public PuppetCommand(PuppetShell shell, string name, string usage, bool isAssynchronous = false) { = shell; = name; this.usage = usage; this.isAssynchronous = isAssynchronous; }
public WaitCommand(PuppetShell shell) : base(shell, "Wait", "Wait <miliseconds>") { }
public IntervalCommand(PuppetShell shell) : base(shell, "Interval", "Interval OPERATOR_ID X ms: the operator should sleep X milliseconds between consecutive events.", true) { }
public NewOperatorCommand(PuppetShell shell) : base(shell, "Operator", "Complicated...") { }
public UnfreezeCommand(PuppetShell shell) : base(shell, "Unfreeze", "Unfreeze OPERATOR_ID REP_ID: a frozen process is back to normal execution. It processes all previous pended messages.", true) { }
public StatusCommand(PuppetShell shell) : base(shell, "Status", "Status: make all nodes in the system to print its current status.", true) { }
public FileCommand(PuppetShell shell) : base(shell, "File", "File FILE_PATH: @TODO.") { }
public HelpCommand(PuppetShell shell) : base(shell, "Help", "Help: helps") { }
public CrashCommand(PuppetShell shell) : base(shell, "Crash", "Crash OPERATOR_ID REP_ID: force a process, i.e. a replica of an operator, to crash.", true) { }
public StartCommand(PuppetShell shell) : base(shell, "Start", "Start OPERATOR_ID: tells the OPERATOR_ID operator to start processing tuples.", true) { }
public LoggingLevelCommand(PuppetShell shell) : base(shell, "LoggingLevel", "LoggingLevel full | light", true) { }
public FreezeCommand(PuppetShell shell) : base(shell, "Freeze", "Freeze OPERATOR_ID REP_ID: after receiving Freeze, the proecess continues receiving messages but stops processing them.", true) { }
public SemanticsCommand(PuppetShell shell) : base(shell, "Semantics", "Semantics at-most-once | at-least-once | exactly-once") { }
public ExitCommand(PuppetShell shell) : base(shell, "Exit", "Exit: Exites the application") { }