Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 删除合同
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="CompanyCD">公司编码</param>
        /// <param name="ID">主键</param>
        /// <returns>true 成功,false 失败</returns>
        public static bool DeletePurchaseContract(string ID)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ID))
            UserInfoUtil userInfo  = (UserInfoUtil)SessionUtil.Session["UserInfo"];
            string       CompanyCD = userInfo.CompanyCD;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ID) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(CompanyCD))
                bool   isSucc = PurchaseContractDBHelper.DeletePurchaseContract(ID, CompanyCD);
                string remark;
                if (isSucc)
                    remark = ConstUtil.LOG_PROCESS_SUCCESS;
                    remark = ConstUtil.LOG_PROCESS_FAILED;
                string[] noList = ID.Split(',');
                for (int i = 0; i < noList.Length; i++)
                    string no = noList[i];
                    //替换两边的 '
                    no = no.Replace("'", string.Empty);

                    LogInfoModel logModel = InitLogInfo("变更单ID:" + no);
                    //涉及关键元素 这个需要根据每个页面具体设置,本页面暂时设置为空
                    logModel.Element = ConstUtil.LOG_PROCESS_DELETE;
                    logModel.Remark = remark;

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Пример #2
 public static DataTable GetAskPriceOrderDetail(string ProductNo, string ProductName, string FromBillNo, string CompanyCD, int ProviderID, int CurrencyTypeID, string Rate)
         return(PurchaseContractDBHelper.GetAskPriceOrderDetail(ProductNo, ProductName, FromBillNo, CompanyCD, ProviderID, CurrencyTypeID, Rate));
Пример #3
 public static DataTable PurchaseContractQueryPrint(string ProviderID, string StartConfirmDate, string EndConfirmDate, string CompanyCD)
         return(PurchaseContractDBHelper.PurchaseContractQueryPrint(ProviderID, StartConfirmDate, EndConfirmDate, CompanyCD));
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw ex;
Пример #4
 public static DataTable PurchaseContractQuery(int pageIndex, int pageCount, string orderBy, ref int TotalCount, string ProviderID, string StartConfirmDate, string EndConfirmDate, string CompanyCD)
         return(PurchaseContractDBHelper.PurchaseContractQuery(pageIndex, pageCount, orderBy, ref TotalCount, ProviderID, StartConfirmDate, EndConfirmDate, CompanyCD));
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw ex;
Пример #5
 public static DataTable Details(int ID)
Пример #6
 public static bool IsCitePurchaseContract(int ID)
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw ex;
Пример #7
 public static DataTable GetSellOrderDetail(string ProductNo, string ProductName, string FromBillNo, string CompanyCD, int ProviderID)
         return(PurchaseContractDBHelper.GetSellOrderDetail(ProductNo, ProductName, FromBillNo, CompanyCD, ProviderID));
Пример #8
 public static DataTable SelectContract(int ID)
Пример #9
 public static DataTable GetApplySelectDetail(int Provider00ID, string ProductNo, string ProductName, string FromBillNo, string CompanyCD)
         return(PurchaseContractDBHelper.GetApplySelectDetail(Provider00ID, ProductNo, ProductName, FromBillNo, CompanyCD));
Пример #10
 public static DataTable SelectPurchaseContract(int pageIndex, int pageCount, string orderBy, ref int TotalCount, string ContractNo1, string Title, string TypeID, string DeptID, string Seller, string FromType, string ProviderID, string BillStatus, string UsedStatus, string EFIndex, string EFDesc)
         return(PurchaseContractDBHelper.SelectContractList(pageIndex, pageCount, orderBy, ref TotalCount, ContractNo1, Title, TypeID, DeptID, Seller, FromType, ProviderID, BillStatus, UsedStatus, EFIndex, EFDesc));
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw ex;
Пример #11
        public static bool DeletePurchaseContractAll(string DetailNo)
            LogInfoModel logModel = InitLogInfo(DetailNo);

            logModel.Element = ConstUtil.LOG_PROCESS_DELETE;
            //设置模块ID 模块ID请在ConstUtil中定义,以便维护
            logModel.ModuleID = ConstUtil.MODULE_ID_PurchaseContractInfo;
            UserInfoUtil userInfo  = (UserInfoUtil)SessionUtil.Session["UserInfo"];
            string       CompanyCD = userInfo.CompanyCD;

            //string[] sql = new string[2];
            //int index = 0;
            //PurchaseContractDBHelper.DeletePurchasePlanPrimary(ContractNo, ref sql, index++);
            //PurchaseContractDBHelper.DeletePurchasePlanDetail(ContractNo, ref sql, index++);

            //bool isSucc = SqlHelper.Result.OprateCount > 0 ? true : false;

            bool   isSucc = PurchaseContractDBHelper.DeletePurchasePlanPrimary(DetailNo);
            string remark;

            if (isSucc)
                remark          = ConstUtil.LOG_PROCESS_SUCCESS;
                logModel.Remark = remark;
                remark          = ConstUtil.LOG_PROCESS_FAILED;
                logModel.Remark = remark;
Пример #12
        /// <summary>
        /// 修改合同记录
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="CompanyCD"></param>
        /// <param name="CompanyNo"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool UpdatePurchaseContract(PurchaseContractModel model, string DetailProductID, string DetailProductNo, string DetailProductName, string DetailUnitID, string DetailProductCount, string DetailUnitPrice, string DetailTaxPrice, string DetailDiscount, string DetailTaxRate, string DetailTotalPrice, string DetailTotalFee, string DetailTotalTax, string DetailRequireDate, string DetailApplyReason, string DetailRemark, string DetailFromBillID, string DetailFromBillNo, string DetailFromLineNo, string DetailUsedUnitID, string DetailUsedUnitCount, string DetailUsedPrice, string DetailExRate, string length, string fflag2, string no, Hashtable ht)
            UserInfoUtil userInfo = (UserInfoUtil)SessionUtil.Session["UserInfo"];

            if (model.ID <= 0)
                bool         succ     = false;
                LogInfoModel logModel = InitLogInfo(no);
                logModel.Element = ConstUtil.LOG_PROCESS_UPDATE;
                //设置模块ID 模块ID请在ConstUtil中定义,以便维护
                logModel.ModuleID = ConstUtil.MODULE_ID_PurchaseContract_Add;
                succ = PurchaseContractDBHelper.UpdatePurchaseContract(model, DetailProductID, DetailProductNo, DetailProductName, DetailUnitID, DetailProductCount, DetailUnitPrice, DetailTaxPrice, DetailDiscount, DetailTaxRate, DetailTotalPrice, DetailTotalFee, DetailTotalTax, DetailRequireDate, DetailApplyReason, DetailRemark, DetailFromBillID, DetailFromBillNo, DetailFromLineNo, DetailUsedUnitID, DetailUsedUnitCount, DetailUsedPrice, DetailExRate, length, fflag2, no, ht);
                if (!succ)
                    logModel.Remark = ConstUtil.LOG_PROCESS_FAILED;
                    logModel.Remark = ConstUtil.LOG_PROCESS_SUCCESS;
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                throw ex;
            //if (model.CompanyCD == null) model.CompanyCD = ((UserInfoUtil)SessionUtil.Session["UserInfo"]).CompanyCD;
            ////string CompanyCD = "AAAAAA";
            ////    return PurchaseContractDBHelper.UpdatePurchaseContract(sql);
            ////catch (Exception ex)
            ////    throw ex;

            //    SqlDateTime signdate = model.SignDate == null ? SqlDateTime.Null : SqlDateTime.Parse(model.SignDate.ToString());
            //    SqlDateTime confirmdate = model.ConfirmDate == null ? SqlDateTime.Null : SqlDateTime.Parse(model.ConfirmDate.ToString());
            //    SqlDateTime closedate = model.CloseDate == null ? SqlDateTime.Null : SqlDateTime.Parse(model.CloseDate.ToString());
            //    SqlDateTime createdate = model.CreateDate == null ? SqlDateTime.Null : SqlDateTime.Parse(model.CreateDate.ToString());
            //    int Creator = ((UserInfoUtil)SessionUtil.Session["UserInfo"]).EmployeeID;
            //    #region 采购合同更新SQL语句
            //    StringBuilder sqlc = new StringBuilder();
            //    sqlc.AppendLine(" UPDATE officedba.PurchaseContract SET ");
            //    sqlc.AppendLine(" CompanyCD          ='" + model.CompanyCD + "',");
            //    sqlc.AppendLine(" ContractNo         ='" + no + "',");
            //    sqlc.AppendLine(" Title              ='" + model.Title + "',");
            //    sqlc.AppendLine(" ProviderID         =" + model.ProviderID + ",");
            //    sqlc.AppendLine(" FromType           ='" + model.FromType + "',");
            //    sqlc.AppendLine(" FromBillID         =" + model.FromBillID + ",");
            //    sqlc.AppendLine(" TotalPrice         =" + model.TotalPrice + ",");
            //    sqlc.AppendLine(" CurrencyType       =" + model.CurrencyType + ",");
            //    sqlc.AppendLine(" Rate               =" + model.Rate + ",");
            //    sqlc.AppendLine(" PayType            =" + model.PayType + ",");
            //    if (signdate.IsNull)
            //    {
            //        sqlc.AppendLine("SignDate        = " + signdate + ",");
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        sqlc.AppendLine("SignDate       = '" + signdate + "',");
            //    }
            //    sqlc.AppendLine(" Seller            =" + model.Seller + ",");
            //    sqlc.AppendLine(" TheyDelegate   ='" + model.TheyDelegate + "',");
            //    sqlc.AppendLine(" OurDelegate         =" + model.OurDelegate + ",");
            //    sqlc.AppendLine(" Status            ='" + model.Status + "',");
            //    sqlc.AppendLine(" Note              ='" + model.Note + "',");
            //    sqlc.AppendLine(" TakeType          =" + model.TakeType + ",");
            //    sqlc.AppendLine(" CarryType         =" + model.CarryType + ",");
            //    sqlc.AppendLine(" Attachment        ='" + model.Attachment + "',");
            //    sqlc.AppendLine(" remark            ='" + model.remark + "',");
            //    sqlc.AppendLine(" BillStatus        ='" + model.BillStatus + "',");
            //    sqlc.AppendLine(" Creator           =" + model.Creator + ",");
            //    if (createdate.IsNull)
            //    {
            //        sqlc.AppendLine("CreateDate     = " + createdate + ",");
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        sqlc.AppendLine("CreateDate     = '" + createdate + "',");
            //    }
            //    sqlc.AppendLine(" ModifiedDate      =getdate(),");
            //    sqlc.AppendLine(" ModifiedUserID    ='" + model.ModifiedUserID + "',");
            //    sqlc.AppendLine(" Confirmor         =" + model.Confirmor + ",");
            //    if (confirmdate.IsNull)
            //    {
            //        sqlc.AppendLine("Confirmdate     = " + confirmdate + ",");
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        sqlc.AppendLine("Confirmdate     = '" + confirmdate + "',");
            //    }
            //    sqlc.AppendLine(" Closer            =" + Creator + ",");
            //    if (closedate.IsNull)
            //    {
            //        sqlc.AppendLine("CloseDate      =" + closedate + ",");
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        sqlc.AppendLine("CloseDate      ='" + closedate + "',");
            //    }
            //    sqlc.AppendLine("DeptID             =" + model.DeptID + ",");
            //    sqlc.AppendLine("TotalTax             =" + model.TotalTax + ",");
            //    sqlc.AppendLine("TotalFee             =" + model.TotalFee + ",");
            //    sqlc.AppendLine("Discount             =" + model.Discount + ",");
            //    sqlc.AppendLine("DiscountTotal             =" + model.DiscountTotal + ",");
            //    sqlc.AppendLine("RealTotal             =" + model.RealTotal + ",");
            //    sqlc.AppendLine("isAddTax             ='" + model.isAddTax + "',");
            //    sqlc.AppendLine("CountTotal             =" + model.CountTotal + ",");
            //    sqlc.AppendLine("TypeID             =" + model.TypeID + ",");
            //    sqlc.AppendLine("SignAddr             ='" + model.SignAddr + "',");
            //    sqlc.AppendLine("MoneyType             =" + model.MoneyType + "");
            //    sqlc.AppendLine(" Where  CompanyCD='" + model.CompanyCD + "' and ContractNo='" + no+"' ");

            //    #endregion

            //    //如果未别引用,明细操作
            //    string[] sql = null;
            //    int lengs = Convert.ToInt32(length);
            //    if (lengs > 0)
            //    {
            //        sql = new string[lengs + 2];
            //        sql[0] = sqlc.ToString();
            //        sql[1] = "delete from officedba.PurchaseContractDetail where CompanyCD='" + model.CompanyCD + "' and ContractNo='" + no + "' ";
            //        string[] ProductID = DetailProductID.Split(',');
            //        string[] ProductNo = DetailProductNo.Split(',');
            //        string[] ProductName = DetailProductName.Split(',');
            //        string[] Standard = DetailStandard.Split(',');//规格
            //        string[] UnitID = DetailUnitID.Split(',');
            //        string[] ProductCount = DetailProductCount.Split(',');
            //        string[] UnitPrice = DetailUnitPrice.Split(',');//单价
            //        string[] TaxPrice = DetailTaxPrice.Split(',');//含税价
            //        string[] Discount = DetailDiscount.Split(',');//折扣
            //        string[] TaxRate = DetailTaxRate.Split(',');//税率
            //        string[] TotalPrice = DetailTotalPrice.Split(',');//金额
            //        string[] TotalFee = DetailTotalFee.Split(',');//含税金额
            //        string[] TotalTax = DetailTotalTax.Split(',');//税额
            //        string[] RequireDate = DetailRequireDate.Split(',');
            //        string[] ApplyReason = DetailApplyReason.Split(',');
            //        string[] Remark = DetailRemark.Split(',');
            //        string[] FromBillID = DetailFromBillID.Split(',');
            //        string[] FromLineNo = DetailFromLineNo.Split(',');
            //        for (int i = 2; i <= lengs + 1; i++)
            //        {
            //            SqlDateTime mRequireDate;
            //            decimal mTotalPrice, mUnitID;
            //            decimal mUnitPrice, mProductCount, mTaxPrice, mDiscount, mTaxRate, mTotalFee, mTotalTax;
            //            if (UnitPrice[i - 2].ToString() == "")
            //            {
            //                mUnitPrice = 0;
            //            }
            //            else
            //            {
            //                mUnitPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(UnitPrice[i - 2].ToString());
            //            }
            //            if (ProductCount[i - 2].ToString() == "")
            //            {
            //                mProductCount = 0;
            //            }
            //            else
            //            {
            //                mProductCount = Convert.ToDecimal(ProductCount[i - 2].ToString());
            //            }
            //            if (TotalPrice[i - 2].ToString() == "")
            //            {
            //                mTotalPrice = 0;
            //            }
            //            else
            //            {
            //                mTotalPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(TotalPrice[i - 2].ToString());
            //            }
            //            if (TaxPrice[i - 2].ToString() == "")
            //            {
            //                mTaxPrice = 0;
            //            }
            //            else
            //            {
            //                mTaxPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(TaxPrice[i - 2].ToString());
            //            }
            //            if (Discount[i - 2].ToString() == "")
            //            {
            //                mDiscount = 0;
            //            }
            //            else
            //            {
            //                mDiscount = Convert.ToDecimal(Discount[i - 2].ToString());
            //            }
            //            if (TaxRate[i - 2].ToString() == "")
            //            {
            //                mTaxRate = 0;
            //            }
            //            else
            //            {
            //                mTaxRate = Convert.ToDecimal(TaxRate[i - 2].ToString());
            //            }
            //            if (TotalFee[i - 2].ToString() == "")
            //            {
            //                mTotalFee = 0;
            //            }
            //            else
            //            {
            //                mTotalFee = Convert.ToDecimal(TotalFee[i - 2].ToString());
            //            }
            //            if (TotalTax[i - 2].ToString() == "")
            //            {
            //                mTotalTax = 0;
            //            }
            //            else
            //            {
            //                mTotalTax = Convert.ToDecimal(TotalTax[i - 2].ToString());
            //            }
            //            if (UnitID[i - 2].ToString() == "")
            //            {
            //                mUnitID = 0;
            //            }
            //            else
            //            {
            //                mUnitID = Convert.ToDecimal(UnitID[i - 2].ToString());
            //            }
            //            System.Text.StringBuilder cmdsql = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            //            //cmdsql.AppendLine(" Insert into  officedba.PurchaseContractDetail(CompanyCD,ContractNo,ProductID,ProductNo,ProductName,ProductCount,");
            //            //cmdsql.AppendLine("UnitID,RequireDate,UnitPrice,TotalPrice,ApplyReason,Remark,FromBillID,FromLineNo)");
            //            cmdsql.AppendLine(" Insert into  officedba.PurchaseContractDetail(CompanyCD,ContractNo,ProductID,ProductNo,ProductName,standard,UnitID,ProductCount,");
            //            cmdsql.AppendLine("UnitPrice,TaxPrice,Discount,TaxRate,TotalPrice,TotalFee,TotalTax,RequireDate,ApplyReason,Remark,FromBillID,FromLineNo)");
            //            cmdsql.AppendLine(" Values('" + model.CompanyCD + "','" + no + "','" + ProductID[i - 2].ToString() + "','" + ProductNo[i - 2].ToString() + "','" + ProductName[i - 2].ToString() + "','" + Standard[i - 2].ToString() + "','" + mUnitID + "','" + mProductCount + "'");
            //            cmdsql.AppendLine(",'" + mUnitPrice + "','" + mTaxPrice + "','" + mDiscount + "','" + mTaxRate + "','" + mTotalPrice + "','" + mTotalFee + "','" + mTotalTax + "'");
            //            if (RequireDate[i - 2].ToString() == "")
            //            {
            //                mRequireDate = SqlDateTime.Null;
            //                cmdsql.AppendLine("," + mRequireDate + "");
            //            }
            //            else
            //            {
            //                mRequireDate = SqlDateTime.Parse(RequireDate[i - 2].ToString());
            //                cmdsql.AppendLine(",'" + mRequireDate + "'");
            //            }
            //            cmdsql.AppendLine(",'" + ApplyReason[i - 2].ToString() + "','" + Remark[i - 2].ToString() + "','" + FromBillID[i - 2].ToString() + "','" + FromLineNo[i - 2].ToString() + "')");
            //            sql[i] = cmdsql.ToString();
            //        }
            //        return PurchaseContractDBHelper.UpdatePurchaseContract(sql);
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        sql = new string[2];
            //        sql[0] = sqlc.ToString();
            //        sql[1] = "delete from officedba.PurchaseContractDetail where CompanyCD='" + model.CompanyCD + "' and ContractNo='" + no + "' ";
            //        return PurchaseContractDBHelper.UpdatePurchaseContract(sql);
            //    }
            //catch (Exception ex)
            //    throw ex;
Пример #13
 public static bool CancelClosePurchaseContract(PurchaseContractModel Model)
Пример #14
 public static bool CancelConfirmPurchaseContract(PurchaseContractModel Model, string DetailProductCount, string DetailFromBillNo, string DetailFromLineNo, string length, out string strMsg)
     return(PurchaseContractDBHelper.CancelConfirmPurchaseContract(Model, DetailProductCount, DetailFromBillNo, DetailFromLineNo, length, out strMsg));
Пример #15
        /// <summary>
        /// 新增合同
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="CompanyCD"></param>
        /// <param name="CompanyNo"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool InsertPurchaseContract(PurchaseContractModel model, string DetailProductID, string DetailProductNo, string DetailProductName, string DetailUnitID, string DetailProductCount, string DetailUnitPrice, string DetailTaxPrice, string DetailDiscount, string DetailTaxRate, string DetailTotalPrice, string DetailTotalFee, string DetailTotalTax, string DetailRequireDate, string DetailApplyReason, string DetailRemark, string DetailFromBillID, string DetailFromLineNo, string DetailUsedUnitID, string DetailUsedUnitCount, string DetailUsedPrice, string DetailExRate, string length, out string ID, Hashtable ht)
                //string loginUserID = ((UserInfoUtil)SessionUtil.Session["UserInfo"]).UserID;
                //return PurchaseContractDBHelper.InsertPurchaseContract(model, DetailProductID, DetailProductNo, DetailProductName, DetailUnitID, DetailProductCount, DetailUnitPrice, DetailTaxPrice, DetailDiscount, DetailTaxRate, DetailTotalPrice, DetailTotalFee, DetailTotalTax, DetailRequireDate, DetailApplyReason, DetailRemark, DetailFromBillID, DetailFromLineNo, length, out ID);

                bool         succ     = false;
                LogInfoModel logModel = InitLogInfo(model.ContractNo);
                logModel.Element = ConstUtil.LOG_PROCESS_INSERT;
                //设置模块ID 模块ID请在ConstUtil中定义,以便维护
                logModel.ModuleID = ConstUtil.MODULE_ID_PurchaseContract_Add;
                succ = PurchaseContractDBHelper.InsertPurchaseContract(model, DetailProductID, DetailProductNo, DetailProductName, DetailUnitID, DetailProductCount, DetailUnitPrice, DetailTaxPrice, DetailDiscount, DetailTaxRate, DetailTotalPrice, DetailTotalFee, DetailTotalTax, DetailRequireDate, DetailApplyReason, DetailRemark, DetailFromBillID, DetailFromLineNo, DetailUsedUnitID, DetailUsedUnitCount, DetailUsedPrice, DetailExRate, length, out ID, ht);
                if (!succ)
                    logModel.Remark = ConstUtil.LOG_PROCESS_FAILED;
                    logModel.Remark = ConstUtil.LOG_PROCESS_SUCCESS;
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                throw ex;
            //string CompanyCD = ((UserInfoUtil)SessionUtil.Session["UserInfo"]).CompanyCD;
            ////model.CompanyCD = CompanyCD;
            ////string CompanyCD = "AAAAAA";
            //    ////int length = 3 + str.Length + str2.Length;//SQL语句长度
            //    ////string[] sql = new string[length];
            //    //return PurchaseContractDBHelper.InsertPurchaseContract(model);

            //    ////for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; ++i)
            //    ////{
            //    ////    PurchaseContractDBHelper.InsertDtlS(model,DetailID, DetailProductNo, DetailProductName, DetailProductCount, DetailUnitID, DetailRequireDate, DetailUnitPrice, DetailTotalPrice, DetailApplyReason, DetailRemark, DetailFromBillID, DetailFromLineNo, length);
            //    ////}
            //    ////SqlHelper.ExecuteTransForListWithSQL(sql);
            //    ////return SqlHelper.Result.OprateCount > 0 ? true : false;
            //    int Creator = ((UserInfoUtil)SessionUtil.Session["UserInfo"]).EmployeeID;
            //    bool result = false;

            //    #region 合同添加SQL语句
            //    //SQL拼写
            //    StringBuilder sqlc = new StringBuilder();
            //    SqlDateTime signdate = model.SignDate == null ? SqlDateTime.Null : SqlDateTime.Parse(model.SignDate.ToString());
            //    SqlDateTime confirmdate = model.ConfirmDate == null ? SqlDateTime.Null : SqlDateTime.Parse(model.ConfirmDate.ToString());
            //    SqlDateTime closedate = model.CloseDate == null ? SqlDateTime.Null : SqlDateTime.Parse(model.CloseDate.ToString());
            //    SqlDateTime createdate = model.CreateDate == null ? SqlDateTime.Null : SqlDateTime.Parse(model.CreateDate.ToString());
            //    sqlc.AppendLine("Insert into officedba.PurchaseContract");
            //    sqlc.AppendLine("(CompanyCD,ContractNo,Title,ProviderID,FromType,FromBillID,");
            //    sqlc.AppendLine("TotalPrice,CurrencyType,Rate,PayType,SignDate,");
            //    sqlc.AppendLine("Seller,TheyDelegate,OurDelegate,Status,Note,");
            //    sqlc.AppendLine("TakeType,CarryType,Attachment,remark,BillStatus,Creator,");
            //    sqlc.AppendLine("CreateDate,ModifiedDate,ModifiedUserID,Confirmor,ConfirmDate,Closer,CloseDate,");
            //    sqlc.AppendLine("DeptID,TotalTax,TotalFee,Discount,DiscountTotal,RealTotal,isAddTax,CountTotal,TypeID,SignAddr,MoneyType)");
            //    sqlc.AppendLine("values('" + model.CompanyCD + "','" + model.ContractNo + "','" + model.Title + "'," + model.ProviderID + ",'" + model.FromType + "'");
            //    sqlc.AppendLine("," + model.FromBillID + "," + model.TotalPrice + "," + model.CurrencyType + "," + model.Rate + "," + model.PayType + "");
            //    if (signdate.IsNull)
            //    {
            //        sqlc.AppendLine("," + signdate + "");
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        sqlc.AppendLine(",'"+signdate+"'");
            //    }
            //    sqlc.AppendLine("," + model.Seller + ",'" + model.TheyDelegate + "'," + model.OurDelegate + ",'" + model.Status + "'");
            //    sqlc.AppendLine(",'" + model.Note + "'," + model.TakeType + "," + model.CarryType + ",'" + model.Attachment + "','" + model.remark + "'");
            //    sqlc.AppendLine(", '" + model.BillStatus + "'," + Creator+ "");
            //    if (createdate.IsNull)
            //    {
            //        sqlc.AppendLine(","+createdate+"");
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        sqlc.AppendLine(",'" + createdate + "'");
            //    }
            //    sqlc.AppendLine(",getdate(),'" + model.ModifiedUserID + "'," + model.Confirmor + "");
            //    if (confirmdate.IsNull)
            //    {
            //        sqlc.AppendLine("," + confirmdate + "");
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        sqlc.AppendLine(",'"+confirmdate+"'");
            //    }
            //    sqlc.AppendLine("," + model.Closer + "");
            //    if (closedate.IsNull)
            //    {
            //        sqlc.AppendLine(","+closedate+"");
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        sqlc.AppendLine(",'"+closedate+"'");
            //    }
            //    sqlc.AppendLine("," + model.DeptID + "," + model.TotalTax + "," + model.TotalFee + "," + model.Discount + "," + model.DiscountTotal + "," + model.RealTotal + ",'" + model.isAddTax + "'," + model.CountTotal + "," + model.TypeID + ",'" + model.SignAddr + "','" + model.MoneyType + "')");

            //   // sqlc.AppendLine(",'" + model.BillStatus + "'," + model.Creator + ", '"+createdate+"',getdate(),'" + model.ModifiedUserID + "'");
            //   // sqlc.AppendLine("," + model.Confirmor + "," +confirmdate+ "," + model.Closer + ","+closedate+" )");
            //    #endregion
            //    string[] sql = null;
            //    int lengs = Convert.ToInt32(length);
            //    if (lengs > 0)
            //    {
            //        sql = new string[lengs+1];
            //        sql[0] = sqlc.ToString();
            //        string[] ProductID = DetailProductID.Split(',');
            //        string[] ProductNo = DetailProductNo.Split(',');
            //        string[] ProductName = DetailProductName.Split(',');
            //        string[] Standard = DetailStandard.Split(',');//规格
            //        string[] UnitID = DetailUnitID.Split(',');
            //        string[] ProductCount = DetailProductCount.Split(',');
            //        string[] UnitPrice = DetailUnitPrice.Split(',');//单价
            //        string[] TaxPrice = DetailTaxPrice.Split(',');//含税价
            //        string[] Discount = DetailDiscount.Split(',');//折扣
            //        string[] TaxRate = DetailTaxRate.Split(',');//税率
            //        string[] TotalPrice = DetailTotalPrice.Split(',');//金额
            //        string[] TotalFee = DetailTotalFee.Split(',');//含税金额
            //        string[] TotalTax = DetailTotalTax.Split(',');//税额
            //        string[] RequireDate = DetailRequireDate.Split(',');
            //        string[] ApplyReason = DetailApplyReason.Split(',');
            //        string[] Remark = DetailRemark.Split(',');
            //        string[] FromBillID = DetailFromBillID.Split(',');
            //        string[] FromLineNo = DetailFromLineNo.Split(',');
            //        for (int i = 1; i <=lengs; i++)
            //        {
            //            SqlDateTime mRequireDate;
            //            decimal mTotalPrice, mUnitID;
            //            decimal mUnitPrice, mProductCount, mTaxPrice, mDiscount, mTaxRate, mTotalFee, mTotalTax;
            //            //if (RequireDate[i-1].ToString() == "")
            //            //{
            //            //    mRequireDate = SqlDateTime.Null;
            //            //}
            //            //else
            //            //{
            //            //    mRequireDate = SqlDateTime.Parse(RequireDate[i-1].ToString());
            //            //}
            //            if (UnitPrice[i - 1].ToString() == "")
            //            {
            //                mUnitPrice = 0;
            //            }
            //            else
            //            {
            //                mUnitPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(UnitPrice[i - 1].ToString());
            //            }
            //            if (ProductCount[i - 1].ToString() == "")
            //            {
            //                mProductCount = 0;
            //            }
            //            else
            //            {
            //                mProductCount = Convert.ToDecimal(ProductCount[i - 1].ToString());
            //            }
            //            if (TotalPrice[i - 1].ToString() == "")
            //            {
            //                mTotalPrice = 0;
            //            }
            //            else
            //            {
            //                mTotalPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(TotalPrice[i - 1].ToString());
            //            }
            //            if (TaxPrice[i - 1].ToString() == "")
            //            {
            //                mTaxPrice = 0;
            //            }
            //            else
            //            {
            //                mTaxPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(TaxPrice[i - 1].ToString());
            //            }
            //            if (Discount[i - 1].ToString() == "")
            //            {
            //                mDiscount = 0;
            //            }
            //            else
            //            {
            //                mDiscount = Convert.ToDecimal(Discount[i - 1].ToString());
            //            }
            //            if (TaxRate[i - 1].ToString() == "")
            //            {
            //                mTaxRate = 0;
            //            }
            //            else
            //            {
            //                mTaxRate = Convert.ToDecimal(TaxRate[i - 1].ToString());
            //            }
            //            if (TotalFee[i - 1].ToString() == "")
            //            {
            //                mTotalFee = 0;
            //            }
            //            else
            //            {
            //                mTotalFee = Convert.ToDecimal(TotalFee[i - 1].ToString());
            //            }
            //            if (TotalTax[i - 1].ToString() == "")
            //            {
            //                mTotalTax = 0;
            //            }
            //            else
            //            {
            //                mTotalTax = Convert.ToDecimal(TotalTax[i - 1].ToString());
            //            }
            //            if (UnitID[i - 1].ToString() == "")
            //            {
            //                mUnitID = 0;
            //            }
            //            else
            //            {
            //                mUnitID = Convert.ToDecimal(UnitID[i - 1].ToString());
            //            }
            //            System.Text.StringBuilder cmdsql = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            //            cmdsql.AppendLine(" Insert into  officedba.PurchaseContractDetail(CompanyCD,ContractNo,ProductID,ProductNo,ProductName,standard,UnitID,ProductCount,");
            //            cmdsql.AppendLine("UnitPrice,TaxPrice,Discount,TaxRate,TotalPrice,TotalFee,TotalTax,RequireDate,ApplyReason,Remark,FromBillID,FromLineNo)");
            //            cmdsql.AppendLine(" Values('" + model.CompanyCD + "','" + model.ContractNo + "','" + ProductID[i - 1].ToString() + "','" + ProductNo[i - 1].ToString() + "','" + ProductName[i - 1].ToString() + "','" + Standard[i - 1].ToString() + "'");
            //            cmdsql.AppendLine(",'" + mUnitID + "','" + mProductCount + "','" + mUnitPrice + "','" + mTaxPrice + "','" + mDiscount + "','" + mTaxRate + "','" + mTotalPrice + "','" + mTotalFee + "','" + mTotalTax + "'");
            //            if (RequireDate[i - 1].ToString() == "")
            //            {
            //                mRequireDate = SqlDateTime.Null;
            //                cmdsql.AppendLine(","+mRequireDate+"");
            //            }
            //            else
            //            {
            //                mRequireDate = SqlDateTime.Parse(RequireDate[i - 1].ToString());
            //                cmdsql.AppendLine(",'"+mRequireDate+"'");
            //            }
            //            cmdsql.AppendLine(",'" + ApplyReason[i - 1].ToString() + "','" + Remark[i - 1].ToString() + "','" + FromBillID[i - 1].ToString() + "','" + FromLineNo[i - 1].ToString() + "')");
            //            sql[i] = cmdsql.ToString();

            //        }
            //        if (PurchaseContractDBHelper.InsertPurchaseContract(sql))
            //            {
            //                //model.ID = IDIdentityUtil.GetIDIdentity("officedba.PurchaseContract");
            //                result = true;
            //            }
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        sql = new string[1];
            //        sql[0] = sqlc.ToString();
            //        if (PurchaseContractDBHelper.InsertPurchaseContract(sql))
            //        {
            //            model.ID = IDIdentityUtil.GetIDIdentity("officedba.PurchaseContract");
            //            result = true;
            //        }
            //    }
            //    return result;
            //catch (Exception ex)
            //    throw ex;
Пример #16
        /// <summary>
        /// 绑定采购结算方式
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>DataTable</returns>

        public static DataTable GetDrpMoneyType()
            DataTable dt = PurchaseContractDBHelper.GetDrpMoneyType();

Пример #17
        public static DataTable GetDrpApplyReason()
            DataTable dt = PurchaseContractDBHelper.GetDrpApplyReason();

Пример #18
        /// <summary>
        /// 绑定采购类别
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>DataTable</returns>

        public static DataTable GetddlTypeID()
            DataTable dt = PurchaseContractDBHelper.GetddlTypeID();
