Пример #1
        private static GeographicProvider GetCurrentObject()
            // Get the names of providers
            var config = ProviderConfiguration.GetProviderConfiguration(ProviderType);

            // Read specific configuration information for this provider
            var providerSettings = (ProviderSettings)config.Providers[config.DefaultProvider];

            // In the cache?
            var cacheKey = "Appleseed::Web::GeographicProvider::" + config.DefaultProvider;

            if (CurrentCache[cacheKey] == null)
                // The assembly should be in \bin or GAC, so we simply need

                // to get an instance of the type
                        cacheKey, ProviderHelper.InstantiateProvider(providerSettings, typeof(GeographicProvider)));
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new Exception("Unable to load provider", e);

Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Instances this instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static UrlBuilderProvider Instance()
            // Use the cache because the reflection used later is expensive
            Cache  cache = HttpRuntime.Cache;
            string cacheKey;
            // Get the names of providers
            ProviderConfiguration config = ProviderConfiguration.GetProviderConfiguration(providerType);
            // Read specific configuration information for this provider
            //ProviderSettings providerSettings = (ProviderSettings) config.Providers[config.DefaultProvider];
            AppleseedProviderSettings providerSettings = (AppleseedProviderSettings)config.Providers[config.DefaultProvider];

            // In the cache?
            cacheKey = "Appleseed::Web::UrlBuilder::" + config.DefaultProvider;

            if (cache[cacheKey] == null)
                // The assembly should be in \bin or GAC, so we simply need

                // to get an instance of the type
                                 ProviderHelper.InstantiateProvider(providerSettings, typeof(UrlBuilderProvider)));

                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new Exception("Unable to load provider", e);
        /// <summary>
        /// Instances this instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static LogProvider Instance()
            // Use the cache because the reflection used later is expensive
            Cache  cache = HttpRuntime.Cache;
            string cacheKey;

            // Get the names of providers
            ProviderConfiguration config;

            config = ProviderConfiguration.GetProviderConfiguration(providerType);

            //If config not found (missing web.config)
            if (config == null)
                //Try to provide a default anyway
                XmlDocument defaultNode = new XmlDocument();
                    "<log defaultProvider=\"Log4NetLog\"><providers><clear /><add name=\"Log4NetLog\" type=\"Rainbow.Framework.Logging.Log4NetLogProvider, Rainbow.Provider.Implementation\" /></providers></log>");

                // Get the names of providers
                config = new ProviderConfiguration();

            // Read specific configuration information for this provider
            ProviderSettings providerSettings = (ProviderSettings)config.Providers[config.DefaultProvider];

            // In the cache?
            cacheKey = "Rainbow::Configuration::Log::" + config.DefaultProvider;
            if (cache[cacheKey] == null)
                // The assembly should be in \bin or GAC, so we simply need
                // to get an instance of the type
                    cache.Insert(cacheKey, ProviderHelper.InstantiateProvider(providerSettings, typeof(LogProvider)));
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new Exception("Unable to load provider", e);
