;
                    InsertOrUpdateAllocation(allocList[0], user, LockAllocation(allocList[0]));
Пример #12
        public AllocationListModel FindAllocationsToPurchaseOrder(PurchaseOrderHeaderModel poh)
            AllocationListModel model = new AllocationListModel();

            foreach (var item in db.FindAllocationsToPurchaseOrder(poh.Id)
                     .OrderBy(a => a.PurchaseLineId)
                     .ThenBy(a => a.DateCreated))
                var alloc = MapToModel(item);
Пример #13
        public PurchaseOrderDetailListModel FindPurchaseOrderDetailListModel(PurchaseOrderHeaderModel poh)
            var model = new PurchaseOrderDetailListModel();

            var allItems = db.FindPurchaseOrderDetails(poh.CompanyId, poh.Id);

            model.TotalRecords = allItems.Count();
            foreach (var item in allItems)
                var orderLine = MapToModel(item);
Пример #14
        private Error copyOrder(CompanyModel company, SplitPurchaseModel model, UserModel user)
            var error = new Error();

            var updatedOrderNo = LookupService.GetNextSequenceNumber(company, SequenceNumberType.PurchaseOrderNumber, origPoh.OrderNumber.Value, true);

            var newPohId = db.CopyPurchaseOrder(model.PurchaseOrderHeaderId, updatedOrderNo, true).First().Value;

            updatedPoh     = FindPurchaseOrderHeaderModel(newPohId, company, false);
            updatedDetails = FindPurchaseOrderDetailListModel(updatedPoh);

            updatedAllocations = AllocationService.FindAllocationsToPurchaseOrder(updatedPoh).Items;

        private string createUnpackListFile(PurchaseOrderHeaderModel poh)
            string fileName = GetTempFile(".csv");

            using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fileName)) {
                sw.WriteLine(poh.OrderNumber.ToString() + ",1,ABC,24,EACH,0");
                sw.WriteLine(poh.OrderNumber.ToString() + ",2, ABC, 36, EACH, 0");
                sw.WriteLine(poh.OrderNumber.ToString() + ",3, ABC, 36, EACH, 0");
                sw.WriteLine(poh.OrderNumber.ToString() + ",4, ABC, 24, EACH, 0");
                sw.WriteLine(poh.OrderNumber.ToString() + ",5, ABC, 24, EACH, 0");
                sw.WriteLine(poh.OrderNumber.ToString() + ",6, ABC, 200, EACH, 0");
Пример #16
        public PurchaseOrderHeaderModel FindPurchaseOrderHeaderByPONumberModel(decimal poNumber, CompanyModel company)
            PurchaseOrderHeaderModel model = null;

            var p = db.FindPurchaseOrderHeaders(company.Id)
                    .Where(poh => poh.OrderNumber == poNumber)

            if (p != null)
                model = MapToModel(p);

        public void GetNextSequenceNumberTest()
            var user        = GetTestUser();
            var testCompany = GetTestCompany(user);

            decimal actual = 0;

            // At this stage, no sequences or orders exist
            for (int expected = 1; expected <= 10; expected++)
                actual = LookupService.GetNextSequenceNumber(testCompany, SequenceNumberType.PurchaseOrderNumber);

                Assert.IsTrue(actual == expected, $"Error: {actual} was returned when {expected} was expected");

            // Find the "Warehouse" location
            var location = db.FindLocations()
                           .Where(l => l.LocationName == "Warehouse")

            // Find a supplier with lots of products
            var supplier = db.FindSuppliers(testCompany.Id)
                           .Where(s => s.Products.Count() > 100)

            // Now create a purchase order with a large purchase order number
            var poh = new PurchaseOrderHeaderModel {
                CompanyId    = testCompany.Id,
                LocationId   = location.Id,
                POStatus     = Convert.ToInt32(LookupService.FindPurchaseOrderHeaderStatusListItemModel().First().Id),
                SupplierId   = supplier.Id,
                SupplierInv  = "INV" + RandomInt(1000, 9999).ToString(),
                RequiredDate = RandomDateTime(),
                OrderNumber  = 1000

            var error = PurchasingService.InsertOrUpdatePurchaseOrderHeader(poh, user, "");

            Assert.IsTrue(!error.IsError, error.Message);

            // Check that the correct number is returned
            // On the first iteration, the next number should be one more than the largest purchase order number ie 1001
            for (int expected = 1001; expected <= 1010; expected++)
                actual = LookupService.GetNextSequenceNumber(testCompany, SequenceNumberType.PurchaseOrderNumber);
                Assert.IsTrue(actual == expected, $"Error: {actual} was returned when {expected} was expected");
Пример #18
        public PurchaseOrderHeaderModel MapToModel(PurchaseOrderHeader item)
            PurchaseOrderHeaderModel newItem = null;

            if (item != null)
                newItem = Mapper.Map <PurchaseOrderHeader, PurchaseOrderHeaderModel>(item);

                string poNumber = item.OrderNumber.ToString();
                if (poNumber.IndexOf(".") != -1)
                    poNumber = poNumber.TrimEnd('0').TrimEnd('.');
                newItem.OrderNumberUrl = $"<a href=\"/Purchasing/EditPurchase/Edit?id={item.Id}\">{poNumber}</a>";

                if (item.Supplier != null)
                    newItem.SupplierName = item.Supplier.Name;
                if (item.PurchaseOrderHeaderStatu != null)
                    newItem.POStatusText  = item.PurchaseOrderHeaderStatu.StatusName;
                    newItem.POStatusValue = (PurchaseOrderStatus)item.PurchaseOrderHeaderStatu.StatusValue;

                newItem.SalesPersonName = db.MakeName(item.User_SalesPerson);
                newItem.Splitable       = item.PurchaseOrderDetails.Count > 0;

                // Landing date
                if (newItem.OrderNumber != null)
                    var company = CompanyService.FindCompanyModel(newItem.CompanyId);

                    var shipmentContent = item.ShipmentContents.FirstOrDefault();   // ShipmentService.FindShipmentContentByPONoModel(company, newItem.OrderNumber.Value);
                    if (shipmentContent != null && shipmentContent.ShipmentId != null)
                        var shipment = ShipmentService.FindShipmentModel(shipmentContent.ShipmentId.Value, company);
                        newItem.LandingDate = shipment.DatePreAlertETA;
        bool createNoteWithAttachment(PurchaseOrderHeaderModel poh, CompanyModel company,
                                      string fileName, ref NoteModel note, ref string errorMsg)
            bool bError = false;

            note = new NoteModel {
                CompanyId   = company.Id,
                NoteType    = NoteType.Purchase,
                ParentId    = poh.Id,
                DateCreated = DateTimeOffset.Now,
                CreatedById = user.Id,
                Subject     = "Unpack Slip - Order " + poh.OrderNumber.ToString(),
                Message     = ""

            var error = NoteService.InsertOrUpdateNote(note, user, "");

            if (error.IsError)
                errorMsg = error.Message;
                bError   = true;
                // Move the file to the purchase order note attachment folder for the
                // specific purchase order
                error = NoteService.AttachMediaItemToNote(note,
                if (error.IsError)
                    errorMsg = error.Message;
                    bError   = true;

Пример #20
 PurchaseOrderHeaderModel mapToModel(PurchaseOrderHeaderModel item)
     return(Mapper.Map <PurchaseOrderHeaderModel, PurchaseOrderHeaderModel>(item));
Пример #21
 public Error CreatePurchaseOrderPdf(PurchaseOrderHeaderModel poh, int?templateId,
                                     string pdfFile, ref string outputFile)
     return(CreatePurchaseOrderPdf(db.FindPurchaseOrderHeader(poh.Id), templateId ?? 0, pdfFile, ref outputFile));
        public void IntegrationTest()
            var connection = TestSession.GetConnection();

            #region good insertion and select by id test
            PurchaseOrderHeaderModel inserted = new PurchaseOrderHeaderModel();
            inserted.RevisionNumber = Convert.ToByte(TestSession.Random.RandomString(3));
            inserted.Status         = Convert.ToByte(TestSession.Random.RandomString(3));
            inserted.EmployeeID     = TestSession.Random.Next();
            inserted.VendorID       = TestSession.Random.Next();
            inserted.ShipMethodID   = TestSession.Random.Next();
            inserted.OrderDate      = TestSession.Random.RandomDateTime();
            inserted.ShipDate       = TestSession.Random.RandomDateTime();
            inserted.SubTotal       = TestSession.Random.RandomDecimal();
            inserted.TaxAmt         = TestSession.Random.RandomDecimal();
            inserted.Freight        = TestSession.Random.RandomDecimal();
            inserted.TotalDue       = TestSession.Random.RandomDecimal();
            inserted.ModifiedDate   = TestSession.Random.RandomDateTime();

            _tested.Insert(connection, new[] { inserted });

            var selectedAfterInsertion = _tested.GetByPrimaryKey(connection, new PurchaseOrderHeaderModelPrimaryKey()
                PurchaseOrderID = inserted.PurchaseOrderID,

            var selectedAfterInsert = selectedAfterInsertion.Single();
            Assert.AreEqual(inserted.PurchaseOrderID, selectedAfterInsert.PurchaseOrderID);
            Assert.AreEqual(inserted.RevisionNumber, selectedAfterInsert.RevisionNumber);
            Assert.AreEqual(inserted.Status, selectedAfterInsert.Status);
            Assert.AreEqual(inserted.EmployeeID, selectedAfterInsert.EmployeeID);
            Assert.AreEqual(inserted.VendorID, selectedAfterInsert.VendorID);
            Assert.AreEqual(inserted.ShipMethodID, selectedAfterInsert.ShipMethodID);
            Assert.AreEqual(inserted.OrderDate, selectedAfterInsert.OrderDate);
            Assert.AreEqual(inserted.ShipDate, selectedAfterInsert.ShipDate);
            Assert.AreEqual(inserted.SubTotal, selectedAfterInsert.SubTotal);
            Assert.AreEqual(inserted.TaxAmt, selectedAfterInsert.TaxAmt);
            Assert.AreEqual(inserted.Freight, selectedAfterInsert.Freight);
            Assert.AreEqual(inserted.TotalDue, selectedAfterInsert.TotalDue);
            Assert.AreEqual(inserted.ModifiedDate, selectedAfterInsert.ModifiedDate);


            #region update and select by id test
            inserted.RevisionNumber = Convert.ToByte(TestSession.Random.RandomString(3));
            inserted.Status         = Convert.ToByte(TestSession.Random.RandomString(3));
            inserted.EmployeeID     = TestSession.Random.Next();
            inserted.VendorID       = TestSession.Random.Next();
            inserted.ShipMethodID   = TestSession.Random.Next();
            inserted.OrderDate      = TestSession.Random.RandomDateTime();
            inserted.ShipDate       = TestSession.Random.RandomDateTime();
            inserted.SubTotal       = TestSession.Random.RandomDecimal();
            inserted.TaxAmt         = TestSession.Random.RandomDecimal();
            inserted.Freight        = TestSession.Random.RandomDecimal();
            inserted.TotalDue       = TestSession.Random.RandomDecimal();
            inserted.ModifiedDate   = TestSession.Random.RandomDateTime();

            _tested.Update(connection, new[] { inserted });

            var selectedAfterUpdateAddresss = _tested.GetByPrimaryKey(connection, new PurchaseOrderHeaderModelPrimaryKey()
                PurchaseOrderID = inserted.PurchaseOrderID,

            var selectedAfterUpdate = selectedAfterUpdateAddresss.Single();
            Assert.AreEqual(inserted.PurchaseOrderID, selectedAfterUpdate.PurchaseOrderID);
            Assert.AreEqual(inserted.RevisionNumber, selectedAfterUpdate.RevisionNumber);
            Assert.AreEqual(inserted.Status, selectedAfterUpdate.Status);
            Assert.AreEqual(inserted.EmployeeID, selectedAfterUpdate.EmployeeID);
            Assert.AreEqual(inserted.VendorID, selectedAfterUpdate.VendorID);
            Assert.AreEqual(inserted.ShipMethodID, selectedAfterUpdate.ShipMethodID);
            Assert.AreEqual(inserted.OrderDate, selectedAfterUpdate.OrderDate);
            Assert.AreEqual(inserted.ShipDate, selectedAfterUpdate.ShipDate);
            Assert.AreEqual(inserted.SubTotal, selectedAfterUpdate.SubTotal);
            Assert.AreEqual(inserted.TaxAmt, selectedAfterUpdate.TaxAmt);
            Assert.AreEqual(inserted.Freight, selectedAfterUpdate.Freight);
            Assert.AreEqual(inserted.TotalDue, selectedAfterUpdate.TotalDue);
            Assert.AreEqual(inserted.ModifiedDate, selectedAfterUpdate.ModifiedDate);


            #region delete test
            _tested.Delete(connection, new[] { inserted });
            var selectedAfterDeleteAddresss = _tested.GetByPrimaryKey(connection, new PurchaseOrderHeaderModelPrimaryKey()
                PurchaseOrderID = inserted.PurchaseOrderID,
Пример #23
 public string LockPurchaseOrderHeader(PurchaseOrderHeaderModel model)
     return(db.LockRecord(typeof(PurchaseOrderHeader).ToString(), model.Id));
Пример #24
 public void DeletePurchaseOrderHeader(PurchaseOrderHeaderModel model)
Пример #25
        public Error InsertOrUpdatePurchaseOrderHeader(PurchaseOrderHeaderModel poh, UserModel user, string lockGuid)
            var error = validateModel(poh);

            if (!error.IsError)
                // Check that the lock is still current
                if (!db.IsLockStillValid(typeof(PurchaseOrderHeader).ToString(), poh.Id, lockGuid))
                    error.SetError(EvolutionResources.errRecordChangedByAnotherUser, "OrderNumber");
                    PurchaseOrderHeader temp = null;
                    if (poh.Id != 0)
                        temp = db.FindPurchaseOrderHeader(poh.Id);
                    if (temp == null)
                        temp = new PurchaseOrderHeader();

                    var before = Mapper.Map <PurchaseOrderHeader, PurchaseOrderHeader>(temp);

                    Mapper.Map <PurchaseOrderHeaderModel, PurchaseOrderHeader>(poh, temp);

                    // So objects are linked
                    temp.Company = db.FindCompany(poh.CompanyId);

                    poh.Id = temp.Id;

                    logChanges(before, temp, user);

                    // If shanges have occured, we need to send an email to any sales person
                    // who has allocations reliant on the order
                    if (before.POStatus != temp.POStatus && temp.POStatus == (int)PurchaseOrderStatus.Cancelled)
                        // Order has been cancelled, so send a cancellation notification to everyone

                         * public int POStatus { set; get; } = 0;	// Cancelled
                         * public DateTimeOffset? CancelDate { set; get; } = null;
                        // Check the dates and email everyone of the changes

                         * public DateTimeOffset? RequiredDate { set; get; }
                         * public DateTimeOffset? CompletedDate { set; get; }
                         * public DateTimeOffset? RequiredShipDate { set; get; } = null;       // SRD Final
                         * public DateTimeOffset? RealisticRequiredDate { set; get; } = null;  // Reallistic ETA
                         * public DateTimeOffset? RequiredDate_Original { set; get; } = null;
                         * public DateTimeOffset? DateOrderConfirmed { set; get; } = null;
                         * public DateTimeOffset? RequiredShipDate_Original { set; get; } = null;  // SRD Initial
Пример #26
        public PurchaseOrderHeaderTempModel CopyPurchaseOrderToTemp(CompanyModel company,
                                                                    PurchaseOrderHeaderModel purchaseOrderHeader,
                                                                    UserModel user)
            PurchaseOrderHeaderTempModel result = new PurchaseOrderHeaderTempModel();
            PurchaseOrderHeaderTemp      poht   = new PurchaseOrderHeaderTemp();

            // Clean the temp tables
            if (purchaseOrderHeader.Id > 0)
                // Editing an existing order
                var poh = db.FindPurchaseOrderHeader(purchaseOrderHeader.Id);
                if (poh != null)
                    // Copy the header
                    poht = db.FindPurchaseOrderHeaderTemps(company.Id)
                           .Where(p => p.UserId == user.Id &&
                                  p.OriginalRowId == purchaseOrderHeader.Id)
                    if (poht != null)
                        // Already exists in the temp tables so update it with the latest data
                        int tempId = poht.Id;
                        Mapper.Map <PurchaseOrderHeader, PurchaseOrderHeaderTemp>(poh, poht);
                        poht.Id            = tempId;
                        poht.OriginalRowId = purchaseOrderHeader.Id;
                        poht.UserId        = user.Id;

                        result = mapToModel(poht);
                        // Doesn't exist, so copy
                        poht               = Mapper.Map <PurchaseOrderHeader, PurchaseOrderHeaderTemp>(poh);
                        poht.Id            = 0;
                        poht.OriginalRowId = purchaseOrderHeader.Id;
                        poht.UserId        = user.Id;

                        result = mapToModel(poht);

                    // Now copy/merge the details
                    db.CopyPurchaseOrderToTemp(company.Id, user.Id, purchaseOrderHeader.Id, poht.Id);

                    result.Splitable = db.FindPurchaseOrderDetailTemps(company.Id, poht.Id).Count() > 0;
                // New purchase
                poht.CompanyId       = company.Id;
                poht.UserId          = user.Id;
                poht.OrderNumber     = purchaseOrderHeader.OrderNumber;
                poht.OrderDate       = purchaseOrderHeader.OrderDate;
                poht.SalespersonId   = purchaseOrderHeader.SalespersonId;
                poht.BrandCategoryId = purchaseOrderHeader.BrandCategoryId;
                poht.LocationId      = purchaseOrderHeader.LocationId;
                poht.CancelMessage   = purchaseOrderHeader.CancelMessage;

                result = mapToModel(poht);

Пример #27
        private Error validateSplit(CompanyModel company, SplitPurchaseModel model, UserModel user,
                                    string lockGuid)
            var error = new Error();

            // Check that the lock is still current because we are about to change it by
            // moving detail lines from it
            if (!db.IsLockStillValid(typeof(PurchaseOrderHeader).ToString(), model.PurchaseOrderHeaderId, lockGuid))
                error.SetError(EvolutionResources.errRecordChangedByAnotherUser, "NewOrderAdvertisedETA");
                podList = new List <PurchaseOrderDetailModel>();

                numItems = 0;
                origPoh  = FindPurchaseOrderHeaderModel(model.PurchaseOrderHeaderId, company, false);

                foreach (var splitItem in model.SplitItems)
                    // Count the items to be split/moved
                    numItems += splitItem.NewOrderQty + splitItem.TargetOrderQty;

                    // Get the items on the order
                    var pod = FindPurchaseOrderDetailModel(splitItem.PurchaseOrderDetailId);
                    if (pod == null)
                        error.SetRecordError("PurchaseOrderDetail", splitItem.PurchaseOrderDetailId);
                    else if (splitItem.NewOrderQty + splitItem.TargetOrderQty > pod.OrderQty)
                        if (splitItem.NewOrderQty > 0)
                            error.SetError(EvolutionResources.errCantSplitMoreThanOriginalQty, $"txtSplitToNewOrderQty{splitItem.RowNumber}_4_0");
                            error.SetError(EvolutionResources.errCantSplitMoreThanOriginalQty, $"txtTargetOrderQty{splitItem.RowNumber}_5_0");
                        // If we have a target order...
                        if (splitItem.TargetOrderId != 0)
                            var tempPoh = db.FindPurchaseOrderHeader(splitItem.TargetOrderId);
                            if (tempPoh != null)
                                // Found it, so check the base numbers (the value to the left of the decimal)
                                if ((int)origPoh.OrderNumber != (int)tempPoh.OrderNumber)
                                    // Base is different, but is target a root order ?
                                    if ((int)tempPoh.OrderNumber != tempPoh.OrderNumber)
                                        // Target order isn't root
                                        error.SetError(EvolutionResources.errYouCannotMoveItemsToNonRootOrder, $"ddlTargetOrder{splitItem.RowNumber}_6_0");
                                    // Base is the same, so valid target order
                                // Not found
                                error.SetError(EvolutionResources.errMustSelectValidOrderNumber, $"ddlTargetOrder{splitItem.RowNumber}_6_0");
                            // No target order so make sure qty is 0 for target order
                            if (splitItem.TargetOrderQty > 0)
                                error.SetError(EvolutionResources.errTargetQtyMustBeZeroWhenNoOrderSpecified, $"txtTargetOrderQty{splitItem.RowNumber}_6_0");
                if (!error.IsError && numItems == 0)
                    error.SetError(EvolutionResources.errNoItemsHaveBeenSpecifiedToMoveOrSplit, "");
Пример #28
        private Error doSplit(CompanyModel company, SplitPurchaseModel model, UserModel user)
            var error = new Error();

            string lgs;

            // Proceed to do the split
            for (int i = 0; i < podList.Count() && !error.IsError; i++)
                var podListItem = podList[i];
                var splitItem   = model.SplitItems[i];

                var updatedItem = updatedDetails.Items
                                  .Where(ud => ud.OriginalRowId == podListItem.Id)

                PurchaseOrderDetailModel pod = new PurchaseOrderDetailModel {
                    CompanyId             = company.Id,
                    PurchaseOrderHeaderId = 0,
                    LineNumber            = 0,
                    ProductId             = podListItem.ProductId.Value,
                    ProductDescription    = podListItem.ProductDescription,
                    UnitPriceExTax        = podListItem.UnitPriceExTax,
                    TaxCodeId             = podListItem.TaxCodeId,
                    DiscountPercent       = podListItem.DiscountPercent,
                    //LineStatus = podListItem.LineStatus,
                    //IsReceived = podListItem.IsReceived

                if (splitItem.NewOrderQty > 0)
                    // Add a new line to a new order
                    if (newPoh == null)
                        // Create the new order first
                        newPoh             = mapToModel(updatedPoh);
                        newPoh.Id          = 0;
                        newPoh.OrderNumber = LookupService.GetNextSequenceNumber(company, SequenceNumberType.PurchaseOrderNumber, 0, false);
                        error = InsertOrUpdatePurchaseOrderHeader(newPoh, user, "");
                    if (!error.IsError)
                        pod.PurchaseOrderHeaderId = newPoh.Id;
                        pod.OrderQty   = splitItem.NewOrderQty;
                        pod.LineNumber = db.GetNextPurchaseOrderDetailLineNumber(pod.PurchaseOrderHeaderId, false);
                        InsertOrUpdatePurchaseOrderDetail(pod, user, "");

                        // Move the # of split item allocations across to the new purchase order line
                        pod.OrderQty -= splitItem.NewOrderQty;
                        var allocList1 = updatedAllocations.Where(a => a.PurchaseLineId == pod.Id)
                        AllocationService.AllocateOnPurchaseOrderSplit(updatedItem, allocList1, newPoh, pod, splitItem.NewOrderQty, user);

                if (!error.IsError && splitItem.TargetOrderQty > 0)
                    // Add a new line to the target order
                    pod.Id = 0;
                    pod.PurchaseOrderHeaderId = splitItem.TargetOrderId;
                    pod.OrderQty   = splitItem.TargetOrderQty;
                    pod.LineNumber = db.GetNextPurchaseOrderDetailLineNumber(pod.PurchaseOrderHeaderId, false);

                    error = InsertOrUpdatePurchaseOrderDetail(pod, user, "");

                    // Move the # of split item allocations across to the new purchase order line
                    pod.OrderQty -= splitItem.TargetOrderQty;
                    var allocList2 = updatedAllocations.Where(a => a.PurchaseLineId == pod.Id)
                    AllocationService.AllocateOnPurchaseOrderSplit(updatedItem, allocList2, newPoh, pod, splitItem.TargetOrderQty, user);

                if (!error.IsError)
                    InsertOrUpdatePurchaseOrderDetail(updatedItem, user, LockPurchaseOrderDetail(updatedItem));

            if (!error.IsError)
                // Obsolete the existing order
                origPoh.POStatus = LookupService.FindPurchaseOrderHeaderStatusByValueModel(PurchaseOrderStatus.Superceded).Id;
                lgs   = LockPurchaseOrderHeader(origPoh);
                error = InsertOrUpdatePurchaseOrderHeader(origPoh, user, lgs);