Пример #1
         *      Expects all arguments to be strings.
         *      @string[delay] @string[script]
        public static void ReadStringAfterDelay(ProseRuntime runtime, List <ProseObject> args)
            lock (lockObj) {
                if (args.Count != 2)
                    throw new ArgumentException("ReadAfterDelay takes two string arguments: delay, script.");
                foreach (ProseObject arg in args)
                    if (!(arg is StringLiteralObject))
                        throw new ArgumentException("ReadAfterDelay takes only string arguments.");

                //	Parse the args for the delay and the script
                double          seconds = Double.Parse(((StringLiteralObject)args[0]).literal);
                RuntimeRunnable script  = new ProseStringReader(((StringLiteralObject)args[1]).literal);

                //	Configure the timer
                Timer timer = new Timer(seconds * 1000);
                timer.AutoReset = false;
                timer.Elapsed  += new ElapsedEventHandler(onTimeElapsed);

//				timer.Elapsed += delegate(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
//					{
//						lock(lockObj) {
//							//	Look up the timer fired
//							int idx = timerList.BinarySearch((Timer) sender);
//						Console.WriteLine(idx);
//							//	Run the script
//							//runtime.read(scriptList[idx], runtime.GlobalClient);
//							runtimeList[idx].read("write \"Hello Carly\"", runtimeList[idx].GlobalClient);
//						//	Remove the timer and the script from the lists
//							timerList.RemoveAt(idx);
//							scriptList.RemoveAt(idx);
//							runtimeList.RemoveAt(idx);
//						}
//					};
                timer.Enabled = true;

                //	Add the timer and the script to the list
Пример #2
         * 		Expects all arguments to be strings.
         * 		@string[delay] @string[script]
        public static void ReadStringAfterDelay(ProseRuntime runtime, List<ProseObject> args)
            lock(lockObj) {
                if (args.Count != 2)
                    throw new ArgumentException("ReadAfterDelay takes two string arguments: delay, script.");
                foreach (ProseObject arg in args)
                    if (!(arg is StringLiteralObject))
                        throw new ArgumentException("ReadAfterDelay takes only string arguments.");

                //	Parse the args for the delay and the script
                double seconds = Double.Parse(((StringLiteralObject) args[0]).literal);
                RuntimeRunnable script = new ProseStringReader(((StringLiteralObject) args[1]).literal);

                //	Configure the timer
                Timer timer = new Timer(seconds * 1000);
                timer.AutoReset = false;
                timer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(onTimeElapsed);

            //				timer.Elapsed += delegate(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
            //					{
            //						lock(lockObj) {
            //							//	Look up the timer fired
            //							int idx = timerList.BinarySearch((Timer) sender);
            //						Console.WriteLine(idx);
            //							//	Run the script
            //							//runtime.read(scriptList[idx], runtime.GlobalClient);
            //							runtimeList[idx].read("write \"Hello Carly\"", runtimeList[idx].GlobalClient);
            //						//	Remove the timer and the script from the lists
            //							timerList.RemoveAt(idx);
            //							scriptList.RemoveAt(idx);
            //							runtimeList.RemoveAt(idx);
            //						}
            //					};
                timer.Enabled = true;

                //	Add the timer and the script to the list