Пример #1
        public void test_goterm_analysis_with_custom_list()
            Sweet.lollipop = new Lollipop();
            Sweet.lollipop.theoretical_database.aaIsotopeMassList = new AminoAcidMasses(Sweet.lollipop.carbamidomethylation, Sweet.lollipop.neucode_labeled).AA_Masses;
            Sweet.lollipop.significance_by_permutation            = true;
            Sweet.lollipop.significance_by_log2FC = false;
            DatabaseReference d1 = new DatabaseReference("GO", "GO:1", new List <Tuple <string, string> > {
                new Tuple <string, string>("term", "P:1")
            DatabaseReference d2 = new DatabaseReference("GO", "GO:2", new List <Tuple <string, string> > {
                new Tuple <string, string>("term", "P:2")
            DatabaseReference d3 = new DatabaseReference("GO", "GO:1", new List <Tuple <string, string> > {
                new Tuple <string, string>("term", "P:1")
            GoTerm             g1 = new GoTerm(d1);
            GoTerm             g2 = new GoTerm(d2);
            GoTerm             g3 = new GoTerm(d3);
            ProteinWithGoTerms p1 = new ProteinWithGoTerms("ASDF", "T1", new List <Tuple <string, string> > {
                new Tuple <string, string>("", "")
            }, new Dictionary <int, List <Modification> >(), new List <ProteolysisProduct> {
                new ProteolysisProduct(0, 0, "")
            }, "T2", "T3", true, false, new List <DatabaseReference> {
            }, new List <GoTerm> {
            ProteinWithGoTerms p2 = new ProteinWithGoTerms("ASDF", "T2", new List <Tuple <string, string> > {
                new Tuple <string, string>("", "")
            }, new Dictionary <int, List <Modification> >(), new List <ProteolysisProduct> {
                new ProteolysisProduct(0, 0, "")
            }, "T2", "T3", true, false, new List <DatabaseReference> {
            }, new List <GoTerm> {
            ProteinWithGoTerms p3 = new ProteinWithGoTerms("ASDF", "T3", new List <Tuple <string, string> > {
                new Tuple <string, string>("", "")
            }, new Dictionary <int, List <Modification> >(), new List <ProteolysisProduct> {
                new ProteolysisProduct(0, 0, "")
            }, "T2", "T3", true, false, new List <DatabaseReference> {
            }, new List <GoTerm> {
            Dictionary <InputFile, Protein[]> dict = new Dictionary <InputFile, Protein[]> {
                { new InputFile("fake.txt", Purpose.ProteinDatabase), new Protein[] { p1 } },
                { new InputFile("fake.txt", Purpose.ProteinDatabase), new Protein[] { p2 } },
                { new InputFile("fake.txt", Purpose.ProteinDatabase), new Protein[] { p3 } },
            ExperimentalProteoform e1 = ConstructorsForTesting.ExperimentalProteoform("E");
            ExperimentalProteoform e2 = ConstructorsForTesting.ExperimentalProteoform("E");

            e1.quant.intensitySum = 1;
            e1.quant.TusherValues1.significant = true;
            e1.quant.tusherlogFoldChange       = 1;
            e2.quant.intensitySum = 1;
            e2.quant.TusherValues1.significant = true;
            e2.quant.tusherlogFoldChange       = 1;
            TheoreticalProteoform t = ConstructorsForTesting.make_a_theoretical("T1_T1_asdf", p1, dict);
            TheoreticalProteoform u = ConstructorsForTesting.make_a_theoretical("T2_T1_asdf_asdf", p2, dict);
            TheoreticalProteoform v = ConstructorsForTesting.make_a_theoretical("T3_T1_asdf_Asdf_Asdf", p3, dict);

            t.ExpandedProteinList = new List <ProteinWithGoTerms> {
            u.ExpandedProteinList = new List <ProteinWithGoTerms> {
            v.ExpandedProteinList = new List <ProteinWithGoTerms> {
            make_relation(e1, t);
            make_relation(e1, v);
            make_relation(e2, u);
            ProteoformFamily f = new ProteoformFamily(e1); // two theoreticals with the same GoTerms... expecting one GoTerm number but two theoretical proteins
            ProteoformFamily h = new ProteoformFamily(e2);

            List <ProteoformFamily> families = new List <ProteoformFamily> {
                f, h

            t.family  = f;
            v.family  = f;
            e1.family = f;
            u.family  = h;
            e2.family = h;
            Sweet.lollipop.TusherAnalysis1.inducedOrRepressedProteins = Sweet.lollipop.getInducedOrRepressedProteins(new List <ExperimentalProteoform> {
            }, Sweet.lollipop.TusherAnalysis1.GoAnalysis);
            Sweet.lollipop.TusherAnalysis1.GoAnalysis.allTheoreticalProteins = true;
            Sweet.lollipop.theoretical_database.expanded_proteins            = new ProteinWithGoTerms[] { p1, p2, p3 };
            Sweet.lollipop.TusherAnalysis1.GoAnalysis.backgroundProteinsList = Path.Combine(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory, "test_protein_list.txt");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, Sweet.lollipop.TusherAnalysis1.inducedOrRepressedProteins.Count);  // only taking one ET connection by definition in forming ET relations; only one is used in identify theoreticals
            Assert.AreEqual(1, Sweet.lollipop.TusherAnalysis1.GoAnalysis.goTermNumbers.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("1", Sweet.lollipop.TusherAnalysis1.GoAnalysis.goTermNumbers.First().Id);
            Assert.AreEqual(0 - (decimal)Math.Log(2d / 3d, 2), Sweet.lollipop.TusherAnalysis1.GoAnalysis.goTermNumbers.First().log_odds_ratio);

            List <ProteoformFamily> fams = Sweet.lollipop.getInterestingFamilies(Sweet.lollipop.TusherAnalysis1.GoAnalysis.goTermNumbers, families);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, fams.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, fams[0].theoretical_proteoforms.Count);
Пример #2
        public void get_interesting_goterm_families()
            Sweet.lollipop = new Lollipop();
            Sweet.lollipop.theoretical_database.aaIsotopeMassList = new AminoAcidMasses(Sweet.lollipop.carbamidomethylation, Sweet.lollipop.neucode_labeled).AA_Masses;
            Sweet.lollipop.significance_by_permutation            = true;
            Sweet.lollipop.significance_by_log2FC = false;
            DatabaseReference d1 = new DatabaseReference("GO", "GO:1", new List <Tuple <string, string> > {
                new Tuple <string, string>("term", "P:1")
            DatabaseReference d2 = new DatabaseReference("GO", "GO:2", new List <Tuple <string, string> > {
                new Tuple <string, string>("term", "P:2")
            DatabaseReference d3 = new DatabaseReference("GO", "GO:1", new List <Tuple <string, string> > {
                new Tuple <string, string>("term", "P:1")
            GoTerm             g1 = new GoTerm(d1);
            GoTerm             g2 = new GoTerm(d2);
            GoTerm             g3 = new GoTerm(d3);
            ProteinWithGoTerms p1 = new ProteinWithGoTerms("ASDF", "T1", new List <Tuple <string, string> > {
                new Tuple <string, string>("", "")
            }, new Dictionary <int, List <Modification> >(), new List <ProteolysisProduct> {
                new ProteolysisProduct(0, 0, "")
            }, "T2", "T3", true, false, new List <DatabaseReference> {
            }, new List <GoTerm> {
            ProteinWithGoTerms p2 = new ProteinWithGoTerms("ASDF", "T2", new List <Tuple <string, string> > {
                new Tuple <string, string>("", "")
            }, new Dictionary <int, List <Modification> >(), new List <ProteolysisProduct> {
                new ProteolysisProduct(0, 0, "")
            }, "T2", "T3", true, false, new List <DatabaseReference> {
            }, new List <GoTerm> {
            ProteinWithGoTerms p3 = new ProteinWithGoTerms("ASDF", "T3", new List <Tuple <string, string> > {
                new Tuple <string, string>("", "")
            }, new Dictionary <int, List <Modification> >(), new List <ProteolysisProduct> {
                new ProteolysisProduct(0, 0, "")
            }, "T2", "T3", true, false, new List <DatabaseReference> {
            }, new List <GoTerm> {
            Dictionary <InputFile, Protein[]> dict = new Dictionary <InputFile, Protein[]>
                { new InputFile("fake.txt", Purpose.ProteinDatabase), new Protein[] { p1 } },
                { new InputFile("fake.txt", Purpose.ProteinDatabase), new Protein[] { p2 } },
                { new InputFile("fake.txt", Purpose.ProteinDatabase), new Protein[] { p3 } },
            ExperimentalProteoform e1 = ConstructorsForTesting.ExperimentalProteoform("E");
            ExperimentalProteoform e2 = ConstructorsForTesting.ExperimentalProteoform("E");

            e1.quant.intensitySum = 1;
            e1.quant.TusherValues1.significant = true;
            e1.quant.tusherlogFoldChange       = 1;
            e2.quant.intensitySum = 1;
            e2.quant.TusherValues1.significant = true;
            e2.quant.tusherlogFoldChange       = 1;
            TheoreticalProteoform t = ConstructorsForTesting.make_a_theoretical("T1_T1_asdf", p1, dict);
            TheoreticalProteoform u = ConstructorsForTesting.make_a_theoretical("T2_T1_asdf_asdf", p2, dict);
            TheoreticalProteoform v = ConstructorsForTesting.make_a_theoretical("T3_T1_asdf_Asdf_Asdf", p3, dict);

            t.ExpandedProteinList = new List <ProteinWithGoTerms> {
            u.ExpandedProteinList = new List <ProteinWithGoTerms> {
            v.ExpandedProteinList = new List <ProteinWithGoTerms> {
            t.begin = 1;
            t.end   = 1;
            u.begin = 1;
            u.end   = 1;
            v.begin = 1;
            v.end   = 1;
            make_relation(e1, t);
            //make_relation(e1, v); // we don't allow this to happen anymore... we only allow one ET conntection per E
            make_relation(e2, u);
            ProteoformFamily f = new ProteoformFamily(e1); // two theoreticals with the same GoTerms... expecting one GoTerm number but two theoretical proteins (now only one)
            ProteoformFamily h = new ProteoformFamily(e2);

            List <ProteoformFamily> families = new List <ProteoformFamily> {
                f, h

            t.family  = f;
            v.family  = f;
            e1.family = f;
            u.family  = h;
            e2.family = h;
            List <ExperimentalProteoform> fake_significant = new List <ExperimentalProteoform> {
            List <ProteinWithGoTerms> significant_proteins = Sweet.lollipop.getInducedOrRepressedProteins(fake_significant, Sweet.lollipop.TusherAnalysis1.GoAnalysis);
            List <GoTermNumber>       gtn = Sweet.lollipop.TusherAnalysis1.GoAnalysis.getGoTermNumbers(significant_proteins, new List <ProteinWithGoTerms> {
                p1, p2, p3

            Assert.AreEqual(1, significant_proteins.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, gtn.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("1", gtn.First().Id);
            Assert.AreEqual(0 - (decimal)Math.Log(2d / 3d, 2), gtn.First().log_odds_ratio);

            List <ProteoformFamily> fams = Sweet.lollipop.getInterestingFamilies(gtn, families);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, fams.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, fams[0].theoretical_proteoforms.Count);
Пример #3
        public void get_interesting_goterm_families()
            SaveState.lollipop = new Lollipop();
            DatabaseReference d1 = new DatabaseReference("GO", "GO:1", new List <Tuple <string, string> > {
                new Tuple <string, string>("term", "P:1")
            DatabaseReference d2 = new DatabaseReference("GO", "GO:2", new List <Tuple <string, string> > {
                new Tuple <string, string>("term", "P:2")
            DatabaseReference d3 = new DatabaseReference("GO", "GO:1", new List <Tuple <string, string> > {
                new Tuple <string, string>("term", "P:1")
            GoTerm             g1 = new GoTerm(d1);
            GoTerm             g2 = new GoTerm(d2);
            GoTerm             g3 = new GoTerm(d3);
            ProteinWithGoTerms p1 = new ProteinWithGoTerms("", "T1", new List <Tuple <string, string> > {
                new Tuple <string, string>("", "")
            }, new Dictionary <int, List <Modification> >(), new int?[] { 0 }, new int?[] { 0 }, new string[] { "" }, "T2", "T3", true, false, new List <DatabaseReference> {
            }, new List <GoTerm> {
            ProteinWithGoTerms p2 = new ProteinWithGoTerms("", "T2", new List <Tuple <string, string> > {
                new Tuple <string, string>("", "")
            }, new Dictionary <int, List <Modification> >(), new int?[] { 0 }, new int?[] { 0 }, new string[] { "" }, "T2", "T3", true, false, new List <DatabaseReference> {
            }, new List <GoTerm> {
            ProteinWithGoTerms p3 = new ProteinWithGoTerms("", "T3", new List <Tuple <string, string> > {
                new Tuple <string, string>("", "")
            }, new Dictionary <int, List <Modification> >(), new int?[] { 0 }, new int?[] { 0 }, new string[] { "" }, "T2", "T3", true, false, new List <DatabaseReference> {
            }, new List <GoTerm> {
            Dictionary <InputFile, Protein[]> dict = new Dictionary <InputFile, Protein[]>
                { new InputFile("fake.txt", Purpose.ProteinDatabase), new Protein[] { p1 } },
                { new InputFile("fake.txt", Purpose.ProteinDatabase), new Protein[] { p2 } },
                { new InputFile("fake.txt", Purpose.ProteinDatabase), new Protein[] { p3 } },
            ExperimentalProteoform e1 = ConstructorsForTesting.ExperimentalProteoform("E");
            ExperimentalProteoform e2 = ConstructorsForTesting.ExperimentalProteoform("E");

            e1.quant.intensitySum  = 1;
            e1.quant.FDR           = 0;
            e1.quant.logFoldChange = 1;
            e2.quant.intensitySum  = 1;
            e2.quant.FDR           = 0;
            e2.quant.logFoldChange = 1;
            TheoreticalProteoform t = ConstructorsForTesting.make_a_theoretical("T1_T1_asdf", p1, dict);
            TheoreticalProteoform u = ConstructorsForTesting.make_a_theoretical("T2_T1_asdf_asdf", p2, dict);
            TheoreticalProteoform v = ConstructorsForTesting.make_a_theoretical("T3_T1_asdf_Asdf_Asdf", p3, dict);

            t.ExpandedProteinList = new List <ProteinWithGoTerms> {
            u.ExpandedProteinList = new List <ProteinWithGoTerms> {
            v.ExpandedProteinList = new List <ProteinWithGoTerms> {
            make_relation(e1, t);
            //make_relation(e1, v); // we don't allow this to happen anymore... we only allow one ET conntection per E
            make_relation(e2, u);
            ProteoformFamily f = new ProteoformFamily(e1); // two theoreticals with the same GoTerms... expecting one GoTerm number but two theoretical proteins (now only one)
            ProteoformFamily h = new ProteoformFamily(e2);

            List <ProteoformFamily> families = new List <ProteoformFamily> {
                f, h

            t.family  = f;
            v.family  = f;
            e1.family = f;
            u.family  = h;
            e2.family = h;
            List <ExperimentalProteoform> fake_significant = new List <ExperimentalProteoform> {
            List <ProteinWithGoTerms> significant_proteins = SaveState.lollipop.getInducedOrRepressedProteins(fake_significant, 0, 1, 0);
            List <GoTermNumber>       gtn = SaveState.lollipop.getGoTermNumbers(significant_proteins, new List <ProteinWithGoTerms> {
                p1, p2, p3

            Assert.AreEqual(1, significant_proteins.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, gtn.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("1", gtn.First().Id);
            Assert.AreEqual(0 - (decimal)Math.Log(2d / 3d, 2), gtn.First().log_odds_ratio);

            List <ProteoformFamily> fams = SaveState.lollipop.getInterestingFamilies(gtn, families);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, fams.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, fams[0].theoretical_proteoforms.Count);