Пример #1
        public ActionResult ajxGetSerial(int id)
            IPublishInvoiceService _ipiSer = IoC.Resolve <IPublishInvoiceService>();
            PublishInvoice         pi      = _ipiSer.Getbykey(id);

Пример #2
        //lay default Pattern va serial
        //lay pattern dau tien cua cong ty, van con hoa don trong dai
        private PublishInvoice DefaultPublishInvoice(int ComID)
            PublishInvoice         ret     = null;
            IPublishInvoiceService _PubSrv = IoC.Resolve <IPublishInvoiceService>();

            ret = _PubSrv.Query.Where(pi => pi.ComId == ComID && (pi.Status == 1 || pi.Status == 2)).First();
Пример #3
        public string confirmPaymentFkey(ListInvoice lsInv)
            Company _currentCompany = ((EInvoiceContext)FXContext.Current).CurrentCompany;
            int     comID           = _currentCompany.id;

            if (_currentCompany == null)
                return("ERlR:7");                        //username khong phu hop - ko tim thay company phu hop voi [username]
            List <IInvoice> invLst = new List <IInvoice>();

            string[] invTokens = lsInv.lsFkey.Split('_');
            IPublishInvoiceService _PubInvSrv = IoC.Resolve <IPublishInvoiceService>();
            PublishInvoice         pubinv     = _PubInvSrv.GetFirst(comID, new int[] { 1, 2 });
            string pattern = "";

            if (pubinv != null)
                pattern = pubinv.InvPattern;
            IInvoiceService invSrv = InvServiceFactory.GetService(pattern, comID);

                invLst = (List <IInvoice>)invSrv.GetByFkey(comID, invTokens);
                if (invTokens.Length != invLst.Count)
                invLst.RemoveAll(inv => inv.PaymentStatus == Payment.Paid || (inv.Status != InvoiceStatus.SignedInv && inv.Status != InvoiceStatus.AdjustedInv));
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Error("confirmPaymentFkey " + ex);
                return("ERR:6 " + ex.Message);
            if (invLst.Count == 0)
                return("ERR:13");            // hoa đơn đã gạch nợ/bỏ gạch nợ rồi
            string strNote = "    ||    Thực hiện gạch nợ:   Người gạch nợ: " + HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name + "  Ngày gạch nợ: " + DateTime.Now.ToString();

            if (invSrv.ConfirmPayment(invLst, strNote))
                //thuc hien deliveriy
                IDeliver _deliver = _currentCompany.Config.Keys.Contains("IDeliver") ? IoC.Resolve(Type.GetType(_currentCompany.Config["IDeliver"])) as IDeliver : null;
                if (_deliver != null)
                    _deliver.Deliver(invLst.ToArray(), _currentCompany);
            return("ERR:7"); //sao lai khong thanh toán được ?
Пример #4
        public string UnConfirmPaymentFkey(ListInvoice lsInv)
            Company _currentCompany = ((EInvoiceContext)FXContext.Current).CurrentCompany;
            int     comID           = _currentCompany.id;

            if (_currentCompany == null)
                return("ERR:7");                        //username khong phu hop - ko tim thay company phu hop voi [username]
            List <IInvoice> invLst = new List <IInvoice>();

            string[] invTokens = lsInv.lsFkey.Split('_');
            IPublishInvoiceService _PubInvSrv = IoC.Resolve <IPublishInvoiceService>();
            PublishInvoice         pubinv     = _PubInvSrv.GetFirst(comID, new int[] { 1, 2 });
            string pattern = "";

            if (pubinv != null)
                pattern = pubinv.InvPattern;
            IInvoiceService invSrv = InvServiceFactory.GetService(pattern, comID);

                invLst = (List <IInvoice>)invSrv.GetByFkey(comID, invTokens);
                if (invTokens.Length != invLst.Count)
                invLst.RemoveAll(inv => inv.PaymentStatus == Payment.Unpaid || (inv.Status != InvoiceStatus.SignedInv && inv.Status != InvoiceStatus.AdjustedInv));
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Error("UnConfirmPaymentFkey " + ex);
                return("ERR:6 " + ex.Message);
            if (invLst.Count == 0)
                return("ERR:13");            // hoa đơn đã gạch nợ/bỏ gạch nợ rồi
            if (invSrv.UnConfirmPayment(invLst))
            return("ERR:7"); //sao lai khong bo thanh toán được ?
Пример #5
        public string deliverInvFkey(ListInvoice lsInv)
            Company _currentCompany = ((EInvoiceContext)FXContext.Current).CurrentCompany;
            int     comID           = _currentCompany.id;

            if (_currentCompany == null)
                return("ERR:7");                        //username khong phu hop - ko tim thay company phu hop voi [username]
                List <IInvoice>        invLst     = new List <IInvoice>();
                string[]               invTokens  = lsInv.lsFkey.Split('_');
                IPublishInvoiceService _PubInvSrv = IoC.Resolve <IPublishInvoiceService>();
                PublishInvoice         pubinv     = _PubInvSrv.GetFirst(comID, new int[] { 1, 2 });
                string pattern = "";
                if (pubinv != null)
                    pattern = pubinv.InvPattern;
                IInvoiceService _iInvoicSrv = InvServiceFactory.GetService(pattern, comID);
                invLst = (List <IInvoice>)_iInvoicSrv.GetByFkey(comID, invTokens);

                if (invLst.Count != invTokens.Length)
                    return("ERR:6");                                  //khong tim thay hoa don
                ICompanyService _comSrv  = IoC.Resolve <ICompanyService>();
                Company         com      = _comSrv.Getbykey(comID);
                IDeliver        _deliver = _currentCompany.Config.Keys.Contains("IDeliver") ? IoC.Resolve(Type.GetType(_currentCompany.Config["IDeliver"])) as IDeliver : null;
                if (_deliver != null)
                    _deliver.Deliver(invLst.ToArray(), com);
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Error("deliver: " + ex);
Пример #6
        private void getPublishInvoice(string pattern, int comID, out string invPattern, out string invSerial)
            invPattern = invSerial = null;
            int isPattern = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pattern) ? 0 : 1;
            IPublishInvoiceService _PubInvSrv = IoC.Resolve <IPublishInvoiceService>();

            switch ((isPattern))
            case 0:
                PublishInvoice pubinv = _PubInvSrv.GetFirst(comID, new int[] { 1, 2 });
                if (pubinv != null)
                    invPattern = pubinv.InvPattern;
                    invSerial  = pubinv.InvSerial;
                    return;      //tham so pattern va serial khong hop le

            case 1:
                PublishInvoice pubFirst = _PubInvSrv.GetbyPattern(comID, pattern, new int[] { 1, 2 }).FirstOrDefault();
                if (pubFirst == null)
                    invPattern = pattern;
                    invSerial  = pubFirst.InvSerial;
Пример #7
        private string processCancelInv(string fkey, string pattern = null, string serial = null, decimal invNo = 0)
            Company _currentCompany = ((EInvoiceContext)FXContext.Current).CurrentCompany;
            int     comID           = _currentCompany.id;

            if (_currentCompany == null)
                return("ERR:7");                        //username khong phu hop - ko tim thay company phu hop voi [username]
            int isPattern = string.IsNullOrEmpty(pattern) ? 0 : 1;
            IPublishInvoiceService _PubInvSrv = IoC.Resolve <IPublishInvoiceService>();

            switch ((isPattern))
            case 0:
                PublishInvoice pubinv = _PubInvSrv.GetFirst(comID, new int[] { 1, 2 });
                if (pubinv != null)
                    pattern = pubinv.InvPattern;
                    serial  = pubinv.InvSerial;
                    return("ERR:20");     //tham so pattern va serial khong hop le

            case 1:
                PublishInvoice pubFirst = _PubInvSrv.GetbyPattern(comID, pattern, new int[] { 1, 2 }).FirstOrDefault();
                if (pubFirst == null)
                    serial = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(serial) ? serial : pubFirst.InvSerial;
            IInvoiceService iinvSrc = InvServiceFactory.GetService(pattern, comID);

                IInvoice currentInv = InvServiceFactory.NewInstance(pattern, comID);
                if (invNo > 0)
                    currentInv = iinvSrc.GetByNo(comID, pattern, serial, invNo);
                    currentInv = iinvSrc.GetByFkey(comID, fkey);
                if (null == currentInv)
                    return("ERR:2");  //khong ton tai hoa don
                Launcher t = Launcher.Instance;
                t.Cancel(new IInvoice[] { currentInv });
                ILogSystemService businessLog = IoC.Resolve <ILogSystemService>();
                businessLog.WriteLogCancel(comID, HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name, currentInv.Pattern, currentInv.Serial, currentInv.No.ToString("0000000"), currentInv.PublishDate, currentInv.Amount, currentInv.CusName, currentInv.CusAddress, currentInv.CusCode, currentInv.CusTaxCode, BusinessLogType.Cancel);
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Error("cancelInv " + ex);
                return("ERR:6 " + ex.Message);
Пример #8
        private string processReplace(string xmlData, string pattern, string fkey, string serial = null, decimal invNo = 0, int convert = 0)
            if (FXContext.Current == null)
                XmlSchemaValidator validator = new XmlSchemaValidator();
                if (!validator.ValidXmlDoc(xmlData, "", AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + @"xmlvalidate\replacevatinvoice.xsd"))
                    //customer xml string not valid, don't do any thing
                    log.Info("processReplace " + validator.ValidationError);
                    return("ERR:3 err:" + validator.ValidationError);  //du lieu dau vao khong hop le

                if (convert == 1)
                    xmlData = DataHelper.convertTCVN3ToUnicode(xmlData);
                Company _currentCompany = ((EInvoiceContext)FXContext.Current).CurrentCompany;
                int     comID           = _currentCompany.id;
                if (_currentCompany == null)
                    return("ERR:7");                        //username khong phu hop - ko tim thay company phu hop voi [username]
                ICustomerService _cusSvr = IoC.Resolve <ICustomerService>();

                string invNumList = "";

                int isPattern = string.IsNullOrEmpty(pattern) ? 0 : 1;
                IPublishInvoiceService _PubInvSrv = IoC.Resolve <IPublishInvoiceService>();
                switch ((isPattern))
                case 0:
                    PublishInvoice pubinv = _PubInvSrv.GetFirst(comID, new int[] { 1, 2 });
                    if (pubinv != null)
                        pattern = pubinv.InvPattern;
                        serial  = pubinv.InvSerial;
                        return("ERR:20");     //tham so pattern va serial khong hop le

                case 1:
                    PublishInvoice pubFirst = _PubInvSrv.GetbyPattern(comID, pattern, new int[] { 1, 2 }).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (pubFirst == null)
                        serial = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(serial) ? serial : pubFirst.InvSerial;

                IInvoiceService iinvSrc    = InvServiceFactory.GetService(pattern, comID);
                IInvoice        currentInv = InvServiceFactory.NewInstance(pattern, comID);
                if (invNo > 0)
                    currentInv = iinvSrc.GetByNo(comID, pattern, serial, invNo);
                    currentInv = iinvSrc.GetByFkey(comID, fkey);
                if (null == currentInv)
                    log.Error("Không tồn tại hóa đơn.");
                    return("ERR:2");  //khong ton tai hoa don, hoa don da duoc thay the roi;

                string invPattern = null, invSerial = null, errorMessage = "";
                if (!LaunchInvoices.Instance.ExistNoInPubInv(comID, currentInv.Pattern, currentInv.Serial, out invPattern, out invSerial, out errorMessage))
                    log.Error("het so hoa don trong dai.");
                    return("ERR:6 " + fkey);   //het so hoa don trong dai
                IInvoice inv = (InvoiceBase)InvServiceFactory.NewInstance(invPattern, comID);
                    XElement xeles = XElement.Parse(xmlData);
                    DataHelper.DeserializeEinvFromXML(xmlData, inv);
                    inv.No       = 0;
                    inv.Name     = currentInv.Name;
                    inv.Pattern  = invPattern;
                    inv.Serial   = invSerial;
                    inv.CreateBy = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
                    var Typecus = (from c in _cusSvr.Query where c.ComID == comID && c.Code == inv.CusCode && c.CusType == 1 select c.CusType).SingleOrDefault();
                    if (Typecus == 0)
                        inv.CusSignStatus = cusSignStatus.NocusSignStatus;
                        inv.CusSignStatus = cusSignStatus.NoSignStatus;
                    if (currentInv.Status == InvoiceStatus.SignedInv || currentInv.Status == InvoiceStatus.AdjustedInv)
                        IList <ProductInv> products = new List <ProductInv>();
                        foreach (IProductInv ii in inv.Products)
                        Launcher.Instance.PublishReplace(currentInv, products, (InvoiceBase)inv, "");
                        invNumList += inv.Fkey ?? " ";
                        return("ERR:9 " + currentInv.Status);
                catch (EInvoice.Core.Launching.NoFactory.OpenTranException ex)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    log.Error("replaceInv err5: " + ex);
                    return("ERR:5 " + ex.Message);//loi phat hanh hoa don
                ILogSystemService businessLog = IoC.Resolve <ILogSystemService>();
                businessLog.WriteLogReplaceAdjust(comID, currentInv.Pattern, currentInv.Serial, currentInv.No, currentInv.PublishDate, currentInv.Amount, inv.Pattern, inv.Serial, inv.No, inv.PublishDate, inv.Amount, inv.CusName, inv.CusAddress, inv.CusCode, inv.CusTaxCode, HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name, BusinessLogType.Replace);
                //invNumList = invNumList.Remove(invNumList.Length - 1, 1);
                return("OK_" + invNumList);
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Error("replaceInv: " + ex);
                return("ERR:5 " + ex.Message);
Пример #9
        private PaymentTransaction paymentViaBlock(byte[] file)
            //gach no theo lo
            Company            currentCom = ((EInvoiceContext)FXContext.Current).CurrentCompany;
            PaymentTransaction mTran      = new PaymentTransaction();

            mTran.Data        = file;
            mTran.ComID       = currentCom.id;
            mTran.id          = Guid.NewGuid();
            mTran.AccountName = HttpContext.User.Identity.Name;
            mTran.Status      = PaymentTransactionStatus.NewUpload;
            string        message         = "";
            IPaymentExcel paymentExcelSrv = IoC.Resolve <IPaymentExcel>();
            List <string> lstFkey         = paymentExcelSrv.GetFkey(file, mTran.id.ToString(), out message);

            if (lstFkey == null)
                mTran.Messages = message;
                mTran.Status   = PaymentTransactionStatus.Failed;
            List <IInvoice> invLst = new List <IInvoice>();
            PublishInvoice  pub    = DefaultPublishInvoice(currentCom.id);
            IInvoiceService invSrv = InvServiceFactory.GetService(pub.InvPattern, currentCom.id);
            int             count  = lstFkey.Count();

            log.Info("paymentViaBlock get Inv");
            List <IInvoice> foundLst = new List <IInvoice>();

            foundLst = (List <IInvoice>)invSrv.GetByFkey(currentCom.id, lstFkey.ToArray());
            log.Info("paymentViaBlock loc ket qua");
            List <string> foundFkey = foundLst.Select(inv => inv.Fkey).ToList();

            //khong ton tai
            lstFkey.RemoveAll(inv => foundFkey.Contains(inv));

            //đã gạch nợ rồi
            List <IInvoice> updateInv = foundLst.GetRange(0, foundLst.Count);

            updateInv.RemoveAll(inv => inv.PaymentStatus == Payment.Paid);      //cần gạch nợ
            foundLst.RemoveAll(inv => inv.PaymentStatus == Payment.Unpaid);     //đã gạch nợ rồi.

            List <string> unpaiedLst = updateInv.Select(inv => inv.Fkey).ToList();
            List <string> paiedList  = foundLst.Select(inv => inv.Fkey).ToList();

            //ko ton tai    lstFkey
            //da gach no    paiedList
            //can gach no   unpaiedLst

            //ghi file excel ket qua
            MemoryStream stream;
            ExcelWriter  writer;

            if (lstFkey.Count > 0 || paiedList.Count > 0)
                stream = new MemoryStream();
                writer = new ExcelWriter(stream);
                int i = 0;
                for (; i < lstFkey.Count; i++)
                    string s = lstFkey.ElementAt(i);
                    writer.WriteCell(i, 0, s);
                    writer.WriteCell(i, 1, "Khong ton tai");
                for (int j = 0; j < paiedList.Count; j++)
                    string s = paiedList.ElementAt(j);
                    writer.WriteCell(i, 0, s);
                    writer.WriteCell(i, 1, "Da thanh toan tu truoc");
                mTran.FailResult = stream.ToArray();

            //thuc hien gach no va ghi note moi
            int[]  ids         = updateInv.Select(inv => inv.id).ToArray();
            string noteAppends = "    ||    Thực hiện gạch nợ:   Người gạch nợ: " + HttpContext.User.Identity.Name + "  Ngày gạch nợ: " + DateTime.Now.ToString();

            log.Info("paymentViaBlock gach no");
            if (invSrv.ConfirmPayment(ids, noteAppends))
            //if (invSrv.ConfirmPayment(updateInv))
                //thanh cong het
                //tao file ket qua thanh cong
                log.Info("paymentViaBlock ghi file thanh cong");
                stream = new MemoryStream();
                writer = new ExcelWriter(stream);
                for (int j = 0; j < updateInv.Count; j++)
                    string s = updateInv.ElementAt(j).Fkey;
                    writer.WriteCell(j, 0, s);
                mTran.CompleteResult = stream.ToArray();
                if (lstFkey.Count == 0)
                    mTran.Status = PaymentTransactionStatus.Completed;
                    mTran.Status = PaymentTransactionStatus.NotComplete;
                log.Info("Change Payment Status Einvoices by: " + HttpContext.User.Identity.Name + " Info-- GUID: " + mTran.id.ToString() + "Tổng số: " + (count) + ", gạch nợ thành công " + updateInv.Count + ", không tồn tại: " + lstFkey.Count + ", đã gạch nợ trước: " + paiedList.Count + " hóa đơn");
                mTran.Messages = "Tổng số: " + (count) + ", gạch nợ thành công " + updateInv.Count + ", không tồn tại: " + lstFkey.Count + ", đã gạch nợ trước: " + paiedList.Count + " hóa đơn";
                //thuc hien deliveriy
                IDeliver _deliver = IoC.Resolve <IDeliver>();
                _deliver.Deliver(updateInv.ToArray(), currentCom);
                log.Info("paymentViaBlock end " + mTran.id);
            mTran.Status = PaymentTransactionStatus.Failed;
            log.Info("Change Payment Status Einvoices by: " + HttpContext.User.Identity.Name + " Info-- GUID: " + mTran.id.ToString() + "Tổng số: " + (count) + " hóa đơn, gạch nợ fail " + updateInv.Count + ", không tồn tại: " + lstFkey.Count + ", đã gạch nợ trước: " + paiedList.Count + " hóa đơn");
            if (count == 0)
                mTran.Messages = "File không đúng mẫu hoặc không chứa dữ liệu";
                mTran.Messages = "Tổng số: " + (count) + " hóa đơn, gạch nợ fail " + updateInv.Count + ", không tồn tại: " + lstFkey.Count + ", đã gạch nợ trước: " + paiedList.Count + " hóa đơn";
Пример #10
        public static ValidationResult checkExistPublishInvoice(String invSerial, String invPattern, int comID, out PublishInvoice objOut)
            PublishInvoiceDA dABu = new PublishInvoiceDA();

            objOut = dABu.checkExistByID(invSerial, invPattern, comID);
            if (objOut == null)
                return(new ValidationResult(ConstantsMultiLanguageKey.E_PublishInvoice_NotExist));
Пример #11
        public IHttpActionResult ImportAndPublishInv(ApiPublish publish)
            ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(PublishController));
            //check valiadate xml
            XmlSchemaValidator validator = new XmlSchemaValidator();

            //xmlInvData = convertSpecialCharacter(xmlInvData);
            if (!validator.ValidXmlDoc(publish.xmlData, "", AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + @"xmlvalidate\VATInVoice_ws.xsd"))
                log.Error("ERR:3-" + validator.ValidationError);
                return(Ok("ERR:3-" + validator.ValidationError));  //du lieu dau vao khong hop le

            if (publish.convert == 1)
                publish.xmlData = DataHelper.convertTCVN3ToUnicode(publish.xmlData);

            Company  _currentCompany = ((EInvoiceContext)FXContext.Current).CurrentCompany;
            IDeliver _DeliverService = _currentCompany.Config.ContainsKey("IDeliver") ? InvServiceFactory.GetDeliver(_currentCompany.Config["IDeliver"]) : null;
            int      comID           = _currentCompany.id;

            if (_currentCompany == null)
            IPublishInvoiceService _PubInvSrv = IoC.Resolve <IPublishInvoiceService>();
            int    patternNull = string.IsNullOrEmpty(publish.pattern) ? 0 : 1;
            int    serialNull  = string.IsNullOrEmpty(publish.serial) ? 0 : 1;
            string nameInvoice = "";

            switch ((patternNull + serialNull))
            case 0:
                PublishInvoice pubinv = _PubInvSrv.GetFirst(comID, new int[] { 1, 2 });
                if (pubinv != null)
                    IRegisterTempService regisSrv = IoC.Resolve <IRegisterTempService>();
                    RegisterTemp         rtemp    = regisSrv.Getbykey(pubinv.RegisterID);
                    publish.pattern = pubinv.InvPattern;
                    publish.serial  = pubinv.InvSerial;
                    nameInvoice     = rtemp.NameInvoice;
                    return(Ok("ERR:20"));     //tham so pattern va serial khong hop le

            case 1:
                PublishInvoice pubFirst = null;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(publish.pattern))
                        pubFirst = (from p in _PubInvSrv.Query where (p.ComId == comID) && (p.InvPattern == publish.pattern) && (p.Status == 1 || p.Status == 2) select p).FirstOrDefault();
                        pubFirst = (from p in _PubInvSrv.Query where (p.ComId == comID) && (p.InvSerial == publish.serial) && (p.Status == 1 || p.Status == 2) select p).FirstOrDefault();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    return(Ok("ERR:20"));      //khong can return cung duoc
                if (pubFirst == null)
                    IRegisterTempService regisSrv = IoC.Resolve <IRegisterTempService>();
                    RegisterTemp         rtemp    = regisSrv.Getbykey(pubFirst.RegisterID);
                    nameInvoice     = rtemp.NameInvoice;
                    publish.pattern = pubFirst.InvPattern;
                    publish.serial  = pubFirst.InvSerial;

            case 2:
                // PublishInvoice pub = _PubInvSrv.CurrentPubInv(comID, pattern, serial, 1);
                PublishInvoice pub = null;
                    pub = (from p in _PubInvSrv.Query where (p.ComId == comID) && (p.InvPattern == publish.pattern) && (p.InvSerial == publish.serial) && (p.Status == 1 || p.Status == 2) select p).First();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    return(Ok("ERR:20"));       //khong can return cung duoc
                if (pub == null)
                    IRegisterTempService regisSrv = IoC.Resolve <IRegisterTempService>();
                    RegisterTemp         rtemp    = regisSrv.Getbykey(pub.RegisterID);
                    nameInvoice = rtemp.NameInvoice;
            log.Info("pattern-serial: " + publish.pattern + "-" + publish.serial);
            XElement               elem             = XElement.Parse(publish.xmlData);
            IList <IInvoice>       lstINV           = new List <IInvoice>();
            string                 invKeyAndNumList = "";
            IEnumerable <XElement> listTemp         = elem.Elements("Inv");
            IList <String>         lstKey           = new List <String>();

            //check xem con du so hoa don ko
            if (getMaxInvNumber(comID, publish.pattern, publish.serial) < listTemp.Count())
                return(Ok("ERR:6"));    //khong con du so hoa don cho lo phat hanh
            //check xem lo truyen vao lon hon MaxBlockInv hay ko
            int    maxBlockInv;
            string temp = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MaxBlockInv"];

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(temp) || !Int32.TryParse(temp, out maxBlockInv))
                maxBlockInv = 5000;
            if (listTemp.Count() > maxBlockInv)
                return(Ok("ERR:10"));    // lo hoa don truyen vao lon hon maxBlockInv;
                foreach (XElement e in listTemp)
                    XElement ele  = e.Element("Invoice");
                    string   fKey = e.Element("key").Value.Trim();
                    IInvoice inv  = InvServiceFactory.NewInstance(publish.pattern, comID);
                    string   read = string.Concat(ele);
                    inv.Name     = nameInvoice;
                    inv.Pattern  = publish.pattern;
                    inv.Serial   = publish.serial;
                    inv.CreateBy = inv.CreateBy ?? System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
                    inv.Fkey     = fKey;
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(Ok("ERR:5"));//loi phat hanh hoa don

                Launcher.Instance.Launch(publish.pattern, publish.serial, lstINV.ToArray());
                if (_DeliverService != null)
                    _DeliverService.PrepareDeliver(lstINV.ToArray(), _currentCompany);
                for (int i = 0; i < lstINV.Count; i++)
                    invKeyAndNumList += lstKey[i] + "_" + lstINV[i].No + ",";
                //remove the last "," character
                invKeyAndNumList = invKeyAndNumList.Remove(invKeyAndNumList.Length - 1, 1);
                return(Ok("OK:" + publish.pattern + ";" + publish.serial + "-" + invKeyAndNumList));
            catch (Exception ex)
Пример #12
        public IHttpActionResult ImportInv(ApiPublish publish)
            ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(PublishController));

            XmlSchemaValidator validator = new XmlSchemaValidator();

            //xmlInvData = convertSpecialCharacter(xmlInvData);
            if (!validator.ValidXmlDoc(publish.xmlData, "", AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + @"xmlvalidate\VATInVoice_ws.xsd"))
                //customer xml string not valid, don't do any thing
                log.Error("ERR3: " + validator.ValidationError);

            if (publish.convert == 1)
                publish.xmlData = DataHelper.convertTCVN3ToUnicode(publish.xmlData);

            Company _currentCompany = ((EInvoiceContext)FXContext.Current).CurrentCompany;
            int     comID = _currentCompany.id;
            IPublishInvoiceService _PubInvSrv = IoC.Resolve <IPublishInvoiceService>();
            string nameInvoice = "", serial = null;

            int patternNull = string.IsNullOrEmpty(publish.pattern) ? 0 : 1;

            switch (patternNull)
            case 0:
                PublishInvoice pubinv = _PubInvSrv.GetFirst(comID, new int[] { 1, 2 });
                if (pubinv != null)
                    IRegisterTempService regisSrv = IoC.Resolve <IRegisterTempService>();
                    RegisterTemp         rtemp    = regisSrv.Getbykey(pubinv.RegisterID);
                    publish.pattern = pubinv.InvPattern;
                    nameInvoice     = rtemp.NameInvoice;
                    serial          = pubinv.InvSerial;
                    return(Ok("ERR:20"));     //tham so pattern va serial khong hop le

            case 1:
                PublishInvoice pub = null;
                    pub = (from p in _PubInvSrv.Query where (p.ComId == comID) && (p.InvPattern == publish.pattern) && (p.Status == 1 || p.Status == 2) select p).FirstOrDefault();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    return(Ok("ERR:20"));      //khong can return cung duoc
                if (pub == null)
                    IRegisterTempService regisSrv = IoC.Resolve <IRegisterTempService>();
                    RegisterTemp         rtemp    = regisSrv.Getbykey(pub.RegisterID);
                    nameInvoice = rtemp.NameInvoice;
                    serial      = pub.InvSerial;

            XElement               elem             = XElement.Parse(publish.xmlData);
            IList <IInvoice>       lstINV           = new List <IInvoice>();
            string                 invKeyAndNumList = "";
            IEnumerable <XElement> listTemp         = elem.Elements("Inv");
            IList <String>         lstKey           = new List <String>();

            //check xem lo truyen vao lon hon MaxBlockInv hay ko
            int    maxBlockInv;
            string temp = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MaxBlockInv"];

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(temp) || !Int32.TryParse(temp, out maxBlockInv))
                maxBlockInv = 5000;
            if (listTemp.Count() > maxBlockInv)
                return(Ok("ERR:10"));    // lo hoa don truyen vao lon hon maxBlockInv;
                int cc = listTemp.Count();
                foreach (XElement e in listTemp)
                    XElement ele  = e.Element("Invoice");
                    string   fKey = e.Element("key").Value.Trim();

                    IInvoice inv  = InvServiceFactory.NewInstance(publish.pattern, comID);
                    string   read = string.Concat(ele);
                    inv.No       = 0;
                    inv.Name     = nameInvoice;
                    inv.Pattern  = publish.pattern;
                    inv.Serial   = serial;
                    inv.CreateBy = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
                    inv.Fkey     = fKey;
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Error("ERR:5-", ex);
                return(Ok("ERR:5"));//loi phat hanh hoa don

            string          mess     = "";
            bool            isImport = false;
            IInvoiceService t        = EInvoice.Core.InvServiceFactory.GetService(publish.pattern, _currentCompany.id);

                if (lstINV.Count > 50)
                    t.isStateLess = true;
                isImport = t.CreateInvoice(lstINV.ToArray(), out mess);
            catch (Exception ex)
                t.isStateLess = false;
            if (isImport)
                for (int i = 0; i < lstINV.Count; i++)
                    invKeyAndNumList += lstKey[i] + ",";
                //remove the last "," character
                invKeyAndNumList = invKeyAndNumList.Remove(invKeyAndNumList.Length - 1, 1);
                return(Ok("OK:" + publish.pattern + ";" + serial + "-" + invKeyAndNumList));
Пример #13
        /// <summary>
        /// ham validate model
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="validationContext"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.ValidationContext validationContext)
            AdjustInvDH ctlAdj      = new AdjustInvDH();
            Boolean     draftCancel = invoice.DraftCancel ?? false;

            //check hoa đơn hủy
            if ((invoice.Type == InvoiceType.Nomal || invoice.Type == InvoiceType.ForReplace || invoice.Type == InvoiceType.ForAdjustAccrete ||
                 invoice.Type == InvoiceType.ForAdjustReduce ||
                 invoice.Type == InvoiceType.ForAdjustInfo) && draftCancel)
                List <String> validateRequestHuy = ModelBase.validateRequiredObject(new string[] { "key"
                                                                                                   , "invoice.Type", "invoice.Status", "invoice.DraftCancel", "invoice.ComtaxCode" }, new object[] { key, invoice.Type, invoice.Status, invoice.DraftCancel, invoice.ComTaxCode });
                foreach (String item in validateRequestHuy)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult(item));
                //check invoice co ton tai hay ko
                PVOILInvoice objOut;
                yield return(ModelValidate.checkExistNoInvoice(key, out objOut));

                //type=0,1,2,3,4 and status=0 and draftcancel=1 check key họ truyền lên với fkey trong bảng pvoilinvie là status=3 hoặc 5 thì k nhận báo lỗi
                if (objOut != null)
                    if (objOut.Status == Untilities.Common.Constants.InvoiceStatus.Bi_Thay_The ||
                        objOut.Status == Untilities.Common.Constants.InvoiceStatus.Xoa_Bo)
                        yield return(new ValidationResult(ConstantsMultiLanguageKey.E_Invoice_Status_3_5));
                    // Check trong bảng [AdjustInv] nếu đã tồn tại invid của key truyền lên thì báo lỗi
                    AdjustInv objAdj = ctlAdj.CheckExists(objOut.id);
                    if (objAdj != null)
                        yield return(new ValidationResult(String.Format(ConfigMultiLanguage.getMessWithKey(ConstantsMultiLanguageKey.E_AdjustInv_Exist), key)));

                //if (invoice.Status != 1)
                //    yield return new ValidationResult(ConstantsMultiLanguageKey.E_Invoice_Status_Delete);
                List <String> validateRequest = ModelBase.validateRequiredObject(new string[] { "key"
                                                                                                , "invoice.ComtaxCode", "invoice.BusinessDepartmentID", "invoice.Type", "invoice.Status"
                                                                                                , "invoice.PaymentMethod", "invoice.PaymentStatus", "invoice.CreateDate", "invoice.CreateBy"
                                                                                                , "invoice.Total"
                                                                                                , "invoice.VATRate", "invoice.VATAmount", "invoice.Amount"
                                                                                                , "invoice.AmountInWords"
                                                                                                , "invoice.Otherfees"
                                                                                                , "invoice.Currency"
                                                                                                , "invoice.ExchangeRate" }, new object[] { key
                                                                                                                                           , invoice.ComTaxCode, invoice.BusinessDepartmentID, invoice.Type, invoice.Status
                                                                                                                                           , invoice.PaymentMethod, invoice.PaymentStatus, invoice.CreateDate, invoice.CreateBy
                                                                                                                                           , invoice.Total
                                                                                                                                           , invoice.VATRate, invoice.VATAmount, invoice.Amount
                                                                                                                                           , invoice.AmountInWords
                                                                                                                                           , invoice.OtherFees
                                                                                                                                           , invoice.Currency
                                                                                                                                           , invoice.ExchangeRate });
                foreach (String item in validateRequest)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult(item));

                //ton tai du lieu 1 trong 3 column sau CusTaxCode,CusName,CusAddress thì ca 3 column này phải có data
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(invoice.Buyer))
                    List <String> validateRequestCus = ModelBase.validateRequiredObject(new string[] { "invoice.CusTaxCode",
                                                                                                       "invoice.CusAddress" }, new object[] { invoice.CusTaxCode, invoice.CusName, invoice.CusAddress });
                    foreach (String item in validateRequestCus)
                        yield return(new ValidationResult(item));

                if (invoice.Status != 0)
                    new ValidationResult(ConstantsMultiLanguageKey.E_Invoice_Status_Create);
                    if ((invoice.Type == InvoiceType.Nomal ||
                         invoice.Type == InvoiceType.ForReplace || invoice.Type == InvoiceType.ForAdjustAccrete ||
                         invoice.Type == InvoiceType.ForAdjustReduce ||
                         invoice.Type == InvoiceType.ForAdjustInfo) && invoice.DraftCancel != null)
                        if (!(invoice.Type == InvoiceType.Nomal && !draftCancel))
                            String noCheckOk = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["NoCheckOK"];
                            if ((!((invoice.Type == InvoiceType.ForAdjustReduce || invoice.Type == InvoiceType.ForAdjustAccrete) && !draftCancel)) || noCheckOk == null)
                                List <String> validateRequestCus = ModelBase.validateRequiredObject(new string[] { "invoice.originalKey" },
                                                                                                    new object[] { invoice.originalKey });
                                foreach (String item in validateRequestCus)
                                    yield return(new ValidationResult(item));
                        //hoa don ko phai huy
                        if (!draftCancel)
                            //check invoice co ton tai hay ko
                            yield return(ModelValidate.checkExistInvoice(key));

                            if (invoice.Status != 0)
                                new ValidationResult(ConstantsMultiLanguageKey.E_Invoice_Status_Create);
                            PVOILInvoiceDA pvOil = new PVOILInvoiceDA();
                            //originalKey trong bảng pvoilinvie là status=3 hoặc 5 thì k nhận báo lỗi
                            PVOILInvoice objInvoice = pvOil.checkExistInvoice(invoice.originalKey);
                            if (objInvoice != null)
                                if (objInvoice.Status == Untilities.Common.Constants.InvoiceStatus.Bi_Thay_The ||
                                    objInvoice.Status == Untilities.Common.Constants.InvoiceStatus.Xoa_Bo)
                                    yield return(new ValidationResult(ConstantsMultiLanguageKey.E_Invoice_Status_3_5));
                            // type=1,2,3,4 check id của originalKey có trong bảng [AdjustInv] chưa?. nếu có status khác 0,1,2 báo lỗi
                            if ((invoice.Type == InvoiceType.ForReplace || invoice.Type == InvoiceType.ForAdjustAccrete ||
                                 invoice.Type == InvoiceType.ForAdjustReduce ||
                                 invoice.Type == InvoiceType.ForAdjustInfo) && objInvoice != null)
                                AdjustInv objAdj = ctlAdj.CheckExistsAdj(Convert.ToInt64(objInvoice.id));
                                if (objAdj != null && (objAdj.Status != Untilities.Common.Constants.StatusAdj.Adj_0 &&
                                                       objAdj.Status != Untilities.Common.Constants.StatusAdj.Adj_1 &&
                                                       objAdj.Status != Untilities.Common.Constants.StatusAdj.Adj_2))
                                    yield return(new ValidationResult(String.Format(ConfigMultiLanguage.getMessWithKey(ConstantsMultiLanguageKey.E_AdjustInv_ThayThe), invoice.originalKey)));
                            // type=1,2,3,4 thì bắt truyền trường ProcessInvNote => "bắt buộc nhập ProcessInvNote"
                            if (invoice.Type == InvoiceType.ForReplace || invoice.Type == InvoiceType.ForAdjustAccrete ||
                                invoice.Type == InvoiceType.ForAdjustReduce || invoice.Type == InvoiceType.ForAdjustInfo)
                                List <String> validateRequestProcessInvNote = ModelBase.validateRequiredObject(new string[] { "invoice.ProcessInvNote" },
                                                                                                               new object[] { invoice.ProcessInvNote });
                                foreach (String item in validateRequestProcessInvNote)
                                    yield return(new ValidationResult(item));
                            //  type=4 : check originalKey nếu tồn tại type=4 thì sẽ chỉ nhận type=4 k nhận type=1,2,3 của fkey mới
                            if (invoice.Type == InvoiceType.ForAdjustInfo)
                                if (objInvoice.Type == InvoiceType.ForAdjustInfo)
                                    yield return(new ValidationResult(String.Format(ConfigMultiLanguage.getMessWithKey(ConstantsMultiLanguageKey.E_Invoice_DaDieuChinhThongTin), invoice.originalKey)));
                        //else if (draftCancel)
                        //    if (invoice.Status != 1)
                        //    {
                        //        new ValidationResult(ConstantsMultiLanguageKey.E_Invoice_Status_Delete);
                        //    }
                        //check mau hoa don khong được điều chỉnh thay thế
                        if ((invoice.Type == InvoiceType.ForReplace || invoice.Type == InvoiceType.ForAdjustAccrete ||
                             invoice.Type == InvoiceType.ForAdjustReduce ||
                             invoice.Type == InvoiceType.ForAdjustInfo) && invoice.DraftCancel != null)
                            yield return(ModelValidate.checkExistInvoiceTemplateTypeView(invoice.Type ?? 8));
                        //check invoice co ton tai hay ko
                        yield return(ModelValidate.checkExistInvoice(key));

                CustomerDA ctlCustomer = new CustomerDA();
                Customer   objCus      = ctlCustomer.checkExistCustaxcode(invoice.CusTaxCode);
                if (objCus != null)
                    invoice.CusAddress = objCus.Address;
                    invoice.CusName    = objCus.Name;

                WareHouseDA ctlWareHouse = new WareHouseDA();
                Warehouse   objWareHouse = ctlWareHouse.checkExistWarehouse(invoice.COutputWarehouseID ?? 0);
                if (objWareHouse != null)
                    invoice.COutputWarehouseCode = objWareHouse.Code;
                    invoice.COutputWarehouse     = objWareHouse.Name;
                //check hàng hóa
                List <String> validateRequestProduct = ModelBase.validateRequiredList <ProductModel>(invoice.products,
                                                                                                     new string[] { "VATRate", "VATAmount" });
                foreach (String item in validateRequestProduct)
                    yield return(new ValidationResult(item));

                int ComID = invoice.ComID ?? default(int);

                //Check company
                //yield return ModelValidate.checkComID(ComID);
                //Check buyer
                //yield return ModelValidate.checkExistBuyer(invoice.Buyer);

                yield return(ModelValidate.checkValueInArrayValue <InvoiceType>(invoice.Type, "Type", ConstantsMultiLanguageKey.E_InValid_Value));

                yield return(ModelValidate.checkValueInArrayValue <PaymentMethod>(invoice.PaymentMethod, "PaymentMethod", ConstantsMultiLanguageKey.E_InValid_Value));

                yield return(ModelValidate.checkValueInArrayValue <InvoiceStatus>(invoice.Status, "Status", ConstantsMultiLanguageKey.E_InValid_Value));

                yield return(ModelValidate.checkValueInArrayValue <PaymentStatus>(invoice.PaymentStatus, "PaymentStatus", ConstantsMultiLanguageKey.E_InValid_Value));

                yield return(ModelValidate.checkValueInArrayValue <VATRate>(invoice.VATRate, "VATRate", ConstantsMultiLanguageKey.E_InValid_Value));

                yield return(ModelValidate.checkDoDaiSo(invoice.Total.ToString(), LengthNumber.DO_DAI_19, "Total", ConstantsMultiLanguageKey.E_String_Length));

                yield return(ModelValidate.checkSoAm(invoice.Total, "Total", ConstantsMultiLanguageKey.E_Number_Value));

                yield return(ModelValidate.checkDoDaiSo(invoice.VATAmount.ToString(), LengthNumber.DO_DAI_19, "VATAmount", ConstantsMultiLanguageKey.E_String_Length));

                yield return(ModelValidate.checkSoAm(invoice.VATAmount, "VATAmount", ConstantsMultiLanguageKey.E_Number_Value));

                yield return(ModelValidate.checkDoDaiSo(invoice.Amount.ToString(), LengthNumber.DO_DAI_19, "Amount", ConstantsMultiLanguageKey.E_String_Length));

                yield return(ModelValidate.checkSoAm(invoice.Amount, "Amount", ConstantsMultiLanguageKey.E_Number_Value));

                yield return(ModelValidate.checkDoDaiSo(invoice.AmountInWords, LengthNumber.DO_DAI_255, "AmountInWords", ConstantsMultiLanguageKey.E_String_Length));

                yield return(ModelValidate.checkDoDaiSo(invoice.OtherFees.ToString(), LengthNumber.DO_DAI_19, "Otherfees", ConstantsMultiLanguageKey.E_String_Length));

                yield return(ModelValidate.checkSoAm(invoice.OtherFees, "Otherfees", ConstantsMultiLanguageKey.E_Number_Value));

                yield return(ModelValidate.checkDoDaiSo(invoice.ExchangeRate.ToString(), LengthNumber.DO_DAI_19, "ExchangeRate", ConstantsMultiLanguageKey.E_String_Length));

                yield return(ModelValidate.checkSoAm(invoice.ExchangeRate, "ExchangeRate", ConstantsMultiLanguageKey.E_Number_Value));

                yield return(ModelValidate.checkDoDaiSo(invoice.Currency, LengthNumber.DO_DAI_3, "Currency", ConstantsMultiLanguageKey.E_String_Length));

                //yield return ModelValidate.checkCurrency(invoice.Currency);

                ///Check BusinessDepartment ID
                BusinessDepartment objBD         = null;
                Business           objB          = null;
                PublishInvoice     objPInvoice   = null;
                Department         objDepartment = null;
                userdata           objuser       = null;
                //Lấy BusinessID
                yield return(ModelValidate.checkExistBussinessDepartment(invoice.BusinessDepartmentID, out objBD));

                if (objBD != null)
                    //Lấy thông tin Business
                    yield return(ModelValidate.checkExistBussiness(objBD.BusinessID, out objB));

                    if (invoice.ModifiedDate == null)
                        invoice.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now;
                    if (invoice.PublishDate == null)
                        invoice.PublishDate = DateTime.Now;
                    //check khac nhau giua tax code dang nhap va bussinessDepartment
                    if (!invoice.ComTaxCode.Equals(objB.TaxCode))
                        yield return(new ValidationResult(ConstantsMultiLanguageKey.E_TAXCODEDANGNHAP_TAXCODEBUSINESSDEPARTMENT));
                    //lay tax code
                    invoice.ComTaxCode = objB.TaxCode;
                    if (objB != null)
                        invoice.Serial     = objB.InvSerial;
                        invoice.Pattern    = objB.InvPattern;
                        invoice.BusinessID = objBD.BusinessID;
                        //lấy thông tin company
                        CompanyDA ctlCompany = new CompanyDA();
                        Company   company    = ctlCompany.checkExistByID(objB.ComID);
                        if (company != null)
                            invoice.ComName    = company.Name;
                            invoice.ComAddress = company.Address;
                        //Lấy thông tin Publish Invoice
                        yield return(ModelValidate.checkExistPublishInvoice(objB.InvSerial, objB.InvPattern, objB.ComID, out objPInvoice));

                        if (objPInvoice != null)
                            invoice.Name = objPInvoice.InvCateName;
                        //Lấy thông tin Publish Invoice
                        yield return(ModelValidate.checkExistDepartment(objBD.DepartmentID, out objDepartment));

                        if (objDepartment != null)
                            invoice.DepartmentID  = objBD.DepartmentID;
                            invoice.BranchCode    = objDepartment.Code;
                            invoice.BranchName    = objDepartment.Name;
                            invoice.BranchAddress = objDepartment.Address;
                            invoice.BranchPhone   = objDepartment.Phone;
                            invoice.ComID         = objDepartment.ComID;
                        //Lấy thông tin User
                        yield return(ModelValidate.checkUsersByID(objBD.UserID, out objuser));

                        if (objuser != null)
                            if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Headers["Authentication"] != null)
                                String[] authentication = Untility.decodeBase64(HttpContext.Current.Request.Headers["Authentication"]).Split(':');
                                String   userNameLogin  = authentication[0];
                                //check khac nhau giua username dang nhap va bussinessDepartment
                                if (!objuser.username.Equals(userNameLogin))
                                    yield return(new ValidationResult(ConstantsMultiLanguageKey.E_USERNAMEDANGNHAP_USERNAMEBUSINESSDEPARTMENT));

                            if (!objuser.IsApproved ?? !eInvoice.Untilities.Common.Constants.ActiveUser.INACTIVE)
                                yield return(new ValidationResult(String.Format(ConfigMultiLanguage.getMessWithKey(ConstantsMultiLanguageKey.E_User_Active), objuser.username)));
Пример #14
        public string UnConfirmPaymentFkeyVNP(ListInvoice lsInv)
            Company _currentCompany = ((EInvoiceContext)FXContext.Current).CurrentCompany;
            int     comID           = _currentCompany.id;

            if (_currentCompany == null)
                return("ERR:7");                        //username khong phu hop - ko tim thay company phu hop voi [username]
            List <IInvoice> invLst = new List <IInvoice>();

            string[] invTokens = lsInv.lsFkey.Split('_');
            IPublishInvoiceService _PubInvSrv = IoC.Resolve <IPublishInvoiceService>();
            PublishInvoice         pubinv     = _PubInvSrv.GetFirst(comID, new int[] { 1, 2 });
            string pattern = "";

            if (pubinv != null)
                pattern = pubinv.InvPattern;
            IInvoiceService invSrv = InvServiceFactory.GetService(pattern, comID);

                invLst = (List <IInvoice>)invSrv.GetByFkey(comID, invTokens);
                if (invTokens.Length != invLst.Count)
                invLst.RemoveAll(inv => inv.PaymentStatus == Payment.Unpaid || (inv.Status != InvoiceStatus.SignedInv && inv.Status != InvoiceStatus.AdjustedInv));
                for (int i = 0; i < invTokens.Length; i++)
                    invTokens[i] = invTokens[i] + "K";
                List <IInvoice> invKLst = new List <IInvoice>();
                invKLst = (List <IInvoice>)invSrv.GetByFkey(comID, invTokens);
                invKLst.RemoveAll(inv => inv.PaymentStatus == Payment.Unpaid || (inv.Status != InvoiceStatus.SignedInv && inv.Status != InvoiceStatus.AdjustedInv));
                if (invKLst.Count > 0)
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Error("UnConfirmPaymentFkey " + ex);
                return("ERR:6 " + ex.Message);
            if (invLst.Count == 0)
                return("ERR:13");            // hoa đơn đã gạch nợ/bỏ gạch nợ rồi
            if (invSrv.UnConfirmPayment(invLst))
                StringBuilder rv = new StringBuilder("OK:<Data>");
                foreach (IInvoice inv in invLst)
                    if (inv.Fkey.EndsWith("K"))
                        rv.Append("<month>").Append(inv.Fkey.Substring(inv.Fkey.Length - 7, 6)).Append("</month>");
                        rv.Append("<month>").Append(inv.Fkey.Substring(inv.Fkey.Length - 6, 6)).Append("</month>");
            return("ERR:7"); //sao lai khong bo thanh toán được ?
Пример #15
        public string confirmPaymentFkeyVNP(ListInvoice lsInv)
            Company _currentCompany = ((EInvoiceContext)FXContext.Current).CurrentCompany;
            int     comID           = _currentCompany.id;

            if (_currentCompany == null)
                return("ERR:7");                        //username khong phu hop - ko tim thay company phu hop voi [username]
            List <IInvoice> invLst = new List <IInvoice>();

            string[] invTokens = lsInv.lsFkey.Split(';');
            IPublishInvoiceService _PubInvSrv = IoC.Resolve <IPublishInvoiceService>();
            PublishInvoice         pubinv     = _PubInvSrv.GetFirst(comID, new int[] { 1, 2 });
            string pattern = "";

            if (pubinv != null)
                pattern = pubinv.InvPattern;
            IInvoiceService invSrv = InvServiceFactory.GetService(pattern, comID);

                invLst = (List <IInvoice>)invSrv.GetByFkey(comID, invTokens);
                if (invTokens.Length != invLst.Count)
                invLst.RemoveAll(inv => inv.PaymentStatus == Payment.Paid || (inv.Status != InvoiceStatus.SignedInv && inv.Status != InvoiceStatus.AdjustedInv));
                for (int i = 0; i < invTokens.Length; i++)
                    invTokens[i] = invTokens[i] + "K";
                List <IInvoice> invKLst = new List <IInvoice>();
                invKLst = (List <IInvoice>)invSrv.GetByFkey(comID, invTokens);
                invKLst.RemoveAll(inv => inv.PaymentStatus == Payment.Paid || (inv.Status != InvoiceStatus.SignedInv && inv.Status != InvoiceStatus.AdjustedInv));
                if (invKLst.Count > 0)
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Error("confirmPaymentFkey " + ex);
                return("ERR:6 " + ex.Message);
            if (invLst.Count == 0)
                return("ERR:13");            // hoa đơn đã gạch nợ/bỏ gạch nợ rồi
            string strNote = "    ||    Thực hiện gạch nợ:   Người gạch nợ: " + HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name + "  Ngày gạch nợ: " + DateTime.Now.ToString();

            if (invSrv.ConfirmPayment(invLst, strNote))
                //thuc hien deliveriy
                IDeliver _deliver = _currentCompany.Config.Keys.Contains("IDeliver") ? IoC.Resolve(Type.GetType(_currentCompany.Config["IDeliver"])) as IDeliver : null;
                if (_deliver != null)
                    _deliver.Deliver(invLst.ToArray(), _currentCompany);

                //lay link email
                String        weblink = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Portal"] + "/Email/EmailInvoiceView?token=";
                StringBuilder rv      = new StringBuilder("OK:<Data>");
                foreach (IInvoice inv in invLst)
                    if (inv.Fkey.EndsWith("K"))
                        rv.Append("<month>").Append(inv.Fkey.Substring(inv.Fkey.Length - 7, 6)).Append("</month>");
                        rv.Append("<month>").Append(inv.Fkey.Substring(inv.Fkey.Length - 6, 6)).Append("</month>");
                    string stoken = Convert.ToBase64String(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(inv.id.ToString() + "_" + inv.Pattern + "_" + _currentCompany.id.ToString()));
                    rv.AppendFormat("<link>{0}{1}</link></Item>", weblink, stoken);
                //else return "OK:";
            return("ERR:7"); //sao lai khong thanh toán được ?
Пример #16
        public string confirmPaymentDetailFkey(ListInvoice lsInv)
            Company _currentCompany = ((EInvoiceContext)FXContext.Current).CurrentCompany;
            int     comID           = _currentCompany.id;

            if (_currentCompany == null)
                return("ERR:7");                        //username khong phu hop - ko tim thay company phu hop voi [username]
            List <IInvoice> invLst = new List <IInvoice>();

            string[] invTokens = lsInv.lsFkey.Split('_');
            if (invTokens.Count() > 1000)
            IPublishInvoiceService _PubInvSrv = IoC.Resolve <IPublishInvoiceService>();
            PublishInvoice         pubinv     = _PubInvSrv.GetFirst(comID, new int[] { 1, 2 });
            string pattern = "";

            if (pubinv != null)
                pattern = pubinv.InvPattern;
            IInvoiceService invSrv     = InvServiceFactory.GetService(pattern, comID);
            StringBuilder   sb         = new StringBuilder();
            List <string>   unPaidFkey = new List <string>();
            string          rv;

                invLst = (List <IInvoice>)invSrv.GetByFkey(comID, invTokens);
                List <string> foundFkey    = invLst.Select(inv => inv.Fkey).ToList();
                List <string> notFoundFkey = invTokens.ToList().GetRange(0, invTokens.Count());
                notFoundFkey.RemoveAll(inv => foundFkey.Contains(inv)); // list fkey khong ton tai
                invLst.RemoveAll(inv => inv.PaymentStatus == Payment.Paid || (inv.Status != InvoiceStatus.SignedInv && inv.Status != InvoiceStatus.AdjustedInv));
                unPaidFkey = invLst.Select(inv => inv.Fkey).ToList();   // list fkey can gach no
                foundFkey.RemoveAll(inv => unPaidFkey.Contains(inv));   // list fkey da gach no roi
                sb = new StringBuilder("ERR:6#");
                foreach (string s in notFoundFkey)
                    sb.AppendFormat("{0}_", s);
                rv = sb.ToString();
                rv = rv.Remove(rv.Length - 1, 1);
                sb = new StringBuilder("ERR:13#");
                foreach (string s in foundFkey)
                    sb.AppendFormat("{0}_", s);
                rv = rv + "||" + sb.ToString();
                rv = rv.Remove(rv.Length - 1, 1);
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Error("confirmPaymentFkey " + ex);
                return("ERR:6 " + ex.Message);
            if (invLst.Count == 0)
                //toan bo lo hoa don hoac ko tim thay, hoac da gach no roi
            string strNote = "    ||    Thực hiện gạch nợ:   Người gạch nợ: " + HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name + "  Ngày gạch nợ: " + DateTime.Now.ToString();

            if (invSrv.ConfirmPayment(invLst, strNote))
                //thuc hien deliveriy
                IDeliver _deliver = _currentCompany.Config.Keys.Contains("IDeliver") ? IoC.Resolve(Type.GetType(_currentCompany.Config["IDeliver"])) as IDeliver : null;
                if (_deliver != null)
                    _deliver.Deliver(invLst.ToArray(), _currentCompany);
                //return "OK:";
                sb = new StringBuilder("OK:#");
                foreach (string s in unPaidFkey)
                    sb.AppendFormat("{0}_", s);
                rv = rv + "||" + sb.ToString();
                rv = rv.Remove(rv.Length - 1, 1);
                return(rv);  //ok
            return("ERR:7"); //sao lai khong thanh toán được ?