Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Match and prune MDD according to another MDD.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="other"></param>
        /// <param name="checkTriples">If true, use the "3E" method.</param>
        public PruningDone SyncMDDs(MDD other, bool checkTriples)
            PruningDone ans = PruningDone.NOTHING;

            if (this.levels == null || other.levels == null) // Either of the MDDs was already completely pruned already

            // Cheaply find the coexisting nodes on level zero - all nodes coexist because agent starting points never collide
            LinkedList <MDDNode> coexistingNodesForLevelZero = new LinkedList <MDDNode>();

            levels[0].First.Value.setCoexist(coexistingNodesForLevelZero, other.mddNum);

            for (int i = 1; i < levels.Length; i++)
                LinkedListNode <MDDNode> toSetCoexisting = levels[i].First;
                while (toSetCoexisting != null && toSetCoexisting.List != null) // FIXME: Can .First return null ever?
                    if (toSetCoexisting.Value.isDeleted)                        // Previous level marked this MDDNode for deletion. Delete it and continue to the next.
                        LinkedListNode <MDDNode> tempToSetCoexisting = toSetCoexisting;
                        toSetCoexisting = toSetCoexisting.Next;

                    var coexistingForNode = new HashSet <MDDNode>();

                    // Go over all the node's parents and test their coexisting nodes' children for coexistance with this node
                    LinkedListNode <MDDNode> parent = toSetCoexisting.Value.parents.First;
                    while (parent != null)
                        bool validParent = false;
                        foreach (MDDNode coexist in parent.Value.coexistLinkedList[other.mddNum])
                            foreach (MDDNode child in coexist.children)
                                if (toSetCoexisting.Value.move.IsColliding(child.move) == false)
                                    if (checkTriples == false ||
                                        toSetCoexisting.Value.isCoexistingWithOtherMDDs(child, other.mddNum)) // The "3" part
                                        validParent = true;

                                        if (coexistingForNode.Contains(child) == false)
                        MDDNode parentDeletionCandidate = parent.Value;
                        parent = parent.Next;
                        if (!validParent)
                            toSetCoexisting.Value.removeParent(parentDeletionCandidate); // And continue up the levels if necessary
                            ans = PruningDone.SOME;
                    toSetCoexisting.Value.setCoexist(new LinkedList <MDDNode>(coexistingForNode), other.mddNum);
                    LinkedListNode <MDDNode> tempToSetCoexisting1 = toSetCoexisting;
                    toSetCoexisting = toSetCoexisting.Next;
                    if (tempToSetCoexisting1.Value.getCoexistCount(other.mddNum) == 0)
                        ans = PruningDone.SOME;
                if (levels[0].First.Value.children.Count == 0)
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Match and prune MDD according to another MDD.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="other"></param>
        /// <param name="checkTriples">If true, use the "3E" method.</param>
        /// <returns>How much pruning was done, and by how much the matchCounter should be incremented</returns>
        public (PruningDone, int) SyncMDDs(MDD other, bool checkTriples)
            int         matchCounter = 0;
            PruningDone pruningDone  = PruningDone.NOTHING;

            if (this.levels == null || other.levels == null) // Either of the MDDs was already completely pruned already
                return(PruningDone.EVERYTHING, matchCounter);

            // Cheaply find the coexisting nodes on level zero - all nodes coexist because agent starting points never collide
            var coexistingNodesForLevelZero = new HashSet <MDDNode>()

            levels[0].First.Value.SetCoexistingNodes(coexistingNodesForLevelZero, other.mddNum);

            for (int i = 1; i < levels.Length; i++)
                LinkedListNode <MDDNode> linkedListNode = levels[i].First;
                while (linkedListNode != null && linkedListNode.List != null)
                    var node = linkedListNode.Value;
                    linkedListNode = linkedListNode.Next;  // Must be before any potential deletions!

                    var coexistingForNode = new HashSet <MDDNode>();

                    // Go over all the node's parents and test their coexisting nodes' children for coexistance with this node
                    LinkedListNode <MDDNode> parentLinkedListNode = node.parents.First;
                    while (parentLinkedListNode != null)
                        var  parent      = parentLinkedListNode.Value;
                        bool validParent = false;
                        foreach (MDDNode parentCoexistingNode in parent.coexistingNodesFromOtherMdds[other.mddNum])
                            foreach (MDDNode childOfParentCoexistingNode in parentCoexistingNode.children)
                                if (node.move.IsColliding(childOfParentCoexistingNode.move) == false)
                                    if (checkTriples == false ||
                                        node.IsCoexistingWithOtherMDDs(childOfParentCoexistingNode, other.mddNum)) // The "3" part
                                        validParent = true;

                                        if (coexistingForNode.Add(childOfParentCoexistingNode))

                        parentLinkedListNode = parentLinkedListNode.Next;  // Must be before any potential deletions!
                        if (!validParent)
                            node.removeParent(parent); // And continue up the levels if necessary
                            pruningDone = PruningDone.SOME;
                    node.SetCoexistingNodes(coexistingForNode, other.mddNum);
                    if (node.getCoexistingNodesCount(other.mddNum) == 0)
                        pruningDone = PruningDone.SOME;
                if (levels == null || levels[0].Count == 0)
                    return(PruningDone.EVERYTHING, matchCounter);
            return(pruningDone, matchCounter);